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  1. #11
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Triple Threat for the WWE Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte

    We go to the ring and out first comes Becky Lynch to a pop. We see Lita in the ring holding the new title, which will be presented to the winner of this match. Sasha Banks’ music hits next and fans pop big. WWE Hall of Famer Snoop Dogg comes out with Raven Felix, who sings Sasha’s theme. Snoop starts rapping to introduce his cousin and out she comes to a big pop. Snoop escorts her to the ring. Cole tells us Sasha’s gear is inspired by Eddie Guerrero, her hero. Purple confetti falls in the stadium as Snoop and Sasha head to ringside. They stop and give each other love as Sasha hits the ring and Snoop heads back up. Out next comes the last WWE Divas Champion Charlotte in a robe that’s made out of pieces her dad wore at WrestleMania 32 in his retirement match. Charlotte heads to the ring with WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair right behind her. She stops and raises her arms as pyro goes off behind her. Cole confirms the title will be retired tonight. Flair takes the robe at ringside as we see crew members cleaning confetti up from the ring area. Charlotte raises the title and we get formal ring introductions from Lilian.

    Fans chant “this is wrestling” before the bell. Charlotte fights them both off to start. It comes down to Sasha and Becky going at it. Charlotte stops a pin. Sasha gets a close pin on Becky. More back and forth and pins. Becky runs into a big boot from Charlotte. Charlotte points at Sasha and the fans pop as Becky rolls to the floor. Sasha ends up taking Charlotte down with a hurricanrana. Charlotte drops Sasha into the corner and thrusts her. Becky comes in and Germans Charlotte but Sasha takes a pin for a 2 count. Sasha and Becky go at it now. Becky with an arm drags. She keeps Sasha grounded now. Charlotte drags Sasha out of the ring with a wheelbarrow and slingshots her back into the ropes, to the floor. Becky takes Sasha out on the floor and brings her back in. Charlotte goes for a Figure Four but Becky kicks her off and hits more shots. Becky with an inverted DDT for a 2 count. Charlotte sells an arm injury. Becky goes to the corner but Charlotte cuts her off and brings her to the mat with a Rude Awakening for a 2 count.

    Charlotte keeps control for another 2 count. Charlotte works on Becky’s legs now. Becky fights off a Figure Four and in comes Sasha. Sasha with shoulder thrusts on Charlotte in the corner. She lays Charlotte across the middle rope and goes for the knees but Becky runs over and sends Sasha to the floor hard. Charlotte moves out of the way and rolls Becky up for 2. Becky ends up getting the Disarm Her applied and Flair jumps on the apron to provide distraction but has no luck. Flair hops back down and the referee checks on Charlotte. Sasha runs in and breaks the hold. Becky tosses Sasha back to the floor. Charlotte drives Becky’s back into her knee. Charlotte applies the Figure Four but can’t bridge it. Sasha comes off the top with an Eddie Guerrero frogsplash on both of them and covers Charlotte for a close 2 count.

    Sasha catches Charlotte with double knees for a 2 count as Becky breaks it. Becky with a big German on Sasha. More back and forth. Becky with a Rock Bottom on Charlotte but Sasha breaks the pin. Sasha and Becky go at it now. Becky with a roll up for 2. Sasha with double knees in the corner. Sasha plays to the crowd and gets a pop. Sasha runs the ropes with Becky but leaps out onto Charlotte on the floor. F;air gets in Charlotte’s face and “whooos” at him. Becky dives out and takes just Flair down to a big pop. Everyone is down as Charlotte pulls herself to the apron. She goes to the top and nails a nice moonsault on Becky and Sasha. Charlotte is hype as fans give her an applause. Fans chant “this is wrestling” as we get several replays. Charlotte brings them both in the ring as the same time and hits a double Natural Selection. She covers Becky for a 2 count. She covers Sasha for a 2 count. Charlotte is frustrated now. She covers for two more pin attempts.

    Flair is back to his feet now. Charlotte sends Becky into the ring post. She goes to powerbomb Sasha but Sasha counters and ends back up on her shoulders in an electric chair position. Becky takes them both down with a missile dropkick from the top. Becky with a close 2 count on Charlotte. Becky with the Dis-arm-Her on Charlotte for a big pop. Sasha breaks it and gets the Banks Statement on Becky. Charlotte applies the Figure Four on Sasha and Becky goes to the floor. Sasha fights it and reveres the Figure Four. Charlotte bridges into the Figure Eight but Becky pulls Sasha from the floor and breaks the hold. Charlotte chops each opponent while all three are on their knee snow. Sasha and Becky unload and both hammer away on her. They end up getting to their feet and Charlotte spears Sasha. Becky takes Charlotte to the corner for thrusts. Becky takes Charlotte to the top but Charlotte fights her. Sasha comes over and pushes Becky to the mat. Sasha beats on Charlotte on the top. Becky kicks Sasha’s feet out and she’s hung upside down. Becky hits a big superplex on Charlotte. Sasha ends up hitting the Backstabber and Banks Statement on Becky again. Charlotte sends Sasha to the floor and fans boo. Charlotte applies the Figure Four and bridges it on Becky for the win.

    Winner and New WWE Women’s Champion: Charlotte

    – After the match, Charlotte’s music hits as she raises the brand new title in the air and gets emotional. We go to replays. We come back to The Flairs leaving. Charlotte stops on the ramp and raises the title as pyro goes off. We see an outside shot of AT&T Stadium and pyro is going off all around the stadium. Cole says it’s a new era.

    – We get a video package for the next match as Hell In a Cell is lowered around the ring.


    ***GAME OVER!***

  2. #12
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Hell In a Cell: Shane McMahon vs. The Undertaker

    Shane McMahon makes his way out to a pop and he’s joined by his three songs. They’re wearing Shane O’Mac jerseys too. They head to the ring together as confetti and fake money drops. Shane stops to hand them over the barrier to family. He gets a good luck kiss from his wife before entering the Cell. The lights go out and The Undertaker’s grand entrance begins. Taker stops at the Cell and takes his gear off to a pop. Taker stares Shane down as he enters the Cell and shuts the door. If Shane wins, he gets control of RAW and Taker will never wrestle at another WrestleMania.

    Shane bounces around the ring to size Taker up. Taker wants to fight. Shane ducks a right and hits body shots in the corner. Shane backs off and Taker comes back ready to fight. Shane is still moving round the ring. He tries for a punch and a kick. Taker with a knee to the gut and a right hand that drops Shane. Taker takes Shane to the corner now. Shane fights back but Taker’s blows are bigger. Taker tosses Shane out to the floor. They come back in and Shane hits left and rights into the corner. Taker drops him with one strike and then stomps. Taker whips Shane into the corner and drops him for Snake Eyes. Shane comes right back with a flying elbow but Taker sits right back up and Shane is down.

    Taker stomps and kicks Shane to the floor, then sends him into the steel. Shane ends up back in the ring while Taker takes the steel steps apart. They end up back on the floor and Taker rocks Shane after another shot into the steel. Taker positions Shane on the apron and hits the signature apron leg drop. Taker brings it back in the ring and goes for Last Ride. He nails it and covers but Shane kicks out at 2. Taker brings half of the steel steps in the ring. Taker goes over but Shane pulls him in a triangle choke. Taker starts fading and foaming a the mouth but the hold is broken. Shane keeps up the fight on Taker but he grabs him out of nowhere for a chokeslam on top of the steps. Taker with a 2 count on top of the steps.

    Taker goes for an elbow on the steps but Shane moves. Shane sits on the steps and tells Taker to bring it as Taker stands up. Taker moves towards him and Shane suckers him in, dropping him face first into the steps with a DDT. Shane with a 2 count. Shane stands on the half of the steel steps and hits an elbow for a 2 count in the ring. Taker sits up beside Shane on the mat. They trade shots and Taker locks him in the Hell’s Gate submission. Shane fights and won’t give up but he starts fading. He slips out and applies a leg submission. Shane turns it into a Sharpshooter in the middle of the Cell. Taker kicks out of the hold and sends Shane to the mat. Taker barely sits up in the corner as Shane pounds on him. Shane barely has anything left like Taker. He goes under the ring and brings a trash can in. Shane stomps away on Taker in the corner. Shane places the trash can on Taker and punches him some more. Fans cheer as Shane goes to the top and leaps across the ring, kicking the trash can into Taker’s chest with a big Coast 2 Coast. Fans chant “holy shit” as Taker is face down. Shane crawls over, moves the trash can out of the way and covers for a 2 count as fans chant “you still got it” at him.

    Shane goes under the ring and has bolt cutters hidden. Shane cuts bolts on the Cell as fans pop. Taker comes over and they brawl trading shots on the floor. Taker drives Shane into the Cell wall and they crash through it because Shane cut the bolts. The panel falls on top of the German announce table. Fans chant “this is awesome” again. Taker grabs Shane by his shirt and slams him several times into the Cell panel. Taker takes the main announce table apart and throws the top at Shane. Taker with a big boot to the head. Taker takes the Spanish announce table apart now. He nails Shane with a monitor to the head. Taker hits Shane with another monitor and sends him ribs first into the barrier. They go on the other side of the barrier in the crowd and Taker knocks Shane on top of a platform that’s as high as the barrier. Taker stands on top of it and stands over Shane as fans pop. Taker cuts his own throat and picks Shane up. He scoops Shane for a Tombstone but Shane slides out and applies a sleeper hold on top of this platform. Taker starts fading but stands back up and jumps off the platform, crashing Shane and himself through the Spanish announce table. Taker lands himself on top of Shane but it looks like Shane is getting up first. Shane crawls over to a toolbox and nails Taker in the face with it.

    Taker gets up and Shane nails him with the toolbox again. This time it comes open and empties out. Taker falls on top of the announce table and Shane sits on the floor for a breather. Fans see where Taker is and they start popping. Shane also sees what’s up and he gets to his feet. Shane decks Taker with a monitor while he’s laid flat on top of the announce table. Shane starts climbing the Cell and makes it to the top. Fans chant “please don’t jump” as he lays flat and looks down at Taker. Shane stands up and looks down for a minute before leaping off the Cell, crashing through just the table as Taker moves. Shane is laid out flat as Cole and JBL call for medics. Taker sits up against the barrier and is shocked. The crowd is quiet for a minute. They pop as Shane shows signs of life.

    Taker gets up and Shane makes it to his knees. Shane tells him to bring it and Taker scoops him for a Tombstone. Taker brings it back in the ring. Shane ends up on his knees and Taker grabs his face, nailing a Tombstone piledriver for the win.

    Winner: The Undertaker

    – After the match, Taker’s music hits and we see one of Shane’s sons at ringside looking concerned. We go to replays as the lights go out and Taker heads up the ramp. Referees are checking on Shane in the ring. Taker stops and looks back, smirking it looks like. Medical officials have made their way down now. The lights come up and we get more replays as they tend to Shane. Fans cheer as Shane is loaded up onto a board and placed on the back of a medical cart. They drive Shane up the ramp as fans cheer him and the announcers play up the seriousness of the situation. Shane gives a thumbs up to the crowd and they pop.

    – Cole sends us back to the panel for a recap.


    ***GAME OVER!***

  3. #13
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Shaquille O’Neal, Baron Corbin, Mark Henry, Kane, Diamond Dallas Page, Jack Swagger, Tyler Breeze, Darren Young, Goldust, R-Truth, Heath Slater, Curtis Axel, Bo Dallas, Adam Rose, Tatanka, Fandango, Konnor, Viktor, Damien Sandow

    We go to the ring and the Superstars are coming out together for the third annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. WWE NXT Superstar Baron Corbin is among them and he barely gets a mention from Cole. Mark Henry’s music hits and he’s out to a big pop from Texas. The pyro goes off next as Kane makes his way out. Diamond Dallas Page’s music hits next and out he comes for the surprise appearance. Big Show is out next with his own entrance. We see the Andre trophy at ringside. Rap music hits next and out comes NBA Legend Shaq for the surprise appearance.

    Shaq and Big Show come face to face as we get the bell. Kane grabs them both by the throat. Shaq and Show double chokeslam Kane. The Superstars gang up on Shaq and Show in separate corners. They get pushed off and many of them go under the rope to the floor. Show and Shaq face off again. Fandango comes in and dances in front of them. Show eliminates him. Sandow comes up to them next but Shaq tosses him to boos. Shaq and Show face off again.

    They grab each other by the throat again and struggle Everyone else comes in and tries to get them out. Shaq falls first and then Big Show. Everyone else goes at it now. DDP works over Tatanka. Kane drops Goldust. Tatanka drops Young. DDP fights Kane off now. Goldust works on eliminating Corbin. DDP ends up hitting a Diamond Cutter on Viktor and eliminating him. Konnor and Tatanka work over DDP now. DDP drops Tatanka. Konnor blocks a Diamond Cutter and sends DDP to the apron. Konnor eliminates DDP to boos. Golden Truth eliminates Konnor. Tatanka and Rose go at it. Tatanka rallies and unloads on Rose. Tatanka goes to the top for a big shot. Corbin works on Slater. Corbin eliminates Tatanka.

    Kane eliminates Swagger. Axel unloads on Kane in the corner. Rose works on Corbin. The Social Outcasts look to take control and get a pop from the crowd. Truth unloads and dances at Axel, nailing a big kick. Slater and Rose come from behind to eliminate Truth. Goldust attacks them but the Outcasts beat him down. Goldust fights them but gets eliminated. The Outcasts stand tall and run a victory lap around the inside of the ring. Kane stops them and turn run the other way. Corbin stops them this time. Kane and Corbin unload on them. Kane eliminates Axel. Corbin eliminates Rose with a big right hand. Kane chokeslams Corbin. Henry comes in from the floor and eliminates Slater. Breeze sneaks in and hits Henry from behind. Henry eliminates Breeze. Kane decks Henry and they go at it.

    Kane and Young eliminate Henry. Kane eliminates Young. The end comes when Corbin comes from behind and sends Kane to the floor for the win.

    Winner of the Third Annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Baron Corbin

    – After the match, Corbin stands tall as fans chant for NXT and we go to replays. We come back and Corbin is standing next to the trophy with his arms crossed.


    ***GAME OVER!***

  4. #14
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    – We come back to the stadium and Lilian Garcia introduces the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders for a quick performance on the stage.

    – The Rock’s music hits and out he comes to a pop. He has a big flamethrower and shoots it in the air around the stage as his music plays. He stops and lights up big letters spelling his name. Finally he makes his way to the ring and stops to flirt with a cheerleader as they are all lined the ramp for him.

    Rock poses for the fans and they chant “Rocky” when he goes to the corners. The music stops and Rock looks around. The Rock says finally he’s back in Dallas and at WrestleMania. He talks about being on fire in his entrance, the Cowboys cheerleaders and the crowd. Rock says he sees a lot of happy people, a lot of smiling faces. Rock says people are so happy they will go home and make little WrestleMania babies. Rock says this is what he’s talked about for months, the privilege of walking down the aisle and coming to the ring. He goes on to do his “and millions” intro. Rock announces we’ve officially broken the WWE WrestleMania attendance record with 101,763 in attendance. His music hits as the cameras check out the big crowd and pyro goes off. Rock says its about to get hot now but the lights go out and here comes The Wyatt Family – Bray Wyatt, Braun Strowman and Erick Rowan.

    They stop at ringside and Wyatt introduces his family. They stand on the apron and Wyatt says he came here not as a friend, not as an enemy, but as a reminder of the truth. Wyatt says the truth is, he chose Rock because he represents success, he represents greatness, a lie. Wyatt enters the ring and says Rock represents a lie. Wyatt says this is not Rock’s moment, it’s not the fans moment. They boo. Wyatt says this is his moment, Mr. Rock. Wyatt says he’s going to eviscerate Rock and make his people watch every second of it. Rock looks like he’s thinking about it.

    Rock knocks Wyatt for interrupting the fun and mocks the way he talks. Rock says Wyatt sounds like he’s been hitting the bong for 8 days straight. Strowman and Rowan come in now and they’re upset. Rock says clearly Rowan’s parents are related and Strowman looks like he’s been breast fed since he was an adult. Rock says he’s had his eye on Wyatt since he came into WWE because he’s got it all – the ability, the charisma, the look. Fans cheer. Rock goes on praising Wyatt for how he captivates people. Rock asks what does Wyatt do with all this? He comes out and knocks on a door he doesn’t want answered by threatening The Rock. Rock says Wyatt looks more like the Eater of Hot Pockets. Wyatt says he didn’t come to knock on some door, he came to kick one down. Wyatt says Rock has no idea who he’s fooling with. Rock takes his shirt off and the crowd pops. Rock says they’re not going to fight, they’re having as match. He calls for a referee and says it can be Wyatt or his two Duck Dynasty inbreed bitches but someone is getting kicked all over Dallas. Rock takes off his shirt and he’s got his gear on – trunks, pads, boots. The crowd pops.

    The Rock vs. Erick Rowan

    Rowan meets Rock in the middle of the ring and fans chant “this is awesome” as the referee calls for the bell. Rock immediately hits a Rock Bottom and covers for the pin.

    Winner: The Rock

    – After the bell, Lilian announces Rock the winner in 6 seconds. His music hits and Cole says Rock just set another record. The Wyatts surround the ring and get ready to attack Rock. John Cena’s music hits as the crowd erupts and starts singing their own version of his theme song. Cena runs to the ring and gets ready to fight.

    They go at it and Strowman takes a Rock Bottom. Cena with the slam and Five Knuckle Shuffle, then Attitude Adjustment on Rowan. Wyatt attacks Cena from behind as Rock nails Strowman off the apron. Cena blocks Sister Abigail and Rock unloads on Wyatt. Rock hits a spinebuster and The People’s Elbow on Wyatt. Wyatt rolls to the floor as Rock grabs a mic. Rock welcomes Cena back and closes it with his “if ya smell….” line. Rock’s music hits and they hug before hitting the corners to pose. Rock goes to ringside to greet family members as Cena walks up the ramp. Rock comes right behind him and they stop on the stage together. Cena raises Rock’s arm and they hug again before leaving together. We go to break.

    – We get a video package for tonight’s main event.


    ***GAME OVER!***

  5. #15
    Main Eventer Slayer_X's Avatar
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    A huge thanks to Kemo for the coverage.

  6. #16
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Roman Reigns vs. Triple H

    We go back to the stadium and a bunch of crazy looking masked men with their mouths covered are out. Stephanie McMahon appears on top of a structure wearing a wicked looking black outfit. She gives a grand introduction for her husband and out comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. The Authority’s Army all have titles over their shoulders and they follow Stephanie and Triple H down. Triple H hits the ring and does his poses. The music stops and fans start booing. Stephanie kisses Triple H. The music hits and out comes Roman Reigns. Reigns stops on the stage and punches it, making the pyro explode. We get an outside shot of AT&T Stadium and see the pyro going off all around. Reigns marches to the ring as Triple H and Stephanie look on. Reigns hits the corners to pose and fans boo.

    The crowd remained behind Hunter and booed Reigns as they traded shots. The fans cheered when Hunter caught Reigns with a low blow. Hunter got the better of of Reigns following the low blow. Cole told the story that Hunter was targeting the nose of Reigns with his punches. Hunter tossed Reigns to ringside.

    Hunter threw Reigns over the German broadcast table. Reigns fought back from there, but Hunter ended up catching him with a neckbreaker off the German table. Reigns made it back onto the apron and was greeted with knees to the head. With Roman dangling over the middle rope, Hunter performed a knee drop off the middle rope and covered Reigns for two.

    Hunter went to the middle rope again and jumped into a punch from Reigns, who caught him with a kick. There were some boos and no audible cheers. Reigns performed a Samoan drop on Hunter and got a two count. Reigns set up for the Superman Punch, but Hunter rolled to ringside to avoid it.

    Reigns also went to ringside, got a running start, jumped off the ring steps, and caught Hunter with a clothesline. A short time later, Hunter tossed Reigns over the German broadcast table again. However, Reigns recovered quickly and speared Hunter through the barricade.

    Stephanie stood over Hunter and told the referee to go ahead and start the ten count. The referee did just that. Reigns dragged Hunter back inside the ring. Reigns was holding his left hand or arm in pain. Stephanie jawed at him. Roman stood up and went for a Superman Punch, but Hunter grabbed him by the bad arm and applied the Kimura lock.

    Reigns eventually rolled to a standing position, but Hunter held on. Hunter had a small cut on his head that opened early in the match. Reigns powered up Hunter and slammed him down for a two count and broke the hold.

    Rinse and repeat with Hunter applying the hold and Reigns powering out again. Hunter went for a Pedigree, but Reigns backdropped him over the top rope. Stephanie was there to tend to Hunter. Reigns set up for his dive, but Hunter caught him with a punch. As Hunter returned to the ring, Reigns speared him. Steph pulled out the referee briefly. He returned and counted, but Hunter kicked out.

    Stephanie entered the ring while the broadcast team said that was close to a DQ. Hunter grabbed the referee. Reigns went for a spear and both Hunter and the ref moved, causing Reigns to spear Stephanie. Hunter hit the Pedigree on Reigns for a good near fall.

    Reigns absorbed having his face driven into Hunter’s knee and came right back with a Superman Punch. Reigns sat in the corner and pumped himself up while Hunter struggled to get back to his feet. Reigns went for a spear, but Hunter cut him down with a great running knee to the head. Hunter covered Reigns, who kicked out at two.

    Stephanie was down at ringside, but she managed to hand Hunter a sledgehammer. Cole said Hunter would be disqualified and retain the title if he used the sledgehammer. With Hunter bickering with the referee momentarily, Reigns caught him with a Superman Punch. Reigns followed up with a second. Reigns dodged a sledgehammer jab from Hunter and then ran the ropes and speared him before pinning him to win the match….

    Winner and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Roman Reigns

    After the match, Reigns stood up with the belt and was booed by many. He played into for a moment by appearing to taunt them a little, then he head the belt over his head as pyro shot off on the stage and then a shot of pyro going off outside around the stadium was shown as the cameras cut back and forth from inside to the outside of the stadium. Reigns stood on the middle rope and celebrated.

    Cole announced that Roman Reigns and Charlotte will both appear on NBC’s “Today” on Monday morning at 8CT/9ET. Cole closed the show as Reigns stood on the second rope and smiled with the belt raised over his head…

    A video recapped the show…


    ***GAME OVER!***

  7. #17
    Main Eventer Slayer_X's Avatar
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    Shane's elbow from cage was monumental . I taker had been wearing a gopro cam.

  8. #18
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slayer_X View Post
    Shane's elbow from cage was monumental . I taker had been wearing a gopro cam.
    That was an insane bump! I thought Taker would throw him off like he did Foley.


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  9. #19
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Thanks Kemo

  10. #20
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paige's Ass View Post
    Thanks Kemo
    No problem, buddy!


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