The show was taped Monday to accomodate the roster flying to Thailand and Japan for live events this week:

*Smackdown started with Teddy Long coming to the ring and saying that at The No Way Out PPV, The Undertaker will face Kurt Angle for the title. Teddy then calls out the winner of the Royal Rumble Rey Mysterio. Mysterio was talking about how Eddie Guerrero pulled a funny one on him for giving him the # 2 entry when Randy Orton comes out. Orton challenges him for the # 1 Contendership at No Way Out. Orton was rippig into Eddie, saying that Eddie didn't go to heaven and that he was in hell, which led to Rey and Orton brawling.

*The Mexicools vs, MNM for the WWE Tag Team titles: Pretty good match with the ending coming with Melina hitting Super Crazy when he was on the top rope with her shoe.

*Booker T was scheduled to defend the United States title against Benoit but said he was to hurt to fight and Teddy Long told him he would have to find a replacement and if the replacement lost he would lose the belt too.

*JBL came out and cut a promo of how he is a wrestling God and stuck around for the next match...

*Lashley vs. The Dicks: Quick squash by Lashley pinned one of the Ddicks after a dominator. After the match, JBL hits Lashley with the clothesline from hell.

*The Undertaker came out for a promo saying how he would win the world heavyweight championship at No Way Out. Kurt Angle comes out and says there was no chance he would beat him. Taker tells him he will RIP at No way Out and then. On TV, he is supposed to "disappear" but live, it was funny as he just ran from the ring and went under the apron.

*Sharmell and Booker come out and say there replacement for the match against Benoit is....

*Finlay vs. Chris Benoit: Nice stiff match between the two...the chops sounded brutal. Benoit won by DQ when Sharmell came in and hit him with one of Booker T's crutches. Finlay and Booker rough up Benoit after the match.

*They announce that next week, Gregory Helms will defend the Cruiserweight title against Nunzio.

*Booker T and Sharmell were celebrating in the back when the Boogeyman shows up behind them and says he's coming to get them and eats worms as they run away.

*There is a segment with Palmer Canon talking about how William Regal and Paul Burchill no longer want to be Tag Team partners but I couldn't hear it that well.

*Main Event: Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio vs. Mark Henry and Randy Orton: Decent match, ended with Angle chasing Daivari through the crowd and Orton pinning Rey with a rollup. After the match Orton says he told Rey he could beat him and that his win at the Rumble was a fluke and Rey says in memory of Eddie he will put his shot at the title on the line at No Way Out against Orton.