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  1. #41
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    Flair doesn't need nor deserve another title run (he is 58 for Christ sake, I didn't like Hogan having another run at that age). And for those who think Nitro cannot be a champion, I believe many said the same of HBK and HHH before they finally got the belt, or Edge for that matter. Nitro has all the talent to make it to the top and his "mic" skills are improving (Benoit became good over time, so thi shouldn't be that much of an obstacle).

  2. #42
    Flamez -O- Holic flamesoffury's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Platinum_Lies View Post
    Flair doesn't need nor deserve another title run (he is 58 for Christ sake, I didn't like Hogan having another run at that age). And for those who think Nitro cannot be a champion, I believe many said the same of HBK and HHH before they finally got the belt, or Edge for that matter. Nitro has all the talent to make it to the top and his "mic" skills are improving (Benoit became good over time, so thi shouldn't be that much of an obstacle).
    you're a total fanboy... dont compare nitro to benoit.. nitro is trash compared to benoit. even angle who is now a tna wrestler said that only a few people in wwe were actually worth wrestling: eddie g, hhh, hbk, taker, and benoit.

    flair > nitro
    edge > nitro
    benoit >> nitro
    hhh >> nitro
    hbk >> nitro

    nitro is a good midcard wrestler but he is nowhere near main eventing.
    < Thanks Eragon

    < Thanks Joe

  3. #43
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    This is will make me hated, but Flair was never great. His matches never drew me in and I never felt he was one of the best talkers in the business. And he has now repeated the same routine in the ring for over a decade (taunt, chop, flop, climb top rope, chop block, figure 4).

    I agree Edge is better than Nitro RIGHT NOW, as is Benoit and HBK, but Nitro is improving quickly. And remember, Edge, Benoit, and HBK all were exactly like Nitro when they were his age before their push: tremendous talent, moderate mic work, and solid IC/top of the middle/bottom of the top superstar. Of all the superstars on RAW or Smackdown, only Jeff Hardy and Ken Kennedy are closer to the top of main event status. And as I said in another thread on the Money in the Bank match, if Nitro or someone like him, were to win that match it would help to legitamise that wrestler. Look what the Royal Rumble did for wrestlers like HBK, Yokozuna, and even Stone Cold ( this was before it became a predictable showcase for already main event stars). The WWE just has to push its younger talent instead of recycling the same champions every three months.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Platinum_Lies View Post
    This is will make me hated, but Flair was never great. His matches never drew me in and I never felt he was one of the best talkers in the business. And he has now repeated the same routine in the ring for over a decade (taunt, chop, flop, climb top rope, chop block, figure 4).
    This is not to sound ignorant or anything like that because that is not how I operate. But how can you justify saying that Ric Flair was not one of the best talkers in wrestling? Watch some Flair vs. Steamboat or Rhodes or Race matches. The Four Horsemen was the greatest stable in the history of wrestling. And Flair consistently put on great matches. Now to say Johnny Nitro is a great wrestler is imo a load of crap. He does not at all deserved to be pushed. What cause girls think hes cute? He has a great body? So does Chris Masters but he doesnt deserve to be a champion. Nitro does alot of flips yes he is very athletic but the problem is he puts to many high spots into his matches. And if you dont know high spots are moves that should be or could be finishers. Maybe its cause I prefer the stronger stlye of wrestling like in Japan and technical wrestlers like Benoit and Bret Hart were. But McMahon in the end decides who to push and who doesnt and we all know that McMahon loves to push guys with great bodies like Batista , John Cena , Hulk Hogan and yeah even Johnny Nitro. Instead of pushing guys that could actually take bumps he goes with guys who are ripped. I mean look at Batista he tore his lat muscle which is a tear usually associated with steroid use. May he rest in peace but look at Eddie Guerrero and his acne which is associated with steroid use but when he got muscled up he got his push. The same guys for Nitro he can put on alot of high spots but I just dont take him as championship material and wouldnt want to see it. Like I said earlier dont take it the wrong way some people like to look at well muscled guys who constantly do high spots ( aka TNA's X Division which is good for them cause its come to be expected of their division ) but I think the better champ is some one who can talk and perform on a daily basis if he had to which is what Flair had to do then wrestling 5-7 nights a week for six months at a time. I dont think someone like Nitro could do that with out a severe injury. Thats why I think Flair Benoit Taker HBK and others deserve to be Champ over someone like Nitro but thats my opinion. But thats the same in any sport the athletes of the past had to do without alot of the stuff we take for granted now take baseball 50 years ago and football even 30 years compared to all the luxuries to todas over paid under utilized atheletes.

  5. #45
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    I never could get into the four horseman. Most stables of any era are worthless, even the NWO and DX (any iteration) had problems clicking.

    As I have said many times, Nitro is not quite at the level of the HBK's and certainly not the Mick Foley's in term of mic work. But at the stage Nitro is at, HBK was struggling with that aspect of the business. He was a high risk flyer that couldn't talk. Only three guys that I can think of came out with awesome mic skills: Foley, Angle, and Kennedy. Most superstars take years to get comfortable with the mic (if they ever do).

    Of all the young talent to push into main event spotlight, there are only a four guys with enough talent hold the title: Kennedy, CM Punk, Benjamin, and Nitro. One of these four is going to be pushed very soon and must be pushed since most of the top talent is around 40 years old (HHH, HBK, Batista, Taker, Kane, Booker T, Finlay...). And since there are only a few youger veterans (Jeff and Matt Hardy, and Gregory Helms) that have not won the belt (HBK, Austin, HHH, Jericho all won championship early 30's) there are not many options other than recycled champions. And I am tired of Cena, Batista, and Edge cycling the titles .

    There needs to be some new blood at the championship level or wrestling will suffer.

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