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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE NXT: Stand & Deliver Live Coverage - April 6th, 2024

    WWE NXT Stand & Deliver 2024

    April 6, 2024 1:00 pm

    Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Available on:
    Peacock (U.S.)


    Trick Williams vs. Carmelo Hayes

    NXT Championship Match
    Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo

    NXT Women’s Championship Match
    Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Roxanne Perez

    NXT North American Championship Match
    Oba Femi (c) vs. Dijak vs. Josh Briggs

    NXT Tag Team Championship Match
    Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker (c) vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer

    Six-Woman Tag Team Match
    Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan vs. Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame

    Shawn Spears vs. Joe Gacy

    Your announcers are Booker T, Vic Joseph, and Wade Barrett.

    Your hosts are MetaFour.

    We see footage of them at RESTAURANT and they talk about Tony D'Angelo. Lash says she would rather be Ilja.

    They move on to MetaU to talk about Jacy and Thea. Lash acts like Andre Chase when Noam starts to talk.

    They are in an ambulance to talk about the Women's Title match. Noam says one is wrestling for vindication and one for reputation.

    They are in Dijak's interrogation room to talk about the North American Championship.

    They are in the barber shop to talk about the match between Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes.

    MetaFour welcome everyone to Stand and Deliver.

    NXT Tag Team Championship Match
    Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker (c) vs Nathan Frazer and Axiom

    Axiom and Frazer with many suicide dives to Bron and Baron. Axiom with a moonsault onto Bron and Baron.

    The match starts and Axiom with a cross body for a near fall on Bron. Axiom with a drop kick and Baron tags in. Frazer sends Axiom into Baron for a drop kick. Frazer counters Deep Six with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Frazer with a side head lock and he avoids Baron and hits a running thrust kick. Baron blocks a kick and he flips Frazer. Baron with a drop kick. Baron punches Frazer. Baron pulls Frazer off the ropes but he lands on his feet and he connects with an enzuigiri. Axiom tags in and hits a clothesline. Frazer with a kick and Axiom gets a near fall. Baron sends Axiom to the apron and Axiom with a kick to Baron and then Bron. Axiom is caught by Baron and Baron with a Death Valley Driver and a brainbuster for a near fall.

    Bron tags in and he punches Axiom. Bron chokes Axiom in the corner. Bron with a side head lock and he hits a running clothesline. Baron tags in and punches Axiom and follows with a knee. Baron chokes Axiom in the corner. Bron tags in and he connects with a knee. Bron with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Bron does some push ups. Bron with a rear chin lock. Axiom with chops but Bron with a knee. Axiom with Spanish Fly and both men are down. Baron and Frazer tag in and Frazer with a springboard drop kick. Frazer with a baseball slide to Bron followed by a springboard moonsault into a reverse DDT and a shooting star press for a near fall.

    Axiom tags in and Frazer misses a Phoenix splash. Baron punches Axiom and hits Deep Six on Frazer. Bron tags in and Baron with a power bomb. Axiom with Golden Ratio to Bron and Frazer with a super kick to Baron. Axiom gets a near fall on Bron. Axiom goes up top and Bron stops him. Bron with a jumping knee and he tags in Baron. Axiom kicks Baron away. Bron goes up top and hits a Frankensteiner into a power bomb from Bron for a near fall that is broken up by Frazer. Bron and Axiom exchange punches and forearms. Axiom with a snap German suplex and Corbin gives Axiom a uranage into the turnbuckles. Bron with a double knee gutbuster to Frazer. Bron goes to the turnbuckles but Axiom with an enzuigiri.

    Frazer tags in and Axiom sets for Spanish Fly and hits it. Frazer goes up top for a springboard 450 splash but Bron kicks out. Frazer goes up top and Bron stops Frazer with a potential low blow. Baron with a side slam to Axiom. Bron with a belly-to-back superplex and Frazer lands on his chest. Corbin tags in and goes up top. Corbin with a frog splash for a near fall. Frazer and Axiom are on the floor and Bron goes for a spear on Axiom but Frazer pulls him out of the way and Bron is down. Corbin pushes Axiom and Frazer over the announce table, but they go after Baron and punch him. They send Baron back into the ring.

    Frazer with a super kick. Axiom and Frazer tag in. Axiom with Golden Ratio and Frazer with a Phoenix Splash for a near fall. Axiom with a round kick and super kick. Baron with End of Days to Axiom. Frazer escapes End of Days, but he cannot escape a spear from Bron. Baron gets the three count.

    Winners: Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker (retain championship)

    We see Trick Williams arriving earlier today but unlike the Kickoff Show, he arrived before Carmelo.

    MetaFour are in Cowboys' gear and they say they need to do some interviews. There is only one man to interview Oba Femi and Noam says it is Oro. Oro is outside Oba Femi's locker room door. Oba opens the door right into Oro and knocks him out as Oba walks in the back.

    NXT North American Championship Match
    Oba Femi versus Dijak vs Josh Briggs

    Oba grabs Dijak and Josh. Josh is sent to the floor and he connects with a forearm. Oba blocks kicks from both men and flip them to the mat. Oba with a back elbow to Dijak and one to Josh. Josh with a back elbow to Oba. Josh with a boot to the head and Dijak with a boot as well. Josh and Dijak with many shoulder tackles to Oba but he stays on his feet. Josh and Dijak with shoulder tackles to send Oba to the floor. Dijak super kicks Josh and Dijak is caught by Oba. Oba uses Dijak to swat Briggs away. Oba drops Dijak onto Josh. Oba sends Dijak over the Spanish Announce table. Oba grabs the announcer's chair and throws it at Josh and Josh goes down. Dijak punches Oba and connects with forearms. Dijak has Oba in the chair and Dijak with a super kick.

    Dijak goes to the turnbuckles but Josh grabs Dijak and he throws Dijak onto Oba in the chair. Josh with a series of Yakuza kicks to Oba but he goes up top and is met with a chop to the midsection as he comes off. Josh with elbows to block a suplex attempt. Josh grabs Oba by the throat and Oba fights him off. Dijak grabs Oba and so does Josh. They hit a double choke slam and both men cover Oba for a near fall. Josh and Dijak have words for each other and Josh pushes Dijak. Dijak and Josh with forearms to Oba's back. They go for a double shoulder tackle but Oba catches them and hits a double choke slam.

    Josh with a waist lock on the apron to stop Oba but Oba with punches. Josh with a belly-to-back suplex on the apron. Josh with a bicycle kick as Dijak comes off the turnbuckles and Josh gets a near fall. Josh goes to the turnbuckles. Oba punches Josh and he climbs the turnbuckles with Josh. Josh chokes Oba and Dijak with a super kick to knock Oba to the floor. Dijak punches Josh and he goes to the turnbuckles. Dijak sets for a superplex and Josh stops him and Josh with a clothesline off the turnbuckles and he gets a near fall when the Dijak gets his foot on the ropes. Josh with forearms to Oba. Oba and Josh punch each other. Dijak with a chop to Oba. Dijak chops Josh as well. Josh with elbows and forearms. Josh with a forearm to Oba.. Dijak with a super kick. Josh clotheslines Oba over the top rope and Dijak with a cyclone kick for a near fall.

    Dijak with punches to Josh. Josh with a Northern Lariat and chops in the corner on Dijak. Dijak with Final Justice for a near fall. DIjak with a super kick but Josh with a big boot. Josh goes for a choke slam and Dijak counters with a Destroyer for a near fall. Dijak gets Josh on his shoulders and he starts to climb. Oba goes under Dijak and gets him on his shoulders. Oba with an Electric Chair drop on DIjak who hits a Death Valley Driver. Oba gets a near fall on Josh that is broken up by Dijak. Oba punches Dijak and he goes for a pop up power bomb but Dijak gets to his feet. Dijak with a boot to the head. Dijak with another boot to the head and Dijak goes for a third and hits a cyclone kick. Dijak gets Oba up for Feast Your Eyes and he hits it. Dijak gets a near fall and Josh with a moonsault to Oba. Dijak kicks Josh to the floor. Dijak gets Oba up again and he hits Feast Your Eyes but Josh pulls out the referee.

    Dijak with a flip dive onto Josh on the floor. Oba is sent into the ring post by Dijak. Dijak charges at Oba but Oba moves. Josh with a shoulder tackle through the ringside barrier. Dijak with Feast Your Eyes to Briggs on the floor. Dijak sends Josh back into the ring. Dijak says it is over and he gets Josh up and hits Feast Your Eyes but Oba grabs Dijak to break up the cover. Oba power bombs Dijak onto Josh and Oba pins Josh for the three count.

    Winner: Oba Femi (retains championship)

    Tony D'Angelo is in his locker room.

    MetaFour is in the back and they are trying to interview Kelani, Thea, and Fallon but Andre and Duke says it isn't the best thing to do. Noam asks Thea if she really thought Jacy was her friend. Thea puts Noam in the kimura and she screams a lot.

    Thea Hail, Fallon Henley, and Kelani Jordan versus Kiana James, Izzi Dame, and Jacy Jayne

    Before the match starts, Kiana, Izzi, and Jacy attack Fallon, Kelani, and Thea while they pose on the apron and turnbuckles. They send Fallon back into the ring and the referee starts the match and Izzi Irish whips Fallon into the turnbuckles and hits a back breaker. Kiana tags in and she kicks Fallon in the midsection and stomps on the midsection. Kiana with a running boot and she tags in Jacy. They go for a double suplex but Kelani makes the save and Thea tags in and hits a cross body on Izzi while Kelani and Fallon drop kick Kiana and Jacy. Fallon with a baseball slide and Kelani with a pescado. Jacy hits Thea from behind. Thea goes for a springboard coffin drop but Jacy moves and Thea lands on Riley.

    Jacy sends Thea into the turnbuckles. Jacy with punches and Kiana tags in and connects with a series of shoulders. Izzi tags in and runs into a boot. Thea knocks Kiana and Jacy off the apron. Izzi goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Thea lands on her feet. Thea avoids Izzi and tags in Kelani. Kelani with forearms to Jacy followed by a cartwheel into a back elbow. Kelani drop kicks Izzi. Kelani with a handspring and she gives Jacy a flatliner. Izzi knocks Kelani off the turnbuckles. Izzi tags in and she sends Kelani's face into the mat many times.

    Izzi with forearms to Kelani but Kelani fires back. Izzi sends Kelani to the mat and she hits an elbow drop and gets a near fall. Izzi catapults Kelani into the turnbuckles. Kiana tags in and she connects with shoulders in the corner. Kiana with a running shoulder into the corner. Jacy tags in and hits a cannonball for a near fall. Jacy with an Irish whip and a running hip into the corner. Kiana tags in and she gives Kelani a knee to the midsection. Kiana goes for an abdominal stretch and she locks it in. Kiana with a forearm to the back and Kelani with a rollup for a near fall. Kiana keeps Kelani from making the tag and Kiana with a short arm clothesline and a kick. Izzi tags in and Kelani is sent into Izzi's boot and she gets a near fall.

    Izzi tries to catapult Kelani into the turnbuckles but she blocks it and lands on the turnbuckles. Izzi catches Kelani off the turnbuckles and hits a back breaker. Izzi misses an elbow drop and Fallon tags in and she hits a series of clotheslines and a springboard bulldog to Kiana and a kick to Izzi. Fallon with forearms to Izzi and she sends Izzi into Kiana. Fallon with a hair take down to Jacy. Fallon is put on the turnbuckles by Kiana and Fallon with a kick. Fallon with a tornado suplex for a near fall.

    Izzi kicks Thea and Fallon chops Izzi. Fallon sends Kiana to the mat and she goes up top. Kiana with a double thrust and she sets for Spanish Fly and she hits it but can only get a near fall. Jacy tags in and Izzi with a flatliner and Kiana hits 401k. Jacy with a running knee but Thea breaks up the cover. Jacy backs away from Thea and Kiana hits Thea from behind. Thea with a tornado DDT and Izzi catches Thea on a springboard move but Duke catches Thea when she is thrown to the floor. Kelani with a Tiger Feint Cutter. Kelani goes up top and hits a moonsault on Izzi and Kiana. Jazmyn with a spinning heel kick to Kelani on the floor.

    Thea tags in and she crotch chops Jacy and then Jacy looks to make the tag but there is no one on the apron. They throw punches and Jacy pushes Thea away and connects with a forearm. They go back and forth. Jacy with a jumping knee but she misses a discus clothesline. Thea with a Thesz Press and punches. Thea with exploders. Jacy send Thea into the ropes and gets a near fall. Thea goes for the kimura and Jacy sends Thea to the apron. Thea drops the arm on the top rope and Kiana pulls Thea to the floor. Izzi tags in and she misses a boot. Thea with a kimura and Izzi taps out.

    Winners: Thea Hail, Kelani Jordan, and Fallon Henley

    Ava says that if that tag match doesn't show how strong the women's division is, she doesn't know what does. She says the women are the back bone of NXT. They will soon be crowning a Women's North American Champion.

    We see Giulia in the crowd.

    NXT Women’s Championship Match
    Lyra Valkyria (c) vs Roxanne Perez

    They lock up and Perez backs Lyra into the corner and Lyra escapes as Perez tries to work on the injured arm. Lyra with a waist lock take down and a second one. Lyra with a front face lock and Perez with an arm bar and she sends Lyra to the mat. Lyra with a side head lock. Lyra catches Perez on a leap frog and Perez escapes and she goes after the arm. Lyra with a waist lock and Perez with a wrist lock. Perez turns it into an arm bar. Perez with a shoulder tackle and a head scissors but Lyra with a cartwheel to land on her feet. Lyra with a hip toss and back elbow. Perez blocks a hip toss and she applies a hammer lock. Lyra sends Perez through the ropes to the floor.

    Lyra with a drop kick through the ropes. Lyra sends Perez back into the ring and she hits a drop kick that sends Perez into the turnbuckles. Perez with a kick to the arm and she comes off the turnbuckles with a seated splash to the arm. Perez with elbows to the arm and a hammer lock divorce court. Perez with a running uppercut and a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Perez slams the arm into the mat. Perez with a knee drop to the arm. Perez with a chop and she wraps the arm in the ropes and adds pressure to it. Perez kicks Lyra in the ribs. Perez with a forearm to the injured arm. Perez with an arm bar.

    Lyra with punches and Perez sends Lyra to the mat. Perez tries to stomp on the arm but Lyra with a rollup for a near fall. Perez with an arm bar and she applies a hammer lock to the arm and then hyper-extends the injured arm. Perez with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall and then she applies an arm bar submission but Lyra tries to lock her hands to block it. Lyra gets a near fall but Perez gets Lyra back to the mat and holds on to the submission. Lyra kicks Perez to get out of the hold. Perez with an elbow to the injudred arm and Lyra is sent shoulder first into the turnbuckles. Lyra sends Perez face first into the turnbuckles. Perez with a kick and Lyra with a rollup for a near fall. Lyra goes to the turnbuckles and hits a cross body and Perez rolls through and goes for a knee drop to the arm but misses. Lyra blocks a suplex and Lyra with a back body drop.

    Both women go for a cross body at the same time and both go down. Lyra with punches and kicks to Perez. Lyra with more strikes and kicks. Lyra with a clothesline and a series of kicks. Lyra with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall and she holds on and hits another one for a near fall. Lyra goes for a fisherman's buster but Lyra had to release the hold due to the damage done to her arm. Perez with a punch and Lyra with a facebuster and a fisherman's buster for a near fall. Perez stops Lyra on the turnbuckles and Perez with a slap. Lyra slaps back. They exchange more slaps and Lyra with forearms to the back.

    Lyra goes for a sunset flip power bomb but Perez holds on to the ropes to stop it. Lyra is able to hit a Liger Bomb for a near fall. Perez rolls to the floor. Lyra with a suicide dive but Perez with a forearm. Perez with a suicide dive into a DDT. Lyra misses a spinning back heel kick. Perez with a kick and Pop Rox for a near fall. Perez kicks the arm and she sends Lyra shoulder first into the ring post. Perez with a hammer lock and she sends Lyra into the ring post again. Perez with punches and the referee pulls her off Lyra to avoid disqualifying her. Perez pulls off the turnbuckle pad and the referee warns her again.

    Tatum Paxley comes to the ring and Perez knocks Paxley off the apro. Perez tries to stomp on the arm on the turnbuckle but Lyra moves and Lyra pulls Perez into the ring post. Lyra kicks Perez. Lyra misses Perez and hits Tatum. Perez sends Lyra into the ring post and wrings the arm into the post. Lyra is sent back into the ring. Perez with La Mistica and she goes for the crossface but Lyra counters with a rollup for a near fall. Lyra with a spining back heel kick and she gets a near fall. Lyra goes up top and misses a splash. Perez applies a cross face and Lyra counters with a rollup for a near fall. Lyra counters Pop Rox with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Perez gets a near fall.

    Lyra with a German suplex and she gets Perez up for Night Wing but Perez with a poisonrana and Pop Rox. Perez with a Crossface. Perez pulls Lyra into the center of the ring and Lyra cannot escape the hold and Lyra taps out.

    Winner: Roxanne Perez (new champion)

    We see Ilja Dragunov in his locker room preparing for his match.

    NXT Championship Match
    Ilja Dragunov versus Tony D’Angelo

    Tony has a kick blocked but Tony with punches to Ilja. Ilja with a front face lock but Tony backs him into the ropes. Ilja suplexes Tony over the top rope and both go to the floor. Ilja sends Tony into the apron and they return to the ring. Ilja misses a back fist and Tony takes Ilja to the ropes and they go over the top to the floor. Tony slams Ilja's head into the apron. They return to the ring and both men with clotheslines at the same time. Ilja with a forearm and Tony fires back. They continue the exchange. Tony with punches and Ilja with a boot ot the head. Ilja with a German suplex after avoiding a jumping punch from Tony. Ilja holds on and hits a second German suplex. Ilja holds on and goes for a third German suplex but Tony grabs the hand. Ilja slaps Tony but Tony punches Ilja. Tony stomps on the hand and he punches Ilja and gets a near fall.

    Tony with a waist lock. Ilja falls in the ropes when he goes for Konstantin Special. Tony with a gutwrench suplex and he gets a near fall. Ilja with head butts to Tony and Tony puts Ilja on the turnbuckles. Ilja with elbows to stop Tony. Ilja with head butts and both men fall off the turnbuckles to the floor. Ilja runs Tony's back into the ring post. Ilja with chops. Ilja misses a chop and hits the ring post. Tony runs Ilja into the ring post. Tony breaks the referee's count and he goes back to the floor. Ilja gets Tony up and Tony grabs the hand but Ilja with a Death Valley Driver on the floor.

    Ilja with a waist lock and a German suplex. Ilja holds on and hits a second one. Ilja holds on and Tony with a standing switch. Tony with a punch and Ilja with an enzuigiri. Ilja with a running knee to the head and a second one. Ilja with a running clothesline and he gets a near fall. Ilja with a front face lock. Ilja with a sunset flip power bomb. Tony kicks Ilja away. Channing gives Tony brass knuckles and he gives them back. Ilja with a running chop after Tony shows some integrity. Ilja kicks Channing. Tony with punches. Ilja with chops. Ilja kicks Tony in the corner. Tony tries for a spinebuster but Ilja counters with a DDT for a near fall.

    Ilja with forearms to the back of the head. Channing gets on the apron and Tony tells him to stop. Channing backs off. Tony with a head butt and he punches Ilja. Tony with a Thesz Press and punches. Ilja kicks Tony and hits a jumping kick. Tony with a belly-to-belly suplex. Ilja with chops and Tony with a belly-to-belly suplex. Tony sets for a Saito suplex but Ilja with elbows and a round kick. Ilja runs the ropes and Tony with a clothesline. Tony with a German suplex and he gets a near fall. Tony puts Ilja on the turnbukles and Tony with an overhead belly-to-belly superplex. Tony and Ilja remove the hood of the Spanish Announce Table and they clear it off. They exchange punches and Tony sets for a power bomb through the table but Ilja blocks it and hits a seated splash. Ilja with H Bomb. Ilja puts Tony on the table and goes to the ringside barrier and he sets for H Bomb and hits it to break the table.

    Ilja sends Tony into the ring and he goes up top and hits a back senton. Ilja gets a near fall. Ilja goe sup top and Tony catches Ilja and hits a power bomb. Tony gets a near fall. Tony with a boot to the back and to the head. Tony with a uranage for a near fall. Tony goes for a suplex and Ilja blocks it and he slaps Tony. Tony with a head butt and he tries for a fisherman's suplex but Ilja counters with an inside cradle for a near fall. Ilja with a forearm and Torpedo Moscow. Ilja goes up top for H Bomb and hits it for the three count.

    Winner: Ilja Dragunov (retains championship)

    Lyra is in the back and Tatum Paxley stops by to talk to her and see how she is doing but Lyra says this isn't the time.

    We have a video for Je'Von Evans. he says he is 19 years old and he is ready to run. NXT is about to find out that your boy is bouncy. The Young OG is coming and he will see you Tuesday.

    MetaFour is in the ring and he says they have broken the NXT attendance record. He says there were 16,545 people today at the show.

    We see Carmelo Hayes.

    Trick Williams vs Carmelo Hayes

    They wait in their respective corners to take in the crowd's reaction. They lock up and Hayes with a side head lock. Hayes with a take down and he 'kicks dirt' on Trick. They lock up and Trick with a waist lock take down but Hayes counters with an arm drag. Hayes slaps Trick a few times. Trick with a punch and Hayes sends Trick to the floor. Trick trips Hayes and pulls him to the floor. Trick punches Hayes and sends him into the ring post. Trick drops Hayes on the ringside barrier. Trick clotheslines Hayes over the ringside barrier and they fight into the crowd. Trick punches Hayes and follows with forearms. Trick with an elbow and punch. They go into the aisle and Hayes with a kick and he sends Trick into a trash can. Hayes with a cross body off the boards. Hayes goes up to a member of Trick's family and knocks his hat off.

    Trick with a punch and he back drops Hayes over the ringside barrier. Trick blocks a kick from Melo and they go back into the ring. Trick misses a side kick and Hayes with a springboard clothesline. Hayes with a forearm to the back. Hayes pulls off the turnbuckle pad and Trick with a splash. They fight to the turnbuckles and Trick looks in the direction of the announce table. Trick sets for a suplex to the floor. Hayes blocks and he escapes. Hayes kicks Trick and he hits the turnbuckle in the ribs. Hayes with kicks and he runs Trick into the apron. Hayes with a slingshot boot to the midsection. Hayes kicks Trick in the ribs many times. Hayes with punches to the ribs followed by kicks. Trick blocks a punch and he punches Hayes. Hayes blocks the pop up uppercut and Trick blocks a springboard move with an uppercut. Both men go with flying boots at the same time and both are down.

    Trick and Hayes alternate forearms on their knees and they go to their feet for more. Trick blocks a kick and he punches Hayes. Trick with a jumping side kick and a flapjack. Hayes avoids a Cyclone kick and hits La Mistica. Hayes goes up top and sets for Nothing But Net but Trick blocks it and he hits a jumping neck breaker. Trick with a cyclone kick for a near fall. Trick misses a kick on the floor and Hayes with punches and a double thrust to the throat. Hayes goes to the apron and hits a springboard move onto the fallen announce table. Hayes goes up top and he hits a frog splash for a near fall. Trick with a clothesline and he sets for a jumping knee but Hayes counters with a Codebreaker for a near fall.

    Hayes unwraps his wrist tape and he tries to choke Trick but Trick avoids it and Trick hits the referee with a splash when Hayes moves. Hayes clips Trick. Hayes gets a chair and he tosses it into the ring. Trick grabs the chair and they play tug of war over it and Trick hits Hayes in the ribs and in the back a few times. Hayes begs for mercy and the referee takes the chair from Trick. Hayes with a low blow that the referee does not see and Hayes gets a near fall. Trick punches Hayes and Hayes with a running knee that misses Trick and hits the referee. Hayes goes up top and hits Nothing But Net. A second referee enters the fray and Hayes gets a near fall. Hayes yells at new referee.

    Hayes grabs the chair and the referee warns Hayes. He takes the chair and Trick misses a cyclone kick but Trick with a jumping knee for the three count.

    Winner: Trick Williams

    After the match:
    Trick celebrates and the crowd goes wild.

    End of show

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    NXT Kick-Off show: Joe Gacy defeated Shawn Spears.

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    Knuckles is at ringside because the next match is sponsored by Knuckles, the tv series coming soon to Paramount+

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    Oba Femi defeated DIJAK and Josh Briggs to retain the NXT North American Title.

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    Thea Hail, Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan defeated Kiana James, Izzi Dame and Jacy Jayne.

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    NXT general manager Ava announced that a new NXT Women's North American championship is coming to NXT.

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    Lyra Valkyria (c) vs Roxanne Perez coming up

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    Roxanne Perez defeated Lyra Valkyria to become new champion

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