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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - April 20th, 2022

    AEW Dynamite

    This week on DYNAMITE on TBS, Dr. Britt Baker returns! Jungle Boy faces Kyle O'Reilly. MJF sends The Butcher after Wardlow. Hook makes his DYNAMITE debut. Plus, will Darby Allin be able to bury Andrade El Idolo in a coffin match?

    – This week's show kicks off with the usual theme song and cold open video intro and then we shoot live inside the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PA.

    Jim Ross welcomes us to the program with his usual "It's Wednesday night, and you know what that means ..." catchphrase and then we head right down to the ring for our opening action.

    CM Punk vs. Dustin Rhodes

    The two men shake hands to get things started, showcasing respect towards each other, and then they lock up. Dustin Rhodes then gets the better of the situation to start things off with a shoulder tackle, and a hip toss. CM Punk gets back into things himself, but it doesn’t take long for the veteran to slow things down with a few more hip tosses.

    Punk manages to dump Dustin out of the ring by diving to the leg of his opponent, which leads to Rhodes spilling out of the ring. Inside the ring, Punk begins to target the knee of Dustin, stomping down on it while the leg is propped up on the bottom rope. Rhodes then picks up the pace with a few shots, but then Dustin’s leg gives up on him as he tries to lift up Punk.

    The bodyslam doesn’t work and Punk drops back down to him. CM Punk then mocks the Goldust pose, which leads to a few more punches by Dustin. He looks for a roll-up, but Punk kicks out and then gets hit by a lariat. Punk then once again focuses on the leg, dropping down with an elbow to the area.

    Punk gets dumps outside, but as Dustin looks to continue the attack, Punk swipes the leg of Rhodes, but he responds by kicking CM Punk into the turnbuckle. He then drags down Punk face-first onto the ring apron. Back in the ring, they go back and forth until Rhodes hits a back body drop and then several lariats.

    Dustin then hammers down some shots in the corner, but as he gets down his knee gives out again. This allows Punk to go for the knee, but Rhodes moves and then hits the Code Red, which gets a near fall! Punk looks for the GTS but Dustin fights out with the classic uppercut into the powerslam, and once again Punk has to kick out.

    CM Punk then connects with a kick to the face, following with a chop block. He locks in the Figure Four straight after to keep up the pressure. They then start exchanging slaps, and Dustin turns it over but Punk gets the ropes. Rhodes then hits the Cross Rhodes followed by a Piledriver, but Punk kicks out!

    Dusting then looks for the flip, flop, and fly, but Punk then stops him with a roundhouse kick. He’sunable to deliver the GTS though as Dustin counters, but as Punk lands on Rhodes, he hooks the legs and catches him with a pinfall.

    Winner: CM Punk

    After the match the two men show respect to each other, having a hug.

    – As CM Punk makes his way to the back, Hangman Page makes his way out. The two of them stare each other down as Punk then heads to the back.

    – Footage is shown of Wardlow trying to get into the building. Mark Sterling says security will take him to his closet, and then after the match they’ll escort him out. They demand that he will be handcuffed in this moment as well. He delivers a message from MJF, to eat s--t, pig.

    Blackpool Combat Club vs. Brock Anderson, Dante Martin, & Lee Moriarty

    Before the bell rings, Blackpool Combat Club attacks, with the trio taking control immediately. The match begins with Wheeler Yuta and Danter Martin, and while Martin hits him with a kick, Yuta just grabs his face and drags him to their corner. Bryan Danielson comes in and unloads a series of kicks and chops before charging in with the dropkick.

    Martin then uses his speed and agility and he catches Bryan with a dropkick, which leads to Jon Moxley coming in. He starts attacking Jon Moxley. It doesn’t take long for Mox to turn that around, as Danielson then drops down with a knee while Brock is hanging on the ropes. On the outside, Yuta adds more aggression, charging him into the steps.

    Yuta then comes in with more violence, but the BCC keeps making frequent tags. Anderson finally turns things around with a spinebuster to Moxley, and Lee charges in with several high boots. He then springboards in to take down Danielson before unloading knee strikes. That is until Bryan hits a big slap.

    They then go back and forth until Moriarty hits a suplex, following it with the border city stretch. Bryan gets out with another suplex though, but Martin tags and hits a big dropkick. Moxley tags in but he is sent outside as Martin dives out. Martin aims for the Nose Dive, but Moxley catches him into the Bulldog.

    All three members of the BCC then end up having one opponent each to stomp down on, with Moxley then hitting the Paradigm Shift for the win.

    Winners: Blackpool Combat Club

    – The Cutler Cam is backstage, and Kyle O’Reilly asks where the fiesty Young Bucks is. He points out they’ve all been losing and says they should live up to the name. Tonight he will qualify for the Owen Hart Cup. Cole says as a team they can’t be stopped, he tells the Bucks their friends are gone, but they’re still here.

    Adam thinks next week they do an open challenge, a 10-man tag to remind everyone how dangerous they are. Cole says he has to take care of something quickly.

    – Tony Khan is here to give his major announcement…he welcomes the President of New Japan Pro Wrestling to the show. However, before anything else happens, Adam Cole appears. He says he’s one of the biggest stars to ever wrestle in Japan. On June 26th in Chicago, AEW and Jew Japan present Forbidden Door!

    This Friday, Cole will face Ishii in a singles match that is an Owen Hart Cup qualifier. He also has a special friend that wants to say hello. Jay White’s music hits. He thanks Cole for an introduction, and says the last time NJPW had such a big joint even, he sold out MSG. White tells them both it isn’t about NJPW or AEW, it’s about the Undisputed Elite and Bullet Club. He says it’s still their era.

    – Jade Cargill is backstage saying she is the problem solver, she’ll see Marina on Friday.

    The Butcher vs. Wardlow

    Before the match, MJF appears in a box, and he tells people Wardlow is a nobody, as he throws popcorn all over the fans. He says Wardlow will come out to no music. They charge at each other several times, until Butcher starts throwing hands, attacking Wardlow aggressively in the corner.

    However, Wardlow fights back and drops his opponent several times with several shoulder tackles. Butcher then pulls out some chairs, but the official gets rid. The two big men then get into things outside the ring, with Butcher launching his rival into the apron and metal guard rail.

    Back inside the ring, Butcher hits a Powerbomb of his own, but Wardlow kicks out at one! He then fires back with several Powerbombs, hitting four before getting the win.

    Winner: Wardlow

    – Eddie Kingston is backstage talking about Daniel Garcia. He says they’ll fight at Rampage, and nobody else is allowed in the building. He says to Jericho everything he does to him is really for Chris.

    Owen Hart Cup Qualifier Match: Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jungle Boy

    Things start out technically between them, with Kyle O’Reilly trying to keep him grounded. He does that when dragging Jungle Boy to the mat after he looks for a springboard. The speed of Jungle Boy works though, hitting a dropkick. O’Reilly follows with a huge knee to the face, and then drops his opponent face-first.

    Kyle then continues his ground and pound with elbow strikes, and a sharp kick to the back. The tag champion begins to fight back with some elbow strikes, and he drops Kyle several times, but he then side steps and catches him with one of his own. However, Jungle Boy then dumps him out of the ring and hits a tope suicida.

    O’Reilly gets dropped with a DDT as Jungle Boy gets into the ring again, and then he keeps hold to lock in the front chancery. Kyle gets out with an exploder, and then boots Jungle Boy into the ropes, but he fires back with a clothesline. Kyle then joins his opponent on the top turnbuckle, but he loses out, getting set into the tree of woe. Jungle Boy hits the sliding dropkick on that.

    O’Reilly comes back with some strikes, but Jungle Boy then rolls through into a pinning spot. Kyle kicks out and immediately gets into an Ankle Lock. He reverses into a submission of his own, but Kyle grabs the ropes, and both men take a moment. Once again Jungle Boy looks to the top turnbuckle, but Kyle kicks his legs away and hits the superplex.

    Kyle drops Jungle Boy with a brainbuster, and then heads to the top rope to dive down with a knee to the ribs, and that gets him the win.

    Winner: Kyle O’Reilly

    – Backstage MJF says there was a lot more money where that came from. He says he is a snake, and it doesn’t matter how big the pray is, all it takes is one bite. He then gives some money to Jake Roberts. The legend says some people want belts and women, he chases money. When the time is right, he will get it done. However, Lance Archer slaps the money away and says he just wants to fight Wardlow.

    HOOK vs. Anthony Henry

    HOOK dominates, launching his opponent around the ring as Tony Nese watches on with Mark Sterling. He then hits crossfaces in the ring…but then Danhausen appears and tries to curse him. It doesn’t make a difference as HOOK locks in Red Rum to get the win.

    Winner: HOOK

    Danhausen then gets on the microphone and says if he doesn’t want to be cursed by Danhausen, he will fight him. Hook doesn’t respond, he just shoulder barges him, and leaves.

    – Frankie Kazarian looks to call out Sammy Guevara, but Scorpio Sky interrupts. He says five years ago they formed SCU, but now he needs one more favor. He wants Frankie to wait just a little bit longer, he promises Frankie will get the first shot. Kazarian says he has always had his back, and he always will.

    – Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti are in the ring to a chorus of boos.He feels right, he’s a three time champion and with the love of his life. He’s going to give fans his everything, because they deserve it, those who cheer. The rest who turned their back, why? Because Conti is better looking than theirs?

    Sky then appears and asks if that’s how it’s going to go, he’s screwing the fans who got him here watching his stupid vlogs. Page tells him to shut up, as nobody came here to listen to him talk. The only reason they’re not beating him up right now, is because Dan Lambert says tonight is about business.

    Lambert Sammy risks it all to earn the respect of the fans, but he chose to throw it away acting like a high school douchebag. He says Sammy either gives Sky a rematch, or he will send them down to give him the pounding his girlfriend dreams about. Sammy says he will give him the rematch if they agree to the mixed tag team title bout. They agree, and Sammy then claims it’ll be a ladder match.

    – The latest House Of Black vignette airs. Buddy says they have changed the narrative. Aleister says they’re owed a debt, so next week the sun dies.

    Owen Hart Cup Qualifier Match: Danielle Kamela vs. Britt Baker

    Britt Baker gets a huge hometown reaction, and she comes out with a couple of Pittsburgh Steelers players. Despite a bright start from Danielle Kamela, Britt Baker quickly establishes her dominance with several forearms in the corner. Kamela fires back with a sharp elbow attack of her own, and then several aggressive strikes.

    Kamela escapes a possible Lock Jaw, and she brings in a headlock to slow the pace. She connects with a running kick and then grabs one of the towels to smother Britt. This fires up Britt who takes her down and attacks, she then connects with a great rolling elbow strike. Britt drops Danielle with a sling blade, and then a kick to the face.

    Britt drops Kamela with a neck breaker before hitting the Stomp. She gets a Pittsburgh version of her glove, and gets the win with Lock Jaw.

    Winner: Britt Baker

    After the match, Britt says they finally have a woman with a microphone who knows how to use it. She says the women’s division is a disaster without her. She runs down some of the women on the roster, she claims Toni Storm will want to leave this company after her friend is done with her. Baker doesn’t know what’s worse, her whopping Red Velvet’s ass, or her being a baddie. She says she’s the future Owen Cup winner.

    – A video package airs that promotes a street fight between Hikaru Shida and Serena Deeb next week.

    Coffin Match: Darby Allin vs. Andrade El Idolo

    The Blade tries to distract Darby Allin straight away, but he uses the skateboard to attack Andrade. Marq Quen then appears, presenting a three-on-one situation. Allin then fights back again, but Andrade just charges him through the barricade. Quen then pulls a sign from a fan dressed as Sting…but it is Sting!

    He takes off the mask to reveal it and then starts beating down the two men, alongside Darby. They brawl to the stairs up to the next level, and Marq uses the chair, but Sting fires up and pushes him off. Sting then climbs up to the top of the section and dives down with a crossbody, taking down everyone below.

    Despite that, Andrade fights back, launching Darby back to the ringside area. He drops him onto the ring apron and then sets a chair between the top and middle turnbuckle. Inside the ring, they trade exchanges, and Allin goes flying into the chair. Andrade then puts it in his face, but as he comes for the double knees, Allin throws it at him.

    He then plants Andrade head-first to the mat. As things spill to the outside he looks for Coffin Drop, but Andrade catches him and hits a German suplex. Andrade slaps Darby, who falls into the coffin, which is covered in thumbtacks on the inside. Allin blocks the lid, putting his arm into it.

    Andrade then carries Allin up the ramp backward and drops him onto the entrance. He follows that up by just launching Allin onto the metal grate at the top of the ramp. He then drags him back towards the coffin. He sends Allin into the stairs, while Andrade then tries to destroy the coffin.

    He carries Allin to the ring apron, but Allin fights off and charges with a tope suicida which sends both into the coffin. Allin tries to shut the lid, but Jose stops him. Darby fights him back and throws him onto the thumbtacks as Allin then slams the lid shut for the win.

    Winner: Darby Allin

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not much of an announcement lol

    Bloody Khan building us up for nothing .. KHHAAAANNNNNNNN!

  3. #3

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