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    Default RAW LIVE Coverage and Discussion - 29th Dec, 2014

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    - Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a video looking back at Edge's retirement in 2011. Tonight, The Rated R Superstar returns to host RAW with Christian. The video shows highlights from their time together.

    - We're live from the Verizon Center in Washington, DC. Michael Cole is on commentary with JBL and Jerry Lawler. Tony Chimel introduces WWE Hall of Famer Edge like only he can and out Edge comes with Christian to a big pop.

    Christian talks about being excited to be on the final RAW of 2014. He says they should send RAW off with a big bang and do it E&C style. Edge likes the sound of that. Christian has a special edition of The Peep Show planned for later tonight. Edge interrupts and thinks it should be The Cutting Edge. They joke back and forth before deciding on the first-ever Cutting Edge Peep Show. Their guest will be Seth Rollins. They hype Rollins vs. Roman Reigns for tonight. Christian announces Rusev vs. Dolph Ziggler in a Champion vs. Champion match. Christian gets a big pop when he mentions Daniel Bryan and a "yes!" chant breaks out. Edge says Bryan will be here to address his future later on. Edge and Christian go to do a 5 Second Pose but the music interrupts and out comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman. They get a big mixed reaction.

    Heyman and Lesnar hit the ring. Heyman praises Lesnar and runs down Edge and Christian, saying how it won't take much to cripple Edge and Christian. Heyman is interrupted by John Cena's music and out he comes to a pop. Cena and Heyman stand while Lesnar looks on from the corner. Fans do dueling chants for Cena. Cena says the only reason he doesn't knock Lesnar clean into 2015 is so Lesnar doesn't have an excuse at the Royal Rumble. Cena says his New Year's Resolution is to take the title off Lesnar's shoulder. Cena grabs Heyman and Lesnar charges but Cena scoops Lesnar for the Attitude Adjustment. They struggle and Lesnar escapes, retreating to the floor with Heyman. Cena readies for a fight as Heyman and Lesnar look on from ringside. Lesnar raises the title as fans boo. Cena's music hits as Lesnar and Heyman head to the back. Cena celebrates, then follows and we go to commercial.

    Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev

    Back from the break and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. WWE United States Champion Rusev is out next with Lana. This is a non-title Champion vs. Champion match.

    Rusev takes Ziggler to the corners and beats him down. Ziggler fights back but Rusev shoves him back with shoulder thrusts. Rusev keeps control and beats Ziggler around as fans chant for him. Ziggler fights back but Rusev drops him with a shoulder. Rusev drops elbows and covers for a 2 count. Ziggler fights out of a hold and hits a big DDT for a 2 count. Lana yells at ringside and Rusev rolls to the floor as we go to commercial.

    Back from the break and Rusev is dominating Ziggler. Rusev keeps Ziggler grounded now. Ziggler fights up and out but a jawbreaker doesn't stop Rusev. Ziggler keeps fighting back and goes to the top for a crossbody but Rusev catches him. Rusev tosses Ziggler but he lands on his feet. Rusev runs into an elbow. Ziggler nails a missile dropkick and Rusev goes down. Ziggler mounts Rusev but gets tossed across the ring, twice. Ziggler ducks a kick and nails the Fame-asser for a 2 count.

    They get up and Rusev hits Ziggler in the throat. Ziggler lands on his feet from a counter. Rusev catches a superkick but misses a splash in the corner. Ziggler nails a superkick for another close 2 count. Rusev blocks the Zig Zag. Rusev with another counter. Rusev kicks Ziggler's knee out and throws him shoulder first into the ring post. Rusev stomps away in the corner. The referee tries to get him to back off and has to call for the disqualification.

    Winner by DQ: Dolph Ziggler

    - After the bell, Ziggler is laid out and Rusev is wide open. Rusev applies The Accolade with Ziggler on the bottom rope. Referees hit the ring but can't get Rusev off Ziggler. Ryback's music hits and he runs down to a big pop. Rusev meets him and gets decked. Ryback nails a Meathook clothesline and Rusev retreats. A big "feed me more" chant starts as Rusev stumbles with the Russian flag. Ryback's music hits as he helps Ziggler up and Rusev looks on with Lana.

    - The announcers plug the WWE Network and the Road to WrestleMania 31. Still to come, The Usos vs. Damien Sandow and The Miz for the WWE Tag Team Titles. Back to commercial.

    - Back from the break and Ryback is in the ring. Ryback says he wants to talk to the fans for a few minutes. He says there's been some misunderstanding between he and the fans since he debuted. Ryback says he decided as a kid at his first WWE live event that he wanted to be a WWE Superstar. He talks about being on Tough Enough in 2004 and we see a clip on the big screen. He talks about getting depressed after being eliminated there and getting a job at some BBQ joint. Ryback talks about reading a book, bouncing back in life and getting signed by WWE again. Fans pop. He talks about Nexus and we see a clip of their debut on the big screen.

    Ryback goes on and talks about breaking his leg in Hawaii. He tells the camera man to come closer and we see a scar going down to his foot. He says that reminds him every day how lucky he is to step into a WWE ring. He says doctors told him he wouldn't wrestle again but Ryback was born and he returned. We cut to a promo video. We come back and Ryback says he stands here today, then addresses Rusev. He says it's not an America - Russia thing, it's a big guy kicking another big guy's ass thing. Ryback says he takes negative things people say and eats them, turning them into positives. Ryback gets another "feed me more" chant going.

    - Still to come, Reigns vs. Rollins. Also, The Cutting Edge Peep Show with Rollins as the special guest. Back to commercial.

    Match Number Two: Nikki Bella (with Brie Bella) versus Natalya (with Tyson Kidd) in a Non Title Match

    Nikki with a take down and forearms but Natalya with forearms of her own. Natalya with a clothesline and Nikki goes to the apron. Nikki leaps off the apron and is caught by Tyson. Natalya knocks Nikki down and then sends her back into the ring. Brie argues with Tyson and Nikki with a forearm to Natalya when she returns to the ring.

    Nikki with Shock Treatment and she hits it and gets the three count.

    Winner: Nikki Bella

    Miz says that he will take the tag titles to the New Year’s Party. Naomi runs by and hugs Miz and thanks him. Naomi wants to talk in private so they want Sandow to leave. Naomi says that she talked to the producer and now he wants to meet with Naomi over future projects. She says that Miz took a lot of crap, especially from Jimmy, but she wants to thank Miz for helping her and she wishes Miz luck.

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Three: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso versus Miz and Damien Sandow for the WWE Tag Team Titles

    Miz and Jimmy start things off and Miz goes into the ropes to avoids Jimmy’s wrath. They try to lock up and Miz goes into the ropes again. Miz with kicks and punches out of the corner and the referee warns him. We see Naomi watching in the back on the only monitor in the back.

    Jimmy with an uppercut and slam for a near fall. Jimmy with a side head lock but Miz with a reversal. Miz with a shoulder tackle but Jimmy with a back elbow and he tags in Jey. Jey with a running forearm into the corner and he gets a near fall. Miz with a jawbreaker. Miz sends Jey into the turnbuckles but Jey sends Miz into the turnbuckles. Miz with an Irish whip and Jey floats over and he connects with an uppercut. Jimmy tags in and they hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop for a near fall. Jimmy with a chop.

    Jey tags back in and they hit a double atomic drop. Sandow goes to the turnbuckles and he give himself an atomic drop. Jey with a clothesline and Miz goes over the top rope to the floor. Sandow falls to the floor and then Jey tries for a plancha but Miz drops him on the top rope and Miz with a boot for a near fall.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Miz with a front face lock and forearms to Jey. Miz teases tagging in Sandow but he refuses. Jey misses an enzuigiri but Jey kicks him away and tags in Jimmy. Jimmy with clothesline followed by a thrust kick and uppercut. Jimmy with a Samoan drop and then he sends Sandow over the top when Sandow makes a cameo. Jimmy with a rollup for a near fall.

    Jimmy with an enzuigiri and Miz goes to the floor. Jimmy with a plancha onto Miz. Miz with a kick to the knee and a DDT for a near fall. Miz with a knee to the hamstring and then he tries for a figure four leg lock but Jimmy kicks him away. Jimmy with an uppercut and he goes up for a corkscrew senton for a near fall. Miz blocks a super kick and he applies the figure four leg lock.

    Jimmy tries to get to the ropes and he stretches but he cannot get there at first, but he finally gets there. Miz releases the hold and he goes for another figure four leg lock but Jimmy rolls through and he puts Miz in a modified Boston Crab and Sandow makes the save. He sends Jey to the floor. Jimmy with a super kick to Sandow when Miz puts him in the way. Miz with a rollup for a near fall.

    Jimmy with a super kick and he tags in Jey but Jey with a superfly splash onto Miz’ knees. Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale but Jey kicks out. Miz with punches to Jey and he sets for another Skull Crushing Finale but Jey with elbows. Jimmy makes the tag and Jimmy with a super kick followed by a double super kick. Jimmy goes up top and hits the Superfly Splash for the three count.

    Winners: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

    After the match, Naomi comes to the ring to celebrate with her husband and brother in law.

    Jerry Lawler comes into the ring to interview the new champions. He asks them how does it feel to end 2014 as the tag team champions. Jey says it is a great thing. 2014 was the Year of the Usos. Jey invites Jerry to the party.

    Jerry asks Jimmy about being on the same page as his wife. He has his brother on the same page. He is always on the same page as his wife. They played the Miz and it feels damn good.

    The announcers speculate what Daniel Bryan will talk about later tonight.

    We go to a Shield video package.

    Cesaro has a mic and he is seated in the corner. He says he wants to get a few things off his chest. 2014 should have been his year. He won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at Wrestlemania. Now, WWE decisionmakers are telling him he doesn’t connect. He does not connect. He delivers every single time he steps into this ring. Connect with who? The WWE Universe? He doesn’t care about connecting with any of you. He doesn’t care about the pageantries or the fancy entrances. He only cares about what he does in the ring. No one can compare to him when he gets between those four ropes. He tells anyone in the back to make his day.

    Wade Barrett comes out and he says it’s him, it’s him . . . it’s BNB. He tells Cesaro he has some bad news. You might not care about connecting with these people. There will be something connecting tonight. It will be his Bullhammer and Cesaro’s shiny head.

    Match Number Four: Cesaro versus Wade Barrett

    Cesaro with a forearm and European uppercut. Cesaro with punches and kicks in the corner. Barrett with an Irish whip and back breaker. Barrett chokes Cesaro in the ropes. Barrett with knees in the ropes followed by a kick that sends Cesaro to the floor. Cesaro hot shots Barrett on the ringside barrier. Cesaro with a European uppercut.

    Csearo with a double sledge from the top for a near fall. Cesaro with cross faces to Barrett followed by a half nelson that focuses on Barrett’s injured shoulder. Barrett with punches but Cesaro with a German suplex and he holds on but Barrett with elbows to get free. Cesaro with a clothesline and then he kicks Barrett in the head to show him no respect.

    Cesaro with forearms to Barrett. Barrett with a back heel kick followed by a boot to the temple for a near fall. Barrett tries for a pump handle slam and Cesaro with the Giant Swing into a single leg crab but Barrett gets to the ropes. Barrett with a rake of the eyes while the referee was not looking and Barrett with the Bullhammer for the three count.

    Winner: Wade Barrett

    Luke Harper says that you celebrate the ones you love, but set aside people like him like they are trash. He is a social pariah. A nightmare come to live. Sweet Dreams.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and The Ascension have a video package.

    Match Number Five: Jack Swagger versus Luke Harper

    They lock up and Swagger backs Harper into the corner. Swagger with a side head lock but Harper pushes Swagger away. They lock up and Swagger with a waist lock but Harper with an elbow and chops in the corner. Harper with a punch to Swagger and he rakes at the face. Swagger punches Harper but Harper with an uppercut and a reverse chin lock. Harper walks across Swagger’s back.

    Harper with an Irish whip but Swagger with a clothesline followed by a clothesline into the corner. Harper with a drop kick for a near fall. Harper with a palm thrust to the chest followed by a punch. Harper with a front face lock but Swagger gets to his feet. Harper with a European uppercut but Swagger sends Harper over the top rope to the floor.

    Swagger with a clothesline to Harper on the floor. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Harper with a reverse chin lock. We see Harper sending Swagger into the ring steps during the commercial break. Harper with a boot to Swagger’s head for a near fall. Harper slingshots Swagger throat first into the middle rope and he gets a near fall. Harper with the Gator Roll into a side head lock. Harper with a rake of the face to keep Swagger from getting out of the chin lock. Swagger with a boot to the head and a running knee into the corner.

    Swagger with a clothesline for a near fall. Swagger sets for the Swagger Bomb but he sees Harper get up so he dives at the knee and takes Harper down. Swagger with a belly-to-belly slam and then he tries for the Doctor Bomb but Harper with an elbow.

    Harper tries for a piledriver but Swagger escapes and Swagger grabs the ankle but Harper kicks Swagger away and Harper with a super kick for a near fall. Harper goes for a Saito suplex but Swagger with elbows and he applies the ankle lock. Harper gets to the ropes and the referee pulls Swagger off Harper. Harper kicks Swagger in the face on a Swagger Bomb counter and then he hits the discus lariat for the three count.

    Winner: Luke Harper

    We take a look back at the beginning of Raw.

    John Cena is in the locker room with Edge and Christian talking about Edge cashing in his briefcase. Edge and John go back and forth trying to one up each other. Christian reminds Cena about the time Edge attacked Cena’s father. Christian has to go.

    Cena says he remembers that but he also remembers two guys who were told they would never have a chance and they became two of the best. Cena thanks Edge and he says that he earned his respect in and out of the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Big Show is going to join the commentary team for the next match.

    Match Number Six: Roman Reigns versus Seth Rollins (with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble)

    Rollins gets some momentum to lock up. Rollins with a side head lock but Reigns with a shoulder tackle and Rollins goes to the floor. Rollins gets back into the ring and Rollins with a kick and punches. Rollins with an elbow to the top of the head but Reigns with a shoulder tackle. Rollins goes to the apron and Reigns brings him back in. Reigns with a forearm to the back and he starts to work on the wrist and arm.

    Reigns slaps Rollins in the head and sends him into the turnbuckles. Reigns with an arm wringer. Reigns with a shoulder to Rollins’ arm. Rollins punches Reigns but Reigns with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot. Rollins pulls Reigns to the floor and Reigns sends Rollins into the apron. Reigns sends Rollins into the apron again.

    Rollins with a double sledge to the back when Reigns gets back into the ring and he punches Reigns. Reigns is sent to the mat by Rollins and Rollins with a boot to the back. Rollins with knees to the back and a reverse chin lock. Reigns with a punch but Rollins with a punch of his own.

    Reigns with a rollup for a near fall and then he picks up Rollins for a one arm power bomb. Rollins goes to the floor and then he sends Rollins back into the ring. Rollins sends Reigns to the apron but Reigns with a punch and Rollins hangs from the bottom rope for the Juggernaut broad jump drop kick. Rollins sends Reigns into the ringside barrier and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Rollins with a reverse chin lock. Rollins tries for a suplex but Reigns blocks it. Rollins lands on his feet on a suplex attempt by Reigns and Rollins clips the leg. Rollins with a drop kick to Reigns. Rollins punches Reigns in the face and he hits a knee drop followed by a reverse chin lock. Rollins sends Reigns head first to the mat and gets a near fall before returning to the reverse chin lock and then he puts his body weight on top of Reigns.

    Reigns gets Rollins onto his back to send him into the turnbuckles. Rollins jumps onto Reigns’ back and Reigns backs him into the turnbuckles again. Rollins with a flatline into the turnbuckles and then Rollins with a running forearm into the corner but Reigns with a tilt-a-whirl power slam. Rollins with punches but Reigns with punches of his own.

    Rollins with more punches but Reigns with a flying clothesline and then he sends Rollins into the turnbuckles and hits a running clothesline. Reigns with a uranage out of a belly-to-back set up and he gets a near fall. Rollins with an elbow and kick that is blocked by Reigns. Reigns with a back heel trip and he pulls Rollins off the ropes but Rollins lands on his feet and he hits an enzuigiri for a near fall. Rollins with a super kick for a near fall. Rollins sets for Black Out but Reigns moves and he sends Rollins to the apron. Rollins with an enzuigiri but Reigns moves when Rollins comes off the turnbuckles. Reigns with a Superman punch and Big Show pulls Reigns out of the ring and the referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: Roman Reigns (by disqualification)

    After the match, Show punches Reigns and throws him over the announce table and puts the announce table on top of Reigns.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Big Show attacking Roman Reigns during his match with Seth Rollins.

    We see Reigns being tended to by the medical staff.

    Seth Rollins thanks Big Show for helping him out. Seth says he is feeling rather festive. On the first ever Cutting Edge Peep Show, he is going to propose a New Year’s Toast and he is going to invite John Cena.

    Michael Cole mentions the feud between Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose. In case you haven’t see the video package before, here it is one more time.

    Next week, we will have an Ambulance Match on Raw between Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt.

    Bray Wyatt says that they will be taken to a place where life begins and ends. Everything must come full circle. You and I have come to the point of no return. This is where our great journey ends. It is too late for you Ambrose. They will not be able to resuscitate him because he is already dead. Bray says that he alone has his soul.

    He has his soul. The ambulance drives away.

    Daniel Bryan is in the back and he walks into commercial.

    We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Big Show attacking Roman Reigns during his match with Seth Rollins.

    We see Reigns being tended to by the medical staff.

    Seth Rollins thanks Big Show for helping him out. Seth says he is feeling rather festive. On the first ever Cutting Edge Peep Show, he is going to propose a New Year’s Toast and he is going to invite John Cena.

    Michael Cole mentions the feud between Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose. In case you haven’t see the video package before, here it is one more time.

    Next week, we will have an Ambulance Match on Raw between Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt.

    Bray Wyatt says that they will be taken to a place where life begins and ends. Everything must come full circle. You and I have come to the point of no return. This is where our great journey ends. It is too late for you Ambrose. They will not be able to resuscitate him because he is already dead. Bray says that he alone has his soul.

    He has his soul. The ambulance drives away.

    Daniel Bryan is in the back and he walks into commercial.

    We are back and Santino is going to have a New Year’s Eve Party on December 30th.

    Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring for his major announcement.

    Daniel says that it is an honor to be on the last Raw of 2014. It is always an honor to be in this ring. Who would have thought that a little kid from Aberdeen, Washington who was always labeled a B+ player could have main evented Wrestlemania. Nobody, except you guys. Thanks to the fans, he got to beat Randy Orton, Triple H, and Batista in one night to win the WWE Championship.

    That opportunity was given to him by you guys. Five days after Wrestlemania, he married the woman of his dreams and that was the best week of his life. Everything changed. Two days after he got home from his honeymoon, his dad died. He wasn’t there for his dad. A month later, he had a career changing injury that required surgery. The doctors didn’t know what to do. All he could do is sit at home and watch.

    Being in front of you is all that can take the pain away. This is what he loved and what he dreamed about. All he wanted to do was perform in front of you. There isn’t anyone who cheered louder than he did when Dolph Ziggler pinned Seth Rollins to send the Authority out of power. It hurt because he couldn’t be there for that. The doctors didn’t have any answers.

    Bryan says that he talked to Edge as well. You get to the point where you have to make the decision about whether all of this is worth it or not. Because you have supported him his entire career, he made a special request to make this announcement in front of everyone.

    Is his career over?


    That is not the announcement he came to make. He is ready to fight and to compete.

    Will I be in the 2015 Royal Rumble? YES

    Edge and Christian have their kazoos and Miz and Damien Sandow stop by. Christian asks if they are sad that they aren’t playing his music. Christian obliges.

    Miz says that maybe he should set up a meeting with his agent.

    Edge brings out his stunt double. Miz says that he is not in the mood for that. Miz demands a rematch for his tag titles tonight. Since they are demanding a match, they will get their match, but it is not for the Tag Titles, it isn’t against the Usos . . . and it is next.

    Sandow has something not to say to Edge’s stunt double.

    Match Number Seven: Miz and Damien Sandow versus Konnor and Viktor

    Konnor and Miz start things off but Miz tags in Sandow and Konnor with a knee to Sandow and he punches Sandow. Viktor tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle and he kicks Sandow. Viktor with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot from Sandow. Sandow with a clothesline but Viktor with a clothesline. Konnor tags in and they hit the Fall of Man for the three count.

    Winners: Konnor and Viktor

    Seth Rollins is walking in the back with Joey and Jamie but Renee wants a confirmation that John Cena has been invited onto the Cutting Edge Peep Show.

    Seth says that he may extend another invitation . . . to Brock Lesnar.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time for the Cutting Edge Peep Show.

    Edge asks if you can smell something. Christian says it is the show and it totally reeks . . . of Awesomeness. Christian welcomes everyone to the first Cutting Edge Peep Show. They go through all of the different names for Seth Rollins including General Zod 2000 and the Walking Pile of Suck.

    Seth comes to the ring with Joey Mercury, Jamie Noble, his briefcase, some champagne, and glasses.

    Christian asks about the champagne. Did the geek squad get their computers fixed.

    Seth says that it is an honor for him to be on the first ever Cutting Edge Peep Show. Seth says that this is special for him because Edge and Christian are heroes to him. The matches they had with the Dudleys and Hardys. If not for them, Seth says he might not even be in the ring today.

    Edge says that he appreciates what Seth said but he doesn’t believe him and calls Seth condescending. Christian agrees and says it is lame.

    Seth says that the end of the year is for introspection. Who had a better year than him? He masterminded the Shield, he destroyed the Shield, he won Money in the Bank, he is the standard bearer in the WWE, and is now the future of Sports Entertainment.

    Seth says he also won a Slammy for ‘You Sold Out’.

    Edge and Christian go through people who had better years than Seth and mentions John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, Sting, and Slick.

    Seth says it has been difficult since Survivor Series. He has been focusing on the negative and he has been a party pooper. He doesn’t want to be that guy any more. In 2015, that Seth Rollins is gone. Seth says he wants this celebration for a new Seth Rollins. He needs somebody who sees the value in personal evaluation at the end of the year. Seth wants to bring out his good friend, the Big Show.

    Big Show comes to the ring and Seth introduces him.

    Seth says ‘New Year . . . New Us.’ There is one other guy he wants to come out for this toast. A man who made him see the error in his ways. He brings out John Cena, but John.

    Edge says that Seth is failing miserably because he doesn’t have any charisma.

    Seth says that he doesn’t need to be Edge because he is better than you.

    Edge says Seth couldn’t be better than him even if he had a Live Sex Celebration with the Big Goiter.

    Seth says that he didn’t want John to come out here to propose a toast for 2015. Seth says that he wants something from John.

    Seth says that he didn’t want it to come to this, but if you aren’t going to come out here, then you are forcing his hand. In turn, it leaves him no choice but to force John’s.

    Seth hits Christian with the briefcase and then Edge pushes Seth. Noble, Mercury, Show, and Rollins surround Edge. Show grabs Edge by the throat and then puts Edge’s face on top of the briefcase.

    Seth wants John to come out because he thought John respected Edge. He says that he will paralyze Edge if he has to.

    John Cena comes out to the ring but he stops short of the ring.

    Seth tells John to give it to him or he will break Edge’s neck.

    Cena thinks about it and he gets closer to the ring but Seth tells him to take a step back. He reminds John this is a husband and a father. He has a little kid at home. If you want him to ever play with that child and hold him in his hands, you will give him what he wants.

    Seth tells John if you don’t believe him, you can test the waters. You are Mr. Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. He says that Edge wishes John would save him right now. Seth wants John to bring the Authority back or he will paralyze this man and it will be on your conscience forever.

    Seth dares John to test him, but he doesn’t want John to take another step.

    John tells Seth to stop. John tells Seth okay and Seth wants Jamie to hold a mic for Cena.

    John says that he will bring back the Authority.

    Seth celebrates getting the Authority back. He says what a way to end the year. He says you know him better and he is going to kill him anyway.

    Cena with a spear to Rollins but it is too much in the ring and they stop Cena. Show with a knock out punch to Cena. Rollins with a curb stomp to Cena.

    Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar join Show, Rollins, Noble, and Mercury on the stage. Heyman and Rollins shake hands.

    The music for the Authority plays and Stephanie McMahon and Triple H come from the back with their champagne.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Nice job RM Thank you.

    That promo from Rusev was bizarre. I thought he was going to say he had cancer or something but it could be his ummm build up to beat the undefeated Rusev. Bizarre lol

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I saw absolutely no need for that segment with Lesnar and Cena, unless something will happen later on in the show with them.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I wish Miz would get another movie role so he could leave for a while lol

  5. #5
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Really good match

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Poor Cesaro, he has always been booked wrong by WWE.

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I have to say IMO, this gimmick of 'We the people' by Jack Swagger is getting old.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Yes! Bad News Barrett is back!

    Sorry that Cesaro will look like a chump now.

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Role Model View Post
    Yes! Bad News Barrett is back!

    Sorry that Cesaro will look like a chump now.
    Would not be the first time

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