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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE NXT 2.0 Vengeance Day Live Coverage - February 4th, 2023

    Bron Breakker and Grayson Waller collide for the NXT Championship in Vengeance Day showdown

    NXT Vengeance Day Kick-Off Show

    Announcers: Booker T and Vic Joseph.

    The show opens with Charlotte Flair hosting a video package about NXT getting back on the road wherein she puts tonight’s principal competitors over.

    NXT North American Championship Match
    Wes Lee (c) vs Dijak

    They lock up and Dijak sends Wes to the mat. Dijak tells Wes to give up. Wes with a side head lock. Dijak with a punch to the midsection and a shoulder tackle. Wes looks around a then he lays down for Dijak but Wes suckers Dijak into a kick. Wes with a head scissors take down. Wes with a waist lock but Dijak blocks a German suplex attempt. Wes is sent to the apron and he connects with a shoulder and he hits a slingshot head scissors that sends Dijak to the floor. Wes with a drop kick through the ropes. Wes with a forearm attempt off the apron but Dijak catches Wes and hits a Death Valley Driver on the floor. Dijak gets a near fall when they get back into the ring. Dijak gets another near fall. Dijak chokes Wes in the ropes. Dijak with back elbows in the corner followed by a forearm. Dijak with a suplex throw for a near fall. Dijak catches Wes on a cross body attempt. Dijak with a knee to the back and then he tosses Wes over the top rope to the floor. Dijak sends Wes into the apron and ringside barrier.

    Dijak gets a near fall. Dijak with kicks to Wes. Dijak with forearms and elbows in the corner. Dijak with an Irish whip and Dijak with a running uppercut into the corner. Dijak with another Irish whip but Wes drops down and Dijak goes to the floor when he charges at Wes in the corner. Wes with a punch to the midsection and a back heel kick. Wes with punches to Dijak. DIjak with an Irish whip and Lee drop kicks Dijak in the knees and Dijak goes into the turnbuckles. Lee with a back hee lick and he tries for a German suplex and Dijak blocks it. Wes with a German suplex for a near fall. Wes kicks Dijak to the apron and Dijak pulls WEs to the apron. They exchange punches. Dijak gets Wes on his shoulders and Lee with elbows to get back to his feet. Lee with a back body drop onto the apron and Dijak goes to the floor. Wes with a Flying Space Tiger Drop. Lee with a back handspring but Dijak catches Lee and sets for Feast Your Eyes but Lee with a counter into a poisonrana. Lee with a Cradle Shock for a near fall.

    Lee goes up top and goes for a 450 splash but Dijak moves and Lee lands on his feet. Lee with a super kick but Dijak catches Lee off the ropes for High Justice but Lee kicks out. Dijak goes for a crossface chicken wing and Lee tries to get to the ropes. Lee rolls through but Dijak holds on to the chicken wing. Lee starts to lose consciousness and his arm falls to the mat. The referee checks on Lee but Lee gets a second wind. Lee cannot get to the ropes and Dijak gets Lee up for Feast Your Eyes but Lee counters for a rollup and a near fall. Lee lands on his feet when Dijak goes for High Justice and Lee hits a thrust kick. Lee with another thrust kick. Dijak tells Lee to kick him again and Lee with a flying boot. Dijak with a boot to Lee for a near fall. DIjak with a thrust kick and clothesline for a near fall.

    Dijak pulls Lee to the corner by the hair and then Dijak climbs the turnbuckles. Dijak picks up Lee by the trunks. DIjak goes for a power bomb off the turnbuckles but Lee counters into a rana. Lee goes up top and hits a Spiral Tap for a near fall. Lee with a suicide dive but Dijak sees Lee coming and sends Lee into the ringside barrier. Dijak grabs a chair and sets it up on the floor. Dijak puts Lee in the chair and Dijak gets a broom to trap Lee in the chair. Dijak with a super kick and he goes to the turnbuckles. Dijak argues with the referee and then D'Angelo and Lorenzo get in the way with Lee out of the way and Dijak hits the moonsault on Tony and Lorezno.

    Dijak a springboard move and Lee with a super kick. Lee with a flipping kick for the three count.

    Winner: Wes Lee (retains championship)

    We see footage of Grayson Waller and Bron Breakker arriving at the building earlier today.

    McKenzie Mitchell is in the back with Katana Chance and Kayden Carter. Katana says they have faced all types of teams to become tag team champions. Kayden says whatever is going on with Kiana and Fallon does not matter to them. She says they busted their asses to become champions.

    NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Match
    Katana Chance and Kayden Carter (c) vs Kiana James and Fallon Henley (w/ Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs)

    Kiana and Kayden start things off and Kayden with a waist lock and take down. Kayden shakes her rear end at Kiana and Brooks. Kayden slides to the floor while Brooks gives Kiana some advice. Kayden spanks Brooks and Kiana follows after Kayden. Kayden trips Kiana and Katana with a slingshot senton for a near fall. Kiana with a front face lock and Fallon tags in. Fallon blocks a kick from Katana and Fallon stops short of hitting Kiana. Kiana and Fallon with a double clothesline and Fallon gets a near fall. Kayden kicks Fallon and Katana tags in. They hit a double leg sweep and a leg drop and moonsault combination for a near fall. Katana with an arm bar and Kiana tags in and Kiana with a knee to the back. Kiana with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Kiana knocks Kayden off the apron and she punches Katana. Kiana with an Irish whip and shoulders. Fallon tags in and hits a flying mare by the hair and gets a near fall.

    Fallon with a half nelson and chin bar. Fallon keeps Katana from making the tag but Kayden tags in and connects with forearms and uppercuts to Fallon. Kayden with a flying boot to Kiana in the corner and a splash to Fallon. Kayden with a running boot to Fallon after Katana makes the tag. Kayden sends Katana onto Fallon and Kiana with a cross body. Katana with a flip leg drop to the back for a near fall. Fallon kicks Katana. Katana with a jaw breaker and Kiana tags in. Katana lands on her feet and Katana with an assisted head scissors to Kiana. Carter tags in and Kiana with a spinebuster for a near fall. Kayden punches Kiana and Kayden kicks Kiana and Katana tags in and punches Kiana to fall over Kayden. Kayden sends Katana onto Kiana but Kiana gets her knees up. Kiana sends Carter to the floor. Kiana punches Katana and Fallon tags in and hits a springboard blockbusgter followed by a spike power bomb for a near fall. Carter is sent to the floor and Kiana misses a moonsault from the apron. Carter with a cutter off the apron to Kiana. Brooks checks on Kiana.

    Katana and Fallon exchange punches and forearms. Fallon with an Irish whip and Katana sends Fallon to the apron. Carter tags in and Fallon tries to suplex Kayden to the floor. Fallon with a head butt and forearms. Katana tags in and Kayden gets Fallon on her shoudlers and Katana with a super Frankensteiner for a near fall. Carter tags in and she sets for the neck breaker but Kiana pushes Katana off the turnbuckles. Carter with an O'Connor Roll for a near fall. Fallon with a rollup and Kiana grabs Carter's legs to prevent her from kicking out for the three count.

    Winners: Kiana James and Fallon Henley (new champions)

    We see Drew Gulak talking to Hank Walker about strategy and he complains about what Hank is wearing. He says he has to get some new gear for Hank.

    Lyra Valkyria says she was supposed to get her day of Vengeance but Cora Jade stopped it. She says Cora must have changed her mind. She cannot respect someone who says one thing and then changes their mind. On Tuesday, I will be standing in the center of the ring. Who will be ready to soar?

    Two Out of Three Falls Match
    Apollo Crews versus Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams)

    Fall Number One

    They stare each other down and have words for each other before they circle each other. They lock up and Crews with a waist lock but Hayes tries to roll through and Crews holds on. Crews with a wrist lock and Hayes escapes. They lock up and Hayes with a wrist lock take down into a front face lock. Crews with a reversal. Crews with a side head lock take down. Hayes with a head scissors but Crews escapes and returns to the side head lock. Hayes slaps Crews and Crews slaps back. Crews avoids a punch and Crews with a side head lock. Crews floats over in the corner and flips away. Hayes holds on to the ropes when Crews goes for a drop kick. Crews blocks a drop kick from Hayes and Crews catapults Hayes and Hayes lands on the turnbuckles. Hayes with a back heel kick and Hayes comes off the turnbuckles but Crews hits him with a drop kick.

    Crews chops and kicks Hayes. Crews with an Irish whip that sends Hayes sternum first into the turnbuckles. Crews with a back breaker. Crews with a waist lock and Hayes gets to the ropes. Hayes with an elbow. Hayes with a springboard move but Crews catches Hayes and hits a German suplex. Crews holds on and Hayes with a back elbow. Crews is sent to the apron. Hayes with a baseball slide and Crews leaps over Hayes. Hayes pulls Crews to the floor and Trick gets in Crews' face. Hayes comes off the apron but Crews avoids it. Crews with a clothesline on the floor. Crews with a moonsault off the apron onto Hayes. Crews sends Hayes back in and Crews with a slingshot senton for a near fall. Hayes continues to hold his ribs and Trick gets a chair to sit down at ringside. Crews with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall. Crews misses a splash in the corner and Hayes with an elbow and he sends Crews to the apron and drops Crews on the top rope.

    Hayes rolls to the floor and sends Crews back into the ring. Hayes gets back into the ring and he punches Crews. Hayes gets a near fall. Crews with a chin lock and his knee on Crews' head. Hayes with an arm bar. Hayes with a knee. Hayes with a hot shot to Crews and he gets a near fall. Hayes gets another near fall. Crews with chops and forearms but Hayes kicks back. Hayes with a short arm clothesline. Hayes pie faces Crews and kicks him in the face. Hayes misses a short arm clothesline and Crews with two German suplexes but Hayes blocks the third one. Hayes lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex. Crews with a back body drop and both men are down.

    Crews with a back heel kick and clotheslines. Crews misses a leaping clothesline but Hayes misses a gourdbuster. Crews with a clothesline. Crews with a splash into the corner but he misses a second one. Hayes with a forearm and Crews with a kick when Hayes goes for a springboard move from the apron. Crews sets for a superplex into the ring and hits it for a near fall. Crews signals that it is over and he sets to press Hayes but Hayes grabs the leg. Crews with knees. Crews gets Hayes up but Hayes gets back to his feet. Hayes with a rollup for a near fall. Crews with a kick and Hayes with La Mistica for a near fall. Hayes with a swinging cutter for a near fall. Hayes with a crossface on Crews and Crews taps out.

    Carmelo Hayes: 1 Fall
    Apollo Crews: 0 Falls

    Fall Number Two

    Hayes with punches but Crews punches back. Hayes with a forearm. Hayes with a double thrust to the throat and he sends Crews to the mat. Crews with a German suplex and he holds on for a second one. Crews holds on and hits a third one. Crews with a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Crews goes to the turnbuckles and Hayes grabs the ankle. Hayes with a kick and he puts Crews in the ropes. Hayes with the Fade away leg drop and he gets a near fall. Crews with a blockbuster DDT for a near fall. Crews goes to the turnbuckles for a superplex but Hayes pushes Crews off the turnbuckles. Crews with chops and both men are on the turnbuckles but neither are in a position to fall into the ring. Both men fall off the turnbuckles and hits the ropes before going to the floor.

    Hayes pushes Crews down to try to keep him out of the ring for the ten count but Crews beats the count back into the ring. Crews with a waist lock and Hayes rolls out of the hold. Crews with a jumping knee. Hayes goes for the crossface but Crews with an Olympic Slam. Hayes with a Codebreaker and Crews with a Death Valley Driver and both men are down. Trick gets on the apron and exposes the turnbuckle while the referee checks on both men. Trick says something to Hayes and Hayes sees the exposed turnbuckle. Hayes with a jumping kick and Crews with chops and punches. Crews with an Irish whip into the exposed turnbuckle. Hayes rolls to the apron and floor.

    Trick tries to use the chair and Dabo Kato makes the save. Crews clotheslines Trick over the top rope to the floor. Hayes with a springboard knee and then Hayes goes up top again and hits a leg drop to the back of the head for the three count.

    Winner: Carmelo Hayes

    After the match:
    Dabo picks up Crews and they hug. Then Dabo loses his smile and he head butts Crews. Dabo with a sit out power bomb onto the chair.

    We see that Valentina Feroz accepts Lyra's challenge and Wendy says she has her back.

    Josh and Brooks are in the locker room celebrating with the new Tag Team Champions. Kiana and Fallon congratulate each other. Brooks says he loves this.

    We see Andre Chase with Duke and Thea last night to get pumped up for tonight's match.

    NXT Men’s Tag Team Championship Match
    The New Day (c) vs Gallus vs Chase University (w/ Thea Hail) vs Pretty Deadly

    Kofi and Elton start things off. Kofi with a waist lock and Elton with a side head lock. Kofi with a top wrist lock into a side head lock and Woods tags in and Kofi with a head scissors. Kofi with a chop and Woods with a chop. Woods with another chop. Woods sends Elton over the top rope and Kit is sent to the apron. Kit lands on Elton's shoulders and they YES BOY everyone. Kofi with a baseball slide to knock Kit off Elton. Thea screams to distract Elton and Kit from a Woods drop kick through the ropes. Woods goes for a suplex to Prince and Duke tags in and he pushes Elton down. Duke works on the shoulder and Chase tags in. Chase with a drop toe hold and Duke with an elbow drop. Kit tags in and Chase with a reverse atomic drop. Mark tags in while Chase hits a clothesline on Kit. Mark with a clothesline and Wolfgang tags in and he connects with a forearm.

    Wolfgang with a wrist lock take down and Mark tags in. They chop Kit and Kit tells them to stop chopping him. Mark with a forearm. Woods tags in and connects with forearms and strikes to Mark. Mark with a knee to the midsection and Wolfgang tags in and hits a back senton. Elton tags in and he tells Wolfgang to get out of the ring. Prince punches Woods and kicks him in the corner. Kit has some words for Woods and Elton with a suplex for a near fall. Kit tags in and he hits an elbow on Woods for a near fall. Kit works on the wrist. Kit with a double wrist lock. Kit with elbow drops to Woods. Elton tags in and they chop Woods. Elton with a kick. Elton with a European uppercut to Woods and he knocks Chase and Duke off the apron. Woods with a jaw breaker and both men are down. Kofi tags ina nd hits a springboard chop. Kofi with shots to Kit, Mark, and Wolfgang too. Kofi with drop kicks and a jumping clothesline to Elton and Kit. Then he gives Mark a jumping clothesline. Kofi with a three man Boom Drop. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but misses.

    Kofi with SOS to Elton for a near fall. Chase chops Kit. Wolfgang takes care of Chase and Duke goes after Wolfgang. Kofi with a knee to Mark. Elton with a toss gutbuster of Kofi to Kit for a near fall. Elton with punches to Kofi. Kofi sends Kit over the top rope to the floor and he kicks Elton. Kofi with a double stomp off the turnbuckles to Elton but everyone breaks up the cover. Woods punches Duke and they go to the floor. Elton sends Mark to the floor and Mark pulls Elton to teh floor. Kofi punches Chase on the turnbuckles and they fight to the turnbuckles. Chase pushes Kofi off the turnbuckles onto everyone on the floor. Kit with a forearm to Chase and Kit sets for a superplex but Chase blocks it and Chase superplexes himself and Kit onto everyone on the floor.

    Wolfgang starts to rearrange the table but Duke makes the save for Chase. Duke sends Wolfgang and Mark into the ringside barrier. Duke pulls off the cover to the announce table. Kit with a forearm to Duke and Elton kicks Duke. Pretty Deadly goes for a double suplex through the table but Duke blocks it. Elton saves Kit from a power bomb through the table. Duke is sent into the apron. Elton and Kit fix the announce table. Duke with a double clothesline to Kit and Elton. Duke with a Bionic elbow to Kit and a back senton. Duke with an exploder to Elton. Duke with an elbow to Mark. Duke gets up with help from the ropes and he sets for a super kick. Duke punches Wolfgang and Mark rolls to the floor. Duke goes to the floor. Duke punches and kicks Mark and Wolfgang. Mark and Wolfgang choke slam Duke through the announce table.

    Chase punches Mark and Wolfgang in the ring. Wolfgang goes over the top rope to the floor. Chase with punches to Mark and a side Russian leg sweep. Andre with the C-H-A-S-E-U Stomp. Andre goes up top and he hits a cross body for a near fall. Chase signals for a figure four leg lock and he applies it on Mark. Wolfgang with a swanton to break up the hold. Wolfgang and Mark with the jumping enzuigiri and power bomb for a near fall. Kofi tags in and hits a shoulder on Mark. Kofi sends Wolfgang to the floor. Elton and Kit catch Kofi off the turnbuckles and hit Spilled Milk on the floor. Woods with a forearm to Kit and Elton. Woods with a rolling elbow to Mark and Woods goes up top.

    Wolfgang catches Woods off the turnbuckles and they hit a power slam combination for the three count.

    Winners: Mark Coffey and Wolfgang (new champions)

    We see a video package to the lead up to the NXT Women's championship match tonight.

    NXT Women’s Championship Match
    Roxanne Perez (c) vs Gigi Dolin vs Jacy Jayne

    Gigi and Jacy surround Roxanne and Perez with forearms to both challengers. Gigi with a kick to Perez and then they double team Roxanne and hit a standing Stroke. Perez punches Jacy but Gigi punches Perez. Perez with a cross body and Gigi and Jacy catch her. Jacy kicks Perez to the floor. Jacy misses a bicycle kick and Perez with a rollup on Jacy for a near fall. Perez with a Thesz Press and punches to Gigi. Jacy pulls Perez off Gigi. Jacy and Gigi go for the high and low combination but Perez gets out of the way and Jacy avoids kicking her partner. Perez with a double drop kick. Perez with a wrist lock to Jacy and then to GIgi. Perez with an Arabian press wrist lock take down. Perez with a suicide dive to Gigi. Jacy with a cannonball off the apron but she misses Perez and hits Gigi. Perez sends Jacy back in the ring. Perez kicks Jacy and hits a twisting back senton for a near fall. Perez with a crossface on Jacy but Jacy with a rollup for a near fall.

    Jacy with a neck breaker to Perez and Jacy with forearms. Jacy with chops to Perez followed by a kick for a near fall. Jacy with a reverse chin lock. Gigi pulls Jacy to the floor and Gigi yells at Jacy. Jacy pushes Gigi and Gigi tells Jacy they need to work together. Perez with a baseball slide and Gigi pulls Jacy in the way. GIgi sends Perez into the ring steps and then GIgi kicks Perez and connects with knees. Gigi sends Perez into the ringside barrier. Gigi and Perez go to the apron and Perez with forearms. Gigi with a spear onto the apron. Gigi with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall when Jacy pulls Gigi off Perez. Jacy gets a near fall when Gigi pulls Jacy off Perez.

    Jacy yells at Gigi and Gigi yells at Jacy. They circle each other and then Jacy pushes Gigi. Gigi pushes back. They continue to push each other and Jacy slaps Gigi. Gigi slaps Jacy. Gigi avoids a neck breaker and GIgi misses an STO. Jacy gets a near fall and Gigi gets a near fall. Perez with a cross body onto Gigi and Jacy. Perez with a clothesline to Jacy and a double sledge to Gigi. Perez drop kicks Jacy into the corner. Perez with uppercuts into the corner and Perez with a side Russian leg sweep to Jacy and a DDT on Gigi for a near fall on Jacy. Perez gets a near fall on Gigi. Jacy catches Perez and she puts Perez in the tree of woe against Gigi in the corner and Jacy kicks Perez into Gigi. Jacy with a cannonball into both women. Jacy with a running knee to Perez but Gigi breaks up the cover.

    Gigi with a forearm to Jacy and Jacy fires back. They continue the exchange. Jacy with a rolling elbow and she gives Gigi a crotch chop. Perez with an inside cradle on Jacy for a near fall. Perez with a rollup on Jacy for a near fall. Jacy with an Irish whip and hip into the corner. Jacy misses a rolling elbow. Gigi with an STO to Perez and a round kick to Jacy. Gigi with a suplex and Jacy breaks up the cover with a back senton. All three women trade forearms in the center of the ring. Perez with forearms to Jacy and Gigi. Jacy and Gigi with a double super kick to Perez. Gigi and Jacy bump heads and Gigi falls on Perez for a near fall. Gigi and Jacy are back on the same page and Perez is sent to the floor. Jacy goes under the ring for a table and they set it up on the floor. Perez escapes a double choke slam through the table and Perez kicks Jacy and thn she kicks Gigi and hits Pop Rox on the floor. Perez with a forearm to Jacy and she runs Jacy into the apron.

    Perez sends Jacy back into the ring and Perez goes up top. Jacy kicks Perez on the turnbuckles and they fight onto the turnbuckles. Jacy sets for a superplex. Gigi gets on the apron and Perez kicks Gigi off the apron through the table. Perez with Pop Rox off the turnbuckles for the three count.

    Winner: Roxanne Perez (retains championship)

    We see a video package to the lead up to the NXT Men's championship match tonight.

    NXT Men’s Championship Steel Cage Match
    Bron Breakker versus Grayson Waller

    Waller knocks Bron off the ring steps as he enters the cage. Waller sends Bron into the ringside barrier. Bron with punches to Waller and he tries for a spear but Waller moves and Bron stops short. Waller struts and Bron chops Waller and sends him into the ringside barrier. Bron with a punch to the back of the head and then he hits Waller in the head with the cage door.

    They get in the cage and the door is closed and the match starts. Waller climbs the cage and Bron pulls him to the mat. Bron with a punch. Waller with a knee and forearm. Waller with a cravate and knees. Bron with a clothesline and he shakes the cage. Bron sets for a suplex and he gets Waller up for a delayed vertical suplex. Bron with a moonsault. Bron gets Waller up but Waller gets to his feet and Waller with a punch. Waller leaps over Bron using the ropes and Waller pushes Bron into the cage and then hits a DDT for a near fall. Waller kicks Bron and he yelps. Waller with an elbow to the back of the head. Bron with an elbow but Waller with a drop kick to the knees for a near fall. Bron avoids being sent into the cage and he knocks Waller down.

    Bron with punches and an Irish whip. Waller with a boot and he goes for a rolling move but Bron catches Waller and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Bron with two flying shoulder tackles and a power slam. Bron goes up top and hits a bulldog. Waller tries to escape but he can only get to the apron and not to the floor. Waller moves and Bron hits the cage and goes down. Waller gets a near fall. Waller punches Bron. Waller sends Bron into the cage. Waller gets a near fall. Waller chokes Bron against the cage. Waller with a kick to the hamstring and punches. Waller with a splash against the cage. Waller with another cross body but Bron catches Waller. Waller rakes the eyes and sends Bron into the cage twice. Waller with a flip into an Unprettier for a near fall. Waller with a suplex. Waller goes to the turnbuckles and Bron with a forearm to the lower abdomen. Waller kicks Bron away. Bron goes to the turnbuckles and hits a Frankensteiner for a near fall.

    Bron goes to the turnbuckles and Waller stops Bron with a knee. Waller with a springboard elbow drop for a near fall. Waller kicks Bron in the ribs and head. Waller ties Bron in the ropes and Waller punches Bron. Waller with a drop kick to Bron in the ropes. Waller kicks Bron in the head and then slaps him before connecting with a jab. Waller with a spear to Bron while Bron is still tied up in the ropes. Bron gets out of the ropes and Waller stands there. Waller climbs the cage and Bron with a press slam. Bron sends Waller into the cage a few times. Bron presses Waller ovver his head and tosses Waller into the cage. Bron goes for a spear and Waller with a leap frog and a low blow to Bron followed by a rolling cutter for a near fall.

    Waller looks to the top of the cage and Waller climbs up to the top. Bron gets back to his feet and Waller decides not to do it. Bron grabs Waller on top of the cage and hits a superplex. Bron with a spear and the straps are down. Waller tries to get back to his feet but he cannot get up. Bron asks Waller if he wants to talk trash to him. He says this is his dog pound and he runs NXT. Waller pie faces Bron. Bron with a spear for the three count.

    Winner: Bron Breakker (retains championship)

    After the match:
    Bron celebrates on the top of the cage.

    Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams make their way down the aisle.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    NXT Vengeance Day Kick-Off Show

  3. #3

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I really thought they would let them tie 1 to 1 in the 2 out of 3 falls match.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Oh no, please don't come back and win a RAW or Smackdown tag championship New Day lol

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    NXT Women's championship match was good

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    When a Asutralian wins they can sometimes drink champagne out of a shoe (can be his own) .. called a shoey

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not a fan of the men's cage championship match but otherwise a good show.

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