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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE RAW Coverage & Discussion Thread - December 5th, 2016

    The Boss Is Back In Charge!

    After taking Charlotte Flair’s crown in her birthplace and namesake city of Charlotte, N.C., last Monday night, three-time Raw Women’s Champion Sasha Banks brings her newly won prize to Austin, Texas. How will The Queen deal with being usurped once again by her nemesis?

    – Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a look back at last week’s show.

    – We’re live from Austin, Texas as Seth Rollins makes his way out. Michael Cole, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves welcome us to RAW as JoJo makes the introduction.

    Rollins takes the mic and says this has been bugging him for months but he wants Triple H. Rollins says last week’s Pedigree to Chris Jericho was a message to Triple H and was just the beginning. Rollins says he’d love to stand here and call The Game out but we know that’s not how Triple H works. Rollins wonders how he gets to Triple H – simple, defeat Kevin Owens for the WWE Universal Title. But he can’t beat Owens while Jericho is still part of the equation. Rollins has to take out Jericho before going after Rollins. The music interrupts and out comes the WWE Universal Champion by himself.

    Rollins asks about Owens’ friendship with Jericho. Owens indicates they are just fine and still on the same page. Owens goes on and gets upset. He blames last week’s loss to Roman Reigns on Rollins. Owens can’t give Rollins a title shot tonight because he’s booked against Sami Zayn, then Reigns at Roadblock. Owens reveals the following matches for tonight – Jericho vs. Reigns for the WWE United States Title, Rollins vs. Big Show. He also reveals Rollins vs. Jericho for Roadblock. Big Show makes his way out sporting a huge beard.

    Seth Rollins vs. Big Show

    Back from the break and they meet in the middle of the ring. Show shoves Rollins to the mat. Rollins fires back but Show takes him to the corner. Show blocks a bunch of shots and shoves Rollins off. Rollins comes right back but Show floors him with a shoulder as Owens watches from ringside. Show with a big chop and more punishment.

    More back and forth in and out of the ring. Rollins hits two top rope knees in a row to stagger Show. The third knee takes Show off his feet. Show comes back and Owens gets on the apron. Owens yells at Show to finish Rollins off. Show chokeslams Owens over the top rope after he won’t shut up, bringing Owens in the ring. Show points to Rollins and lets him have Owens. Fans cheer as Show leaves the ring. Show gets counted out.

    Winner By Count Out: Seth Rollins

    – After the match, Show stands and applauds on the stage as Rollins is announced the winner. Owens stands up but Rollins kicks him and leaves him laying after a Pedigree.

    – Still to come, Reigns vs. Jericho with the title on the line. The announcers hype WWE 205 Live now. WWE Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann will be in action later tonight. Graves leads us to a vignette on Jack Gallagher.

    – Back from the break and the announcers plug John Cena hosting SNL this Saturday.

    Jack Gallagher vs. Ariya Daivari

    Back from the break and Ariya Daivari waits in the ring as Jack Gallagher makes his way out. Ariya isn’t happy about the pre-match handshake. They lock up for this 205 Live rematch.

    Gallagher fights out of a hold and takes control. Daivari suckers him in and drops him over the top rope. Daivari with right hands and a pin attempt now. Gallagher eventually comes back with dropkicks and a headbutt. Gallagher with the big running dropkick for the win.

    Winner: Jack Gallagher

    – After the match, Gallagher offers his hand for a shake but Daivari attacks and takes the knee out. Daivari unloads and talks some trash as fans boo him.

    – Still to come, Cesaro and Sheamus vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson in a #1 contenders match. Titus O’Neil is backstage handing out flyers for an event The Titus Brand is hosting. Back to commercial.

    – Owens confronts Foley backstage and says he shouldn’t be competing tonight. He says this wouldn’t be happening if Stephanie McMahon was here. Foley says she’s not here and the match against Sami Zayn is happening. Foley walks off. Owens sees Jericho. Jericho didn’t see what just happened to Owens because he just now arrived. Jericho is giving Owens the cold shoulder but Owens is really trying here. Jericho isn’t impressed with the two matches Owens got him either. Jericho says, “No, we are not good.” and walks off.

    – We go to Enzo Amore and Big Cass. They stop talking when Rusev and Lana come in arguing. Enzo says he doesn’t stand for a man talking to a woman like that. Cass tells Enzo this is none of his business. Enzo goes over any way and tells Rusev to calm down. Enzo and Rusev argue. Lana says Enzo is just trying to help. Rusev says she’s pathetic and maybe she deserves a pathetic man like Enzo. Lana reminds Rusev of her wedding ring but takes it off and throws it on the ground. Rusev walks off. Enzo tells Cass he’s got this, Cass leaves. Enzo picks up the ring and tells Lana she dropped it. Enzo asks Lana “how are you doin’?” and we go back to the arena.

    Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

    We go to the ring and out comes Sami Zayn. Back to commercial.

    Back from the break and Enzo is barely listening to Lana. She says Rusev needs to be taught a lesson for taking her for granted. She invites Enzo to her hotel room and leaves. Enzo is really happy. We go back to the ring and out comes WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens for this non-title match.

    The bell rings and they go at it. Sami drops Owens and he rolls to the floor. Sami sends Owens into the barrier and keeps control. Sami breaks the count but brings it back in. Owens with a kick to the face, sending Sami to the floor. Owens runs the ropes and leaps out onto Sami. Sami turns it back around and nails a dive on Owens. Back to commercial.

    More back and forth after the break. Owens rolls to the floor to regroup after a DDT on the apron. Sami nails the DDT through the ring ropes and brings Owens back in. Sami drops Owens on his face for a 2 count with a suplex. Sami takes Owens to the top but he counters and brings Sami down for a 2 count. More back and forth. Owens ends up kicking out of a Blue Thunderbomb and three big suplexes. Owens goes back to the floor and Sami follows.

    Sami with a suplex into the barrier. Sami brings it back in the ring but Owens catches him with a pop-up powerbomb out of nowhere for the win.

    Winner: Kevin Owens ko1

    – Backstage segment with Reigns and Jericho. Reigns taunts Jericho for having car paint on his forehead still. Jericho calls him a stupid idiot. Reigns warns Jericho and tells him to focus on tonight’s match. Jericho says Reigns is always having things handed to him but maybe his luck runs out tonight. Reigns says Jericho is just doing Owens’ dirty work again and walks off.

    – Still to come, the new RAW Women’s Champion Sasha Banks. Back to commercial.

    – Back from the break and we get a look at Sasha Banks winning the RAW Women’s Title last week. Sasha is backstage with Charly Caruso now. They talk about last week’s match and Charlotte looking ahead to getting the title back. Sasha challenges Charlotte to an Iron Man match at Roadblock and walks off.

    – Still to come, Charlotte has invited Ric Flair to RAW to apologize to him.

    Rich Swann vs. TJ Perkins

    We go to the ring and out comes new WWE Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann. We go to commercial.

    Back from the break and we get a video package on Swann. Back to the ring and out comes TJ Perkins. It’s announced that Swann will defend against Brian Kendrick on 205 Live this week. They lock up and go at it.

    Back and forth throughout the match. Perkins gets in a good amount of offense and hits a big corner dropkick for a 2 count. Swann counters the kneebar. Swann misses a kick but counters. Perkins drops Swann into the middle rope. Perkins with a dropkick from the corner. Perkins springboards in but Swann kicks him in mid-air for the pin.

    Winner: Rich Swann

    – After the match, Swann celebrates.

    – Bayley is backstage walking as we go to commercial.

    Bayley vs. Alicia Fox

    Back from the break and out comes Bayley. Out next comes Alicia Fox. This match was made after Alicia saw Bayley giving a stuffed Bayley bear from WWE Shop to Cedric Alexander earlier.

    Alicia unloads as soon as the bell rings. She keeps control until Bayley catches her in a Bayley-to-Belly out of nowhere for the win.

    Winner: Bayley

    – We go backstage to Cass warning Enzo that Lana is bad news. Enzo receives a selfie text message from Lana. Enzo leaves to get ready for their rendezvous. Rusev walks up and asks Cass where Lana is. Cass says that’s not his problem and he goes to leave. Rusev puts his hands on Cass. Cass gets upset. Rusev says he’s going to ask Foley for a match. He leaves.

    – Still to come, “The Tussle In Texas” with Mark Henry vs. Titus O’Neil. Back to commercial.

    The Tussle In Texas: Titus O’Neil vs. Mark Henry

    Back from the break and out first comes Titus O’Neil. This is announced as The Tussle in Texas. Mark Henry is out next to a pop.

    Titus raises the “hook ’em horns” for the University of Texas at Austin but drops them and gets booed. Titus charges but Henry nails a World’s Strongest Slam for the squash win.

    Winner: Mark Henry

    – After the match, Henry is all smiles as he greets fans at ringside. Henry hops over the barrier and hugs one fan in a wheelchair.

    – Camera cuts and comes to Enzo Amore. He's on the phone trying to find out where his Uber car is. Just as he's hanging up, a long black limo pulls up along side of him. The door opens and Ric Flair steps out. Enzo tells him that he is waiting on his Uber to come get him to take him to Lana’s hotel room but it never showed up. Flair lets Enzo take his limousine to the hotel instead. Flair walks into the arena. Back to commercial.

    – It was announced that Emma will return next week as Emmalina.

    WWE United States Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns

    We go to the ring and out comes WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns. Chris Jericho is walking backstage when Kevin Owens approaches. He says hes still here to make sure Jericho isn’t screwed tonight. Jericho shuts him up and says he doesn’t need Owens and doesn’t want his help. Jericho is going out to win the title and doesn’t want Owens near the ring. Jericho walks off and makes his way to the ring.

    Reigns calls for an early Superman punch but Jericho dropkicks him. Jericho clotheslines Reigns over the top. Jericho goes to the top and nails a big crossbody on the floor. We go to commercial as Jericho gets up.

    Back from the break and Jericho has kept control through the break. Reigns dodges a running boot and Jericho goes down. Reigns makes a comeback now. Reigns hulks up to a mixed reaction. Jericho with a boot. Jericho gets decked as he comes off the top. Jericho sends Reigns to the floor. Jericho with a springboard dropkick, knocking Reigns off the apron. Jericho runs the ropes but misses the dropkick through the ropes. Reigns with a Drive By. Reigns brings it back in the ring and readies for a spear. He changes hid mind and goes for the Superman punch. Jericho blocks it and drops Reigns with an elbow. Jericho hits the Lionsault for a 2 count.

    We get dueling chants now. Jericho with more offense until Reigns catches him in a big Samoan Drop. Reigns with a Superman punch for a 2 count. Reigns readies for a spear but gets kicked. Reigns blocks the Codebreaker and gets a close 2 count with a sitdown powerbomb. Reigns unloads on the carrier but gets rolled up for a close 2 count. Jericho with the Walls of Jericho now. Reigns breaks out. Jericho goes for the Walls again but gets rolled up for 2. Jericho with an enziguri. Jericho gets the Walls applied in the middle of the ring now.

    Reigns eventually breaks the hold and makes it to the bottom rope. Jericho distracts the referee as Owens runs down and superkicks Reigns in the head. Jericho nails a Codebreaker for a close 2 count. Owens can’t believe it. Owens argues with the referee from the apron. Jericho stares at Owens and yells at him for coming down. Jericho tells Owens to shut up and says he doesn’t need him. Owens smacks Owens in the chest and tells him to get the hell out of here. Owens looks stunned but he walks away. Jericho turns around and leaps over a spear. Reigns comes right back and hits the spear for the win.

    Winner: Roman Reigns

    – After the match, Reigns takes his title as we get replays.

    Big Cass vs. Rusev

    We go to the ring and out comes Big Cass. Back to commercial.

    Back from the break and Rusev’s music hits but he never comes out. Cass goes ringside and asks for a phone. He calls Enzo and we cut to Enzo walking up to Lana’s hotel room door. He ignores the call and goes to knock on the door but changes his mind. Enzo turns to leave but Lana opens the door wearing a robe and thanks him for coming. He says this is not a good idea. She turns and walks into the room upset. He follows her in and she starts hugging him. Enzo says he’s really uncomfortable right now. Lana agrees and goes to get them a few drinks, stopping to show off some leg. Enzo takes his coat off but Lana’s tricks don’t work as Enzo goes to leave. Lana rips Enzo’s shirt off but he says he really has to go now. Lana won’t give up. She asks Enzo to take his pants off but he calls that a terrible idea. She insists and he says OK but he only has a second. Enzo takes his pants off and is now wearing just his boxers. Lana says he’s a fool. Lana calls for Rusev and in he comes. Enzo says he’s not into this kind of thing. He goes to leave but Rusev stops him and attacks. Rusev beats Enzo up as Lana watches. Rusev destroys Enzo and breaks a piece of furniture over him. Rusev continues manhandling Enzo as Lana cheers him on. Rusev breaks a flower vase over Enzo’s head and yells some more. Lana opens the hotel room door and Rusev drags Enzo out into the hallway. Rusev re-enters the room with Lana as Enzo is left laying face down. Back to commercial.

    #1 Contenders Match: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Cesaro and Sheamus

    Back from the break and RAW Tag Team Champions The New Day are out to watch the match. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are out first, followed by Cesaro and Sheamus.

    Sheamus and Anderson start things off. Gallows ends up the legal man as he gets sent to the floor. The New Day distracts him at ringside, allowing Sheamus and Cesaro to take out The Club on the floor. Sheamus brings Gallows back in and tags Cesaro. They hit a double suplex on Gallows. Cesaro with a 2 count. We go to commercial with Cesaro delivering uppercuts.

    Back from the break and Cesaro tries to make a tag with Anderson in the ring. Anderson catches him in a big spinebuster. Gallows tags in and knocks Sheamus off the apron. The Club with a double team on Cesaro as The New Day looks on. They go for a Magic Killer on Cesaro but Sheamus runs in and stops it. Cesaro turns that into a DDT on Gallows. Anderson charges but Cesaro moves and he hits the floor. Sheamus gets the hot tag and unloads on Anderson.

    Sheamus tosses Anderson to the apron and hits the forearms to the chest. Sheamus goes for a rolling senton but in comes Gallows. Gallows takes the senton. Sheamus also takes out Anderson for a 2 count. Sheamus goes for White Noise but Anderson counters and rolls him up. They trade counters. Cesaro tags himself in. Anderson dumps Cesaro to the floor and turns around to a big crossbody from Cesaro for a 2 count. Cesaro with the springboard corkscrew uppercut. Cesaro boots Gallows on the apron. Cesaro goes for the Cesaro Swing but Gallows comes in. Cesaro sends Gallows and then Anderson to the floor. Cesaro falls with them, all in front of The New Day. Sheamus knocks them all into The New Day. Big E gets involved, then Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. All three teams brawl at ringside now. Kofi enters the ring and nails a big dive but Cesaro and Sheamus catch him. They launch Kofi into Big E and woods. Cesaro and Sheamus stand tall as their music hits. No #1 contenders were announced.

    – We see Charlotte backstage walking. Back to commercial.

    – Back from the break and out comes Charlotte Flair.

    Charlotte talks about her dad Ric Flair and gets the “what?!” treatment. She shows us how she was a “cold-hearted bitch of a daughter” when she insulted her dad back in May on RAW. Charlotte gets emotional when talking about watching her dad endorse Sasha Banks last week, about growing up Ric Flair’s daughter, being in the business and never knowing if she’s good enough. Charlotte calls her dad to the ring to apologize, saying she hasn’t seen him in 6 months. The crowd has been brutal here. The music hits and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair.

    Charlotte says she’s sorry. Flair looks to be getting emotional as Charlotte hugs him. She steps back and decks him in the face. Flair falls back into the corner. Charlotte calls Flair a son of a bitch. Charlotte yells at him for endorsing Sasha last week. Sasha runs down to the ring but Charlotte beats her down. Charlotte ties Sasha in the ropes and kicks her out of the ring. Charlotte follows and destroys Sasha, tossing her into the barrier. Referees warn Charlotte but she picks Sasha up and launches her into the ring post. Flair looks on crying as Charlotte yells about being “THE” woman. Charlotte brings Sasha back into the ring and talks more trash as fans boo her. Charlotte mocks Flair for crying. Charlotte leaves Sasha at Flair’s feet and continues mocking them. She makes her exit and is all smiles as fans boo her. RAW goes off the air with Charlotte talking smack while walking up the ramp.

  2. #2
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Big name spotted backstage, could be just visiting people no official word yet. He's here with Kevin Dunn...

  3. #3
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    ^Nice find!


    ***GAME OVER!***

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