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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default WWE UK Championship LIVE Coverage & Discussion (Night 1) - 14th Jan, 2017

    WWE UK Championship LIVE Coverage & Discussion (Night 1)
    To crown the inaugural WWE United Kingdom Champion!

    The WWE UK championship is intended to be the top championship of a new WWE Network show, produced in the United Kingdom.

    Date: 14th Jan, 2017
    Location: Empress Ballroom in Blackpool, Lancashire, England
    Announcers: Michael Cole and Nigel McGuinness


    Tyler Bate vs. Tucker.

    Danny Burch vs. Jordan Devlin.

    HC Dyer vs. Trent Seven.

    Wolfgang vs. Tyson Bone.

    Mark Andrews vs. Dan Moloney.

    James Drake vs. Joseph Conners.

    Pete Dunne vs. Roy Johnson.

    Sam Gradwell vs. Saxon Huxley.

    UK Championship Wrestlers:

    Mark Andrews - Cardiff, Wales
    Tyler Bate - Dudley, West Midlands, England
    Danny Burch - London, England
    Joseph Conners - Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England
    Jordan Devlin - Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland
    James Drake - Blackpool, Lancashire, England
    Pete Dunne - Birmingham, West Midlands, England
    HC Dyer - Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
    Sam Gradwell - Blackpool, Lancashire, England
    Saxon Huxley - Hartlepool, County Durham, England
    Roy Johnson - London, England
    Dan Moloney - Birmingham, West Midlands, England
    Trent Seven - Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England
    Tucker - Belfast, Northern Ireland
    Tyson T-Bone - Malvern, Worcestershire, England
    Wolfgang - Glasgow, Scotland

    These competitors were initially announced for the tournament but weren't selected amongst the final 16, they will however be backup competitors if there are any injuries to the final 16.

    Tiger Ali - Swindon, Wiltshire, England
    Ringo Ryan - Liverpool, Merseyside, England
    Jack Starz - Leicester, Leicestershire, England
    Chris Tyler - Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England

  2. #2
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Here are the first round match-ups:

    * Tyler Bate vs. Tucker
    * Jordan Devlin vs. Danny Burch
    * Trent Seven vs. H.C. Dyer
    * Wolfgang vs. Tyson T-Bone
    * Mark Andrews vs. Dan Moloney
    * James Drake vs. Joseph Conners
    * Pete Dunne vs. Roy Johnson
    * Saxon Huxley vs. Sam Gradwell

    The show starts off with a look back at the WWE’s history in the United Kingdom.

    Triple H makes his way onto the stage. Hunter says every empire has a beginning. Tonight, you build yours. There is only one question to ask. . . are your ready?

    We are in Blackpool, United Kingdom and your announcers are Michael Cole and Nigel McGuinness.

    Nigel says that there are no words to describe how excited he is to be here. He mentions the opportunities for the sixteen men.

    Nigel says Pete Dunne is his top pick. He says Danny Burch is another to watch because he has something to prove. Cole says Joseph Conners is his dark horse pick, but his pick to win is Trent Seven.

    Trent says that he is from Moustache Mountain. He says it is where British Strong Style started. He says it is great to be part of the UK scene and it is a no brainer to be part of the WWE. It is the grandest showcase. He expects to win this tournament.

    When you strike someone across the jaw it feels great. HC Dyer says his power is in his fist. One proper strike and it is lights out. WWE in the UK is massive. He can show that he is the best in the UK. He will make sure that when he strikes, he will make sure his opponent stays down.

    Match #1

    Trent Seven vs. H.C. Dyer

    They lock up and Seven backs Dyer into the corner and Seven with a clean break. Dyer misses a punch and Seven with a chop. Dyer laughs at Seven and Seven with a side head lock. Dyer with a drop kick and Seven goes to the floor. Dyer follows and Seven chops Dyer on the floor. Seven misses a chop and hits the ring post when Dyer ducks. Dyer with a kick and he sends Seven back into the ring.

    Dyer misses a splash in the corner and Seven with Kobashi chops. Seven with an Irish whip and he charges into the corner for a running chop. Seven with a suplex and a near fall. Seven sets for a piledriver but Dyer with a back drop to escape. Dyer with a spinebuster for a near fall. Dyer kicks Seven in the chest and then he works on the back. Seven with chops and slaps but he misses a bck fist. Seven with a take down into a single leg crab but Dyer escapes. Dyer with a punch but he takes too long to make the cover and Seven kicks out.

    Dyer goes for a waist lock into a German suplex, but Seven with an elbow. Dyer wtih a wrist clutch Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Dyer goes to the apron and up top. Dyer misses a frog splash and Seven gets his second wind. Seven wtih a spining back fist and the Seven Stars Clothesline for the three count.

    Winner: Trent Seven

    We see Jordan Devlin getting ready in the back as well as Danny Burch.

    Danny Burch says that he was in NXT for two years and to be in this tournament, it is humbling. He was a boxer and he is used to bar room violence. When it doubt hit out. He has no plan B. Inside the ring is where he feels comfortable. He is going to win this.

    Jordan Devlin mentions that he was trained by FInn Balor. His style is catch as catch can and strong style. It is a privilege to fight on this level. He feels that he was bred to do this from a young age. His goal is to win this.

    Match #2

    Jordan Devlin vs. Danny Burch

    Devlin with a rollup for a near fall to try to get the quick victory. They lock up and Burch with a wrist lock. Devlin with a reversal but Burch with a reversal of his own. Devlin with a hammer lock. Burch with a wrist lock and a suplex. Burch with a shoudler tackle and he catches Devlin as Devlin goes for a leap frog. Burch with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Burch misses a charge into the corner but Devlin with shoulders from the apron. Devlin with a drop kick for a near fall. Devlin with a kick and forearms in the covner as the referee warns Devlin. Bruch kicks Devlin but Devlin pulls Burch off the turnbuckles.

    Devlin gets a near fall. Devlin with forearms to the head. Devlin with a reverse chin lock. Burch gets back to his feet but Devlin takes Burch back to the mat. Devlin with forearms to Burch. Devlin kicks Burch in the chest. Devlin with a reverse chin lock. Devlin adds more pressure using his body weight. Burch with punches but Devlin with a back elbow for a near fall. Devlin with forearms to Burch as Burch tries to defend himself. Devlin argues with the crowd instead of continuing the attack on Burch. Burch with chops. Devlin with a rake of the eyes.

    Devlin with a rear chin lock. Burch with a jaw breaker to get out of the hold. Burch kicks Devlin and then he hits a missile drop kick. Burch kips up and he connects with forearms tot he head. Burch with a European uppercut but Devlin with a leaping forearm. Burch with a clothesline and a lariat for a near fall. Devlin with a rollup for a near fall. Burch with a spinebuster and knee followed by a head butt to the chest. Burch gets a near fall and then he applies the Crossface and Devlin tries to get to the ropes. Devlin gets his foot on the ropes and Burch has to release the hold.

    Burch tries a German suplex but Devlin wit an elbow. Devlin lands on his feet on a German suplex. Devlin with a rollup for a near fall. Devlin with a double stomp when Bruch charges into the corner. Devlin with an enzuigiri for the three count.

    Winner: Jordan Devlin

    We see that Burch is bleeding from the back of the head as Cole and McGuinness wonder if Burch kicked out or not. We see that Burch did get his shoulder up in time.

    After the match, they shake hands but Devlin hits a super kick.

    Devlin is interviewed about his victory and whether he had something to prove. Devlin says it is a confidence booster to go over Danny Burch so cleanly. He does not need the confidence boost. He is a thoroughbred horse in this to the end.

    We take a look at the next two wrestlers.

    Saxon Huxley says his mind is what is going to make him stand out. He meditates twice a day and reads a lot. He has traveled around the world to learn. He will harness that to be successful. He has no friends in this tournament.

    Sam Gradwell says he did not have an easy upbringing. WWE was his escape. He had to look after his brothers and sisters. The only thing he has in common with the others is the ring. His name will not be known by many coming in, but they will know him when it is over.

    Match #3

    Saxon Huxley vs. Sam Gradwell

    They lock up and Gradwell backs Huxley into the corner but Huxley with the clean break. They lock up again and Gradwell pushes Huxley away. They lock up again. They lock up again and Gradwell with a wrist lock. They lock up one more time and Gradwell with a wrist lock into a chin lock. Gradwell with a snap mare and chin lock but Huxley with a wrist lock. Gradwell goes for a side Russian leg sweep but Huxley blocks it. Gradwell with an arm drag into an arm bar.

    Huxley pie faces Gradwell on a break. Huxley with a forearm to the back. Huxley with another forearm to teh back but Gradwell with a drop kick for a near fall. Gradwell is backed into the turnbuckles and Gradwell with a front face lock. Gradwell with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Gradwell with a shoulder but Huxley with a double underhook into a butterfly back breaker and Huxley gets a near fall. Huxley with forearms to the back and he stretches Gradwell.

    Huxley with a knee to the midsection and he punches Gradwell. Gradwell gets back to his feet and he connects with a forearm. Gradwell with punches and forearms. Huxley pushes Gradwell away. Gradwell with an Irish whip and European uppercut. Huxley has a kick blocked and Gradwell with a forearm. Gradwell with a knee to the midsection. Gradwell wtih a forearm. Huxley punches Gradwell but Gradwell with European uppercuts. Gradwell goes up top and hits a diving head butt for the three count.

    Winner: Sam Gradwell

    We take a look at the next two wrestlers.

    Pete Dunne says he is his own person. He is unique. He says he beats people up. He has trained in Japan and survived. That made him the wrestler he is now. The eleven years of training culminates with this tournament. He says none of the other fifteen can compete with him.

    Roy Johnson says he is the most wavy person. He says his powerlifting background gives him an advantage. They don't know half of what he can do.

    Match #4

    Pete Dunne vs. Roy Johnson

    They lock up and Dunn with a wrist lock and he takes Johnson to teh mat and he works on the fingers. Dunne with a wrist lock to take Johnson to the mat. Dunne with a side head lock. Dunne with a shoudler tackle but Johnson stays on his feet. Johnson with a shoulder tackle but Dunne with a palm strike. Dunne with a front face lock into a guillotine but Johnson with a suplex to get out of the hold.

    Johnson is sent to the apron and Dunne pulls Johnson off the apron. Dunne stomps on the hand on the ring steps. Dunne with a wrist lock and he puts then hand on the floor and Dunne stomps on the elbow. Dunne with a wrist lock and hammer lock. Dunne with a wrist lock on the other arm and he pulls the fingers back in an uncomfortable position. Dunne with a near fall. Dunne goes for the surfboard and he removes Johnson's glove on his hand and he pulls at the fingers. Dunne gets a near fall. Dunne with a clothesline and he pulls Johnson up by the nose.

    Johnson with a flapjack and a running clothesline into the corner. Johnson goes to the turnbuckles for a shoulder tackle. Johnson runs into a boot and Dunne with an enzuguiri. Johnson with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Johnson goes for a power slam but Dunne escapes. Dunne runs into an elbow and Johnson goes to the turnbuckles. Johnson comes off the turnbuckles and Dunne with a forearm for a near fall.

    Dunne wtih a pump handle attempt but Johnson with a punch. Dunne with an enzuigiri and then he goes for a suplex but Johnson counters with a running TKO. Johnson gets a near fall. Dunne with a German suplex followed by a suplex throw for a near fall. Dunne goes for the pump handle flatline and he hits it for the three count.

    Winner: Pete Dunne

    Michael asks Nigel who has impressed him so far. Nigel mentions Roy Johnson but he does not want to give it away yet.

    We look at the next two wrestlers.

    Wolfgang says it would be validation to win. His dream is to be WWE Champion and work with the WWE. He will not give up hope. He has been working in a pub the last ten years and wrestling helps to take care of people. He says if he has to cheat to win, he will do it.

    Tyson T-Bone says he stands out because he is not a wrestler. He is looking to win the tournament. He wants to be the King of the Travelers.

    Tyson is interviewed about his mindset for his match. Tyson says whoever organized this tournament decided to put him in there with the biggest opponent. It makes him more confident. When you are flat on your back and you are knocked out, all he has to worry about is who is next.

    Match #5

    Wolfgang vs. Tyson T-Bone

    Tyson head butts Wolfgang during the hand shake and the referee checks on Wolfgang but Tyson does not care. The match starts and Tyson punches Wolfgang. Wolfgang with punches and European uppercuts. Wolfgang with a leg lariat and a splash into the corner. Wolfgang with a cross body into the corner and he goes to the apron. Wolfgang goes up top and hits a double sledge to the chest and gets a near fall. Wolfgang gets Tyson on his shoulders but Tyson escapes. Tyson with a kick to the knee and a knee to the head for a near fall.

    Tyson gets a near fall. Tyson with a hard Irish whip and he gets a near fall. Tyson with a reverse chin lock. Tyson with a kick and he gets a near fall. Tyson sets for a suplex but Wolfgang blocks it and he tries to get Tyson up but Tyson blocks. Wolfgang with a suplex and both men are down. Tyson with a forearm but Wolfgang with a punch. They go back and forth and Tyson with a rake of the eyes. Wolfgang with Wasteland and he hits a moonsault for a near fall. Wolfgang runs into a knee and Tyson with a German suplex. Tyson with a thrust kick for a near fall.

    Wolfgang is sent to the floor and Tyson follows. Tyson sends Wolfgang shoulder first into the ring post. Wolfgang is pulled on to the apron and that stops the referee's count. Wolfgang with an elbow but Tyson with an uppercut. Tyson climbs the turnbuckles for a superplex but Wolfgang sends Tyson to the mat. Wolfgang with a swanton for the three count.

    Winner: Wolfgang

    Wolfgang is asked about his match against Trent Seven in the next round. He says Trent Seven knows why he is called the Big Bad Wolf. The title is coming to Scotland and there will be a party when Wolfie wins.

    We go to the next two wrestlers.

    Joseph Conners says he has been doing this for ten years. He has been all over Europe but he is taking it to a bigger platform. He knows how this business changes you. The other fifteen are just visitors. He will do what it takes to be the first UK Champion.

    James Drake says it is inevitable for him to be in this tournament. He is only 23, but he has some of the most experience. He has faced them all and he has beaten them. He goes in there, he gets paid, and people talk about him. It is inevitable that he will win this tournament.

    Match #6

    James Drake vs. Joseph Conners

    They lock up and Drake goes after Conners' ear. They lock up again and Conners takes Drake to the mat and gets a near fall. Drake gets a few near falls while holding on to the collar and elbow tie up. Drake with punches in the corner. They lock up again and Conners with a wrist lock. Drake with a reversal and an elbow to the jaw. Conners sends Drake into the corner and Drake goes to the apron and connects with a shoulder followed by punches. Drake with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Conners with a kick and forearms. Drake with a drop kick and he gets a near fall.

    Drake stands on Conners' hand. Drake with a forearm. Conners with a double stomp when Drake charges into the corner and Conners gets a near fall. Conners wtih an elbow and forearm in the corner. Conners with a kick and short arm clothesline for a near fall. Drake with a forearm and Conners sends Drake into the ropes and hits a belly-to-back throw for a near fall. Conners with forearms to the back and he slams Drake's throat into the apron. Conners slams Drake's face into the mat. Conners wtih an arm bar and chin lock.

    Drake with forearms and a flying clothesline. Drake sends Conners into the corner and he connects with forearms. Drake with more forearms. The referee warns Drake. Conners kicks Drake away and Drake with an enzuigiri. Drake with a rollup for a near fall. Drake wtih a kick and he gets a sunset flip for a near fall. Conners runs Drake into the corner but Drake with a forearm. Conners with a back elbow into a back breaker and then he hits the DLD for the three count.

    Winner: Joseph Conners

    We take a look at the next two wrestlers.

    Mark Andrews says he has a big opportunity as the only Welsh wrestler. If he wins the tournament, it would be the biggest honor of all. It would mean that he represents an entire generation that fought to get here. We need the best wrestler in the UK to win the championship and he thinks it is him.

    Dan Moloney says he comes from a dark place. He says he is brash and does not do things he does not do well. He is not looking out for people's safety.

    Mark Andrews is asked how he stacks up against the competition. He says he is not the biggest guy or the strongest guy. You should never underestimate this underdog.

    Match #7

    Mark Andrews vs. Dan Moloney

    They lock up and Moloney sends Andrews to the mat and applies an arm bar. Andrews with an arm drag and another arm drag. Moloney blocks an arm drag but Andrews is able to get Moloney down. Moloney with a kick and chop. Andrews floats over and he does a handspring into a drop kick for a near fall. Andrews with an arm bar. Moloney wtih a waist lock and Andrews with elbows. Moloney sends Andrews high into the air and Andrews lands face first on the mat. Moloney gets a near fall. Moloney wtih a hard Irish whip. Moloney gets a near fall.

    Moloney with kicks to the head followed by an Irish whip. Moloney catches Andrews but Andrews with a jaw breaker. Andrews with a kick to the midsection using the ropes and he flips into the ring and he hits a victory roll into a double stomp. Andrews with running knees into the corner. Andrews with a Northern Lights suplex into a standing moonsault for a near fall. Andrews sends Moloney to the floor and Andrews with a moonsault off the apron. Andrews goes up top and Moloney rolls to the other side of the ring. Moloney goes for an F-5 but Andrews lands on his feet.

    Moloney wtih a near fall. Moloney with an F-5 and he hits a running knee to the head for a near fall. Andrews with a stunner to counter the suplex and he hits a shooting star press for the three count.

    Winner: Mark Andrews

    It is time to take a look at the final two wrestlers in the first round.

    Tucker says his style is technical. He had knee surgery a few years ago and he was told his career might be over. He says not to doubt him. This is a great opportunity to show what he can do.

    Tyler Bate says it is an honor to be in the tournament. He says he has the advantage because he has nothing to lose. He might be 19 years old, but he is a man with two hands who can knock anyone out. Age is just a number. The numbers he cares about are the 1, 2, 3.

    Match #8

    Tyler Bate vs. Tucker

    They lock up and Tucker with a side head lock and take down. Tucker gets a near fall. Tyler with a head scissors and Tucker escapes. Tucker wti a wrist lock and then he takes Tyler down and misses a moonsault. Tyler misses an elbow. Tucker misses a kick when Tyler moves out of the way. Tyler with a jab for a near fall. Tyler with an Irish whip but Tucker floats over and then he goes up top for a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Tucker with a chop and then Tyler kicks Tucker in the had and he slams Tucker and hits a barrel roll for a near fall. Tyler with a snap mare into a cravate.

    Tyler with another snap mare into a cravate. Tucker tries to escape but Tyler holds on to the cravate. Tucker is able to escape the hold but Tyler with a forearm. Tucker with a round kick and Tyler is down. Tucker with a chop and punch. Tucker with a forearm. Tucker with a head scissors to send Tyler into the corner. Tucker with a running forearm intot eh corenr but Tyler sends him to the apron. Tucker with a slap to Tyler and he hits a slingshot flatline for a near fall. Tucker goes to the apron and he goes up top . Tyler gets to his feet and Tucker rolls through. Tyler wtih an elbow and then a knee lift.

    Tyler goes to the turnbuckles and hits a European uppercut. Tyler goes for the Tyler Driver but Tucker with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Tucker with a boot to the midsection. Tucker sends Tyler over the top rope to the floor. Tucker runs into a European uppercut as he goes for a suicide dive. Tyler tries for a suplex on the floor. Tucker lands on his feet and he tries to send Tyler into the ring steps but Tyler avoids the steps. Tucker with a head scissors off the steps and the referee checks on both men before starting his count.

    Tucker with an enzuigiri from the apron and he hits a springboard cross body but Tyler picks up Tucker and he gives Tucker an airplane spin. Tyler looks like he has lost momentum and he goes the other way. Tyler gets a near fall. Tucker with a super kick that sends Bate out of the ring. Tucker goes to the floor and he picks up Bate and sends him back into the ring. Tucker gets a near fall. Tucker goes up top again and he goes for a swanton but Tyler gets his knees up. Bate with a kick and Tyler with a forearm and Liger Kick. Tyler with a Tyler Driver 97 for the three count.

    Winner: Tyler Bate

    We take a look at highlights from the first round matches.

    Nigel McGuinness and William Regal are on the stage.

    Regal says it is nice to be home. He says we saw an incredible display of athleticism from the competitors tonight.

    Nigel introduces the eight men who will compete in the Quarterfinals and they stand face to face in front of the title belt.

    William wishes them the best of luck, but reminds them that only one can be crowned the UK Champion.

    Pete Dunne with a forearm to Sam Gradwell and Regal pulls him away and gives him 'The Regal Stare'.

    Dunne continues his attack on Gradwell and hits a suplex throw on the stage

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I think it is cool the UK going to have a UK champion .. the crowds are always nuts in the UK lol

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Triple H doing a good job expanding the company He and Stephanie will do good once Vince reties.

  5. #5
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionDen View Post
    Triple H doing a good job expanding the company He and Stephanie will do good once Vince reties.
    I'm really enjoying the show. I'm glad they're doing it. I had reservations when it was announced, but now I'm optimistic.


    ***GAME OVER!***

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kemo View Post
    I'm really enjoying the show. I'm glad they're doing it. I had reservations when it was announced, but now I'm optimistic.
    I agree, it does seem good, good wrestling and atmosphere. At least now when the WWE visit the UK, the UK crowd will have their own champion to cheer Wonder if they will incorporate a match at Wrestlemania.

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Thank you Kemo A good show, I am looking forward to tomorrow now for the finals.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Danny Burch is tended to by WWE physicians after suffering a nasty gash in a losing first round effort against Jordan Devlin.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    WWE tweeted the following about today's UK Tournament.

    Original tweet with video: Click Here

  10. #10
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Pete Dunne attacking Sam Gradwell at the end of the show

    William Regal, Nigel McGuinness, and Triple H confronting Pete Dunne backstage after Night 1.


    ***GAME OVER!***

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