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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Slammiversary Live Coverage


    King of the Mountain Match to crown a new TNA Champion
    Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Mystery Opponent.

    TNA X Division Championship Match
    Chris Sabin (c) vs. Jay "Black Machismo" Lethal.

    TNA World Tag Team Championships Match
    Team 3D (c's) vs. The Steiner Brothers.

    Note: A change to this match is still expected.

    Sting vs. Christopher Daniels.

    Eric Young vs. Robert Roode.

    Frank Wycheck & Jerry Lynn vs. James Storm & Ron Killings.

    Rhino & Chris Harris vs. LAX.

    Mr. Backlund vs. Alex Shelley.

    Voodoo Kin Mafia vs. Basham & Damaja.

    (Card subject to change)


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
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    TNA Slammiversary PPV Results - 17th Jun 2007
    Location: Nashville, Tenneesee
    Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West

    The TNA promo hits.

    A video package hits with the old "NWA TNA" intro from 2002. The video, which has a country banjo sound to it, then goes into footage of the early days in Nashville. Present day footage of TNA is then show. They air the old Tiger Woods promo for Slammiversary last year where Jeff Jarrett takes him out with a guitar shot.

    A graphic opening then hits welcoming us to Slammiversary. We go live to the Municipal Auditorium in Nashville where the Lo Cash Cowboys are performing the theme song for tonight's PPV. A series of pyro goes off behind them when they finish the song. We then see a shot of the crowd live in attendance tonight.

    LAX's music hits to kick off the first match of the night.

    LAX vs Rhino & Senshi (with Hector Guerrero)

    No Chris Harris, so I'm wondering if he's the mystery guy in the King of the Mountain. Senshi and Homicide against each other live on PPV sounds great to me. Rhino starts off with Homicide. The crowd chants Rhino's name so Homicide goes off them. Homicide ducks under a clothesline attempt but is caught with a press and slam. Homicide charges Rhino in the corner. Rhino caught him and went for a powerbomb but lost his grip and Homicide fell over the ropes to the floor, feetfirst. That could have been a disaster but thankfully he was OK. Senshi tagged in, but Homicide drilled him into the corner and tagged in Hernandez.

    Senshi drilled Hernandez with a kick to the leg several times. He tries to shoulderblock Hernandez but is shoved off. Senshi attempts a second but fails. Hernandez clips Rhino in the corner, but is drilled by several trademark Senshi kicks to the head. Rhino clotheslines Hernandez, setting up a near fall. Senshi goes to work with a series of strikes but is caught and beeled across the entire distance of the ring. Hernandez does it again, then tags in Homicide.

    Homicide drills Senshi with a back elbow as he rebounds off the ropes for a two count. Homicide catapults Senshi into Hernandez' waiting arms, where he's hit with a belly-to-belly suplex. Senshi kicks up at two. Hernandez locks in a bearhug but Senshi bites him to break it. Hernandez nails the Cracker Jack. He goes for a powerbomb but Senshi drilled him with a series of rights,. Hernandez falls backwards with Senshi on top. Senshi drills a double stomp then tags Rhino. Homicide and go back and forth. Rhino then nails Hernandez with a belly-to-belly. He hits a spinebuster on Homicide but Hernandez breaks it up. Hernandez and Senshi go at it. Senshi ducks under Hernandez and holds the ropes, so Hernandez goes to the floor. Senshi hits a great springboard flying forearm to the floor.

    Konnan handed Homicide the slapjack but Hector Guerrero grabbed it and clotheslined Homicide's throat over the top rope. Rhino KILLED Homicide with a gore and scored the pin.

    Winner: Senshi and Rhino

    We go to Mike Tenay & Don West at ringside. They mention Scott Steiner's injury and that tonight's TNA World Tag Team Title Match will more than likely be changed. Tenay & West plug Christopher Daniels vs Sting, Abyss vs Tomko (just added tonight) and the King of the Mountain Match to determine a new TNA World Champion.

    A video package airs highlighting the finish at last month's Sacrifice PPV where Kurt Angle became World Champion, but was later stripped of the title and Jim Cornette announcing a tournament to qualify for tonight's King of the Mountain Match.

    Jeremy Borash was backstage by Jim Cornette's office trying to get info on tonight's scheduled TNA World Tag Team Title Match. Eric Young then appears and Borash tells him he needs to get ready for his match tonight with Robert Roode. Ms. Brooks comes up and asks Young what happened to them. She tries to seduce him. Young seems to like it until Gail Kim comes up and tells Young to focus tonight. Kim kisses Young and tells him to leave. Kim tells Ms. Brooks she will be watching her. Brooks calls her a bitch.

    The announcers previewed the X-Division championship bout. Kevin Nash joined the announcers. Guru Sonjay Dutt, doing a Benny Hinn-like gimmick, came to ringside, dropping flower pedals in his wake. What he was doing at ringside was never explained. I'm not sure what to make of the gimmick yet, but at least TNA didn't make him Honkytonk Dutt or something. Nash said he felt like Jim Jones with several of his children out here. Don West quipped, "Hope there's a better ending." That was funny.

    TNA X-Division Championship
    Chris Sabin vs Jay Lethal

    The crowd was chanting "Black Machismo" at the bell. Lethal opened up with a hiptoss and several punches. Sabin tried to scamper out of the ring but Lethal grabbed his leg. Sabin peppered Lethal with punches to the back but was caught with an elbow. Lethal nailed headscissors off the ropes, sending Sabin to the floor. Lethal charged with a suicide dive to the floor. Lethal went to the top and hit a double axehandle to Sabin's head for a near fall. Lethal really does a good job of meshing the Macho Man spots to his own signature moves. Sabin drilled a headbutt and knee to the face. Sabin 's improvement is evident too of late as he plays to the crowd at all the right times instead of going from move to move. Sabin rides Lethal in the ropes, choking him against the middle rope. He steps on Lethal's throat, mocking the Randy Savage twirling finger. The crowd starts chanting, "Let's go Lethal."

    Sabin thumbs Lethal in the eye, then slaps him several times. He follows that up with several punches in the corner, toying with him. He chokes Lethal with his boot. The crowd tries to rally Lethal. Sabin hits a leaping elbow in the corner. Lethal comes back with a flying forearm of the ropes. Lethal suplexes Sabin for a two count.

    Sabin comes back with a running boot in the corner to kill Lethal's momentum. Sabin goes for a top rope hurrancanrana but Lethal holds on. Lethal flips Sabin into a faceplant combination but Sabin gets his shoulder up at two. Lethal goes for the top but is caught with a mule kick to the chest, then an enziguiri to the head. Lethal kicks up at the last second.

    Sabin goes for the Cradleshock but Lethal escaped. He attempted a full nelson suplex but Sabin backed him into the corner. Lethal kicked out of a pin attempt. Sabin went for Cradleshock but was superkicked. Lethal nailed the Lethal combination and the top rope elbow. Lethal scores the pin.

    Winner and new X-Division champion: Jay Lethal

    After the match:
    Lethal holds the X Title high in the air as Kevin Nash hits the ring and gives him a hug.

    A video package hyping Frank Wycheck & Jerry Lynn vs. James Storm & Ron "The Truth" Killings tonight airs.

    Leticia is with James Storm and Jackie Moore. Storm said Frank Wycheck crossed the line when he smashed a guitar over his head. He told Wycheck that he better have kissed his wife and kids good because tonight he is going to give him the last concussion he ever needs.

    Ron Killings & James Storm vs. Frank Wycheck & Jerry Lynn (with Kyle Vanden Bosch)

    They gave no explanation as to why Killings was a heel or teaming with Storm beyond the idea they were both TNA original roster members and offended by the attention Wycheck received at the press conference for the PPV. No mention of those TERRIBLE Killings "movie" vignettes so let's hope those have gone the way of the Dupp Cup. Wycheck and Lynn came out wearing Tennessee Titan jerseys accompanied by the Titan's Kyle Vanden Bosch.

    Jerry Lynn and Ron Killings, making his return from knee surgery much earlier than expected, start off. Killings looked good early, showing no ring rust, right down to doing a handspring out of the corner and a split before nailing a kick to the face. Lynn hits a back elbow off the ropes, then a deep armdrag on Killings. James Storm tagged in, so Lynn tagged in Wycheck.

    The crowd into Wycheck. Storm shoulderblocked Wycheck down to the mat. Storm put on a football helmet. Killings tossed him a football, which he fumbled to mock Wycheck. Crowd booed that. I thought that was a funny idea to get the crowd behind Wycheck. Storm headlocked Wycheck. Wycheck shoved him off into the ropes but was shoulderblocked down again. Lynn tried to give Wycheck advice.

    Wycheck hits several shoulderblocks, then dropkicked Storm. Killings tried to kick Wycheck, who ducked. Killings crotched himself, then bumped to the floor. Wycheck press and tossed Lynn to the heels on the floor. Wycheck hit an atomic drop on Storm, then tossed him over the top. Storm tried to skin the cat but Lynn dropkicked him to the floor. Wycheck went after Storm on the floor but was clotheslined. The announcers played it off like Wycheck hit the back of his head on the concrete, playing off his concussions. They tossed him into the railing. Storm set up Wycheck, then kicked him in the face.

    Killings handed Storm a chair but the referee took it away. This allowed Wycheck a chance to tag Lynn, who nailed some offense before being tossed to the floor. Killings took out Lynn on the floor then tossed him back in. Storm hit the Whirlybird on Lynn, then sipped from a bottle of beer. Storm spit the beer on Kyle Vanden Bosch, who tried to get in the ring but was held back. Killings tagged in and he and Lynn nailed each other mid-ring with high cross bodyblock attempts.

    Storm and Wycheck tagged in. Wycheck slammed each and dropkicked Killings. He drilled their heads together. Storm ducked a clothesline and Killings took it. Storm superkicked Wycheck for the pin but Vanden Bosch pulled him out of the ring to break the cover and began beating on him. Jackie Moore jumped on Bosch's back but he flipped her over.

    Inside the ring, Killings continued to work over Wycheck. Storm brandished the beer bottle. Killings held Wycheck but Lynn stopped Storm. It looked like Lynn was a step or two behind where he needed to be. The idea was that Storm ended up hitting Killings but I'm not sure if that was the case. Wycheck then hit Lynn's finisher, the cradle piledriver for the pin.

    Winners: Jerry Lynn and Frank Wycheck

    A video package hyping Bob Backlund vs. Alex Shelley is shown.

    Bob Backlund vs Alex Shelley

    They pushed on the commentary that Backlund lost his mind after losing "the World title" to Kevin Nash in Madison Square Garden. Backlund and Shelley shook hands to open the bout. Backlund took down Shelley with several single leg takedowns. Shelley went to the floor to catch his breath, then returns to the ring. He chopped and punched Backlund, then hit a hiptoss. He cinched in a shortarm scissors. Backlund tried to escape but was caught again.

    Backlund escaped and hit a butterfly suplex. He nailed an atomic drop, sending Shelley into the corner. Chris Sabin came to ringside and grabbed Backlund's leg. Backlund pulled him into the ring and hit a drop toehold on Shelley into Sabin's crotch.

    Backlund did the Backlund bridge for the pin.

    Winner: Bob Backlund

    After the match:
    Backlund offered Shelley a handshake as Sabin snuck up from behind. Sabin went for a crossface chickenwing but Backlund reversed it. Backlund then locked it in on Shelley. Kevin Nash came to the ring to break it up. He and Backlund faced off. Jerry Lynn came to the ring, presumably to calm Backlund but Nash kicked him in the face. Sabin and Shelley began working over Backlund as Nash watched on. They tossed Backlund to the floor, then took worked over Lynn. Jay Lethal hit the ring for the save, nailing elbows. The elbows weren't over with the crowd. Nash walked off instead of facing off with Lethal, but stared at him from ringside. Sabin and Shelley beat on Backlund on the floor, sending him over the railing into the crowd. They played Lethal's music.

    The lights went on out and Christopher Daniels began cutting a promo from somewhere in the audience. He said that he went to Sting, who told him to be true to himself and find something that satisfies his drive. He said that he used Sting's life and his relationship with "Our father" (God, who apparently left WWE for TNA). He said that he realized he's always been an angel sent from the heavens to do his bidding. He says the God he follows says take an eye for an eye and a life for a life. Daniels says that his God has no tolerance for those who wronged him. This should be a big career making promo but feels too scripted. Daniels says that his God has given him the talent to become the World champion. He says that his God has asked him to beat Sting in the ring and his will will be done. They started playing Daniels' music before he was finished. I got the idea behind this, but I think a pre-taped feature may have worked better to get this over.

    We go to Tenay and West at ringside when the lights go out. We hear a voice say "STING" in the arena. The lights go out and then a spotlight goes on Christopher Daniels in the crowd. Lynn said he looked up to Sting at one point, but he realized he truly was an angel sent down from the heavens. Daniels called himself god-like and bragged about winning the TNA Tag Team Titles and the TNA X Division Title. He promised to take care of Sting tonight in the TNA ring and said the path he is on now will take him to the TNA World Heavyweight Title.

    A video packages airs hyping VKM vs Basham & Damaja tonight.

    Damaja & Basham (with Hemme) vs Voodoo Kim Mafia

    They brawl as soon as VKM hits the ring. Damaja and Basham are down, so Kip James charges Hemme into the ring. This lets Damaja and Basham jump VKM and they ring the bell. Basham nails a legdrop on BG James. The announcers were blaming the entire feud on Hemme. Damaja was taking several shots to the face so he raked BG's face and tagged in Basham. They tagged in and out working over BG.

    Basham missed a diving headbutt. Kip James and Damaja tagged in. Kip nailed a tilt-o-whirl slam. Basham and Damaja went for a double suplex on Kip but BG speared one of them. The other was rolled up into a small package by Kip and pinned.

    Winners: Voodoo Kim Mafia

    After the match:
    Kip tossed Damaja over the ropes. VKM stalked Hemme, who headed up the ramp, She tried to run off but Lance Hoyt came from backstage to grab her. They carried her back to the ring. Kip James teased a chokeslam but Lance Hoyt hit a running boot on him. Basham and Damaja attacked BG James. Lance Hoyt slapped BG then hit a running boot to the face. Hoyt was screaming at VKM that it was his time and their time was over. Hemme and Hoyt began playing tongue hockey.

    Leticia Cline was in Jim Cornette's office with Rick Steiner. Cornette told him he was sorry about Scott Steiner's injury but they were going to have to forfeit the match because as tough as Rick was, he couldn't face Team 3D alone without a partner. Steiner said he had one and whispered a name into Cornette's ear. Cornette beamed like Steiner told him it was Jackie Fargo, Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey all at once. He asked Steiner if "he was here?" Steiner said he was. Cornette told him that he has himself a title match. Steiner ran off barking. Please, please, please don't let this be Lex Luger or Buff Bagwell. Please! Cline asked who it was and Cornette said that if Steiner wanted her to know, he would have told her.

    Back in the building, LAX jumped Hector Guerrero at the Spanish Announce table. Konnnan was in Guerrero's face screaming.

    We go to a video feature on the Eric Young vs Robert Roode feud.

    Last Chance Match
    Eric Young vs Robert Roode

    Roode was browbreating Young as soon as he got into the ring. Young fought back but was taken down and nailed with a series of boots. Young tosses Roode to the floor. Young went to the top and Brooks tried to get him to stop. Young acted like he was listening, then when she turned her back, he hit a bodypress over her to the floor on Roode. Roode and Young battled on the floor. Young was dropped throat-first on the rail. Roode chokes Young against the ropes. Brooks slaps Young in the face. I'm waiting for Gail Kim to get involved. Roode scored a two count. Roode scored another near fall and began choking Young on the mat. He nails a snapmare and then snaps Young's neck forward as he leaps over him. Roode screamed at the crowd and began chopping away at Young. He charged Young in the corner but was nailed with an elbow.

    Roode cut his offense off and hit a neckbreaker for a two count. He cinched in a rear chinlock. Young got to his feet and fell backwards with the electric chair. Young went on the offense, finally hitting an elbow and a clothesline for a near fall. Roode whipped Young into the corner and he did the Flair Flop. Young went to the floor, where he teased Brooks by dancing her in a circle, the pulling her pants down. She was hardly wearing the underwear you'd expect to get a pop from the crowd.

    Young went to the top. Roode tried to stop him but was shoved off. Young hit a top rope elbow for a two count. Roode nailed a jawbreaker and a clothesline. Roode went to the middle rope for his signature kneedrop but Young caught him with a boot to the face. Brooks got into ring, so Young picked her up in a Fireman's carry and ran her head into Roode's crotch while Roode was on the corner. Young pulled Roode atop of her and hit a death valley driver on both. Young only got a two count. Young began having words with the referee. Roode rolled out of the ring and grabbed a chair. Young went to grab him, but Roode blasted him with the chair and pinned him.

    Winner: Robert Roode

    The ring announcer said that Young's TNA contract was now null and void and he's going to be fired. Roode took the mic the and told Young he was fired. Jim Cornette came to ringside. He tells Roode that he's going to open his ears and shut his mouth. Cornette told Roode he was warned he was going to keep an eye on the match because he wanted it settled fair and square. Cornette said that what he just saw wasn't fair and square and announced the match was to be re-started.

    They rang the bell and Roode went right after him with punches. The crowd got behind Young, chanting his name. Gail Kim attacks Brooks from behind as Brooks was going to hand Roode a chair. They battled up the entranceway. Roode stalked over Young, who rolled him up for the pin. Young wins his freedom.

    Winner: Eric Young

    Jeremy Borash was with TNA Tag Team champions 3D. Brother Ray said that tonight was a historic night for TNA was supposed to be a historic night for tag team wrestling. He said they and the Steiners were going to get it on but that's not going to happen. He says that's not going to happen because Scott Steiner isn't here. He says that some people claim Steiner has a throat problem, but the truth is Steiner talked a lot of crap and punked out on the fans, the business, and his brother Rick. He said that it hurts him to say that but a month ago they had nothing but respect for The Steiners. He said a month ago, the Steiners crapped on Team 3D's legacy. Ray said that Rick's been out of the business for years, so what kind of partner could he find. He said he hopes Scott gets well soon so they can finally kick his teeth in. Trademark good promo from Team 3D.

    TNA Tag Team Championship
    Team 3D vs Rick Steiner & mystery partner

    Team 3D came to the ring first. Rick Steiner came out first alone and in the big moment of truth, the mystery partner was Road Warrior Animal. Well, I didn't see that coming. To say this was (to me personally) a letdown would be a pretty damn accurate, but the live crowd popped due to the nostalgia factor. A big part of this match was going to be the aura of two top teams from different eras facing off, so they've lost part of that here, but not if the crowd treats this as special.

    Devon and Rick Steiner started off. Devon nails a flying back elbow while coming off the ropes. He slams Steiner, then drops an elbow. Ray tags in. Steiner tags in Animal. The crowd popped for them facing off. Animal shoulderblocked Ray down. Ray returns the favor. He nails Animal with a piledriver but Animal no sells it. They go back and forth. Steiner and Devon tagged back in.

    Ray and Devon worked over Steiner. The crowd chanted "3D sucks." It's probably time for a 3D heel turn anyway. Ray nails a neckbreaker on Steiner for a two count. He and Devon continued to work over Steiner, which is the smart thing to do, as they can leave Animal for the hot tag and ensuing offense. Steiner powerslams Devon and backdrops Ray. Animal nails a double clothesline.

    Steiner and Animal nail stereo clotheslines. Animal calls for the Doomsday Device but Team 3D cuts him off. Steiner nails a double Steinerline off the top rope on 3D. Ray and Devon nail the Dudley Death Drop for the pin on Steiner.

    Winners: Team 3D

    A video package hyping Sting vs Christopher Daniels airs.

    Christopher Daniels vs Sting

    The storyline here has been eh at best so far, but this should be a match designed to make Daniels a top-tier player in TNA as well as kicking this feud into something special. We'll have to see how it goes. Sting does the entrance from the ceiling from his WCW glory days. The building loved Sting. Useless trivia note: Sting defeated The Iron Sheik to retain the NWA TV title in this very arena in May 1989 at Wrestlewar: Music City Showdown.

    Daniels and Sting faced off. With the crowd reaction and the flashing lights from Sting's entrance, this looked like a big deal. I can't state enough how much better TNA's PPVs appear in the bigger venues. Daniels began jawing with Sting. They rebounded off the ropes with neither selling a shoulderblock. Sting took him down with a second attempt. Daniels failed with a hiptoss attempt but Sting didn't. Sting dropkicked Daniels down and went right for the Scorpion Deathlock. Daniels scampered to the floor.

    Sting clotheslined Daniels from the apron to the floor. They battled on the apron outside the ring. Sting was shoved off, nailing the railing on the floor chestfirst. Daniels whipped him into the railing. There was a "Fallen Angel" chant. Daniels went right to work on Sting's chest and ribs, so that's the story of the match.

    Daniels hit a running knee to the chest of Sting in the corner. Sting began battling back with his trademark punches, but Daniels went right back to the ribs and chest. Daniels hit a corkscrew elbow on Sting, then stood over him. Daniels continued to stomp and kick Sting's chest. Sting began to fire back with offense out of the corner. Daniels and Sting each tried for hiptosses. Daniels poked Sting in the eye and locked on the abdominal stretch. Daniels and referee Earl Hebner had words.

    Daniels threw Sting into the corner. Daniels hit a running splash in the corner but Sting miraculously no sold it. Sting began the superhuman comeback. He nailed an inverted atomic drop and several clotheslines. Sting nails a faceplant for a two count. Sting went for the Stinger Splash but Daniels caught Sting and hit the STO.

    Daniels went for Angel's wings but Sting backdropped him. Sting went for the Stinger splash but Daniels put his knee in the chest. Daniels went for Last Rites, but Sting turned it into the Scorpion Deathlock and pinned him.

    Winner: Sting

    TNA (again!) went right to a video feature on Abyss vs. Tomko, preventing us from seeing Sting or Daniels' post-match reactions. They really need a post-match promo from Daniels to give us an idea of where his character's head is at, as well as preventing it from looking like a one and done program.

    Leticia is with Christian Cage, AJ Styles and Tomko. She refers to him as the former World Champion. Cage cuts her off and said he doesn't like being called that because it changes tonight. Cage promised to walk away the new TNA World Champion tonight. AJ Styles reminds Cage he is in this match as well. Cage said he is right, chokes up and says AJ is doing the right thing to help him win tonight. Cage then tells Tomko to take Abyss out. Tomko said he will get right on that.

    No DQ, There Must Be A Winner
    Tomko vs Abyss

    They faced off at the start and began laying big shots back and forth into each other, no selling it to get over that they are monsters. Tomko began working over Abyss against the ropes. Abyss was kicked in the face. Abyss came back with a clothesline over the top, sending Tomko to the floor. Tomko pulled Abyss out of the ring by his leg. Abyss drilled his head into the ringside barrier. Tomko was slammed into the ringsteps. Abyss whipped Tomko towards the rail but it was reversed and Abyss ate the steel. Tomko nailed a running boot to the face.

    Tomko slammed Abyss' head into the ringsteps, although even Don West noted that Abyss' hands blocked most of the shot. Tomko worked over Abyss on the floor. They returned to the ring. Tomko went for a running boot but was caught by the throat. Tomko escaped the chokeslam but was kicked in the face. Abyss did his running charge into the corner. He went for a second but was elbowed as he ran in.

    Abyss chokeslammed Tomko for a two count. Abyss went under the ring looking for something. Hillbilly Jim's magic horseshoe was under the ring. Abyss grabbed a bag and Mike Tenay wondered if it was thumbtacks or broken glass. It was the tacks. He began spreading them out across the ring. He teased a chokeslam on the tacks on Tomko. Given all the tattoo work on his back, that would have shocked the hell out of me if it happened.

    Tomko escaped and hit a sit down slam into the tacks on Abyss. Abyss kicked out. He nailed a Black Hole Slam but Tomko kicked out. Abyss was bleeding from the arm as he went under the ring for another bag. It was a bag of marbles. No, it was broken glass. The crowd reacted to the glass. Abyss grinded the glass with his feet. Tomko clotheslined him down.

    Tomko grabbed a piece of jagged glass and began digging into Abyss' head. Hello to Abdullah to Atlanta! Tomko stomped Abyss' face into the glass pile. He was bleeding heavily from the face now. Tomko wiped a bloody piece of glass across his own chest. He went under the ring and found a barbed wire bat.

    Abyss was in the entranceway when Tomko caught up with him and drilled him several times with the bat. Tomko had this great evil devilish look on his face. Abyss disappeared and began climbing the scaffolding for the entranceway. Tomko climbed a ladder and met him. He went to hit Abyss with the bat, but missed,. Tomko was pulled from the scaffolding, taking a bump from the top to some crash padding below. Abyss then dove off the scaffolding atop of Tomko. The building chanted TNA. They showed several replays. As they emerged, you could see they landed in a pile of cardboard boxes covered by a sheet.

    Tomko began crawling down the entrance ramp towards the ring as Abyss struggled to get back to his feet. Abyss was either really shaken up or did one hell of a job selling the spot off the scaffold. Tomko began kicking Abyss as he returned to the ring. Abyss hit the Black Hole Slam into the glass on Tomko. That shocked the hell out of me. Abyss scored the pin.

    Winner: Abyss

    They went right backstage with Jeremy Borash backstage with Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe. Angle said tonight they need to agree to disagree, do the best they can, bloody each other and do what they have to do. Joe shook his hand and pulled Angle close. He quietly told Angle, "Tonight, I'm going to bring it." Angle did his "It's real" spiel to end the match.

    Back live, Mike Tenay is in the ring and directs the crowd to the screen featuring an interview with Jeff Jarrett. In the video, Jarrett talks about TNA's debut in 2002. He talks about founding the company with his father and he remembered sitting at his kitchen table with his wife Jill. Jarrett begins to cry thinking about this. He talked about his wife encouraging him to start TNA. Jarrett talked about Jill's battle with cancer and her passing on May 23rd this year. It was hard for Jarrett to continue talking at some points talking about his wife. Jarrett said being in the wrestling ring is probably the worst place for him right now. He thanks the TNA fans on behalf of Jill. Back live, the fans in Nashville clap loudly chanting "JILL" and "THANK YOU JEFF."

    In the ring, Jim Cornette said there was only two choices he could make for the last spot in the King of the Mountain tonight. He said one of those choices was Jeff Jarrett. Cornette said Jarrett told him that he insisted that the other name get this spot tonight since he was with TNA since day one. Cornette introduced the final participant in tonight's King of the Mountain Match..."Wildcat" Chris Harris.

    King of the Mountain Match to Crown TNA Championship
    AJ Styles vs Chris Harris vs Christian Cage vs Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe

    All the entrances looked like major deals. They did in-ring introductions for everyone. The rules are to win, you have to climb a ladder to hang the belt above the ring. To qualify that you can do so, you have to score a pinfall or submission. The competitor losing a fall has to enter a penalty box for a time period. Yeah, it sounded confusing. I'm not a big fan of the match stips but they've got easily the most loaded collection of talent ever for one of these bouts, so we'll see how it goes.

    Everyone brawled at the bell. Angle hasn't looked this lean since his early WWF run. Joe and Angle squared off. Cage and AJ went after Harris. Fans texting in picked Samoa Joe as the winner. You think TNA will listen to the audience?

    Cage whipped Styles towards Harris in the corner, hitting a splash. Cage hit one of his own. Joe and Angle brawled on the floor. Styles laid down for Cage to pin him, winning moron of the year award. Angle broke up the pin. Styles hit a big dropkick on Harris. Styles asked Cage to lay down for him but Cage blew him off. Styles sunset flipped him for a two count. Joe tossed Angle into the penalty box. Styles kicked Harris in the head. He went for a springboard move but Joe pulled him by the legs, slamming his face into the apron. Joe tossed AJ into the railing.

    Joe nailed an atomic drop, several kicks and big knee on Cage. Harris tossed Joe out of the ring to Angle on the floor. Harris went for the Catatonic but Cage escaped and went for the Unprettier. Harris hit a full nelson slam but Styles attacked him. Styles went for a tornado DDT but was caught. Harris swung Styles into Cage, then hit the Catatonic for the pin.

    Harris qualified to hang the belt. Styles went into the penalty box for two minutes.

    Cage and Harris brawled on the floor. Joe tossed a ladder out of the ring onto them. It became the Joe vs. Angle show. Joe hit a running knee in the corner. Joe went for the Facewash but Angle caught him and nailed a German suplex. Angle hit a second, then a third before Cage attacked both. Angle went for the Anklelock. Cage tried to escape but Joe locked on the Kokina Clutch. Angle cinched on an armlock at the same time on Joe. Styles was released from the cage as Harris returned to the ring and all five battled.

    Cage bridged a ladder between the ring and the apron. Cage tried to suplex Harris out of the ring to the ladder. Harris battled him off. Cage ended up crotching himself on the ladder. Styles hit an inverted DDT on Harris but Joe broke up the pin attempt. Styles hit a Pele Kick on Joe. AJ called for the Styles Clash on Angle, who grabbed an Anklelock. That was a sweet counter. AJ kicked off Angle, sending him to the floor. Harris backdropped Styles, who landed on the ladder where Cage was laying in pain.

    Harris, the only competitor qualified, pulled a ladder into the ring. Harris gets the TNA title from Jim Cornette and heads up the ladder. Kurt Angle grabs Harris and nails the Olympic Slam off the ladder for the pin.

    Angle is now qualified while Harris goes to the penalty box.

    Angle and Joe battled center ring. Joe nailed a snap powerslam. Joe grabs Cage and nails an uranage. Joe hits the muscle buster on AJ. Joe goes for a muscle buster again, nails a second and covers Styles. Angle breaks up the pinfall. Angle went to clothesline Joe but nailed the referee. Joe locked the choke in on Angle, who taps but there's no referee. Well, hell, Jim Cornette is at ringside, why can't he make a determination?

    Cage nails Joe with a ladder, then drags the referee over, covering Angle for the pin, stealing it.

    Christian Cage is now qualified while Angle goes to the penality box.

    Cage sets up the ladder and climbs the ladder. Joe follows him up and they battle. Joe hits an Ace Crusher off the ladder into the ring. Harris is released from the penalty box. Harris struggles to set up the ladder. He gets the belt and heads up, kicking Cage along the way. Harris makes his way to the top. Joe meets him at the top. Harris strikes him with the belt and Joe bumps down. He does the same to Cage. AJ Styles hit a springboard dropkick to the ladder, taking it and Harris down. Harris clotheslined himself chest-first across the top rope.

    Styles went to the top rope then climbed to the top of the penalty cage. Joe followed and they battled atop of it. AJ teased a suplex off but Joe locked in the choke. Styles kicked him low. Joe pulled Styles off the box, sending him into a forward flip through the announcer's table at ringside.

    Chris Harris knocked Joe off the box. He and Cage battled atop of the box. Harris suplexed Cage into the ring, then dove off the box with a flying clothesline. The crowd was loving every second of this chanting TNA and "This is Awesome." It is a damn entertaining main event.

    Cage, Harris, and Angle are in the ring. Harris plays Ladder airplane spin, taking Cage and Angle out. Harris calls for the belt and ascends the ladder. Cage sends the ladder over, sending Harris into the corner. Cage drills the ladder into Harris.

    Ever the opportunist. Cage sets up the ladder as everyone is out on the mat or the floor. Cage is on top of the ladder when Angle follows him from behind. He cinches the ankle lock on Cage as he's atop of the ladder. Cage kicks Angle in the head to break it. Angle and Cage battle atop the ladder. Cage went to hang the belt but Harris speared him off the ladder. Angle was left with the belt in his hand and hung it to win the match.

    Winner and new TNA champion: Kurt Angle

    A promo for TNA Victory Road on July 15 airs.

    Report by PWinsider.com and LionDen

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage, WWEs PPV 'Vengeance' and WWEs next PPV 'Vengeance'. No spoilers in the shoutbox please.

  3. #3
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    I'm hoping someone like Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell doesn't end up replacing Scott Steiner. They should post-pone the match until Steiner is healthy enough to wrestle.

    TNA, please don't fuck this up more than you already have!
    Last edited by DWTC; 06-18-2007 at 01:38 AM.

  4. #4
    phenomenal realfnshow's Avatar
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    Great start to the ppv!

    "It is not the size of the fighter, but the size of the fight he will bring. All you can do is be ready."
    "Senshi will rule the X Division once again..."

  5. #5
    whuppin ass since 1984 vegeta02012's Avatar
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    ^^wow way to make a big deal out of nothing, spell check.

    Im still kinda confused about the whole Killing/Storm pairing. Im sure there was some other heel that he couldve put with Storm but i guess they are trying to get him some exposure

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by vegeta02012 View Post
    ^^wow way to make a big deal out of nothing, spell check.

    Im still kinda confused about the whole Killing/Storm pairing. Im sure there was some other heel that he couldve put with Storm but i guess they are trying to get him some exposure
    I was just letting him know, that's all.

    As for Killings being thrown in the mix, they had nothing else for him so they put him there - just like Lynn.

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Good ol Road Warrior Animal lol

  8. #8
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    This ppv is overly rushed... they had too many matches. The king of the mountain match better be the best match ever or else this ppv is sort of disappointing.

  9. #9
    Ring Crew
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    Doesnt look like a good PPV so far. A bunch of short matches doesnt cut it.

    Credit to Kurt

  10. #10
    whuppin ass since 1984 vegeta02012's Avatar
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    It sucks that they are rushing this ppv to get it all in.

    I actually dont mind that move, but im a big LOD fan so im kinda biased towards it. I would have hated it if it were lex lugar or buff bagwell. At least that was a surprise

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