Socyberty, a website I'm not familiar with, is reporting that Charlie Sheen is confirmed for a walk-on cameo role as a zombie is the second season of AMC's "The Walking Dead". They tell the story as follow: Sheen apparently told his publicist what a fan he was of the show recently, and the publicist, who also represents "Walking Dead" actor Jeffrey DeMunn, contacted one of the show’s producers and inquired if they were interested in allowing Sheen to be an extra on the film, playing the part of a zombie. The producer, himself a big fan of Sheen’s (terrible) show "Two and a Half Men," said “Absolutely!” Upon hearing the news, Sheen was reportedly ecstatic, and has already cleared the shooting schedule with his "Two and a Half Men" duties. Season 2 is slated to air next October. I think art should mimic real life, they should cast him as a dead junkie. Eh? Eh?

Source: Socyberty