Another Loopy Interview w/ Kurt Angle

Listened to Angle on Between the Ropes. He was on the show for a grand total of 54 minutes, and I daresay that 53 of those minutes involved Kurt talking. The guy is VERBOSE. Here's some of his crazier/more entertaining comments:
-He stateed that in the "other company" he was always the "Anti-American," and that Vince wouldn't let him wear the American flag. He also stated that he stole his coming-from-underneath ring entrance from Gangrel (~!) of all people.
-Stated that he's part of the "writing process" in TNA, though not actually a writer. Angle hinted that he'll take on a "larger role in the company" in the near future.
-Talked about other TNA wrestlers for a bit. Said that he can have "five star" matches with guys like Sabin, AJ, Daniels and Senshi. He also noted that some of these guys have trouble on TNA as opposed to ROH because "characters, and not matches, are what get over on a national show."
-Said that McMahon forced him to turn down 26 (??????) movies, and that "Mr. McMahon pretty much owned me" in his time in WWE.
-Talked about the "new" direction of TNA, which will be more "wrestling focused." Said that future Impact episodes will feature one 12-16 minute match, an 8-10 minute match and a few 3-4 minute matches (I'm not holding my breath). Says that TNA will focus on wrestling, and now "low brow comedy and gutter humor like what is happening in the Northeast." Also said that TNA should be getting 2 hour shows by the Fall.
-Said that Spike "no longer wanted" and "kicked out" WWE from their network because Vince wouldn't cooperate with them. He said that it is this cooperation between TNA and Spike that will eventually get them the two hours
-Talked about MMA in detail. Said that his plans to fight MMA are "very real" and that he was offered the "highest contract UFC ever offered" before initially joining WWE after the Olympics. He turned UFC down because "they were banned in 48 states."
-In 2003, Vince apparently wanted to set up a PPV with Angle in a legit MMA fight with Mike Tyson (!!!!), but it was nixed when Angle broke his neck again.
-Said that he's currently deciding between Elite XC and UFC. Said that UFC offered him a contract after he left the WWE, but that Kurt turned them down when Dana White called pro wrestling "not real." Whoever he fights for, he plans to only fight three fights. Also says that he could "make 205 (pounds) if I tried."
-Called himself "the quickest heavyweight wrestler ever," and that his quickness would help him beat any MMA fighter. Compared himself to Fedor, saying that he fights "like an animal."
-Was very knowledgable about MMA fighters. Talked in detail about fight strategy and how fighters like Chuck, Tito, and Randy Couture win their fights. Noted that Ricco Rodriguez beat Randy Couture on a leg takedown he learned from Mark Kerr.
-Said that he would train MMA with Couture, Mark Coleman and "that black guy" who he later remembered as Kevin Randleman (if he's not on dialysis). Called Couture the world's "smartest fighter."
-Funniest line of the night: Angle said that Pride offered him a "5 year/$30 million" contract (now think of that statement in light of Pride's current financial state) recently.
-Buried ECW. Said that ratings his last week were 2.6, two weeks later were a 1.1
-In second funniest statement said that "Vince and I have gotten over it, and he said he'd hire me back." (This after burying Vince for nearly an hour) He later said that Vince has "not enough talent" for three promotions, and needs to consolidate into one.
-Talked about TNA guys. Said that Joe is "still learning" but pretty much put him over. Said that WWE actually had Joe in for "several tryout matches" (is this true?) but Vince passed due to his lack of "vision." (this directly after saying that he and Vince have "gotten over it")
-Admitted to the Sabin/Pigpen thing, stating that "he thinks it's hilarious". Sure he does buddy.
-Put over AJ as a heel, as well as Daniels, though Angle asked "what does Fallen Angel mean? Why is he the Fallen Angel? Is there some sort of story?" Oh dear god, there's going to be some sort of Russo-riffic angle on the origins of the "Fallen Angel" now.
-Said that Russo has done "incredibly well" making people care about characters. At this point I spit out my Coke for the 39th time.
-Finished by talking about his upcoming match with Steiner. Angle said that his best attribute is his ability to "adapt" to different ring styles, and actually buried Shawn Michaels acting like he could throw around the 380 pound Umaga. Said that his matches with Steiner would be "stiff" and "physical" and that he'd "have a hard time moving him." Boy, I can't wait.
All in all, an utterly delusional and hilarious hour of delusional Kurt Angle talking. Between the Pride offer, Vince denying Kurt 26 movies, and Chris Sabin finding the Pigpen name "hilarious," I'd say that this stuff is better than Aesop's Fables.


At what point exactly did Angle turn nuts? I mean he never did any loopy interviews in the E unless McMahon had a tight leash on what he said.