We begin tonight’s show with a Smackdown match but our main event is Ted DiBiase versus Montel Vontavious Porter.

Match Number One: Matt Hardy versus David Hart Smith with Tyson Kidd and Natayla

They lock up and Smith with an arm drag into an arm bar. Smith adds more pressure to the arm and he puts Hardy in a hammer lock. Hardy reverses the hammer lock into a side head lock and take down. Hardy with a shoulder tackle that staggers Smith and then he applies another side head lock and he takes Smith to the mat. Smith with elbows. Natalya tries to interfere but it backfires and Hardy punches Smith. Smith responds with a hard Irish whip. Smith punches and kicks Hardy and then he Irish whips Hardy and connects with a running clothesline into the corner. Smith with an elbow to the top of the head followed by a kick. Smith with a reverse chin lock. Hardy with a kick to a charging Smith followed by a neck breaker and the screaming leg drop from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Smith sends Hardy to the floor but Hardy pulls Smith out with him. Hardy sends Smith into the apron and then rolls Smith into the ring. Hardy goes up top but Kidd gets on the apron to distract the referee and allow Smith to punch Hardy and then he hits a superplex and both men are down.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Smith with a chin lock to Hardy and then he puts Hardy in an abdominal stretch. Hardy escapes the hold and he tries for a rollup but Smith holds the ropes. Smith with a punch when the referee was dealing with Hardy and then he hits a power slam for a near fall. Smith runs Hardy into the turnbuckles and hits a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Smith with a Saito suplex for another near fall. Smith continues to work on the back with a knee and elbow drop. Smith with a rear chin lock. Hardy with punches but Smith with a punch of his own. Smith puts Hardy on the top turnbuckle and he sets for a super belly-to-back suplex but Hardy with elbows that knock Smith off the turnbuckles. Hardy hits the moonsault but can only get a two count. Hardy with punches to Smith’s midsection and head and then Hardy with a neck breaker for a near fall. Hardy goes to the turnbuckles again and he hits the screaming elbow to the head. Hardy waits for the Twist of Fate but Smith escapes it. Hardy with the Side Effect for a two count. Kidd gets on the apron and Hardy punches him off. Smith with a boot to the head and Hardy is down. Meanwhile, the referee sends Natalya and Kidd to the back and that allows Hardy to get the three count with an inside cradle.
Winner: Matt Hardy

It is time for Ask the Divas.

Zack Ryder is walking in the back and he has Rosa Mendes at his side.

Match Number Two: Zack Ryder with Rosa Mendes versus Shelton Benjamin

Ryder with a kick and forearm to the back as the match starts. Benjamin with a kick and forearm but Ryder with a knee and he sends Benjamin to the floor. Benjamin returns to the ring and he takes Ryder down and punches him. Benjamin with a belly-to-back suplex followed by an Irish whip. Benjamin lands on the turnbuckles when Ryder moves, but Ryder pulls Benjamin off the turnbuckles. Ryder with a neck breaker for a near fall. Ryder with a reverse chin lock followed by a knee drop for a near fall. Ryder returns to the rear chin lock but Benjamin gets him up for an apparent electric chair drop but Ryder escapes and hits a leaping leg lariat for a near fall. Ryder with a crossface. Benjamin runs Ryder into the turnbuckles and then he escapes the hold. Benjamin with an overhead belly-to-belly throw followed by punches and kicks. Benjamin with a punch and thrust to the throat. Ryder with an Irish whip but Benjamin with a forearm from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Benjamin has Ryder for a power bomb but Ryder gets them close enough to the ropes and they both go over the top rope to the floor. Benjamin sends Ryder into the ringside barrier and Rosa comes over to check on Ryder. Ryder gets distracted by Rosa and gets counted out.
Winner: Shelton Benjamin by count out

After the match, Ryder returns to the ring and Benjamin hits Paydirt but it doesn’t matter because he already won the match.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole to run through the card for the Survivor Series.

Josh Mathews is with Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes in the locker room. Josh asks them about the comments they made on Monday night. Cody says that they were being honest. You are defined by your actions. MVP will not beat Ted tonight so they are not VIPs. Ted reminds Josh that MVP is an ex-con who bought some flashy jewelry. Ted asks Josh if he knows who his father is and he says that if anyone is ‘ballin’ it is him. Ted says that he is not impressed with any member of Team Kofi. Ted says that he is looking forward to beating MVP tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see highlights of Kyle Busch winning the Nationwide race in Texas.

Match Number Three: Ted DiBiase with Cody Rhodes versus Montel Vontavious Porter with Mark Henry

They lock up and Porter with a side head lock and take down into a side head lock. DiBiase punches Porter in the corner. Porter with a clothesline for a near fall. Porter runs into a boot by DiBiase but Porter with a back body drop to DiBiase and he gets a near fall. Porter with a slam and knee drop for a near fall. Porter with a side head lock but DiBiase with a knee and forearm followed by a punch. Rhodes pulls DiBiase out of the ring to stop any momentum for Porter but Porter with a pescado onto Rhodes and DiBiase. Porter returns to the ring and poses as we go to commercial.

We are back and Porter with an inside cradle for a near fall. Porter with knees and a snap mare to DiBiase for a near fall. Porter misses the boot into the corner and then he is sent to the floor. DiBiase goes out after Porter and he hits him in the back. DiBiase drops Porter’s arm on the ringside barrier and then he sends Porter into the ring post. They return to the ring and DiBiase gets a near fall. DiBiase with knees to the arm and then he punches Porter. DiBiase with a key lock and he continues to work on Porter’s arm but he cannot finish Porter off. DiBiase with a knee to the shoulder. Rhodes uses the referee’s focus on DiBiase to send Porter’s arm into the ring post. DiBiase gets a near fall. DiBiase with a clothesline for a near fall. DiBiase returns to the key lock but Porter with punches. DiBiase with a kick but Porter with an overhead belly-to-belly throw. Both men are down. Porter punches DiBiase and hits a clothesline and back elbow. Porter with a face buster and it is time for the Ballin Elbow and he hits it. Porter tries for the Playmaker but DiBiase with a kick to the injured arm. Porter with a running kick but he can only get a two count. Rhodes gets on the apron but Henry grabs Rhodes and sends him into the ring post. After a few reversals, Porter gets the three count with an inside cradle.
Winner: Montel Vontavious Porter

We go to credits.