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  1. #1
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - April 5th, 2023

    AEW Dynamite

    This week, it's MJF Day in his hometown. Jamie Hayter defends her Women's World Title against former Champ Riho. Ricky Starks vs. Juice Robinson. FTR's AEW Careers on the line as they challenge AEW World Tag Team Champions The Gunns.

    Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Raz and Excalibur

    Ricky Starks vs Juice Robinson

    Jay White and Juice Robinson attack Starks. I guess we know where White has signed. Starks fights back. The referee got shoved down. Blade Runner by White. The music plays so I think the match has been thrown out. White and Juice celebrate.

    Winner: No Contest

    Bullet Club has arrived!

    We see highlights of Adam Cole's return. Chris Jericho is with Tony Schiavone. Le Champion has nothing bad to say about Cole BUT he's not happy about Cole rubbing it in after the W. Keith Lee interrupts ans says Jericho is the poster boy for disrespect. He challenges Jericho to a match next week.

    AEW Trios Championship
    The House of Black (c)(w/Julia Hart) vs. Orange Cassidy & Best Friends

    Sue Baretta drives the challengers to the arena in the mini van. Trent and Black kick us off. Lockup, go behind by Trent, drop toe hold by Black into a hammerlock. Headlock reversal into a takedown by Trent. Black fires away. Kneelift by Black, Trent fires back.Sunset flip for 1 by Black. Knee strike by Trent, Chuck tags in. Leg sweep by Black. King tags in and nails a shoulder block, enziguiri by Trent , Chuck tags in Cassidy. Series of reversals, Matthews, now legal, snake eyes Cassidy into his corner. All 6 men are in there now, we have a brawl. In the ring Cassidy sends Matthews to the floor. Black and Matthews send Cassidy into the apron. They do the same to Trent.

    We go to commercial.

    Welcome back and it Matthews and Black sent to the floor by Cassidy. Tope by Cassidy. Best Friends launch OC on to the champions on the floor. Cassidy scores a 2 on Black. Bossman slam by King into a brain buster. I have no idea who is legal.

    black kicks Cassidy as Ana Jay looks on.

    Trent piledrives Black and Matthews. King blocks a piledriver. After an Orange Punch, Trent is able to piledrive King for 2. Cassidy with am Orange Punch to Matthews, Taylor scores a 2. Out of nowhere, Matthews hits a curb stomp on Chuck for the pin.

    Winners: The House of Black (Retains Championship)

    Pre recorded video from Christian Cage, Luchasaurus joins him.

    AEW Women's Championship
    Jamie Hayer (c) vs. Riho

    Britt Baker is with Hayter. Code of Honor adhered to. Rollup by Janie for 2. Rana by Riho. They trade rollups for 2s. Dropkick by Riho, the champ rolls out. Riho hits a cross body to the floor. Riho sends her back in. Gutbuster by Hayter. Hayter with a hammerlock. Kick by Hayter, they trade blows on the apron. Rock Bottom on the apron by Hayter.

    We go to commercial.

    We return to a 619 by the challenger for 2. Dragon Suplex by Riho into another for 2. Riho to the top, she misses a stomp, neckbreaker into a lariat by the champion for 2. Superplex by Hayter by Riho with a DDT, both women are down. They slug it out. Forearms by Hayter, she scores a 2 count. Action spills to the top turnbuckle, Riho with a head butt and hits a rana from the top. Knee strike for 2 by Riho. Full Nelson by Riho into a barrage of shots to the back of the head. LAriat by Hayter fir 2. Ripcord for the pin by Hayter

    Winner: Jamie Hayler (Retains Championship)

    Renee Paquette is with the Outcasts, they mock Jamie.

    Matt Menard, Jake Hager and Angelo Parker are on the ramp. They're excited about the Acclaimed joining them. Here come the Acclaimed. Parker isn't happy and has challenged the Acclaimed to a match on Friday. Anthony and Billy scissor.

    We see highlights of MJF Day at City Hall. It's MJF Day at UBS Arena. A swing band plays music as MJF comes out. The Pride of Long Island speaks and welcomes us. The band strikes up and MJF sings Pennies From Heaven. The man's voice is gold. I'm almost in tears due to the beauty of the moment. The AEw Champion makes his way to the ring and sings more. Joseph the town supervisor for Oyster Bay is in the ring to declare MJF Day and present him with the key to Long Island. This guy is a hell of a talker. MJF takes the podium. He runs down the other 3 pillars. I think he called Ana Jay a hermaphrodite. MJF runs down his 8th grade teacher. Damn you, Mrs. Benedict.

    MJF walks to the back and asks Long Island if they want an encore. Jungle Boy attacks him and they brawl. Security breaks them up. Here comes Sammy Guevara.

    Sammy Guevara vs. Komander

    Sammy with the attack and chases Komander to the floor. Sammy nails a moonsault. Superkick by Komander. Shooting star for 2 by Komander. Knee lift on the floor by Sammy as we go to commercial.

    Sammy with a rear chinlock, Komander to his feet. Komander block a supex and nails a reverse rana for 2. Komander walks the tightrope and nails a corkscrew to the floor. Kick by Komander after a misses shooting star. Phenix Splash by Komander for 2. Sammy gets his knees up on a shooting star. Komander blocks a GTH. Superkick by Sammy.

    Darby Allin is watching on.

    Cutter by Sammy, he hits the GTH for the pin.

    Winner: Sammy Guevara

    After the match:
    Schiavone is with Sammy. Sammy grabs the mic and runs down MJF and insults the champ's singing. Sammy brings up having had MJF beat back in 2021. Guevara makes his case for being #1 contender AND runs down Long Island.

    FTW Title
    Hook vs Ethan Page

    Matt Hardy is with Page. Staredown. T Bone by Hook, Page bails. Hook goes after him but gets sent to the steps. Into the post goes HookBack in the ring, Hook blocks a Twisy of fate and hits one of his own. Isiah Kassidy to the apron, Matt Hardy nails Page the FTW belt. Redrum by Hook and Page is out.

    Winner: HOOK (Retains championship)

    After the match:
    Kassidy and Hardy leave with Hook

    Nigel McGinness is with Tony Khan. Here comes the announcement. AEW is going to London, England for AEW 'All In.' Adam Cole announces Wembley Stadium as the site.

    Jon Moxley, Claudio Castignoli and Wheeler Yuta vs. 3 Guys Already in the Ring

    It's a mugging, plain and simple. Claudio with apiledriver on the ramp. in the ring, Yuta with a single leg crab, broken up by one of the unnamed opponents. Yuta puts his opponent away with a crossface.

    Winners: The Blackpool Combat Club

    After the match:
    Bryan Danielson has the mic. He declares his love for the BCC. Adam Page comes out to confront them. Page attacks them but quickly gets overwhelmed. Will anyone save him? Danielson says no one loves Page. He pulls out a screw driver. He gouges Page's eye with a screw driver.

    AEW Tag Team Championship
    The Gunn Club (c) vs. FTR

    Cash and Colton kick us off, lockup, they wrestle hard, Cash with a punch. Lockup, Colton with a shoulder block, uppercuts by Cash, Dax tags in and nails an elbow. Assisted legdrop by Cash, Colton bails. Cash with a sliding dropkick, Colton with a dropkick. austin tags in and hits a leg lariat for 2. Colton is back in and Austin chokes Cash. Cash with chops. Kallas by Colton for 2 as we go to commercial.

    Welcome back and it's Cash getting a desperate tag to Dax. Chops by Dax. Reverse atomic drop by Dax.Short arm lariat takes down Colton. Austin tries a sharpshooter. Rollup for 2 by Dax. Double DDT by FTR. Blind tag to Dax, he scores a 2 off of a piledriver. The Gunns block the Shatter Machine. FTR manages to hit one and the Gunns break up the pin.

    Austin with a Famouser for 2 on Dax. Dax reverses a Pedigree into an inside cradle for 2. Low bloe by Austin the ref refuses to DQ them. 3:10 to Yuma on Cash. Dax sends Austin to the mat. Austin nails Dax with the belt for 2. Colton tags in, Dax spits on them both. FTR with a double rollup for the pin.

    Winners: FTR (New AEW Tag team champions)

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol MJF with his band

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    This seems really bad after watching Wrestlemania and RAW. lol

    MJF ok though.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Khans announcement. AEW going to London. I guess having All Out at Wembley Stadium a big announcement.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Entrance was longer than the match lol

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not the worst Dynamite I have seen. lol The announcement was actually a big one to my surprise. lol

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