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  1. #1
    **Incorporated Filmix** Dangerous Incorporated's Avatar
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    Exclamation *Spoilers* Full 2 Jan Ecw Results - Lakeland, Fl


    ECW on SciFi opened up with a video package hyping the Bobby Lashley vs. Rob Van Dam ECW World Title match. The ECW opening aired, and they went live to Lakeland, Florida, with Test already in the ring.

    Test talked about how the fans voted two weeks ago for who should challenge Lashley amongst himself, Van Dam and Sabu. Test then had them show the footage of him defeating Van Dam and Sabu in a three way match two weeks ago. Test talked about how he was a winner, and then showed the results of the fan voting and complained about Van Dam being selected. Test then had them air the clip of him laying out RVD after the results of the voting were revealed. Test said championship matches are determined by wins, and that he was the number one contender. Test said he was the "impact player" in ECW, and that tonight he would make another impact.

    Test vs. Sabu.

    Sabu hit a series of right hands at the start, then kicked Test's legs out from under him. Sabu dropkicked Test in the face for a two count. Sabu started throwing punches again, and Test hit a clothesline, then pounded Sabu on the mat. Test hit a side backbreaker, then gave Sabu a second before planting him with a side slam for a two count. Test whipped Sabu into the corner, then put him in a bear hug. Sabu broke free and caught a charging Test with a boot. Sabu hit a springboard leg lariat, ducked a clothesline, and hit another springboard leg lariat for a two count. Test blocked a whip and slammed Sabu, then went to the top rope and jumped right into Sabu's feet. Sabu hit a springboard DDT on Test for a two count. Sabu went for another springboard, but Test caught him with a boot to the face. Test then hit the TKO for the win at the three minute mark.

    Winner: Test.

    Rob Van Dam was shown warming up in the back.

    After the commercial, a video package on the Sandman was shown.

    Elijah Burke and Sylvester Terkay were in the ring, with Burke calling Terkay the "man bear".

    Elijah Burke & Sylvester Terkay vs. The FBI.

    Burke started out with Little Guido, and Guido tried a crucifix pin, but soon Terkay tagged in and knocked out Guido with a big boot and planted him with a belly to belly suplex. Burke tagged back in and hit a double jumping knee in the corner, then a vertical suplex, then a back suplex. Burke jumped off the second rope, put ont he breaks when Guido got his feet up, but then missed an elbowdrop when Guido rolled away. Mamaluke tagged in and hit a flying forearm, but Burke caught him with an STO. Terkay tagged in and hit a modified faceplant slam, then applied an armbar for the submission win at the three minute mark.

    Winners: Elijah Burke & Sylvester Terkay

    Bobby Lashley was shown warming up in the back.

    CM Punk vs. Hardcore Holly was announced for next week.

    Matt Striker was backstage with his blackboard. Striker taught us that three minutes and the Anaconda Vice weren't as great as Hardcore Holly. Holly entered and said that Punk can't beat him, and can't make him tap out.

    We saw that Tommy Dreamer was being set up for an interview "via satellite" as they reviewed his recent beatings at the hands of the Great Khali. Joey Styles asked Tommy Dreamer if he has a "death wish" for continuing to go after Great Khali. Dreamer said he continues to get up because that is who he is. Dreamer says he doesn't stop until he gets what he wants. Dreamer said he was going to chop Great Khali down and make him fall like a redwood. Dreamer said it wasn't a death wish, it was just what he does.

    Rob Van Dam was interviewed backstage. He thanked Bobby Lashley for putting the ECW Title on the line, and thanked the fans for voting him into the match. He said now he would do his part and win the ECW World Title.

    Brad Armstrong joined Tazz and Joey Styles on commentary.

    Kevin Thorn vs. Balls Mahoney

    Thorn attacked with punches at the start, then downed Balls with a clothesline. Thorn ripped at his face, then pounded his chest with forearms. Thorn hit a running kick to the back of Balls' head, then hit some forearms to the face while Balls was slumped on the bottom rope. Thorn kicked Balls in the head from the floor, then hit some shoulderblocks in the corner. Thorn missed a charge, and Balls hit some punches, with the fans chanting along. Thorn came right back with a reverse elbow as Balls charged him, then got the pin at the three minute mark. That's right, a simple back elbow. They replayed it over and over and sold it as being a devastating shot. Balls had some blood coming from his mouth, and doctors checked on him.

    Winner: Kevin Thorn.

    Bobby Lashley was interviewed backstage. He said he is ready for any style in the ring. Lashley said he has wrestled all his life, and he is prepared for any style of combat. Lashley said he respects Rob Van Dam, but he was going into the match as ECW World Champion, and leaving as ECW World Champion.

    They aired a video on the Tribute To The Troops show.

    Tazz interviewed Vladimir Kozlov in the crowd. Kozlov said he "likes ECW style very much". When asked for a prediction in the main event, he said he can beat both of them. He said "I love Double Double E" a few times and that was it.

    ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley vs. Rob Van Dam.

    They locked up at the bell, and Lashley shoved Van Dam to the mat. RVD grabbed a side headlock, and Lashley threw him off. They locked up again, and RVD fired off some punches. Lashley returned fire, then ran into an RVD boot. Van Dam flipped over Lashley in a corner, then went for a spinkick, but Lashley caught it and tripped Van Dam. Lashley went for an elbowdrop, but Van Dam rolled out of the way.

    They locked up and RVD kicked the back of Lashley's leg and went for an armbar, but Lashley punched out of it and went for a backdrop, but Van Dam kicked it away. Van Dam ran into a Lashley powerslam, and Lashley then applied a bearhug. Van Dam fought out of it, but got caught with a spinebuster. Lashley pressed RVD over his head and threw him over the top rope and to the floor.

    Lashley went to the outside and rolled Van Dam back into the ring for a two count. Lashley went back to the bearhug. RVD elbowed Lashley in the head to break out, and kicked Lashley as he tried to ram RVD into the turnbuckles. RVD hit a springboard thrust kick, then a spinning leg lariat for a two count. Van Dam powerslammed Lashley, then hit the split leg moonsault for a two count. RVD went for a monkeyflip, but Lashley stopped it and gave RVD a belly to belly suplex. RVD flipped over a backdrop attempt and caught a Lashley kick, but Lashley grabbed RVD before he could to a spin kick and put him in a torture rack backbreaker. Lashley dropped down to his knees with the hold, bending RVD over his shoulders, then scored a two count.

    Lashley gave Van Dam a delayed vertical suplex, then measured him for a spear. Van Dam blocked it with a drop toe hold, and Lashley went face first into the mat. Van Dam went to the top rope and sort of hit/sort of missed his top rope kick. Van Dam went for the Rolling Thunder backsplash, but Lashley rolled out of the way, and out of the ring. Lashley grabbed Van Dam after he crashed to the mat and pulled him to the floor. Lashley hit a clothesline on the outside, then rammed him into the announcers table. Lashley went for a suplex on the outside, but Van Dam blocked it and slammed Lashley chest first on the announcers table. Van Dam went to the ring apron, and Lashley stood up on the table. Van Dam jumped off the second rope with a clothesline on Lashley and they both fell off the table to the floor. There was an "ECW" chant for Van Dam's jump. Both men just laid there, and the referee stopped the match.

    Result: No contest.

    The announcers stopped talking, and they showed multiple replays of the jump, which revealed ... well, that RVD hit a clothesline on Lashley, and they fell off the announcers table and landed pretty much on their feet and slumped to the floor. The original angle made it look like they hit the security wall, but the other angles they used in replays showed that not to be the case. There was an audible "Bulls***" chant from the fans. Doctors checked RVD and Lashley as the show ended.

    Source: PWInsider

    WWE pissing off the fans as usual.

    1958 - 2009

  2. #2
    Ring Crew
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    i dont get it whats the angle now.....RVD quitting to TNA??????, RVD ashley and test in three way dance.....??????

  3. #3
    Ring Crew
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