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    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion - June 18th 2007

    RAW Results - 18th Jun 2007
    Location - Richmond, Virginia
    Jim Ross and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    Dark Match:

    - Ryan Wilson (OVW's Jacob Duncan sans gimmick aka Trytan in TNA) defeated Val Venis.


    We start off tonight’s show with the statements from Ed Kaufman and footage of the tributes sent to Mr. McMahon. We also hear eyewitness accounts of the ‘explosion heard round the E’.

    Mick Foley is in the center of the ring and he says the show will go on. Mick says that he asked for special permission to be the first person to talk to the fans. He brings up that last week was Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night. He says that he said some things last week that might appear to be inappropriate. If he knew that Mr. McMahon was going to spontaneously combust, he might have done things differently. He says that Mr. McMahon antagonized him but he took someone who might not have had the best body, wrestling skills, or face that was television friendly and that person became a star. Mick Foley apologizes to the McMahon family in their time of bereavement.

    Mick is interrupted by Randy Orton and he says that it was incredible that Mick thought he could come to the ring and give an insincere public apology. Randy points out that Mick said that Mr. McMahon had no friends. He points out that Mick’s book was a Mr. McMahon hatchet job. Randy says that when they make the list of people who might be involved in the tragedy, Mick’s should be near the top. Randy says that Mick had all of the motivation in the world.

    King Booker comes out to the ring. He says that he will straighten this out. Most people are going to look in Mick Foley’s direction but he does not see it that way. Booker says that there is a federal investigator in the building tonight. The investigator was talking to Bobby Lashley for more than an hour. He talks about the motive for Lashley. Bobby was stripped of his ECW title last week. He was the object of Mr. McMahon’s rage since Wrestlemania. Lashley is a former Army Ranger who has knowledge of weapons and explosives.

    Before Booker can continue, Bobby Lashley comes to the ring. Lashley pushes Booker down and Booker rolls out of the ring to the floor.

    Since his four opponents for Vengeance are in or at the ring, John Cena comes to the ring. Cena has a mic and he tells Kojak and Ace Ventura that this is not Law and Order, it is Monday Night Raw. Cena says that he is asking himself the same questions. What happened to Mr. McMahon when he closed his limo door? Then there are a few people who are coming down to blame others. It is more than pointing a finger at anyone and saying that they did it. Cena says that Mr. McMahon is their boss but they only have to see him one or two days a week. Cena points out that Mr. McMahon probably had a lot of enemies. Cena says that there is an investigator who is going to handle the case so they need to get on with the show. That is what the fans would want . . .

    Jonathan Coachman comes out and he has a mic. Coachman says that the fans are looking at the five superstars who are going to be in the Championship Challenge at Vengeance. The show will go on and that is why the McMahon family put him in charge of Raw on an interim basis. With Vengeance being this Sunday and the idea of Mr. McMahon, we are going to have Randy Orton and King Booker will face Bobby Lashley and John Cena tonight as the main event. Coach addresses Mick and says that Mr. McMahon read Mick’s book. Coach says that Mr. McMahon told him that Mick distorted the truth. A man Mr. McMahon detested will face a man Mr. McMahon admired. Mick Foley will get in the ring tonight and he will face Umaga. We go to commercial.

    We are back and we will have another three hour episode of Raw for the Federal Investigation of Mr. McMahon’s demise.

    As London and Kendrick wait for their opponents, Jim Ross talks about the supplemental draft.

    Paul London and Brian Kendrick versus Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin

    London and Haas start things off and Haas with a head and arm take down in to a front face lock and arm bar. London flips for a reversal and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Haas with a waist lock take down and London blocks a kick and he fights his way out of the corner until Benjamin kicks London while London is in the ropes. Haas with a boot to the head and then he chokes London in the ropes. Benjamin tags in and Haas sends London into Benjamin’s knees and Haas with a clothesline. Benjamin gets a near fall. Benjamin with a hard Irish whip to London followed by punches in the corner. London blocks a punch and responds with punches of his own. Benjamin misses a charge into the corner and he is able to keep London from making the tag to Kendrick. London finally makes the tag and he connects with a flying forearm and drop kick on Haas and a back elbow. Kendrick with a jumping leg lariat but Benjamin breaks up the cover. Benjamin tries to powerbomb London but London is able to turn it into a hurricanrana and it sends both men over the top rope to the floor. Kendrick lands on his feet on a German suplex attempt by Haas and Kendrick gets the three count with Sliced Bread #2.

    Winners: Paul London and Brian Kendrick

    Jonathan Coachman is in the office and he is being interviewed by the investigator.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Carlito comes to the ring. Carlito reminds everyone who he is and he reminds us that he is cool. There was no one cooler in this industry than Mr. McMahon. Carlito extends his sympathies to the McMahon family. Carlito says that there were two big winners in the draft, Torrie Wilson and Ric Flair. They got drafted off of his show and got sent to Smackdown. Torrie left Raw with a broken heart and Flair couldn’t take any more of Carlito.

    Carlito is interrupted by Sandman who comes to the ring through the crowd and stops to spit some beer. Carlito wants to know who Sandman thinks he is. Carlito asks Sandman if he thinks he is tough. Carlito rolls out of the ring before Sandman can hit him with the cane.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Slam of the Week: Cade and Murdoch defeating the Hardys to win the tag titles.

    Cryme Tyme is in the back and Shad says that Mr. McMahon was a hero, a leader, and a visionary. Above all else, Mr. McMahon was a capitalist. We go to the Cryme Tyme Shopping Network Mr. McMahon Memorabilia sale. They have a cup of coffee, his last supper, and trash can. The investigator stops by and has a few questions for Cryme Tyme.

    Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are at the announce table. We are told that Cade and Murdoch will defend the tag titles against The Hardys.

    Daivari versus Jeff Hardy

    Daivari with a knee and punches to Hardy. Daivari with an Irish whip but he hits a head scissors take down on Daivari. Hardy with a slam and then he goes to the turnbuckles but Daivari gets up and crotches Hardy. Daivari with crossfaces to Hardy followed by an arm bar. Hardy with an elbow but Daivari with a kick and then he slams Hardy to the mat for a near fall. Daivari returns to the shoulder and then he applies a front face lock. Hardy and Daivari exchange punches and kicks but Hardy with two clotheslines and a gourdbuster driver for a two count. Hardy slams Daivari’s head into the turnbuckle. Daivari with an Irish whip but Hardy with Whisper in the Wind for a two count. Hardy with a mule kick and then he hits a delayed baseball slide in the corner for a two count. Hardy with a suplex for a two count. Daivari with a knee and a slam followed by a snap leg drop for a two count. Hardy with a kick and swinging neck breaker before he goes up top for a Swanton Bomb and he gets the three count.

    Winner: Jeff Hardy

    After the match:
    Lance Cade gets on the mic and he has something to tell Jeff Hardy. Two weeks ago, they were shown some of the most unsportsmanlike conduct. Murdoch says that the Hardys backed them into a corner and they had to respond not only for themselves but for their fans. Hardy with a pescado onto Cade and Murdoch. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Coach is on the phone. He says that everyone is being interviewed and everyone is a suspect. He does not know how much Mr. McMahon had to do. Coach says that he has one thing left to do.

    There is a knock on the door and it is the Iron Sheik. The Iron Sheik talks about how he deserves his own show. Coach wants to make sure that he understands Sheik and he says that he will think about it. Sheik starts to talk while Coach leaves and then there is a tap on Sheik’s chest and it is Ron Simmons for a ‘DAMN’ moment.

    William Regal is in the back with Maria and he talks about how it is his first day. Santino Marella stops by and Maria introduces Santino Marella to Regal. Maria says that she is glad that Santino did not get drafted. Maria asks Santino to talk to her in Italian.

    Todd Grisham is with Thomas Pagliaro, Mr. McMahon’s limo driver. Todd asks him where Thomas was during the explosion. He says that he was getting ready to drive Mr. McMahon to his jet and he got a call from his wife. He was getting ready to walk back to his limo and he heard the explosion. He says that he would have been blown up too if he was near the limo. He says that it could have been him. He has a wife and kids. He says that his heart goes out to the McMahon family.

    Mick Foley is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

    Mick Foley versus Umaga

    Foley with a knee that sends Umaga off the apron before the bell rings. Foley comes out after Umaga and he bites Umaga in the head. Umaga with a rake of the eyes and then he rolls Foley into the ring. Foley with a running punch and a series of punches to the head. The referee pulls Foley off Umaga but Umaga with a clothesline on a charging Foley. Umaga with a punch to Umaga that sends Foley against the ropes. Umaga punches Foley out of the ring and Umaga goes after Foley. Umaga comes off the apron but Foley with a punch to the midsection. Foley slams Umaga’s head into the announce table and the apron. Foley gets a steel chair and he hits Umaga in the head with it. Umaga with a super kick into the steel chair and Foley goes down. Umaga punches Foley and then he charges at Foley who is leaning against the ring steps and he hits the running butt splash that knocks the top ring step off and Foley is out. The referee calls for help for Foley and some other referees come out to check on Foley.

    The investigator is in the back and he is interviewing John Cena.

    A limo backs up in the garage and we go to commercial.

    We are back with an ‘earlier tonight’ moment of Mick Foley and Umaga’s brawl/match and Umaga hitting the running butt splash on Foley against the steps.

    Mick Foley is in the training room being examined by the doctor and the investigator wants to question Foley. The doctor says that Foley cannot answer any questions.

    Ken Kennedy comes to the ring and he has a mic. Kennedy says that he is sick to his stomach for several reasons. First, they lost their beloved chairman Mr. McMahon. Second is that he just got drafted to Monday Night Raw. From his perspective, he did not get along with the Smackdown audience but he really really really really does not like the Raw fans. The Raw fans have no respect for talent. Mr. McMahon was a genius and he wonders if the fans respected him. He says that he does not like to toot his own horn but he is the greatest thing to grace the WWE, let alone Raw. It is obvious that the fans have no respect for him and he cannot figure it out. He respected Mr. McMahon and Mr. McMahon was a friend of his. Everyone wishes that they knew Mr. McMahon. He could talk to Mr. McMahon about anything. The fans start to what and Kennedy tells them to cut it out. Mr. McMahon told him that good things happen to good people and great things happen to people who work really hard, grab the brass ring, and don’t wait for things to be handed to them. Kennedy says that is why he is in the ring and the fans are in the crowd. He talks about the legacy of Mr. McMahon.

    We return to the garage and the limo and the driver comes out and he stands by the door. We go to commercial.

    We are back with a graphic that pays tribute to Sherri Martel who passed away last week. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about Sherri Martel and how she paved the way for the Divas in the WWE today.

    Jillian Hall comes to the ring and she has a mic so she introduces herself and she dedicates a song in the memory of Mr. McMahon. Jillian ‘sings’ Amazing Grace.

    Melina and Jillian Hall versus Candice Michelle and Mickie James

    Candice and Jillian start things off and Jillian with an arm bar but Candice reverses. Candice with an Oklahoma Roll for a near fall. Melina trips Candice but Candice with a baseball slide to Melina. Jillian tosses Candice by the hair and then she Irish whips Candice into the corner and hits a handspring back elbow in the corner for a two count. Melina tags in and he kicks Candice in the ribs. Melina with a choke in the ropes and then Jillian with a kick to the back. Melina gets a two count on Candice. Melina slams Candice’s face into the turnbuckle and Jillian is tagged in. Jillian with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Jillian slams Candice’s head into Melina’s boot and then Melina is tagged back in. Melina with a flap jack to Candice for a two count. Candice throws Melina down to the mat and Candice tries to make the tag but Melina pulls Candice back towards her corner. Candice with a back body drop and Mickie is tagged in. Mickie with clotheslines to Melina followed by a fisherman’s suplex for a near fall. Mickie with kicks to Jillian followed by an elbow. Mickie with a rana to Jillian. Melina with a punch to Mickie but Mickie hits a neck breaker for a two count and Jillian breaks up the cover. Jillian and Melina hit a combination wheelbarrow driver. Candice with a spear to Jillian and Mickie with a rollup on Melina for a near fall. Melina with a leg lariat for the three count.

    Winners: Melina and Jillian Hall

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about what happened to Mr. McMahon last week. Jim Ross says that Mr. McMahon gave him his shot in the business. Lawler says the show will go on but it will never be the same without Mr. McMahon. We go to footage from last week when the limo exploded.

    We return to live footage of the latest white limo to grace Raw.

    Randy Orton and King Booker (with Queen Sharmell) versus John Cena and Bobby Lashley

    Lashley and Booker start things off with a stare down in the center of the ring. Booker has some words for Lashley and he pushes Lashley. Lashley backs Booker into the corner but Booker with a punch on the break followed by more punches and forearms. Lashley punches back and he takes Booker down. Lashley with punches in the corner and then he hits a suplex for a near fall. Booker with a thumb to the eye. Lashley with a shoulder tackle and a power slam when he catches Booker on a leap frog attempt. Lashley gets a near fall. Cena is tagged in and Booker retreats to his corner to tag in Orton. Cena blocks a punch and Cena with punches of his own followed by a fisherman’s suplex. Lashley tags in and they hit a double hip toss and Cena sends Booker over the top rope to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Orton with his trademarked reverse chin lock on Cena. We see footage during the commercial when Booker kicked Cena in the back as Cena came off the ropes. Orton punches Cena in the corner. Cena with an Irish whip and bulldog and both men are down. Cena tries to work his way to the corner to tag in Lashley but Orton tags in Booker and Orton prevents Cena from making the tag. Booker with a jumping leg lariat for a near fall but Lashley breaks up the cover. Orton and Booker work on stereo Garvin Stomps on Cena and then Booker with a snap mare and rear chin lock while Orton returns to the apron. Cena gets to his feet and he punches Booker. Booker with a back elbow to Cena and Orton is tagged in. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Cena followed by a knee drop for a near fall. Orton with a reverse chin lock. Cena tries to power his way to his corner to make the tag while Orton keeps the reverse chin lock cinched in. Cena falls to the mat while Orton increases the pressure. Cena recovers and gets to his feet. Cena with a kick to Orton but both men with clotheslines and both men are down. Booker makes the tag and so does Lashley. Lashley with clotheslines to Booker and then Lashley takes Booker into the corner with shoulders. Lashley with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Lashley with a T-Bone suplex to Booker and then he gets Booker up for a torture rack. Cena goes after Orton when Orton tries to interfere. Booker with a kick to Cena while Cena was with the referee. Lashley with a spinebuster but Orton made the blind tag and Orton hits the RKO for the three count.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Orton with his trademarked reverse chin lock on Cena. We see footage during the commercial when Booker kicked Cena in the back as Cena came off the ropes. Orton punches Cena in the corner. Cena with an Irish whip and bulldog and both men are down. Cena tries to work his way to the corner to tag in Lashley but Orton tags in Booker and Orton prevents Cena from making the tag. Booker with a jumping leg lariat for a near fall but Lashley breaks up the cover. Orton and Booker work on stereo Garvin Stomps on Cena and then Booker with a snap mare and rear chin lock while Orton returns to the apron. Cena gets to his feet and he punches Booker. Booker with a back elbow to Cena and Orton is tagged in. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Cena followed by a knee drop for a near fall. Orton with a reverse chin lock. Cena tries to power his way to his corner to make the tag while Orton keeps the reverse chin lock cinched in. Cena falls to the mat while Orton increases the pressure. Cena recovers and gets to his feet. Cena with a kick to Orton but both men with clotheslines and both men are down. Booker makes the tag and so does Lashley. Lashley with clotheslines to Booker and then Lashley takes Booker into the corner with shoulders. Lashley with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Lashley with a T-Bone suplex to Booker and then he gets Booker up for a torture rack. Cena goes after Orton when Orton tries to interfere. Booker with a kick to Cena while Cena was with the referee. Lashley with a spinebuster but Orton made the blind tag and Orton hits the RKO for the three count.

    Winners: Randy Orton and King Booker

    We return to the limo outside and the door is opened and Stephanie McMahon emerges. She walks into the building and we go to commercial.

    We are back with a Snitsky video package. He will be here next week.

    Stephanie is with Jonathan Coachman and he asks Stephanie if she wants him to escort her to the ring. Stephanie says that she needs to do this on her own.

    Lawler and Ross talk about how Shane and Stephanie must have dealt with a Father’s Day without their father.

    We run through some of the card for Vengeance:

    Batista versus Edge in a Last Chance Match for the World Title.

    John Cena versus Mick Foley versus Bobby Lashley versus King Booker versus Randy Orton for the WWE Title.

    Seven more title matches.

    Stephanie McMahon comes to the ring. She says that on behalf of the McMahon family for sending their condolences. She says that it was appreciated. Stephanie says that her father wanted to leave this world the way that he lived in it and in the biggest way possible. Next week there will be a special three hour celebration for Mr. McMahon with all of the superstars to celebrate her father . . . Mr. McMahon. The man that everyone knows about Mr. McMahon is the only person that she has known as her dad. She says that her dad was the most important man in the world. The pay per view might be called Vengeance, but Vengeance will be true the moment that they find out who did this to her dad. Stephanie drops the mic and she leaves the ring and heads to the back and we go to credits.

    Report by PWInsider.com

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    The Maverick legolas4792's Avatar
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    if mcmahon is in that white limo im gonna be pissed off
    The Eel Collection
    [Today 03:41 PM] EeL: can you touch yourself for me please
    [Today 06:27 PM] EeL: I was hoping you'd be a perfectly tanned muscle head!
    [Today 05:10 PM] EeL: I wish I could meet Bam Neely just to touch his beard
    [Today 10:57 PM] EeL: now I just need Rob in here to give him my special chocolate bar
    [Today 09:16 PM] EeL: gay tackle! yay! I love those
    [Today 09:47 PM] EeL: jacking off, I'm down for that
    You Have My Bow

    [Today 03:16 PM] Punisher: Rob aint got shit on you

  3. #3
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    That would be too obvious but this is becoming a really tacky soap opera anyway

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    WOOOOO! Flair Country's Avatar
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    Mickey James is so hot!!! Way to make the hometown proud girl!

    Wait...they made her lose??? WWE you suck! :stfu:

  5. #5
    I'm back J-man's Avatar
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    it's good they payed a tribute to sherri

    [Today 08:48 PM] Crossfire: pimping aint easy but its necessary, but Josh is chasing hoes like Tom chases Jerry

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j-man View Post
    it's good they payed a tribute to sherri
    Making up for treating her death like shit on wwe.com. Placing the fake angle all over the front page and placnig a her death into a little box down the page.

  7. #7
    The Maverick legolas4792's Avatar
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    i hope orton wins at vengeance like he did at raw but taht would be a good idea and you know how wwe hates those
    The Eel Collection
    [Today 03:41 PM] EeL: can you touch yourself for me please
    [Today 06:27 PM] EeL: I was hoping you'd be a perfectly tanned muscle head!
    [Today 05:10 PM] EeL: I wish I could meet Bam Neely just to touch his beard
    [Today 10:57 PM] EeL: now I just need Rob in here to give him my special chocolate bar
    [Today 09:16 PM] EeL: gay tackle! yay! I love those
    [Today 09:47 PM] EeL: jacking off, I'm down for that
    You Have My Bow

    [Today 03:16 PM] Punisher: Rob aint got shit on you

  8. #8
    I'm back J-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionDen View Post
    Making up for treating her death like shit on wwe.com. Placing the fake angle all over the front page and placnig a her death into a little box down the page.
    Exactly, thank you lion for informing every1 else how f'ed up WWE can be

    [Today 08:48 PM] Crossfire: pimping aint easy but its necessary, but Josh is chasing hoes like Tom chases Jerry

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legolas4792 View Post
    i hope orton wins at vengeance like he did at raw but taht would be a good idea and you know how wwe hates those
    I can not remember the last time Orton lost so I am guessing he has a very good chance this Sunday. Cena can lose and not be pinned and he keeps his ummm indestructible aura about him.

    Also, enough of the damn McMahon eulogies WWE. Gawd and now nexxt week we get another 3 hr show on him. Fair enough it is the storyline but there is no reason to go completely over the top.

    Oh and thanx Kellie for the LIVE coverage.

  10. #10
    The Walls Of Jericho Darth Fozzy's Avatar
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    I just thought about it and...I think they're gonna have Triple H be the one who blew up the limo, think about it, RATINGS!!! Boss' daughter's husband blows boss up, BOOM!!!

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