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    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'Judgment Day' LIVE Coverage! 2008


    WWE Championship
    (Steel Cage Match)
    Triple H vs. Randy Orton

    World Heavyweight Championship
    The Undertaker vs. Edge

    Grudge Match
    John Cena vs. JBL

    Wrestlemania XIX Rematch
    Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

    WWE Tag Team Championship Match
    The Miz & John Morrison vs. ECW Champion Kane & CM Punk

    WWE Womens Championship
    Mickie James vs. Melina vs. Beth Phoenix

    Mark Henry vs. The Big Show



    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    Members please beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    UOWForums LIVE Coverage!
    WWE: 'Judgment Day' PPV
    Sunday 18th May, 2008
    Location: Qwest Center, Omaha, Neb.
    J.R. and Jerry 'The King' Lawler
    Michael Cole and Mick Foley
    Tazz and Mike Adamle

    PbP by LionDen and Kellie

    Dark Match

    The dark match for the Judgment Day PPV in Omaha, Nebraska saw WWE Tag Team champions Bob Holly & Cody Rhodes defeat Santino Marella & Carlito.

    Opening video package showing some of the superstars tonight and their feuds mainly focusing on tonights steel cage match with Triple H and Randy Orton.

    Judge not yet thee be judged.

    RAMBO presents WWE Judgement Day.

    WWE: 'Judgment Day' PPV

    Fireworks explode in the main arena and the crowd explodes.

    J.R welcomes us to tonights PPV from the heartland of America. Jerry the King Lawler says the fans are ready for action.

    JBLs bells ring and his music begins as he makes his way out to the arena in his limo. JBL gets out of the limo and walks towards the ring with the crowd booing. JBL settles in the middle of the ring with the crowd continuing to boo and with a scowl on his face.

    John Cenas music hits and the crowd explodes, out comes Cena fired up as always. Cena salutes the crowd and makes his way to the ring and here we go ...

    JBL vs John Cena

    They had a staredown at the bell, then locked up with Cena backing JBL into the corner for a break. Cena grabbed a waistlock, then put JBL in a side headlock. JBL backed Cena in a corner and we had another clean break. JBL hit a knee to the gut on the next lockup, then hit a forearm and applied a side headlock. Cena shoved off JBL and went for a backdrop, but JBL pounded Cena with a forearm. Cena hit a drop toe hold and went for the STFU, but JBL made the ropes. JBL crawled to the apron, then grabbed Cena's arm and yanked it down across the top rope. JBL went to work on the arm, throwing Cena shoulder first into the ringpost and then wrapping his arm around it.

    JBL worked over the arm with punches and kicks, then hit a swinging neckbreaker. JBL applied an overhead wristlock, but Cena got to his feet in the hold. JBL kicked Cena in the gut and rolled him to the mat. JBL applied a jujigatame armbreaker, and Cena rolled to his feet in it and then lifted JBL up off the mat to break the hold. Cena sold the arm like crazy, and JBL rammed Cena into a corner. JBL stomped Cena. There was light JBL chant, which was quickly drowned out by a Cena chant. JBL and Cena traded punches, with Cena getting the better of it until JBL hit the arm of Cena. Cena came back with a clothesline with his good arm, then hit a shoulderblock and hurt his bad arm. Cena hit the Throwback, then went to the top rope, but missed the Rocker Dropper, as JBL moved and Cena crashed to the mat.

    JBL stomped Cena on the apron, then went to suplex Cena into the ring. Cena teased reversing it, then JBL lifted Cena and dropped him gut first across the top rope. JBL shoulderblocked Cena off the apron and Cena fell into the security wall on the floor. JBL rammed Cena back first into the ring apron. JBL rolled Cena into the ring for a two count. JBL hit a kick to the head, then another, and followed with an elbowdrop for a two count. JBL applied a bearhug, then punched Cena to the mat and applied a bodyscissors, adding a full nelson to the move. Cena managed to get to his feet in the move, breaking the bodyscissors, but JBL kept the full nelson locked in. JBL then powered out of it, and lifted JBL for an FU, but he was too weak to get him up. JBL kicked Cena in the shoulder, then applied a bodyscissors with a chinlock. Cena managed to turn around in the hold, lift JBL up off the mat, and hit a spinebuster to break out.

    Both men were slow to get up, then they slugged it out. Cena got the better of it, but missed a splash in the corner. JBL hit a boot to the face, then dropped four elbowdrops to Cena's back. JBL hit a short arm clothesline, then stood over the downed Cena and stared at him. JBL slapped his head, then stomped his fingers. JBL went for another short arm clothesline, but Cena ducked it and hit the FU out of nowhere for the pin at the fifteen minute mark.

    Winner: John Cena.

    Both men lie in the ring as Cena holds on to the bottom rope. JBL starts to get up angry for losing and Cena continues to hold his ribs. JBL walks to the back shaking his head as Cena finally gets up from the ring apron and salutes the crowd. They show RAW General Manager William Regal sitting in a luxury ring looking on, not a happy man.

    We now go to Michael Cole and Mick Foley who tell us about a vote on who will win the World Heavyweight Championship Match.

    We go to Mike Adamle and Tazz and tell us about the ECW match tonight of ECW Tag Team Champions The Miz and John Morrison vs ECW Champion Kane & CM Punk.

    John Morrisons music hits and out comes the dead Jim Morrison and makes his way to the ring after posing.

    The Mizs music hits and he comes out and makes his way to the ring.

    CM Punks music hits and out he comes with his Money in the Bank briefcase and makes his way to the ring.

    ECW Champion Kanes music hits and he makes his way to the ring and once in the ring does his fire burn.

    All 4 copmpetitiors are introduced in the ring again and here we go ..

    WWE Tag Team Championship
    The Miz and John Morrison (c's) vs CM Punk and Kane

    Punk and Miz started off, with Punk hitting a shoulderblock and a back kick. Punk delivered a suplex for a one count, then applied a double underhook. Kane tagged in, and he and Punk stomped Miz down in a corner. Kane hit a kick to the gut, then put Miz in a Hangman. Kane dropped Miz to the mat, then whipped him across the ring, only to be met with a shoulderblock to the midsection. Miz shoved Kane into his corner and tagged in Morrison. Morrison ran into a Kane bodyslam, then Kane dropkicked Morrison as he sat up on the mat. Kane tagged Punk, and they hit a backbreaker/slingshot kneedrop combo. Punk applied a Tarantula variation, then pulled Morrison into a sunset flip for two before applying a reverse Stretch Plum variation. Morrison kneed out of it, and tagged in Miz for a double gutbuster.

    Miz put Punk in a chinlock, then switched to a front facelock. Punk hit a kick to the head to escape Miz, then tagged in Kane, who gave Miz a side slam. Kane went to the top rope and hit a clothesline. Kane went for a slam, but Miz floated over it and made a blind tag to Kane, hit clipped Kane's leg and hit a neckbreaker. Miz hit some punches on the mat and in a corner, then tagged in Miz who hit a jumping clothesline in the corner. Miz tagged back in and kicked Kane in the chest. Miz tagged back in and stomped Kane down. Miz applied a chinlock, then hit a knee to the chest. Kane came back with a kick to the chest as Miz charged him and Kane tagged in Punk as Miz tagged in Morrison. Punk hit a flying forearm, a leg lariat and a roundhouse kick. Punk knocked Miz off the apron and powerslammed Morrison for a two count. Punk gave Morrison a jumping knee in the corner, then clotheslined Miz off the apron while bulldogging Morrison for two. Punk gave Miz a pescado, then gave Morrison a springboard clothesline for a two count. Punk went for the GTS, but Miz ran in, so Punk let go and tossed Miz to the floor. Punk lifted Morrison for the GTS again, but Miz hooked Punk's leg from the floor and Punk let go of Morrison. Kane ran to Miz on the floor and chokeslammed him on the outside. Punk was watching that unfold, then turned around and was hit by Morrison with the Moonlight Drive neckbreaker for the pin at the eight minute mark.

    Winners: John Morrison & The Miz

    John Morrison holds the titles up outside the ring with Kane and CM Punk looking on. Morrison goes over to Miz and helps him up off the ground and they head towards the back as they hold the titles high.

    Ad for RAMBO movie.

    Back to JR and King who announce Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho is up next.

    Video package for the lead up to tonights match between Michaels and Jericho.

    The countdown begins, guns fire and Jerichos music hits and out he comes. The Intercontinental Champion makes his way to the ring.

    We are reminded Judgement Day is brought to us by RAMBO which can be downloaded here on UOW in media!

    Shawn Michaels music hits and out he comes to a huge cheer from the crowd. Kneels, prays, fireworks explode and then makes his way to the ring.

    Wrestlemania XIX Rematch
    Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

    Jericho kept going for Michaels' leg at the start, but Michaels kicked him away. Michaels grabbed a side headlock and took Jericho to the mat. Jericho got to his feet and lifted Michaels, but HBK went into a sunset flip for a two count. They went into a series of reversals and bridges for two counts, including Jericho attempting a back suplex but Michaels turning it into a bodypress only for Jericho to reverse it into his own cover. Michaels grabbed an Indian deathlock variation (JR called it a "Native American deathlock") but Jericho made the ropes. Jericho kicked Michaels leg, and Michaels slapped him in the face. Jericho threw some punches and knocked Michaels into a corner. The referee backed up Jericho, and Michaels grinned at him. Jericho looked angry. Michaels put Jericho in a hammerolock, but Jericho elbowed him in the mouth, then hit a series of punches and kicks. Jericho ran into a Michaels elbow, then put Jericho in an armbar, dropping over the top rope to yank the arm down.

    Michaels continued the assault on the arm, but Jericho reversed a whip and sent Michaels upside down in a corner. Jericho stomped Michaels, then set up for a back superplex. Michaels elbowed Jericho to the mat, but Jericho crotched Michaels on the top rope. Jericho went for a superplex, but Michaels blocked it and dropped Jericho face first to the mat. Michaels went for a top rope elbowdrop, but Jericho got his knees up, and Michaels came down on them and hurt his ribs. Jericho kicked Michaels in the gut, then dropped on him with a senton. Jericho hit a back suplex, then kicked Michaels in the side. Jericho applied an abdominal stretch, then punched Michaels in the side while maintaining the hold. Michaels started to break free, but Jericho grabbed him in a gutbuster for a two count. Jericho whipped Michaels hard into a corner several times, but when he went for a bulldog, Michaels shoved Jericho off and Jericho went into the ropes, with his legs going between the ropes and his chest going hard against the top rope like a clothesline.

    Michaels hit a flying forearm, then did the kip up. Michaels grabbed his ribs, and Jericho swept Michaels' legs and put him in the Walls Of Jericho. Michaels reached the ropes to break the hold. Jericho stomped Michaels on the apron. Jericho went for his springboard dropkick, but Michaels moved, so Jericho landed on his feet on the apron. Michaels, also on the apron, superkicked Jericho, who fell to the floor. Michaels picked up Jericho and rolled him into the ring, but Jericho kicked out at two. Michaels went to the top rope, and this time hit the flying elbow, but then grabbed his ribs in pain. Michaels then set up for the superkick, stomping in the corner. Jericho started to get up, then slumped to the mat, not facing Michaels. Jericho got up again, but then went down again. Michaels seemed to be getting antsy to hit the move. Jericho finally got up and turned around, and Michaels went for the superkick, but Jericho sidestepped it and hit the Codebreaker. Jericho crawled onto Michaels slowly, but only got a two count.

    Jericho picked Michaels up off the mat, but Shawn Michaels took Jericho down into a crossface. Jericho struggled in the hold, and looked to be on the verge of tapping, but then made the ropes for the break. Michaels went for it again, but Jericho rolled out of it, hit two knees to the gut, then hung Michaels gut first over the top rope. Jericho set up for the Lionsault, but Michaels got his knees up. Jericho landed on his feet though, and grabbed Michaels' legs for the Walls Of Jericho. He tried to turn Michaels, but Michaels was blocking it, so Jericho tried to turn it the other way, and Michaels rolled Jericho up into a cradle for the pin at the sixteen minute mark.

    Winner: Shawn Michaels.

    Both men are down in the ring, jericho looking angry with himself. Both men get up, Michaels gets his arm held high by the ref and Jericho holds out his hand to shake Michaels. Michaels gets back in the ring and looks at Jericho and slowly walks to wards him. Michaels shakes Jercihos hand and then leaves the ring and heads to the back as Jericho looks on.

    They show an image of William regal in the stands looking on still.

    Ad for One Night Stand - Sunday June 1st on PPV.

    Mickie James is out backstage talking to Todd Grisham and is told she is just minutes away from her triple threat match and is asked how she is doing, she says Cena and Michaels won, so she feels confident. She is asked how she feels about John Cena and she says he is a nice guy as JBL comes in and Mickie leaves. JBL says, you want to ask a question about Cena, ask me a question about him. He is asked about Cena beating him and how does he feel. JBL asks, you have never been in a fight have you son and that Cena is in the training room right now from an injury, so who beat who. JBL continues on saying that if he ever gets asked a stupid question like that, he will make sure that Grisham never gets into a fight again.

    Tonights theme: Take It All - Zididada

    Another ad for the voting tonight of World Heavyweight Championship.

    The glamazons music hits and out comes Beth Phoenix and makes her way to the ring.

    They show a video package form last week with the backstage fight between Melina and Beth.

    Melinas music hits and she makes her way to the ring, does her splits and gets in the ring.

    Womens Champion Mickie James music starts and she makes her way to the ring.

    All 3 women are introduced once more and here we go ...

    Womens Championship Match
    Mickie James (c) vs Beth Phoenix vs Melina

    At the bell, Beth held open the ropes and told Melina she didn't belong in "her ring". Melina responded by kicking Phoenix out of the ring. Mickie rolled up Melina for a two count. Mickie bounced off the ropes, but Phoenix held them open and mickie fell to the floor. Phoenix nailed her with a lariat. In the ring, Melina hit Phoenix with right hands, and Phoenix lifted her up, but Melina kept punching her down. Phoenix kicked Melina and went to lift her up, but Mickie hooked her from behind for a sunset flip for two. They went into sequences where one wrestler would get an advantage over another, but the third would come in and break up a cover or hold. Mickie hit Phoenix with a top rope Thesz press, then a dropkick for a two count. Melina grabbed her and stretched Mickie over the top rope in a corner, but Phoenix went over and lifted Melina and Mickie James into an over the shoulder backbreaker. She had both women, over the same shoulder, and was walking in the ring with them, it was incredible. They finally crumbled to the mat, then Phoenix picked up Mickie in a choke. Melina came up behind Phoenix and hit a neckbreaker. Phoenix rolled to the floor, and Mickie James hit Melina with a DDT for the pin at the five minute mark.

    Winner: Mickie James.

    Mickie James celebrates her win.

    Michaels is in his locker room and Batista walks in. Batista says that he once said if Michaels was lieing about his injury, he would get him and Batista says now he knows that he will pick the time and the place to get Michaels and then walks off.

    Ad for Wrestlemania 24 - DVD and HD Blu Ray.

    Back to the voting and the winner is 85% Undertaker / 15% Edge.

    A video package showing the lead up to tonights vacant World Heavyweight Match.

    Edges music hits and out he comes by himself, he pauses and lifts his arms and it is like he is waiting for his fireworks, after a while he puts his hands down and walks again.. Edge makes his way to the ring, then stops, lifts his arms and his fireworks go off (second time lucky). Edge gets in the ring and salutes the crowd.

    Undertakers bells go off and the arena darkens as his music begins. Fire eruptsand engulfs the red haze on to the faces of thousands. In the blue haze at the top of the ramp and through the mist of darkness a figure appears, the figure of a man, the figure of the Undertaker ... oops this isnt E-Fed. Undertaker makes his way to the ring the only way he can .. slowly. He gets to the ring, brings the lights back up and gets in the ring as Edge went to the outside.

    Undertaker and Edge are introduced again, I have no idea why they do this and here we go ...

    World heavyweight Championship
    The Undertaker vs Edge

    The World Title belt was in a glass case. Taker stalked Edge around the ring at first, throwing out jabs at him. Taker shoved Edge to the mat, and Edge rolled to the floor. He got back in threw some punches at him. Taker grabbed him by the throat and tossed him in the corner, then hit a slew of punches and choked Edge down on the mat. Undertaker kicked Edge on the apron, then wrapped his arm around the middle rope and kicked at it. Taker took him to the floor and threw Edge shoulder first into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Taker hit a short arm shoulderblock, then a second. Undertaker rammed Edge shoulder first into the top turnbuckle, then kicked at the shoulder. Undertaker went for Old School, but Edge crotched him on the top rope. Edge stomped the Undertaker, kicking him to the floor. Edge went out after him, but Taker yanked Edge off the apron by his tights, sending him into the security wall.

    Outside the ring, Undertaker headbutted Edge and went to whip him into the ringsteps, but Edge reversed it and Taker went knees first into the steps. Edge gave Undertaker a baseball slide kick, then threw him back into the ring. Edge headbutted Undertaker, but Taker returned fire with his own headbutts. Undertaker went for a running kick, but Edge moved and Undertaker got caught up in the ropes and fell to the mat hard. Edge got a two count, then stomped Undertaker in the head. Edge landed some punches, but Undertaker returned fire. Undertaker missed a clothesline, and Edge kicked out his leg from behind. Edge pulled Taker to the apron and wrapped his leg around the ringpost. Edge hit some punches and tried another headbutt. Undertaker returned fire again, but Edge kicked Taker in the arm. Edge moved in and Taker teased the illegal gogoplata, before letting go at the referee's command. Edge hit Taker and went for his own Old School ropewalk, but Taker crotched Edge on the top rope.

    Undertaker and Edge traded punches, but Edge missed a clothesline and Undertaker hit Edge with the flying clothesline. Undertaker hit a splash in the corner, then a clothesline in the opposite corner. Undertaker threw Edge in a corner, then hit a boot to the face for a two count. Undertaker hit the Old School forearm off the top rope, then went to lift Edge for a tombstone, but Edge floated over and dropped Undertaker to the mat with the reverse facebuster. The Edgeheads came out to distract the referee while Edge pulled the pad off a turnbuckle. The Edgeheads left. Undertaker lifted Edge for a powerbomb, but Edge flipped out of it and hit an Impaler DDT for a two count. Edge went for a spear, but Undertaker sidestepped it and Edge went into the ringpost. Undertaker lifted Edge for a powerbomb, but threw him back first into the corner instead. Undertaker covered, but Edge got his foot on the bottom rope for two.

    Undertaker lifted Edge, and then noticed the exposed turnbuckle. The hesitation allowed Edge to slip out and ram Undertaker back first into the exposed turnbuckle. Edge hit some punches, but Taker shoved him back. Edge charged, and Taker moved, but Edge put on the brakes to keep from hitting the exposed corner. Undertaker lifted Edge and dropped him with Snake Eyes on the exposed turnbuckle. Both men were slow to get up. Undertaker went for a running boot, but Edge hit a spear, not a solid one, but good enough for a two count. They exchanged exhausted punches, with Edge getting the better of it. Undertaker grabbed Edge by the throat, but Edge punched out. Edge bounced off the ropes, but Taker grabbed him by the throat and hit the chokeslam. Taker crawled onto Edge and covered him, but Edge got his shoulder up at two.

    Undertaker kicked Edge in the head and Edge fell to the floor. Undertaker went outside and clotheslined Edge, sending both men over the security wall and into the crowd. They punched each other as they crawled back to the ring. Undertaker punched Edge, who fell backwards into the wall and Undertaker crawled into the ring at the seventeen minute mark to win the match via countout.

    Winner: The Undertaker.

    Vickie Guerrero was wheeled out by the Edgeheads, saying "Excuse me" and the crowd, which wasn't that loud tonight, got VERY loud with boos and catcalls. We're talking more heat than I've heard a heel get on a WWE show in a while. Vickie kept stopping as the crowd was just overwhelming. Vickie said a championship can only be won by pinfall or submission, not via disqualification or countout. Vickie said that the World Title "remains vacant". Vickie said that Undertaker is not the new World Champion. Taker threw down the belt, as the announcers debated her theory. Undertaker grabbed Edge, who was at ringside, and yanked him into the ring. Undertaker gave Edge a tombstone piledriver. Vickie called Undertaker a "son of a bitch", with the word "bitch" being bleeped. Yep, it was bleeped on PPV. The Edgeheads pulled Edge from the ring as Undertaker glared at Vickie, who walked away, leaving her wheelchair behind. The crowd was chanting "Vickie sucks" and was louder than at any point tonight.

    Ad for One Night Stand - June 1st

    A view of outside the arena.

    Randy Orton is on screen in a pre taped vid I think and says for 6 months he was champion, he mentions all the people he has beaten and ofcourse Triple H, the person he won the title off the first place. He mentions triple H not teaching him anything in Evolution as Triple H knew this day was coming. Triple H constantly talks about being the best but Orton will be the one walking out of that cage the champion, the age of Orton.

    MVPs music hits and out he comes to a quiet crowd except for a couple of boos and makes his way to the ring. MVP gets in the ring and complains his name was off the card for tonight and that he is surprised because he is the highest paid athlete on Smackdown and the longest running US champion of all time. The crowd begin the What scenario with him lol. MVP says he will make his own match and offers for someone to come out and have a match with him. He says he is still half man and half amazing and has alot of bling in his bank account. He offers for someone to come out who is his level and then Matt Hardys music hits. Matt comes out in jeans and shirt and with a mic. MVP says it seems the wrestling gods have answered his prayers and asks Matt to come down. Matt says he has already proven he is better than him and that there is someone else there tonight that is going to prove he is better than you and Jeff Hardys music hits, the crowd goes wild, fireowrks explode and Jeff makes his way to the ring. Here we go ...

    Jeff Hardy vs MVP

    Matt Hardy returned to the back. Cole & Foley called the match. MVP went to work on Hardy with forearms and a rollup for two. The fans were chanting for Hardy. Jeff hit a flying forearm and tried to slide under MVP's legs. MVP caught him and held a leg, but Hardy kicked him with the free leg. MVP rolled to the floor, then regrouped and returned. MVP tripped Hardy and hit some punches, then grabbed a waistlock, rolling Hardy over for a two count. MVP applied a front facelock, but Hardy reversed into a hammerlock. MVP backed Hardy into a corner, then hit a back elbow. MVP charged Hardy, who pulled down the top rope and MVP fell to the floor. Hardy went to kick MVP between the ropes, but MVP grabbed his legs and yanked him hard to the floor. MVP rolled Hard back into the ring for a two count.

    MVP hit a kneedrop to the arm of Hardy for two, then applied an armbar. Jeff tried to punch out of it, but MVP yanked Jeff down to the mat by his hair. MVP kicked Hardy in the gut, then pounded on the arm and reapplied the armbar. MVP hit a knee to the arm, then a trapped arm bodyslam for a two count. MVP applied an overhead armbar. Jeff punched out of it, then went for a elevated leapfrog off the ropes in the corner, but his arm gave on him and he crashed to the mat. MVP hit a cross armbreaker drop for a two count, then stomped the arm and hit a kneedrop on it. MVP applied a reverse Fujiwara armbar, then kicked Jeff in the shoulder. MVP lifted Jeff in a fireman's carry, then dropped him to the mat. MVP hit a running kick, and Jeff fell through the ropes and to the floor.

    MVP threw Jeff shoulder first into the security wall, then rolled him into the ring for a two count. MVP hit Jeff's arm with forearms, then went back to the armbar. Jeff fought up, hitting punches, but MVP gave Jeff a bulldog into his knee. MVP went for the Playmaker, but Jeff blocked it and hit a clothesline. Jeff hit some punches, then a running forearm with the good arm. Jeff hit a clothesline, then an elevated kick in the corner. Jeff went to the top rope, but MVP rolled out of the way of the Swanton Bomb. Jeff crashed to the mat, and MVP hit some forearms. MVP measured for the big kick, but Jeff gave MVP a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle. Jeff then hit the Whisper In The Wind (which didn't hit well) to get the three count at the ten minute mark.

    Winner: Jeff Hardy.

    Hardy celebrates his win in the ring. As Hardy leaves the ring, we get another look at Regal sitting in the stands looking on. Back to Hardy as he shakes peoples hands as he makes his way to the back.

    Backstage footage for RAMBO by Sylvester Stallone.

    Back with J.R and the King as the steel cage is lowered in the arena.

    We go to footage leading up to tonights match between WWE Champion Triple H and Randy Orton.

    Lilian Garcia introduces the WWE Championship match and says the only way to win is via pinfall, submission or escaping the cage with both feet hitting the floor.

    Ortons new music hits and he makes his way out and straight to the ring very slowly as he stares at all parts of the ring. Orton enters the ring, climbs it and does his pose on top of the ring.

    Ad for Rambo DVD available a week from this Tuesday on DVD and Blu Ray.

    Fact: WWE title has been challenged 8 times at this PPV and only changed hands twice.

    Lights go up and Orton stares and waits for Triple H. Triple Hs music hits and out he comes, stands, spits his germs and begins to walk towards the ring, stops, stares at Orton and the ring and then enters the ring. Triple H climbs to the top of the ring and spits more germs out to the crowd, sits on top of the ring and speaks to the crowd, he finally comes down after staring at Orton.

    Lilian Garcia introduces both superstars and here we go ...

    WWE Championship
    Triple H (c) vs Randy Orton

    Randy Orton dove for the still open door at the bell, but Triple H grabbed him by the legs and hit some punches. Orton grabbed the door and slammed it shut on Triple H's head to knock him back. They exchanged punches, with Triple H starting to get the better of it when Orton hit a knee to the gut. Triple H ducked a shot and hit a jumping knee in the ring. Triple H went to ram Orton into the cage, but Orton blocked it. Orton went to ram Triple H into the cage, but HHH blocked it. Triple H finally rammed Orton into the cage. Orton tried to climb the cage, but Triple H pulled him back into the ring. Orton hit a punch, then went for a backdrop, but Triple H hit a neckbreaker to block it. Triple H hit some punches on the mat, then delivered a kneedrop for a two count.

    Orton grabbed HHH by the trunks and yanked him into the cage wall. Orton then used a catapult to send HHH face first into the cage. Orton flung Triple H over the top rope and into the cage. Triple H was between the ropes and the cage, and Orton rammed the back of Triple H's head into the steel fence three times. Triple H kicked Orton between the ropes, but Orton kicked Triple H in the chest as he tried to get back into the ring. Orton pulled Triple H into the ring so he was hanging by his feet off the middle rope, and hit a DDT for a two count. Orton then choked Triple H and hit a series of right hands. Orton slugged Triple H to the mat for a two count, then applied a rear chinlock. Triple H punched out of the move, but Orton hit a snap powerslam for a two count.

    Orton stared at Triple H on the mat for a while. Like, a long while. Like, he-could-have-walked-out-several-times-already-while. Orton did a long, and slow, Garvin stomp, then hit a kneedrop for two. Orton then stomped him, much faster now, and pulled down his kneepad. Orton missed the kneedrop this time, as HHH rolled away. Orton went for a slam, but Triple H floated over it and hit a chopblock to the back of his leg. Triple H hit another chopblock and then applied a figure four leglock. Orton couldn't make the ropes, as Triple H moved the hold into the middle of the ring. Orton struggled in the hold, while Jerry Lawler pointed out that Triple H shouldn't have to break the hold if Orton gets to the ropes. Orton got to the ropes, and Triple H broke the hold as the referee requested. Ross and Lawler wondered why. Orton went for an RKO, but Triple H blocked it and went for a Pedigree, but Orton backdropped him. Orton crawled for the door, but Triple H grabbed him. Orton kicked him away. Orton went to go out the door again, but Triple H dragged him back in. Orton dragged a chair back in with him.

    Orton kicked Triple H into a corner, then went for a chairshot, but Triple H blocked it. Triple H hit a facebuster to the knee for a two count, then picked up the chair. Orton hit Triple H with a low blow. Orton hit Triple H across the back with the chair, then gave Triple H a DDT on the chair. Orton covered Triple H, but HHH kicked out at two. Orton set up the chair in the ring, and set up for an RKO on it. Orton took a long time setting it up. Orton grabbed Triple H, but Triple H threw off the move and sent Orton into the cage. Triple H then gave Orton a drop toe hold into the chair and draped an arm over him for the two count.

    Both men were slow to get up, and Orton started to climb the cage. Triple H grabbed him by the trunks to stop him, then they battled on the top rope, with Triple H ramming Orton into the top of the cage. Orton fell to the mat. Triple H went to climb over the top, but Orton grabbed a foot and pulled him back down to the top rope. Orton punched Triple H to the mat, then went to go over the top of the cage. Triple H stopped him, and pulled Orton back over. Triple H rammed Orton into the top of the cage several times, then set up for a top rope Pedigree, but Orton escaped and pulled Triple H by the hair off the top rope so he would crash to the mat. Orton went to climb over the top and was all the way on the other side when Triple H grabbed him. Orton's legs were dangling as Triple H held Orton by the head and pulled him back over. Orton hit a back elbow and Triple H went down to the mat. Orton went to go over again, but Triple H grabbed his foot and finally pulled Orton down, crotching him on the top rope.

    Both men were slow to get up. Orton charged Triple H, who gave Orton a spinebuster. Triple H went for a Pedigree on the chair, but Orton grabbed a double leg takedown and Triple H went down back first on the chair. The fans chanted for Triple H as Orton measured for the kick to the head. Orton went for the kick, but Triple H dodged it and blasted Orton with a chairshot to the head. Triple H then gave Orton the Pedigree for the pin at the twenty one minute mark.

    Winner: Triple H.

    Triple H gets his arm held high and celenrates his win. Then he stares down at Orton who is lieing on the mat. Show ends with Triple H standing on top of the cage looking into the crowd.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next WWE Live Coverage 'One Night Stand'! No spoilers in the shoutbox please. Please visit other forums of our community - Universe Of Unknown + Universe Of Celebrity - You will not be dissapointed!

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    i think kane will be a double champ tonight

  4. #4
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    ^ I don't want Morrison and Miz to lose:sad: I actually think Punk might cash in after that match...

  5. #5
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    Cash in for which title though? I hope that he doesn't end up using the MITB for the piece of crap ECW title. He has been on that brand for far too long, and needs to make the move (hopefully to Raw).

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommy View Post
    Cash in for which title though? I hope that he doesn't end up using the MITB for the piece of crap ECW title. He has been on that brand for far too long, and needs to make the move (hopefully to Raw).
    Probably ECW Title, since I think they're trying to make it seem like a world title. Plus, this just seems like a perfect set up for it, a "world" champion on your team, he could just not help Kane at all for the match and have Morrison and Miz cheat a lot on Kane and then beat him up a lot and then after the match Punk could cash in, the way it seems to me at least...

  8. #8
    Main Eventer ArJay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EeL View Post
    Probably ECW Title, since I think they're trying to make it seem like a world title. Plus, this just seems like a perfect set up for it, a "world" champion on your team, he could just not help Kane at all for the match and have Morrison and Miz cheat a lot on Kane and then beat him up a lot and then after the match Punk could cash in, the way it seems to me at least...
    ^^ altho i could see that happenin...that woulda make punk a heel..and i dont really see him turnin heel anytime soon (who knows tho really) as for raw...i dont think hes gonna get THAT big of a push jsut yet...i can actually see the taker/edge match ending in controversary..with Edge winning...and then Punk cashing it in and beating Edge.

  9. #9
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    ^ That would be possible and Undertaker wouldn't be obligated to a title rematch or anything and Punk and Edge have had a somewhat random hatred going on, and cashing in on Edge after he wins wouldn't be heelish to the fans(but it would still be heelish) or maybe Punk would want to cash in but then Vickie stops him or something to start a feud? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  10. #10
    Main Eventer ArJay's Avatar
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    yea def...I have a feeling tho Vickies reign as Smackdown GM is close to being over...

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