Known Facts and Bio:

Name: Eugene

Height: 6 foot 1
Weight: 238 pounds
From: Louisville, Ky.
Finishing Move: Rock Bottom, Stunner, Hogan legdrop
Career Highlights: World Tag Team Champion with William Regal, won the Angle Invitational
Real Facts and Bio:

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 226 lbs

Real Name: Nick Dinsmore

DOB: 12/17/77

Hometown: Jeffersonville, Indiana

Other Names: Conquistadore #1(WWE), Nick Dinsmore(OVW)

Wrestler Since: 1996

Finishing Maneuver: Rock Bottom, Leg Drop, Stunner


It's amazing how far Nick Dinsmore has come in his eight-year career. What's even more amazing is how he's gone from being known as "Mr. Wrestling" to becoming the lovable idiot savante, Eugene, in WWE.

The Beginning

Dinsmore decided at a young age that he wanted to be a wrestler when he grew up. Dinsmore had other interests as well, though, including football. In 1993, Dinsmore played on the Providence High School Pioneers' state championship team, a major accomplishment. Dinsmore was also a wrestler for the school, though, and quickly decided that he wanted to stay on that path. In 1996, Dinsmore began training under Danny Davis, a long-time veteran in the sport. Davis was also the owner of a training ground for the World Wrestling Federation (later WWE), known as Ohio Valley Wrestling.


After a period of training, Dinsmore began to become a major force in OVW, using his newly-honed technical skills to impress the fans who came out to the shows. In '97, Dinsmore earned his first gold, teaming with Flash Flanagan to become the OVW Southern Tag-Team Champions. But Dinsmore & Flanagan couldn't co-exist, leading to a split in the team. The belts were later vacated. This left Dinsmore looking for a new partner, and he soon selected "Iron Man" Rob Conway. In MCW, the two became known as Limited Edition, but in OVW, they called themselves the Lords of the Ring.


In January '98, after the belts were vacated, the OVW Southern Tag-Team Title Tournament was created to decide two worthy champions. It took place in March '98, with several teams hungry for the gold. Dinsmore & Conway worked together to make it to the semi-finals, where they took down Dinmore's old partner, Flanagan, along with Jason Lee. The duo then headed into the finals, where they overcame Rip Rogers & Trailor Park Trash to become the tag-team champs. In April '98, Dinsmore & Conway snatched up another vacated championship, winning a Four-Way Match over the Tennessee Volunteers, Shane Eden & Frenchy Riviera, & the Rock-n-Roll Express to gain the MCW North American Tag-Team Titles. However, Dinsmore & Conway didn't wrestle much with the MCW Titles, and they were vacated in May '98.

In OVW, though, the Lords of the Ring continued to go strong. They had a major feud with Rip Rogers & Dave the Rave, with the belts changing hands several times in the month of May, including twice on May 18th, as Rogers & Rave won the belts away, but lost them back to the Lords of the Ring later that night. The feud eventually caused the Tag-Team Titles to be vacated again at the end of May, leading to another OVW Southern Tag-Team Title Tournament being set up. Just like the one earlier in the year, though, the Lords of the Ring were too strong, defeating Rip Rogers & Dave the Rave in the semi-finals, then beating Flash Flanagan & Jason Lee to win the belts for a fourth time. Unfortunately, though, Dave the Rave & his new partner, Juan Hurtado, defeated the Lords of the Ring for the gold only 2 weeks later.

It was around this time that Dinsmore began showing that his talents weren't solely located in the tag-team division. He started to become a major contender for the singles titles, and finally got his chance in June '98, defeating Rip Rogers to become the OVW Heavyweight Champion. However, only a week later, when Dinsmore failed to show up for an OVW show, David C was given the belt via forfeit, an ignominous way to end a title reign. Dinsmore then went back to concentrating on his duties with the Lords of the Ring.

In September '98, the Southern Tag-Team Belts, for the third time that year, were vacated, due to injuries sustained by Bryan Cash, one of the tag-team champs. This set up another OVW Southern Tag-Team Title Tournament, the specialty of the Lords of the Ring. They didn't disappoint, taking down the Andretti Express, Rip Rogers & David C, and Jason Lee & Rod Steel to regain the OVW Southern Tag-Team Titles. The duo defended the belts for almost a month before losing to the Andretti Express, then spent a month trying to get the belts back, finally managing it near the end of November '98. The Lords of the Ring held the belts for the next few weeks, but the belts were vacated (again) on December 8th, and stayed vacated for the rest of the year.


In the beginning of January '99, the Lords of the Ring had a chance to get the vacated titles, in a match against David C & the Damaja. But when Dinsmore again no-showed, Conway had to try to fight on his own, and eventually lost via countout. A few weeks later, though, the Lords of the Ring were able to get things back together, winning the belts back from their two foes. The feud wasn't over, however, as David C & the Damaja struck the next week in the rematch to take the belts away. Dinsmore, around the same time, had reentered the contenders race for the OVW Heavyweight strap, and fought Rod Steele for the gold in February '99. Due to outside interference, Dinsmore won the match, and briefly celebrated with the belt. But when he learned about the interference, Dinsmore would have none of it, giving the belt back to Steele.

A few months later, in April '99, Dinsmore got another shot at Steele, and this time won the OVW Heavyweight Title without any interference, becoming champion for the second time. Conway, Dinsmore's long-time partner, immediately appealed for a shot at the strap, and on April 28th, Conway got his wish and came through, winning away the OVW Heavyweight Championship, leading to a feud between the teammates. Dinsmore won back the OVW Heavyweight Title in May '99, and defended the title for a month, before losing it to the Damaja. Dinsmore would try several times over the next 6 months to regain the gold, while also concentrating in other areas of OVW, as 1999 headed to a close.


In May '00, Dinsmore finally returned to the top of OVW, taking down the Damaja to become a 4-time OVW Heavyweight Champion. A little over a month later, Dinsmore dropped the title to his first tag-team partner, Flash Flanagan. Dinsmore would later reclaim the belt in August '00, and had another month-long reign, before losing the gold to his second tag-team partner, Rob Conway. Dinsmore followed his usual pattern, though, and got the OVW Heavyweight Title back for a sixth time in October '00. This time, though, Dinsmore decided to hold onto the belt for more than a month, and headed into 2001 as the champion.


Dinsmore had some impressive matches as the OVW champion going into 2001, but he got a chance to really show his stuff at OVW Christmas Chaos '01, where he defended the OVW Title against a WWE superstar, Chris Benoit. The match was tainted, though, when, due to outside interference, Benoit won via disqualification. A month later, Dinsmore finally lost the gold, dropping it to Rico Constantino. Dinsmore would later enter into a feud with a masked wrestler called the Machine. The two had it out at The Last Dance in June '01, with Dinsmore putting his career on the line in order to try to unmask his nemesis. Dinsmore got the victory, keeping from having to retire, and the Machine unmasked to show himself as Doug Basham.

It was during this time that Dinsmore started going back and forth between OVW and another WWE development organization, Heartland Wrestling Alliance. Dinsmore wasn't having as much success as he was used to in OVW, as even his tag-team skills weren't enough to move himself & Mark Henry through the OVW Southern Tag-Team Title Tournament (they fought to a Double Disqualification with Mike Hard & the Machine). At the 4th Annual Brian Pillman Memorial show in August '01, Dinsmore shocked many by defeating Race Steele to become the HWA Heavyweight Champion. It was only a short reign, however, as Steele came back to win the title only 9 days later. Dinsmore then went back to concentrating on OVW.

In late '01, Dinsmore & Rob Conway, the two former partners and long-time adversaries, started to work out their differences, and eventually reformed the Lords of the Ring. They soon showed that they were one of the best tag-teams in the history of OVW, defeating Jason Lee & Derek King in December '01, giving the Lords of the Ring the OVW Southern Tag-Team Titles for the eighth time. The Lords of the Ring defended the belts for the rest of the year, continuing to be the most dominant tag-team in the company.


For the first few months of the new year, the Lords of the Ring held the belts, while feuding with "The Machine" Doug Basham & the Damaja. In February '02, the two teams had it out in an "Iron Man" Match, with Basham & the Damaja winning out in the end, taking away the tag titles. The Lords of the Ring then wrestled briefly with USAW, where they feuded with Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire. The Lords of the Ring then quickly returned to OVW, where, in May '02, they took down Doug Basham & the Damaja at a WWE television taping to become 9-time OVW Southern Tag-Team Champs. The reign only lasted a few weeks, though, before the Lords of the Ring fell to Flash Flanagan & Trailor Park Trash.

The Lords of the Ring continued to feud with Flanagan & Trailor Park Trash going into the summer of '02. Only a few weeks after losing the belts, Dinsmore & Conway won over Flanagan & Trailor Park Trash in June to get the belts for an unprecedented tenth time. This reign, though, also only lasted two weeks, before the belts went back to Flanagan & Trailor Park Trash. The Lords of the Ring would feud with Flash & Trailor for the next few months, as well as battle the later tag-team champs, the Dogg Pound, but failed to regain the titles.


Going into 2003, Dinsmore & Conway feuded with various individuals, including Rene Dupree, Lance (Garrison) Cade, and Chris Kanyon, among others. Dinsmore also continued to feud with Doug Basham & the Damaja, and was able to use a little stryfe between the two men to win the OVW Heavyweight Title in a Three-Way Match, his 7th reign at the top. Unfortunately, this victory seemed to get under the skin of Conway, who was unhappy with his partner's success in the singles ranks. In March '03, the Lords of the Ring were scheduled to wrestle against Doug Basham & the Damaja. During the match, though, Conway surprisingly turned on Dinsmore, once again breaking up the famous tag-team. Dinsmore & Conway were engaged in several brawls as 2003 went on, wrestling each other into the summer months. In an odd twist, however, WWE had Dinsmore & Conway team up together under masks, competing as the Conquistadors. The duo were scheduled to team up in the APA Barroom Brawl Invitational at WWE Vengeance '03, but Dinsmore was turned into Doink the Clown for the match, while Conway teamed up with Johnny Jeter as the masked Conquistadors. Bradshaw of the APA won the match.

After continuing several feuds throughout the majority of '03, Dinsmore got another shot at the OVW Heavyweight Title in December. Dinsmore was placed in a "Three Way" Match against Johnny Jeter and the OVW champ, Mark Magnus. In a surprising twist, both Dinsmore and Jeter pinned Magnus, leading to the belt being vacated. Since Magnus was pinned by both, he wasn't given another shot, leading to a title match between Dinsmore and Jeter. Dinsmore won out, becoming the OVW Heavyweight Champion for the eighth time at the start of '04.


For the first three months of '04, Dinsmore stayed the OVW Champion. At the time, Rob Conway had gone on to WWE, wrestling as a member of La Resistance. But when Dinsmore became a heel, Conway rejoined him for a short time. The Lords of the Ring, along with Mark Magnus, fought Johnny Jeter, Doug Basham, & the Damaja at OVW March Mayhem '04. Despite the strength of Dinsmore's team, they ended up losing the match. In April '04, Dinsmore dropped the OVW Heavyweight Title to Matt Morgan. But by this point, Dinsmore was beyond caring about the OVW Heavyweight strap. After years of excellence, Dinsmore had finally been granted his ticket. He was in World Wrestling Entertainment.


On the first Raw in April '04, William Regal came to General Manager Eric Bischoff's office to ask for his job back. Bischoff then came up with something for Regal to do: to manage the "special talent" of his nephew, Eugene Dinsmore. Regal went to find his new apprentice, only to learn that Eugene was autistic, barely seeming to know his own name. Regal protested the position, but Bischoff, who said that Eugene had been forced on him, held Regal to his commitment. While Regal was complaining, however, Eugene had wandered out to the announcers' table, and showed his 'wrestling knowledge' by giving Jerry Lawler a "Bushwhacker" tonguebath. The legend of Eugene had begun.

For the next few weeks, Eugene routinely got into areas he wasn't supposed to, with Regal usually there soon afterwards to pull him back out. Incidents like Eugene calling Trish Stratus a 'slut' because he had heard Jericho use the word took place routinely. Regal continued to have problems with the "special" wrestler, both mental and physical (especially when Eugene accidentally fired off a t-shirt into Regal's lower area). When Eugene played with the pyrotechnics on one show, distracting Rob Conway and causing him to lose to Rhyno, Conway demanded a match with Eugene. It was reluctantly set up for a few weeks from then, with Regal training Eugene and finding out that he was very skilled in the ring.

On the night of Eugene's debut, Bischoff told Regal that he wanted his nephew to lose, so that Eugene would quit and go away. Bischoff promised Regal a spot on the active roster if he did as he was told. A torn Regal accompanied Eugene to the ring in his match against Conway. Despite Regal tripping Eugene at one point, Eugene still got the win with a bridge, upsetting Conway. On the next Raw, Bischoff tried another track, having the Coach embarrass Eugene, making him cry and start to leave. But the Rock made a surprise appearance, telling Eugene the truth, that the people really liked him. Eugene & the Rock then beat down the Coach & Garrison Cade, with Eugene getting the People's Elbow to land.

Eugene was set up to face Garrison Cade & the Coach in a "Handicap" Match on the next Raw, but the Raw World Champ, Chris Benoit, stepped in to be his partner. With Benoit's help, Eugene won the match with a version of Benoit's Flying Headbutt. The trickery from Bischoff continued the next week, as he arranged Eugene to have to face Kane, who wants to destroy the young man. Before the match, Eugene confronted "Uncle Eric" in the back, with Bischoff telling Eugene that he wasn't cut out for wrestling. Eugene fought hard, though, against Kane, somehow surviving. Eugene even "hulked up" at one point, dropkicking Kane out of the ring. Kane, infuriated, entered the ring with a steel chair. When the referee tried to stop him, Kane threw the referee aside, causing the DQ and giving Eugene the win. Eugene got in some more offense after the match, getting a DDT onto the chair. Kane sat back up, though, and attacked, catching Eugene with a chokeslam. Chris Benoit came down to the ring to prevent a Tombstone Piledriver onto the chair, once again helping out Eugene.

Eugene's undefeated record was put up again on the next Raw, as Johnny Nitro, who had joked about Bischoff's frustration, was put against Eugene. The idiot savante squashed Nitro easily, causing Nitro to be fired by Bischoff. This led to Eugene facing the Coach at Bad Blood '04. Before the match, Eugene overheard Bischoff telling the Coach that he was tiring of the embarrassment of Eugene. Eugene seemed depressed that his uncle didn't like him. Bischoff worked to cover it, though, telling Eugene that he was just worried about his well-being, and used recent injuries to Triple H and Benoit to emphasize how dangerous wrestling was. Eugene didn't care, though; he only wanted to wrestle. The Coach tried everything to distract Eugene, including having a woman offer him cookies to Garrison Cade tearing up a stuffed animal in front of him. But Eugene was still too strong a wrestler, planting the Coach with a Rock Bottom and a People's Elbow to get the victory, his first PPV win. After the match, Eugene gave both the Coach & Cade Stone Cold Stunners, adding another "fan favorite" maneuver to his repetoire.

Twenty-four hours later, Bischoff announced that Hunter Hearst Helmsley would become the #1 Contender for the World Title, if he could beat Eugene. Chris Jericho had Eugene on his Highlight Reel show, and told Eugene that Triple H could not be trusted. Helmsley then came out with the rest of Evolution and 'befriended' Eugene, giving him gifts. Eugene had said that Triple H was his favorite wrestler, so he was estatic about the meeting. The #1 Contenders match was booked for the next week, with the Rock, Chris Benoit, and William Regal all trying to get Eugene out of the match. Bischoff would hear none of it, though, and took Regal off of being Eugene's manager and putting him back on the active roster (which meant that Regal would have to wrestle Kane). Meanwhile, Eugene showed up with Evolution, who said that he was a part of them now.

In the #1 Contenders match, Eugene and Triple H went at it, at first in a friendly way, as Helmsley was still trying to act like Eugene's friend. But after Eugene landed a few moves against him, Triple H stopped playing fair, instead becoming intent on winning the match. Helmsley also used trickery against Eugene, goading him in at one point by saying his hand was injured, then sucker-punching him. Near the end, Eugene made a comeback, landing the People's Elbow on Helmsley. Ric Flair distracted him, though, as Eugene had to stop to get rid of him. Helmsley then got the Pedigree, and seemed to have the win. But Eric Bischoff stopped him, saying that he didn't want to see Eugene get pinned, he wanted to see him get beat down. Triple H then went for a chair, but Chris Benoit ran out to attempt the save. In the midst of clocking Evolution members with chair shots, however, Benoit accidentally hit Eugene as well, knocking him out. Helmsley then got the distraught Benoit with a Pedigree, leaving two bodies lying on the mat.

On the next Raw, Eugene was called out by Triple H, who explained that he had just wanted to show Eugene that people were jealous of him, like Benoit. Helmsley then named Eugene an honorary member of Evolution. When William Regal tried to intervene, Helmsley turned Eugene against him by talking about Regal's real reason to be his manager. A match was set up later that night, pitting Regal against Helmsley, with Eugene as the special guest referee. During the match, Eugene tried to call things down the middle, but kept being distracted by Flair on the outside, giving Helmsley an advantage. The match was decided, however, when Flair threw Helmsley some brass knuckles, but Regal avoided the assault. When Regal picked up the knuckles, however, Eugene saw them, and immediately disqualified Regal, crying because his mentor was a cheater. Regal tried to explain, but was shoved into Eugene by Helmsley. An infuriated Eugene then attacked Regal, beating him down until Helmsley & Flair were able to escort him to the back.

A week later, many interesting things went down thanks to Eugene, who was surprisingly put in charge by Bischoff while he took a vacation. Eugene started off the show with a game of "Musical Chairs", which was won by Chris Jericho. By winning, Jericho was given an Intercontinental Title shot. Eugene also booked a match at Vengence, with him & Flair going for the Raw Tag-Team Titles against La Resistance, an event that Flair was really unhappy with. Later in the night, Triple H convinced Eugene to make a "Handicap" Match, pitting himself, Helmsley, & Flair against Benoit & Edge. Both Benoit and Eugene showed conflicting emotions during the match while fighting each other. At one point, Eugene stopped Benoit from hitting Helmsley with a steel chair, but couldn't bring himself to hit Benoit with it. Benoit later got Helmsley in the Sharpshooter, but Eugene finally decided to go through with his chair shot, knocking Benoit out. Eugene then left with Flair, upset, as Triple H got the Pedigree on Benoit and won the match.

At Vengeance '04, Eugene showed up along with Evolution, still being an honorary member. Early in the night, Eugene was met by Benoit, who tried once again to explain about Evolution. But Helmsley was able to make Eugene forget Benoit's warnings by giving Eugene a Ric Flair robe to wear for the tag-team title match. During the match, Eugene acted just like Flair, down to the "Wooos" and the moves, including taking a few steps forward and dropping on his face. La Resistance used some dirty tactics to take the advantage, then angered Eugene by dropping him off the apron. After they got Flair with the Au Revoir, Eugene rushed the ring, angrily attacking both members of the tag-team champions, as well as shoving the referee, leading to the disqualification. Later on, Eugene worked to help Helmsley in the main event, in his match against the Raw Champion, Benoit. Eugene helped distract Benoit at one point, then rolled the referee back in after Helmsley got a Pedigree, leading to a 2 count. But when Helmsley wanted a chair, Eugene refused to give it to him. Later on, Eugene had the chance to hit one of the two men with a chair, and couldn't decide where to use it. Benoit got up and tried to take away the chair. During the struggle, Eugene accidentally hit Helmsley with the chair, then left the ring crying, as Benoit made the pin and won the match, staying the champion.

Twenty-four hours later, Eugene showed up in the Evolution locker room contrite about what had happened. While the rest of Evolution seemed furious, Helmsley told him that he wasn't mad, but that Bischoff needed to see him. A worried Eugene went to see his Uncle Eric, with Bischoff telling Eugene that he was proud of him. Bischoff then gave Eugene a Raw World Title match against Benoit that night. Eugene performed well against Benoit, even almost winning with a version of the Crippler Crossface, then getting a close 2 count after a Rock Bottom. It was so close that Eugene thought he had won, and started celebrating, with Evolution apparently coming down to join him. But it was all a trick, as Evolution beat both Eugene and Benoit into the mat, leaving them a broken mess.

Eugene didn't appear on Raw the next week, as Bischoff bragged that Eugene had retired from Raw forever. Helmsley also cut an interview, saying that no one liked Eugene. As a reward for getting rid of his nephew, Bischoff gave Triple H a 60-Man Iron Man Match against Benoit for the World Title on the following Raw. The match was a close one, with it tied at 3 falls apiece with time running out. As Benoit was attacked from all sides by Evolution (as the referee was down), Eugene reappeared, taking out everyone in Evolution, and Bischoff, with chair shots. Eugene then got the referee back in the ring, as Benoit make a weak cover of Helmsley, getting the deciding fall to win the match. Afterwards, Eugene celebrated on the announcers' table, while Helmsley glared at him.

On the 1st Raw of August '04, Eugene again stayed home, this time at the beheast of William Regal. In retaliation, Helmsley got a match against Regal, then was disqualified for using his sledgehammer, brutally beating down Regal and saying that he would do the same to Eugene. Bischoff, liking what he saw, made a match at Summerslam between the two wrestlers. A week later, Eugene tried to call Helmsley out, only to have Triple H appear on the Titon Tron, bloodying Regal again, this time at the hotel room where Eugene & Regal had been staying. Helmsley blamed Eugene for everything that was happening. Eugene saved Benoit later that night from an Evolution beatdown.

At Summerslam '04, Eugene met up with his former favorite wrestler, Triple H. Eugene was in control at the beginning, but, as always, memory games were used against him, as Triple H knocked down Lillian Garcia (the ring announcer). When Eugene went to help her, Helmsley attacked, taking control. Helmsley also used a fake knee injury to get in some more shots on the slow-witted Eugene. But Eugene fought back repeatedly, even flipping Helmsley off and getting a Stunner at one point. Later on, just when it seemed that Eugene would win, Flair interfered, putting Helmsley's foot on the rope. Flair was then ejected from ringside, and met by Regal, who knocked him out with brass knuckles. Unfortunately, that distracted Eugene, who then fell prey to the Pedigree and lost the match to Helmsley.

Over the next few weeks, Eugene wrestled infrequently, mainly staying with Regal in their fight against Evolution. On the final Raw of August, however, Eugene was placed in a "No Disqualification" Match with Triple H. The match went back and forth for a time, with Eugene 'hulking' up and nearly winning the match. But Helmsley soon began to dominate, putting Eugene in a sleeper hold and knocking him out, but refusing to pin him, instead wanting to inflict more damage with his sledgehammer. Helmsley was intercepted by Randy Orton, however, who brawled with Helmsley and eventually nailed him with the sledge, then got the RKO. As Evolution watched helplessly from ringside (while Orton kept them at bay with the sledge), an unconscious Eugene 'pinned' Helmsley, getting the young man a major victory under his belt.

An angry Helmsley went to Bischoff the next week, and Bischoff quickly made a rematch between the two men inside a Steel Cage. Eugene played the match with a defensive mindset, apparently scared of the cage. He tried to escape on several occassions, but couldn't get out, as Helmsley methodically took him apart, bloodying him on the steel. Triple H focused on the shoulder of Eugene, apparently dislocating it. After a thorough beating, Helmsley finally left the cage, leaving the unconscious Eugene laying on the mat. Eugene then disappeared from Raw for a few weeks, missing the PPV while rehabbing his shoulder injury.

In late September '04, Vince McMahon came out to ringside and announced that a new style of pay-per-view would be held called Taboo Tuesday, where the fans would vote on various aspects of the matches for that night. Eric Bischoff came out, and politically complained about the idea, saying that he was better suited for deciding what happened. McMahon responded by announcing that Bischoff would be wrestling at the PPV. Bischoff tried to beg off, saying that he was injured (Randy Orton had dropped a sledgehammer on his foot), but McMahon had already decided that Bischoff would be fighting someone else who was injured: Eugene. The fans would have to decide what kind of stipulations were involved in the match: either the loser would wear a dress, the loser would have his head shaved, or the loser would be a slave to the other. Over the next few weeks, Bischoff tried several tricks to fool Eugene into dropping the match, including using Carmella to 'prove' that women liked bald men. But Eugene didn't fall for it, and was rewarded by getting a big kiss from another Diva, Christy.

At Taboo Tuesday, Eugene and his Uncle Eric went at it, with Bischoff getting in the early licks after attacking Eugene from behind. Bischoff also used psychology in the match, tricking Eugene by feigning a knee injury at one point, to be able to get in a kick. But Eugene couldn't be stopped, eventually landing a Hulk Hogan Leg Drop on Bischoff to get the victory. After the match, the Coach tried to make the stipulation that Bischoff had to be Eugene's slave for 5 minutes. But Vince McMahon stopped that, coming out & announcing that Bischoff had to have his head shaved, or he would be fired. Bischoff almost walked out, but decided to lose his hair instead, which appeared to make Eugene very happy. As Bischoff screamed at Eugene to be careful, the nephew cut away his uncle's black locks, revealing the white hair underneath. Meanwhile, the Coach was made by McMahon to wear the dress, as punishment for his attempted trickery.

After his victory at Taboo Tuesday, Eugene backed off somewhat, still allying himself with William Regal. When Regal was brutally beaten by Gene Snitsky, Eugene stepped forward, signing a hardcore match with the monster for the next Raw. But, although Eugene fought hard, Snitsky fought harder, winning the match with a pumphandle slam. Afterwards, Snitsky looked to badly injure Eugene, but Regal made the save. Eugene then took a few weeks off, missing the Survivor Series. After Maven's team won their Survivor Series match, he was put in charge of Raw for the week. Maven used the power to set up an "Tag-Team Elimination" Match between the Raw Tag Champs, La Resistance, Rhyno & Tajiri, and Eugene & Regal. The first team to go was Rhyno & Tajiri, when Rhyno missed a Gore attempt and was subsequently pinned by Sylvain Grenier (with Rob Conway holding Rhyno's foot from the outside). The other two teams exchanged momentum for a while, with Eugene "hulking" up as usual, as well as using other familiar maneuvers. In the end, Regal used a miscommunication between La Resistance to cause Grenier to knock Conway out with the French flag. Regal then tagged in Eugene, who got the People's Elbow on Conway to get the pinfall victory, getting Eugene & Regal the Raw Tag-Team Titles, Eugene's first belt in WWE.

Eugene & Regal continued to feud with La Resistance for the next few weeks, usually coming out on top. Eugene was also entered into the #1 Contender Battle Royal, which was set up by Randy Orton (during his week as GM). At one point during the battle royal, Maven eliminated Sylvain Grenier. Eugene gave him a high five for the elimination, but then when Maven turned his back, Eugene tossed him out. Eugene was later eliminated by Batista, with Chris Benoit & Edge winning the match. In the locker room later on, an angry Maven showed his frustration towards Eugene, saying that Eugene couldn't even spell "Title", yet he had one while Maven didn't. Eugene promptly spelled "title" correctly, making Maven even more upset.

The next week, Eugene and Maven had a match, where Maven seemed to be acting a little too nice, shaking Eugene's hand. He also used some trickery, as he pretended that William Regal had tripped him from the outside, getting Regal sent away from ringside. After Eugene had gotten some close falls, Maven offered to shake hands again, but then instead attacked Eugene's leg, looking to damage it. He got Eugene in the corner and choked him out, earning the DQ. After the match, Regal chased Maven off and checked on Eugene. But Maven wasn't done, entering the ring with one of the tag-team belts and knocking Regal out with it. A hurting Eugene then tried to help Regal, as a now-heelish Maven left the ringside area.

On the next Raw, Eugene was seen in the back gushing over Christian, who had recently become known as "Captain Charisma", a superhero that Eugene liked. But before Christian could sign an autograph, Eugene spotted Mick Foley, another of his wrestling idols, and left Christian behind to talk to him. Later on that night, Eugene, Regal, & Shelton Benjamin had a Six-Man Match with Maven, Christian, & Tyson Tomko. Christian started off by smacking Eugene around, apparently annoyed at Eugene's brush-off from earlier. But Eugene had a secret weapon given to him by Foley: Mr. Socko! After a wild and furious match, things broke down, with Eugene and Christian outside the ring. Eugene applied the Mandible Claw (through Mr. Socko) to Christian, taking him out. However, in the ring, Maven rolled up Benjamin and held the tights to get the victory.

To end out the year, GM Eric Bischoff had announced that six men would be competing at the next pay-per-view in an Elimination Chamber Match, with the winner gaining the vacated Raw World Title. He also set up six matches for the competitors, saying that whoever won their match the quickest would gain the coveted final entry into the event. However, if they lost, their competitor would earn the shot at the World Title. Edge, one of the competitors, was put against Eugene. It was a wild match at first, with Eugene pulling off many of his usual tricks. He also played with Edge's mind, hiding under the ring at one point and shaving off precious seconds. Finally, Edge got Eugene in the ring, and got a massive Spear, but the force sent Eugene out of the ring, even as time ran out. An extremely frustrated Edge then landed some heavy shots on Eugene, eventually beating him to stay in the match, if not entering last (Batista earned that right).


The new year commenced with Eugene & Regal feuding with Christian & Tyson Tomko, mainly stemming from Eugene's 'hero worship/departure' of "Captain Charisma" a few weeks before. In successive matches, In successive matches, Christian & Tomko won singles bouts against the champs, usually with cheating tactics. The feud led to the two teams facing off at New Years Revolution, with the Tag Titles on the line. Regal and Christian started the match, with various exchanges. Regal then tagged in Eugene, whose ability to emulate different wrestlers (including Hulking up) caused Christian's team many struggles. Regal was later tagged back in, but was double-teamed, with Christian bloodying the man's nose. Christian & Tomko worked the senior member of the team over for a while, but after a Tomko miscue, Regal was able to make the tag, with Eugene being a house of fire. Eugene hurt his knee on a dropkick, though, ending the match suddenly with a roll-up of Christian to keep the tag-team titles. The knee injury was serious, though, putting Eugene immediately on the shelf for months. Meanwhile, Regal was forced to defend the tag-team titles at a house show, losing them to La Resistance.

It hurts to have such momentum and have an injury halt the career dead in its tracks. But Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore waited a long time to make it to WWE. Now that he's been successful, he just has to wait to heal up and return better than ever.

Pay-Per-View/Show Summary:

- OVW Tag-Team Title Tournament (March 18, '98) = The Lords of the Ring (Dinsmore & Rob Conway) defeated an unknown team in the first round, then beat Jason Lee & Flash Flannagan and Rip Rogers & Trailer Park Trash to win the tournament and the belts.
- OVW 1st Annual Brian Pillman Memorial Show (April 29, '98) = Dinsmore won over Trailer Park Trash.
- OVW Tag-Team Title Tournament (June 14, '98) = The Lords of the Ring took down Master of Terror & Assassin #2, Rip Rogers & Dave The Rave, and Jason Lee & Flash Flannagan to win the tournament.
- OVW Tag-Team Title Tournament (September 27, '98) = The Lords of the Ring defeated Vito & Guido Andretti, Rip Rogers & David C, and Jason Lee & Rod Steel.
- OVW Rockin' Rumble (June 23, '00) = Dinsmore retained the OVW Title, beating Al Snow.
- NWA 52nd Anniversary Show (October 14, '00) = Dinsmore & the Damaja beat Flash Flannagan & Rob Conway.
- OVW Christmas Chaos (January 31, '01) = Dinsmore lost, via DQ, to Chris Benoit. He kept the OCW Championship.
- OVW Last Dance (June 27, '01) = Dinsmore won a "Retirement-vs-Mask" Match over the Machine.
- HWA Cincinnati Show (July '01) = Dinsmore won a Three-Way Match over B.J. Whitmer and Chad Collyer.
- OVW Tag-Team Title Tournament (July/August '01) = Dinsmore & Mark Henry fought to a Double Disqualification with Mike Hard & the Machine. Rico Constantino & the Prototype won the tournament.
- HWA Batavia Show (August 4, '01) = Dinsmore took down Jason Lee.
- OVW 4th Annual Brian Pillman Memorial Show (August 9, '01) = Dinsmore defeated Race Steele to win the HWA Heavyweight Title.
- OVW Muncie Show (January 24, '02) = The Lords of the Ring took down Sean O'Haire & the Prototype.
- USAW Lebanon Show (February 15, '02) = The Lords of the Ring fell to Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire.
- USAW Nashville Show (February 16, '02) = The Lords of the Ring defeated Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire.
- OVW Spring Break-Out '02 (April 5) = The Lords of the Ring & Danny Davis won a "Control of OVW" Match over Doug Basham, Victoria, & the Damaja.
- OVW Jeffersonville Show (April 10, '02) = Dinsmore took down Sean O'Haire.
- OVW Super Summer Sizzler Show (May 31, '02) = The Lords of the Ring lost the Southern Tag-Team Titles to Flash & Trash.
- OVW Super Summer Sizzler Show (June 14, '02) = The Lords of the Ring regained the Southern Tag-Team Titles, beating Flash & Trash. The Big Boss Man was the special ring enforcer.
- OVW Super Summer Sizzler Show (July 19, '02) = Dinsmore won a "Last Man Standing" Match over Doug Basham.
- PCW (Phoenix) Russ Haas Memorial Tag-Team Tournament (August 31, '02) = Dinsmore & Lance Cade lost a "Three-Way" Match to Tiger Khan & the Prophet. Bo Dupp & Matt Vandal were the other participants.
- OVW Fall Brawl '02 (September 4, '02) = The Lords of the Ring were beaten by the OVW Southern Tag Champs, the Dogg Pound.
- OVW Spring Break-Out '03 (April 11) = Dinsmore, Chris Benoit & Johnny Jeter won an "Iron Man" Match over Rob Conway, Doug Basham & Damaja.
- OVW Lafayette Show (June 15, '03) = Dinsmore beat Mack Johnson.
- OVW Salem Show (June 28, '03) = Dinsmore defeated Matt Cappotelli.
- OVW Beech Grove Show (August 5, '03) = Dinsmore lost to Joe Dirt.
- WWE Vengeance '03 = Doink the Clown competed in the "APA Invitational Barroom Brawl", which was won by Bradshaw.
- OVW Muncie Show (January 29, '04) = Dinsmore won, via DQ, over Clint von Deilengen.
- OVW Crusade Slamfest (February 7, '04) = Dinsmore defeated Billy Gunn.
- OVW March Mayhem (March 6, '04) = Dinsmore, Rob Conway & Mark Magnus were beaten by Johnny Jeter, Doug Basham & the Damaja.
- OVW Super Summer Sizzler Series (May 21, '04) = "Mr. Wrestling II" defeated Inspector Impact.
- OVW Super Summer Sizzler Show (June 4, '04) = "Mr. Wrestling II" won, via DQ, over the OVW Heavyweight Champ, Matt Morgan.
- WWE Bad Blood '04 (June 13) = Eugene defeated Jonathan Coachman.
- WWE Vengeance '04 (July 11) = Eugene & Ric Flair lost, via DQ, to the WWE Raw Tag Champs, La Resistance.
- OVW Super Summer Sizzler Show (August 13, '04) = Eugene & Matt Cappotelli took down Carlos Colon & Mike Mondo.
- WWE Summerslam '04 (August 15) = Eugene was beaten by Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
- OVW Fall Brawl '04 (September 4) = Eugene & the Basham Brothers defeated Matt Morgan & the Troubleshooters.
- WWE Taboo Tuesday (October 19, '04) = Eugene won a "Hair vs. Hair" Match over Eric Bischoff.
- OVW Crusade Rumble (November 12, '04) = Eugene beat Rob Conway.
- Mid-South Throwback Night IV (December 26, '04) = Eugene & Corey Macklin fought Jerry Lawler & Jimmy Hart to a No-Contest in a "Steel Cage" Match.
- WWE New Year's Revolution (January 9, '05) = Eugene & William Regal stayed the WWE Raw Tag-Team Champs, beating Tyson Tomko & Christian.
- OVW Six Flags Summer Sizzler Series '05 (July 1) = Team OVW (Nick Dinsmore, Brent Albright, & Elijah Burke) defeated Team Bolin (Mike Mondo, Blaster Lashley, & Ken Doane).
- WWE Summerslam '05 (August 21, '05) = Eugene lost a "No Time Limit Gold Medal" Match to Kurt Angle.
- WWE Taboo Tuesday '05 (November 1) = Eugene & Jimmy Snuka defeated Rob Conway & Tyson Tomko.
- WWE Royal Rumble '06 (January 29) = Eugene competed in the Royal Rumble, which was won by Rey Mysterio.

Title Summary:

- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion w/ Flash Flanigan (97)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Rob Conway (3/18/98 - 5/03/98)
- MCW North American Tag-Team Champion w/ Rob Conway (4/04/98 - 5/98)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(3) w/ Rob Conway (5/13/98 - 5/17/98)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(4) w/ Rob Conway (5/17/98 - 5/27/98)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(5) w/ Rob Conway (6/14/98 - 6/28/98)
- OVW Heavyweight Champion (6/03/98 - 6/10/98)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(6) w/ Rob Conway (9/27/98 - 10/25/98)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(7) w/ Rob Conway (11/24/98 - 12/08/98)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(8) w/ Rob Conway (1/27/99 - 2/02/99)
- OVW Heavyweight Champion(2) (4/18/99 - 4/28/99)
- OVW Heavyweight Champion(3) (5/07/99 - 6/08/99)
- OVW Heavyweight Champion(4) (5/24/00 - 7/08/00)
- OVW Heavyweight Champion(5) (8/04/00 - 9/06/00)
- OVW Heavyweight Champion(6) (10/25/00 - 2/27/01)
- HWA Heavyweight Champion (8/09/01 - 8/18/01)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(9) w/ Rob Conway (12/12/01 - 2/06/02)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(10) w/ Rob Conway (5/17/02 - 5/31/02)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(11) w/ Rob Conway (6/14/02 - 6/28/02)
- OVW Heavyweight Champion(7) (2/19/03 - 4/09/03)
- OVW Heavyweight Champion(8) (1/07/04 - 4/14/04)
- WWE Raw World Tag-Team Champion w/ William Regal (11/15/04 - 1/16/05)