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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default WWE Smackdown Live Coverage - 29th Jan, 2019

    WWE Smackdown Live Coverage - 29th Jan, 2019
    Location: Phoenix, Arizona
    Announcers: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and Corey Graves.

    We begin with a look at the end of the Women's Royal Rumble match from Sunday when Becky Lynch won the match. We then take a look at last night's Raw when Becky Lynch defied the announcement of Triple H and chose her opponent for Wrestlemania.

    Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring and she has something to say.

    Becky says this has been a couple of days. A lot has happened in Phoenix. Last night, she showed up on Raw. She says she couldn't resist looking at Ronnie in her angry little eyes. It took her two seconds to confirm how different they really are. The beginning of the Royal Rumble did not go her way but she does not crumble when she loses, like Ronda. Becky says she went out and won the Royal Rumble on one good leg.

    Becky says Ronda the arrogant dope wants to talk about Becky working her way up while Ronda was on top. Becky says she is proud of working her way up and slapping all the heads to get here. She worked from the pre-show of Wrestlemania last year to being this year's main event. Nobody handed her nothing.

    Becky says the main thing she saw when she looked in Ronnie's eyes and it is something she does not have and that is doubt. Becky says she will break Ronnie's arm in front of the world. If you don't believe that, you will be carried out knowing it.

    Charlotte Flair interrupts and makes her way to the ring. Charlotte applauds Becky before saying anything.

    Charlotte congratulates Becky. She made it off the kickoff show and Charlotte says she is so proud. Becky must be ecstatic. It feels good doesn't it. You got into the Rumble match and won. Maybe you learned from me. You became the man after learning from The Queen. It was me who brought you to the main event. Charlotte says she is proud to get this off her chest. Charlotte says she is so happy that she could do all of this for you.

    Becky punches Charlotte and leaves the ring.

    Charlotte attacks Becky from behind on the ramp. Becky and Charlotte exchange punches. Charlotte goes after Becky's leg and then Charlotte takes Becky down. They are separated but we know how well that works so Becky gets away and attacks Charlotte again.

    Shinsuke Nakamura is in the back walking.

    We go to commercial.

    United States Cahmpionship
    Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs R Truth (w/ Carmella)

    Nakamura with a kick as the bell rings. Nakamura with a knee and reverse exploder. Nakamura sets for Kinshasa but Truth with a Lie Detector and Nakamura rolls to the floor. Truth rolls Nakamura back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Truth with another near fall. Truth with a sit out gourdbuster for a near fall. Truth misses a splash into the corner and Nakamura with a kick to the back of the head. Nakamura sends Truth to the mat and kicks him. Nakamura gets a near fall.

    Nakamura chokes Truth in the ropes and kicks Truth in the back of the head. Truth with punches but they have no impact. Nakamura with a guillotine on Truth. Truth with punches but Nakamura pulls Truth to the mat and connects with knees and kicks. Nakamura chokes Truth in the corner. Nakamura with a forearm but Truth with a punch . Nakamura with forearms and then he puts Truth on the turnbuckles. Nakamura with a running knee to the midsection and then he connects with a second one. Nakamura sets for a third running knee and connects.

    Nakamura gets a near fall. Nakamura gets Truth on his shoulders but Truth with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: R Truth (new Champion)

    After the match:
    Rusev comes out and he is accompanied by Lana. He says he took the title from Nakamura because the title deserved better than Shinsuke Nakamura. If that title deserved better than Shinsuke, it definitely deserves better than R Truth. If you are not too tired from your grueling victory, how about a title match now?

    Lana and Carmella argue and Carmella pushes Lana down. Rusev has some words for Carmella but Truth stands between Rusev and Carmella. They push each other and Truth accepts the challenge.

    We go to commercial.

    United States Championship
    R Truth (c)(w/ Carmella) vs Rusev (w/ Lana)

    The match is joined in progress and Rusev with a reverse chin lock. We see footage from the commercial break when Rusev hit a drop kick to get a near fall. Rusev maintains the reverse chin lock. Rusev with an Irish whip and running hip into the corner. Rusev with an Irish whip and Truth with a sunset flip for the three count.

    Winner: R Truth

    After the match, Truth's celebration is broken up by an attack from Shinsuke Nakamura. Truth is sent back into the ring and Rusev attacks Truth. Nakamura enters the ring and he joins in the attack on Truth. Nakamura holds Truth and Rusev with a Machka Kick. Nakamura with a running boot to the head while Rusev holds Truth.

    We take a look back at what happened between Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch.

    We see Becky limping to her vehicle and she is asked why she refused medical attention. Becky says she is fine and does not need to spend any more time on the shelf. Becky leaves the arena.

    We see R Truth in the back and he is being checked on by the medical staff. Truth says he is good.

    Zelina Vega comes out and she says she knows that Rey is the reason why she was barred from the match last week. Are you that distracted by her that you cannot focus on your opponent? Zelina says she knows that Andrade is head and shoulders above everyone, especially you . . .

    Almas attacks Rey from behind and hits a suplex and then holds on for another one but Rey with a knee to stop the third suplex. Rey sends Almas into the ropes but Almas with an elbow to stop the 619. Almas with a hammer lock DDT

    Rusev is in the back and Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson ask him what he just did. Rusev says he lost. Anderson says that Truth didn't deserve that but he beat both of you.

    Rusev tells Anderson to go back to catering and take your big friend with you.

    Anderson says Rusev deserves Nakamura. Nakamura says challenge accepted.

    Rusev says he will team with Nakamura one time and he tells Nakamura not to screw him over.

    Shane McMahon and Miz walk in the back and Miz says the titles are enough of a celebration but Shane tells him that he will enjoy what will happen.

    We go to commercial.

    We take a look at the premiere of Fighting with My Family at the Sundance Film Festival.

    Miz and Shane McMahon make their way to the ring.

    Miz asks if the surprise is that there is no surprise? Where is the confetti, champagne, and balloons? Phoenix wants to party with them.

    Shane says they don't need confetti, streamers, and champagne. Shane says a childhood dream came true when they became tag team champions. How can he repay Miz? Shane says the one thing he can do for Miz, and you will not forget this for the rest of your life. Shane says he took them on a journey and it has been a little weird. Shane has put together a video.

    Shane says he was trepidatious and he did not know why Miz wanted to be his partner, but then he realized why he did it. Shane says the one motivating force that makes you who you are. Shane brings out Miz' dad.

    Shane says he asked his dad something special and he gives the mic to Miz' dad.

    George tells Mike that he loves him and he is very proud of him.

    Shane starts to tear up and he says that they need to defend their tag titles. Shane says we will find out who their opponents will be and it will be determined in a four way elimination match.

    Elimination Match to Determine the Number One Contenders for the Smackdown Tag Titles
    Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs Kofi Kingston and Big E (w/ Xavier Woods) versus Sheamus and Cesaro vs Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight

    Otis and Jey start things off and Otis with a shoulder tackle. Kofi tags in and he kicks Otis. Otis misses punches and Kofi with kicks and Otis drops down when Kofi goes through the legs. Big E tags in and Big E dances to the trombone. They both go for clotheslines and neither man moves. Otis goes for a shoulder tackle and Big E goes for an abdominal stretch but cannot apply it. Otis tries to do the same. Otis with a slam. Tucker tags in and they hit a double splash on Big E.

    Jimmy tags in and applies a side head lock. Cesaro tags in and connects with a knee to Knight's back and he kicks Jimmy in the corner. Sheamus joins in the attack. Cesaro tags back in and they hit a double clothesline on Jimmy for a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock and he rubs Jimmy's face in the mat. Cesaro with a daedlift gutwrench suplex followed by a knee drop from Sheamus for a near fall. Cesaro tags back in and he applies a sleeper as we see Shane and MIz watching from the back.

    Jimmy with a jaw breaker and both men are down. Sheamus tags in and he knocks the New Day off the apron. Jey tags in and clotheslines Sheamus. Jey with an uppercut and Samoan drop for a near fall. Big E tags in as Jey goes to the floor. Sheamus with a knee and punches. Kofi with a kick to the chest and he tags in. Kofi with a double stomp off the shoulders and Cesaro breaks up the cover. Big E punches Cesaro and he connects with a Foley Clothesline to the floor. Otis tags in and Kofi with a pendulum kick. Otis catches Kofi off the apron and they hit the Compactor on Kofi for a three count.

    New Day Eliminated

    Tucker and Jey are in the ring and Jey knocks Otis off the apron and then Tucker goes over the top rope to the floor when Jey drops down. Jimmy with a plancha and Cesaro makes the tag. Sheamus and Cesaro pick up Jey and drop him on the ringside barrier.

    We go to commercial.

    Tucker and Jey are in the ring and Jey knocks Otis off the apron and then Tucker goes over the top rope to the floor when Jey drops down. Jimmy with a plancha and Cesaro makes the tag. Sheamus and Cesaro pick up Jey and drop him on the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Cesaro with an elbow drop to the back and he applies a rear chin lock. We see Jimmy being sent into the ringside barrier during the commercial and we see them down on the floor. Tucker with a side slam and Sheamus makes the tag. Knight and Sheamus are down as Otis and Cesaro tag in. Otis with a shoulder tackle to Cesaro and splashes to Sheamus. Otis with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Otis with a splash to Cesaro and Sheamus in the corner. Otis looks around and it is time for the Caterpillar. Otis gets a near fall.

    Tucker tags in and they go for the Compactor but Sheamus grabs Tucker's leg. Otis catapults Cesaro to Tucker for a power slam and a near fall. Cesaro with a boot to Tucker. Jimmy tags in and hits a cross body on Tucker for a near fall. Jimmy goes for a super kick but Otis blocks it. Jimmy with an enzuigiri. Jimmy with a super kick to Tucker. Sheamus tags in and Sheamus gives Tucker a Brogue Kick after a European uppercut from Cesaro.

    Heavy Machinery Eliminated

    Jimmy with a super kick and a plancha onto Cesaro. Jey with a frog splash onto Sheamus for the three count.

    Winners: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

    Daniel Bryan is in the back and he knocks food out of a backstage worker's hands.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and WWE Champion Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring. We see photos from the match from Sunday night.

    Daniel asks if you know who won this past Sunday at the Royal Rumble? Daniel says it was each and every one of you. You all won and your children won. Your children's children all won because Daniel Bryan won. Because a victory for him is a victory for every sentient being on Earth because he is the planet's champion. Daniel says he does not expect all of you to understand what he is saying because none of you know what winning feels like. Daniel says he found someone who understands the truth in everything Daniel says. He did not come out for Daniel, but for the greater good.

    Daniel brings out Rowan.

    Daniel asks what do you see when you see Rowan. You see the dirt under his fingernails and think he is a mindless runt. He spends time at night reading. Daniel says Rowan is his intellectual peer. He can see through the facade of AJ Styles. AJ Styles could be right some time. He suggested that Daniel was a hypocrite. Daniel says he is a hypocrite. It is because he carries around this belt.

    Daniel asks for a trash can and Daniel says this is a symbol of excellence but it is also a symbol of excess. It is gaudy, made from cheap labor, and bound to the skin of a cow whose life was taken from her. Daniel says the cow who gave her life was named Daisy. Daisy had the ability to feel immense joy which she did not get to enjoy much of in this life. She also had the ability to feel immense pain. She was forced to give her life for this symbol. This symbol is the very thing that Rowan and he stand against. Daniel throws the title in the trash and says that the title belt is trash.

    Daniel says when he became the WWE Champion, he would change the world. To change the world, we need new symbols.

    Rowan gives Daniel a new belt that is the new symbol of excellence. This is your new WWE Championship.

    Daniel says the people are ignorant. This belt is made from 100% organic sustainable hemp from a naturally fallen oak.

    AJ Styles interrupts when his music plays.

    AJ asks Daniel if he thought he would sit in the back while Daniel threw the WWE Championship in the trash. AJ asks Daniel if he smoked the prototype. AJ says for someone who doesn't like corporations, Daniel found the biggest insurance policy . .

    Randy Orton's music interrupts and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Jeff Hardy is now in the ring and Mustafa Ali makes his way to the ring to talk about what he has done.

    Orton asks Ali if he was eliminated by a girl at the Royal Rumble.

    Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring and he says he is not here to ask for permission. He is here to make a champion go to sleep. He says he will take care of the Viper and it will come from somewhere. Joe tells Jeff he already beat him and he tells Jeff to shut up like he is at an AA meeting. Joe tells Ali that he got lucky on Sunday. Joe says Ali's eyes don't lie because they were closed when he put you to sleep. Joe asks AJ how is Wendy doing.

    AJ punches Joe and Orton with an RKO to Joe. Hardy with a Twist of Fate to Orton.

    Daniel says none of you are going to get a chance.

    Triple H appears on the TitanTron and he confirms for Daniel that he will not be taking on any ONE of those superstars. You will be defending the WWE Championship against all of those superstars in the Elimination Chamber.

    We go to credits with everyone brawling. AJ and Joe go into the crowd while Orton sends Ali into the ringside barrier.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    ... and it begins. A lot of promos coming to promote the Rousey vs Lynch match at Wrestlemania and now Charlotte has started her campaign to make it a triple threat match.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not a great show IMO but ended well.

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