John Cena spoke with Huffington Post Live this morning about his win over The Rock at WrestleMania last night, drug testing in pro wrestling and more. Check out the highlights:

On people who have battled drug problems or died in the business: “Life is full of choices. Although my life involves a lot of travel and going from venue to venue, a day is still 24-hours-long. Whether it’s my profession or any other profession, people make choices in life. In my career, there have been some people to take poor personal life choices, but I’m just not one of them. I love what I do, I’m dedicated to what I do, and I take the steps of preparation to make sure I can compete every day.”

On the use of steroids in wrestling: “It’s been a long-standing debate on that; currently WWE has one of the most-respected drug and wellness policies in the market… Each WWE Superstar is tested at least six times a year, some people are tested more than that. Since being involved with the program in 2006, I have been tested over 100 times, at random…WWE is taking active steps to eliminate those bad lifestyle decisions and whether it’s performance-enhancing or recreation, identify a problem before it gets out of control… WWE is very proactive on defending its Superstars and trying to stop this type of behavior from happening and, if it does happen, give this person the help and need they deserve to right their wrongs.”

On handling a full-time schedule ten years in: “It’s a job a love, but I don’t consider it a job. I think if it were something I considered work, I wouldn’t be here, especially after ten years. If you’re in this business strictly for financial gain, you do not last long. You have to be here because of passion, because it is not a business where you are awarded for anything less than 100 percent. I travel over 300 days, I’ve been doing that schedule for over ten years, but I don’t say that out of sympathy, but out of pride.”

On whether his win is symbolic of the PG era defeating the Attitude era: “I think people can look into it as they please. I’m happy where WWE is. I know there are Attitude Era folks who want to bring that era back, but we’re not there as a company anymore. You have to play the hand you’re dealt and we’re smack-dab in the middle of PG programming, so I’ll do the best I can there.”
