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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Impact Results – 25th Feb 2006

    Impact Results – 25th Feb 2006
    Taped From: Orlando, Florida
    Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West

    The show opens with highlights from last week's show.

    The Impact opening airs.

    Monty Brown vs. Dylan Knight

    Brown goes right at Knight from the get-go. Brown nails a fallaway slam. Brown soon nails The Pounce and gets the pinfall in a quick squash.

    Winner: Monty Brown

    Brown gets on the mic after the match. He says last week when he went into the locker room looking for Christian he went in the wrong one, because he went in the men's locker room. Brown says he is the guy to build TNA around. Christian's theme comes on and out he walks with the NWA title draped over his shoulder. Christian talks about how he knows where the Serengeti is. He then says he's going to give Brown a geography lesson. He asks Monty, "What's the capital of Thailand?" Brown sarcastically says he doesn't know and Christian should tell him. Christian says, "Bangkok." Christian then slaps Brown in the balls and they get into a brawl. Refs and security guards get in the ring to break things up. Larry Z is walks out to watch things.


    Jeremy Borash is backstage with the NWA Tag Champs AMW and Gail Kim. Harris talks about the big match at Destination X and how it has become an 8 man war. AMW is teaming with Abyss and Jarrett. He says Rhino and Killings will get a sneak peak tonight at what is in store. Jarrett and Alex Shelley walk into the scene. Shelley says he has some footage on Sting. Jarrett announces another "viewing party."

    Tenay and West talk about what Shelley could have possibly captured on his camera.

    AJ Styles vs. Roderick Strong

    Christopher Daniels is on guest commentary for the match. Strong starts out the match on the offensive with some forearms. Styles comes back, but Strong nails a backbreaker quickly thereafter when Styles was going for a sunset flip. Strong drives his knee to the back of Styles. Styles comes back with his springboard forearm. Strong goes for a huracanrana, but Styles turns it into a powerbomb of his own. Styles nails the Styles Clash and makes the cover to get the pin. Extremely short as usual, but this was a good match.

    Winner: AJ Styles

    Backstage is Gail Kim and Jackie Gayda walking together. Gail gives Jackie a leopard print bag. Gail says that Jeff wants Jackie to wear what is inside. Jackie is discussed as Gail tells her to just do what she is told.


    Team Canada (Bobby Roode & A-1 Ralphz) w/ Scott D'Amore vs. The James Gang (BG & Kip James)

    BG does his typical spiel before the match, but Team Canada jumps him before he gets to the end. Roode and Kip are going at it when the dust settles. Roode with a shot to the knee of Kip. Roode continues to work over the knee. A1 is tagged in and continues the work ont he knee. Roode is tagged back in, and shortly thereafter in comes BG James. BG cleans house slightly with right hands. LAX comes out to distract Kip and BG. Konnan nails BG in the back with something. Roode nails the Northern Lariat and gets the pinfall.

    Winners: Team Canada

    After the match, LAX hits the ring to gang up on the James Gang. Bullet Bob Armstrong comes out. He nails Homicide and Machete with some stiff right hands. Konnan bails. BG and Kip hold back Bullet Bob. Don West says, "That doesn't look like a 60 year old man to me."

    The "Global Impact" segment airs. This week they show highlights from a show in Duncaster, England that TNA stars such as Styles, Jarrett, Joe and Daniels participated in. Wasn't this show like over a month ago?


    An Ultimate X video airs. Larry Z says the cables will support Samoa Joe, so have no fear.

    X Division Champion Samoa Joe vs. Shark Boy

    This should be short. Well, actually it went longer than some of the earlier matches. Joe lands a boot to the face. He goes for one in the corner, but Shark Boy dodges it. Shark Boy works over Joe's leg, does his ten punches in the corner and his "shark bite." Shark Boy goes for the DSD, but Joe kicks him in the head. Joe with the Muscle Buster followed by the Kokino Clutch for the victory.

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    Jackie Gayda is backstage trying on the outfit Double J wants her to wear. She's behind one of those fold out curtains. Jackie isn't happy, but Gail Kim keeps mentioning the video and how she doesn't want to let it come out on the internet.


    Part 2 of the Ron Killings history video package aired. Once again, very well done.

    NWA Tag Team Title Match
    (C) America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) vs. Rhino & Ron Killings

    Both teams make their entrances and we go to straight to a commercial break before the start of the match.


    Storm and Killings start off. Storm pushes Killings into the corner. Killings puts on Storm's cowboy hat. Killings nails a top rope dropkick. It's a big brawl in the ring with everyone fighting. They fight to the outside. Harris and Rhino are fighting over by Tenay and West. They brawl their way up the entrance. Rhino gets ready to Gore Harris, but Abyss comes out and throws Rhino down. Abyss throws Rhino through a section of the entrance at the orders of James Mitchell. AMW nails the Death Sentence on Killings and get the pinfall. Decent match, although plagued by the typical interference TNA main events have been having every week.

    Winners & Still NWA Tag Champs: AMW

    Borash is backstage with Jarrett and crew for the "viewing party." Jarrett tells Jackie to come into the picture. She's wearing a short skirt and a puffy, short-cut blouse with a broom in her hand. Jarrett purposely drops the tape of Sting and asks her to pick it up. She does so, covering her ass with the broom. They put in the video and here we go, Paparazzi Productions starring Alex Shelley on commentary. It shows Sting picking up his kids from school, and Shelley then follows them home. He mentions Sting is driving a Ford Excursion Eddie Bauer edition. They pull up to the house, which has a fence around it. Shelley talks about it being a nice place and says, "I definitely want something like this when I move out of my apartment." Great line. Sting is playing basketball with his kids now, and Shelley has snuck up to a corner of the house to watch. Shelley talks about them sucking at basketball, and when a shot goes in he says it was lucky. Shelley then follows Sting in his car again along the interstate to a Gold's Gym. The video ends with Sting walking in the gym. Jarrett then asks Young if he now is convinced that Sting is gone? Young says he is not. Jarrett gets mad. Young says he is not going to use the "Showtime" part of his name anymore because Sting is "it's showtime folks." Jarrett tells Shelley he didn't get enough on Sting, but he has one more chance. He tells Shelley to go to LA again and to get a direct word from Sting this time. No more hiding around watching him. Jarrett says he wants an interview with Sting where Sting says, "I quit." Everyone leaves the scene except for Eric Young. He once again says, "Sting's not gone," to the camera.

    Report by Wrestleview.com

  2. #2
    LOW's Draven Alexander W-OLF's Avatar
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    It was a decent show it always starts with a squash match at the beginning.
    And the main events are predictable but it's a way to continue the storylines .

    Never lost a LOW Title
    2010 LOW Hall Of Fame Draven Alexander

  3. #3
    DON'T GIE'A FUCK the madscotsman's Avatar
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