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    Default Survivor Series 2013 Live Coverage & Discussion Thread

    WWE Title Match
    Big Show vs. Randy Orton

    World Heavyweight Title Match
    Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena

    5-on-5 Traditional Elimination Match
    Cody Rhodes, Goldust, The Usos and Rey Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro

    7-on-7 Traditional Elimination Match
    Cameron, Naomi, Natalya, Eva Marie, Jo Jo and The Bella Twins vs. AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Alicia Fox, Kaitlyn, Summer Rae, Rosa Mendes and Aksana

    Erick Rowan and Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan and CM Punk

    In addition to the live play-by-play, you can check out Mike Johnson’s blog on the site with his thoughts on the pay per view. Make sure to check out the post game show in the Elite Section after the pay per view.

    It is the Kickoff Show for the Survivor Series and your host is Josh Mathews. He is joined by his panelists Mick Foley, Booker T, and Bret Hart.

    Josh mentions that Bret was in the first Survivor Series and the most infamous Survivor Series. Bret says that he is looking forward to the WWE Title match. It will be a cobra trying to take down a mastodon. We will see if Randy can win on his own.

    Mick says that he is looking forward to the World Title Match. Is John Cena ready? He might have won at Hell in a Cell, but can he win tonight.

    Booker T says that he is looking forward to the traditional Survivor Series Match.

    Booker says that Kofi was left high and dry on Monday. Things will be hot tonight. Mick says that he made Miz the hero of his Christmas book last year because Miz was a jerk. He is looking forward to seeing that Miz. Bret agrees with Miz and he says that Miz has turned a corner.

    Booker says that Miz knows exactly what it takes to win.

    We go to the Social Media Lounge and Renee Young is your hostess. Renee wants people to submit their dream team for Survivor Series. Renee tell us her dream team and it is Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, William Regal, Trish Stratus, and the Gobbledygooker.

    Mick wants to make sure that no one says the name of the Gobbledygooker again tonight.

    We take a look back at Raw when Alberto Del Rio thought he was going to take advantage of John Cena, but it was John who was taking advantage of the opportunity.

    Bret says that the condition of John’s arm is what matters. Everyone underestimates John and he finds a way to win. John is the only one who knows how bad his arm is.

    Booker says that John overcame all of the odds. Booker says that John is on a fast track to recovery. If he makes one mistake, Alberto could snap the arm.

    Mick says that it might not be a physical vulnerability, it could be an emotional one. John does not want to be booed in his home town.

    Booker mentions that bad things can happen in someone’s home town.

    The Usos are getting ready for their match and they are joined by Goldust. He tells the Usos they are not using the right paint. Cody says that they all look ready. Rey asks if they are ready. Everyone says that they are ready. Rey says that their fathers are going to be very proud. Goldust says that it is not about five individuals. Cody says that they need to be a team that needs to survive.

    Bret talks about the way to take advantage of the situation and it includes quick tags and changing things up. You need to focus on the weak link of your opponents.

    Mick says that everyone needs to execute individually, but also as a team. You have two sets of brothers in this match.

    Booker agrees with Cody that you have to act as a team.

    Mick says that if he was on the other team, he would consider Rey to be the weak link.

    Booker says that Rey should never be considered a weak link.

    Renee Young is with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. Daniel says that Luke and Erick are tough competitors but they are ruthless and violent. Daniel says that they are also ruthless and violent, but they can also be unreasonable. Daniel says that they like challenges and they have been dealing with them since they entered this company.

    Punk says that Bray is a weird cat and he has two goons who like to use parlor tricks and speak in circles. Punk says that they are not afraid of people in masks. People say that the Wyatt Family have bitten off more than they can chew because they are facing the Greatest of All Teams. He tells everyone to get ready.

    Mick talks about seeing Punk and Bryan wrestling in front of hundreds and now they are here at the Survivor Series.

    Booker says that Punk and Bryan are two of the biggest stars despite what Hunter might say.

    We go to ringside for Jerry Lawler, John Layfield, and Michael Cole who will be doing the commentary for tonight’s show.

    John says the Wyatts will be facing two huge egos tonight.

    Kickoff Show Match Number One: Miz versus Kofi Kingston

    Miz offers his hand to Kofi but Kofi refuses at first but he does shake hands. They lock up and Kofi with a waist lock and Miz with a hammer lock into a side head lock. Miz with a shoulder tackle. Kofi with two leap frogs but Kofi anticipates the back elbow and Miz gets a near fall with a rollup. Kofi with a crucifix cover for a near fall. Miz with a rollup for a near fall. Kofi and Miz continue to exchange near falls.

    Miz with a backslide for a near fall. Kofi with a back slide for a near fall. Miz with a monkey flip followed by a reverse atomic drop. Miz tries for the figure four but Kofi avoids it. Kofi misses Trouble in Paradise. Kofi with a kick and clothesline that sends Miz over the top rope to the floor. Kofi with a suicide dive.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Kofi with a half nelson and chin lock. Miz with punches and a head butt. Kofi with a cross body for a near fall. Kofi leaps into the corner and he punches Miz but Miz sends Kofi to the apron and Miz with a boot to the head and Kofi is down on the apron.

    Miz pulls Kofi back into the ring to get a near fall. Miz with knees to the back followed by a boot to the head and Miz gets a near fall. Miz with a rear chin lock. Kofi with punches but Miz with a knee. Miz is sent over the top rope and Miz goes to the apron. Miz slides under and tries for a sunset flip but Kofi counters with a double stomp.

    Kofi with chops followed by a drop kick and a flying clothesline. Kofi sets for the Boom drop and he hits it. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Miz ducks. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall. Miz with a back breaker but Kofi with SOS for a near fall.

    Miz drops Kofi’s thigh on the top rope and Miz sets for the figure four but Kofi with an inside cradle for a near fall. Miz charges into a pendulum kick and Kofi goes up top for a cross body but Kofi can only get a near fall. Kofi with a kick to the chest.

    Kofi with a second kick to the chest. Kofi thinks about a third but Miz avoids him and Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Kofi counters with a rollup for a near fall. Miz with a rollup counter for the three count.

    Winner: Miz

    After the match, Miz offers his hand to Kofi and Kofi slaps Miz.

    We go to the Social Media Lounge and Renee Young. She reads off some of the Twitter selections for their dream teams.

    Josh asks Bret if Randy will be the face of the WWE after tonight. He says that Randy believes it and now he thinks he can do it on his own. There are two sides to this. On one side he is being a spoiled baby and on the other he is someone who can get it done.

    Mick says that it is time for Orton to step up like the man who wants to be the face of the company.

    Booker calls Randy a diamond in the rough and he knows that Randy can do it.

    It is time for the pay per view to begin and we are in Boston, Massachusetts. Your announcers are Michael Cole, John Layfield, and Jerry Lawler.
    Triple H and Stephanie McMahon make their way to the ring to start off the pay per view.

    Stephanie welcomes everyone to the 27th Annual Survivor Series. Stephanie says that they guaranteed that there would be no interference in the WWE Title Match. Hunter says that there will be no physical interference in any match tonight.

    We will start off with the traditional Survivor Series Match. Hunter wants to know if we are ready.

    Zeb Colter has something to say. He says that Boston is the home of the Boston Tea Party, where a group of patriots joined together to spark a revolution. Zeb says that he does not see any revolutionaries among him. Zeb says that no one would know if the Boston Tea Party happened today. You wouldn’t know about Nathan Hale or Paul Revere. You are too busy twerking or rooting for a foreign guy like David Ortiz.

    Cody tells Zeb to shut up because no one paid to hear him talk. None of the people want to see Zeb twerk.

    Match Number One: Traditional Survivor Series Match: Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Rey Mysterio versus Antonio Cesaro, Jack Swagger, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns

    Cody and Ambrose start things off and they lock up. Ambrose with a hammer lock and side head lock. Ambrose with a shoulder tackle. Cody with a waist lock but Ambrose with a standing switch. Cody with an elbow and he blocks a hip toss. Ambrose blocks one too but Cody with a punch and Ambrose retreats to the corner.

    Ambrose with a kick and punches in the corner. Ambrose with a chop and he rubs his forearm across Cody’s face. Cody with punches followed by a clothesline. Cody with a kick but Ambrose with a knee to the midsection. Ambrose kicks Cody in the corner. The referee warns Ambrose and they yell at each other. Cody with a rollup for the three count.

    Dean Ambrose Eliminated

    Ambrose pie faces Goldust and Goldust punches Ambrose. The Usos take care of Rollins and Reigns and then they take care of Cesaro and Swagger. The Usos with planchas onto The Shield and The Real Americans.

    Cody and Rollins are in the ring and Cody with a gourdbuster for a near fall. Goldust tags in and he punches Rollins and sends him into the turnbuckles and punches Rollins. Goldust with an Irish whip and back body drop to Rollins for a near fall. Goldust with a side head lock and Cesaro makes the tag. Goldust with a shoulder tackle to Rollins. Swagger with a blind tag and shoulder tackle to Goldust.

    Swagger runs Goldust into the turnbuckles and he follows with knees in the corner. Cesaro drops Goldust on the top rope and Swagger tags in Cesaro. They hit a double back elbow and Cesaro gets a near fall. Cesaro punches Goldust and connects with a European uppercut.

    Swagger tags in and Ceasro with a catapult that sends Goldust into Swagger and Swagger with a belly-to-belly slam for a near fall. Swagger with a clothesline. Swagger with a Double Jump Swagger Bomb followed by a leap frog double stomp by Cesaro for a near fall.

    Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Goldust with elbows and a backslide for a near fall. Cesaro with a spear to Goldust and both men are down. Cesaro with a dead lift side salto on Goldust. Cesaro runs into an elbow and Goldust takes care of the rest of Cesaro’s team. Goldust with a modified Code Red and both men are down.

    Swagger tags in and he hits Goldust’s boots on a Swagger Bomb. Rey tags in and he hits a springbard seated senton. Rey with a bulldog out of a wheelbarrow. Rey with kicks to Swagger and then Swagger stops Rey from going between his legs. Swagger tries for the Doctor Bomb but Rey counters and sends Swagger into the ropes. Rey with a 619 and Jimmy with a super kick followed by a superfly splash by Jey to eliminate Swagger.

    Jack Swagger Eliminated (5 on 3)

    Cesaro with Swiss Death to Jey for a near fall. Cesaro sets for the giant swing. Cesaro does the same thing to Jimmy. Cody tags in and Cesaro tries for Swiss Death but Cody with a sunset flip for the three count.

    Antonio Cesaro Eliminated (5 on 2)

    Rollins tells Reigns it is his time to shine. Cody with punches to Reigns and Jimmy tags in and punches Reigns. Jey tags in and he hits a forearm in the corner. Reigns with a back elbow to Jey and Rollins tags in. Rollins with kicks to Jey. Rollins with punches to Jey and Rollins gets a near fall. Reigns tags in and he punches Jey while Rollins holds him. Reigns gets a near fall.

    Jey with punches but Reigns tags in Rollins. Seth goes up top and he punches Jey. Seth with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Rollins with a rear chin lock. Jey with punches and Rollins with forearms. Reigns tags in but Jey lands on his feet. Jey sends Seth to the floor but Reigns stops Jey.

    Jey kicks Reigns away and Jimmy tags in and he connects with clotheslines and a savate kick. Reigns with a kick but Jimmy with a Samoan drop. Jimmy with a running butt splash into the corner. Jimmy gets a near fall. Jimmy goes up top but Reigns with a punch. Reigns tries for a superplex but Jimmy stops him with a head butt. Jimmy lands on Reigns’ knees on the superfly splash.

    Reigns with a spear to eliminate Jimmy.

    Jimmy Uso Eliminated (4 on 2)

    Cody Rhodes with a missile drop kick to Reigns followed by clotheslines to Rollins. Cody with a sunset flip for a near fall followed by the drop down uppercut. Cody goes up top and he hits the moonsault for a near fall.

    Cody has Beautiful Disaster blocked. Cody hits CrossRhodes but Reigns made the blind tag and he spears Cody to eliminate him.

    Cody Rhodes Eliminated (3 on 2)

    Jey attacks Reigns on the floor and connects with a clothesline and then he sends Reigns into the ringside barrier. Jey rolls Reigns back in. Rollins with Black Out to Jey Uso to eliminate him.

    Jey Uso Eliminated (2 on 2)

    Rollins with kicks to Rey. Rollins with a sunset flip but Rey rolls through and he kicks Rollins in the head and Rey with a near fall. Rey goes to the apron and up top but Rollins hits Rey from behind and Rey falls into the tree of woe. Rollins with a hesitation drop kick and Reigns is tagged in.

    Reigns throws Rey under the bottom rope to the floor. The referee starts his count but Rey gets the power and strength to return to the ring just in time. Reigns misses a charge into the corner and Reigns hits the ring post with his shoulder.

    Rollins tags in and he kicks Goldust off the apron. Rollins with an Irish whip to Rey and then he gets Rey on his shoulders but Rey with a sunset flip for the three count.

    Seth Rollins Eliminated (2 on 1)

    Rollins attacks Rey before going to the back. Reigns puts Rey in the corner and chokes him. Reigns with a kick but Rey with a kick and he tries to go between Reigns’ legs to tag in Goldust. Rey with an enzuigiri. Rey with a drop toe hold that sends Reigns into the turnbuckles.

    Goldust tags in and he connects with a series of clotheslines followed by a drop down uppercut. Goldust with a spinebuster for a near fall. Goldust with punches in the corner. Reigns with an Irish whip but Goldust with a power slam for a near fall. Reigns runs Goldust into the turnbuckles. Goldust with an elbow and he goes up top for the cross boyd and he gets a near fall.

    Goldust with a clothesline into the corner but Reigns avoids the bulldog. Reigns with a spear to eliminate Goldust.

    Goldust eliminated (1 on 1)

    Reigns tries for a power bomb but Rey counters and sends Reigns into the ropes. Rey sets for the 619 but Reigns escapes the ropes and hits a spear to pin Rey.

    Rey Mysterio eliminated

    Winners: The Shield and Real Americans (Survivors: Roman Reigns)

    We are in the office and Kane, Triple H, and Stephanie are discussing something and Randy Orton enters and wants to know if they are on the same page. Randy wants to know if they will show him respect.

    Stephanie says hello and says that she didn’t hear him come in. Hunter wants to know if Orton is asking for interference or not. He tells Orton that he is the Viper, the Apex Predator, the WWE Champion and the face of the WWE.

    Stephanie tells Randy to prove it.

    Match Number Two: Intercontinental Title Match: Big E Langston versus Curtis Axel

    They lock up and Axel with a side head lock. Langston picks up Axel but Axel holds on to the side head lock. Axel with a waist lock but Langston with a standing switch and waist lock take down. Langston rolls Axel up for a near fall. They lock up again and Axel with an arm bar and punches to the shoulder.

    Axel with a waist lock and Langston uses his strength to escape and he sends Axel to the mat with a back drop. They lock up and Langston backs Axel into the corner but Axel with punches when the referee was not looking on the break. Axel with forearms to the back. Axel with a hurdle leap frog but Langston with a leap frog of his own followed by a shoulder tackle.

    Langston with a shoulder in the corner. Langston sends Axel into the air and then down to the mat. Langston with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Axel goes to the floor. Langston send Axel back into the ring and Axel with a forearm. Axel with a shoulder that knocks Langston off the apron. Axel with a flying axe off the apron.

    Axel gets a near fall and he kicks and punches Langston in the corner. Axel with knees to the head followed by a snap mare and leap frog neck snap for a near fall. Axel with a reverse chin lock. Langston sends Axel away and he avoids the snap neck breaker. Langston with shoulder tackles followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. Langston with the Ultimate Warrior splash to the back and the straps are down. Axel gets to the ropes to stop Langston.

    Axel with a kick to the knee and he hits the Perfectplex but Langston kicks out. Axel misses a splash into the corner and Langston runs into an elbow. Axel goes to the turnbuckles but Langston catches him. Axel with elbows and he tries for the neck breaker driver but Langston escapes and hits the Big Ending for the three count.

    Winner: Big E Langston

    After the match, Renee Young congratulates Langston on his win. Langston says that he does not need to pander to the fans in . . . Boston. When he won this title and became Intercontinental Champion, it was like when the Boston Red Sox became the World Series Champions.

    AJ Lee says that she has been called many things. Psychotic and Champion. She has not come this far to be brought down. Everyone else might be inferior to her but it is time to take back the Divas Division.

    They want to know who she is calling inferior.

    AJ wants to know if she is being rhetorical.

    Kaitlyn wants to know why any of them should trust her. AJ has made enemies with everyone besides her hired help.

    AJ says that this is not about them. It is about how Total Divas does not want any of them. Maybe it is because they don’t think Kaitlyn is pretty enough, or Aksana has a funny accent, or Summer can only dance.

    There are new episodes of Total Divas. They can make their own show by stealing this one.

    Match Number Three: Divas Survivor Series Match: Natalya, Naomi, Cameron, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, JoJo, and Eva Marie versus Aksana, AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Summer Rae, Rosa Mendes, Kaitlyn, and Alicia Fox
    Fox and Naomi start things off and they lock up. Alicia with an elbow to the head and then she sends Naomi into the turnbuckles a few times. Alicia with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Alicia gets a near fall and then she hits an X Factor followed by a Yakuza Kick. Alicia puts Naomi on the turnbuckles. Naomi with an elbow to knock Alicia off. Naomi with a split legged moonsault to eliminate Alicia.

    Alicia Fox Eliminated (7 on 6)

    Naomi with an elbow to Rosa and Cameron tags in and they hit a double suplex and double split leg drop and Cameron gets a near fall. Cameron sends Rosa into the turnbuckles followed by an Irish whip. Cameron is sent into the turnbuckles but Rosa and Cameron is eliminated.

    Cameron Eliminated (6 on 6)

    Nikki with an X Factor to pin Rosa.

    Rosa Mendes Eliminated (6 on 5)

    Summer comes in and she dances. Nikki does the worm. Summer does a split and Nikki hits a drop kick to eliminate Summer.

    Summer Rae Eliminated (6 on 4)

    Eva Marie and Kaitlyn come in and Kaitlyn with a gutbuster to eliminate Eva.

    Eva Marie Eliminated (5 on 4)

    Naomi comes back in and Naomi slides to the floor and she kicks Kaitlyn from the apron. Kaitlyn with a gutbuster to eliminate Naomi.

    Naomi Eliminated (4 on 4)

    Brie gets a near fall on Kaitlyn. Brie sends Kaitlyn into the turnbuckles and hits a missile drop kick to eliminate Kaitlyn.

    Kaitlyn Eliminated (4 on 3)

    AJ kicks Brie from behind and Aksana with a spinebuster to pin Brie.

    Brie Bella Eliminated (3 on 3)

    Nikki hits Aksana from behind and Nikki with Shock Treatment to eliminate Aksana.

    Aksana Eliminated (3 on 2)

    Tamina enters the match and she sends Nikki to the mat. Tamina with a head butt to Nikki. Tamina with another leaping head butt to Nikki. Tamina knocks Natalya off the apron and then she kicks Nikki. Tamina chokes Nikki in the corner. Tamina with a suplex followed by a hard Irish whip. Nikki with a kick to Tamina and Nikki thinks about making the tag to JoJo.

    JoJo tags in and she meekly enters the match. They lock up and Tamina throws JoJo to the mat. Tamina sends JoJo face first into the mat. Tamina throws her jacket on JoJo. Tamina with an Irish whip but JoJo with boots to Tamina followed by a cross body but Tamina catches JoJo. JoJo with a rollup for a near fall.

    Tamina with a clothesline and Samoan drop to JoJo. AJ wants to be tagged in and she skips around the ring and pins JoJo.

    JoJo Eliminated (2 on 2)

    Natalya is run into the turnbuckles but Tamina. Tamina with a running butt splash to Natalya. Tamina with a slam to Tamina and Tamina goes up top. Tamina misses the Superfly Splash and Natalya with the Sharpshooter and AJ hits Natalya, but apparently Tamina had tapped out.

    Tamina Snuka Eliminated (2 on 1)

    AJ goes for the Black Widow and Nikki kicks Tamina off the apron. Natalya with a Sharpshooter and AJ taps out.

    Winners: Total Divas (Survivors: Nikki Bella and Natalya)

    Randy Orton is walking in the back and he sees Charles Robinson. Randy reminds Charles that he is the official for their match. They have known each other for a while. Randy says that he has always had Charles’ back. He expects Charles to put their friendship behind them and he will call this down the middle.

    Randy tells Charles that he gets what he is saying.

    Charles says that he will do what the Authority said.

    We go to the Hall of Fame KickOff Show Panel. Josh is with Bret Hart, Booker T, and Mick Foley.

    Ryback interrupts the panel and he says that his favorite Survivor Series memory was when he came out and shut up those pathetic old timers. They are going to do nothing about it because they are cowards just like everyone in this second rate arena.

    Ryback says that he can intimidate each and every one of you. He can intimidate everyone in the locker room. That does not make him a bully. Ryback is making an open challenge for anyone who wants to make a name of themselves. Someone who can tell their grandchildren that they were beaten by someone bigger and better than them.

    Match Number Four: Ryback versus Mark Henry

    They lock up and Ryback moves Henry into the corner and Ryback with a cleanish break. They lock up again and Henry sends Ryback to the mat. They lock up and Ryback with forearms but Henry with a shoulder tackle. Henry tries for a power slam but Ryback gets to his feet and he clips Henry. Ryback with a splash for a near fall.

    Ryback with forearms to the back and a kick to the head. Ryback with a suplex to Henry and then he sets for a charge into the corner but Henry moves and Ryback hits the post with his shoulder and Ryback goes to the floor.

    Henry with head butts and then he goes JYD for a head butt and Ryback grabs the rope to stop the count. Ryback with a forearm to the back of the leg to get Mark to the mat. Ryback with a reverse chin lock. Henry with a running power slam for a near fall.

    Henry gets Ryback up for the World’s Strongest Slam but Ryback escapes and he hits a spinebuster. The straps come down and Ryback sets for the lariat. Henry with a cross body to a charging Ryback and Ryback with the World’s Strongest Slam for the three count.

    Winner: Mark Henry

    Josh asks Booker about Mark Henry’s return. He says that Ryback should worry about what you wish for because Mark Henry is back.

    It is time for the World Title Match and they talk about the cross arm breaker. Bret says Alberto is cunning and dangerous. He will try to exploit the injury.

    Mick says that it will come down to heart and will. The support of John Cena’s home town fans could be a difference, but will they be behind him.

    We will find out if Alberto can hit the cross arm breaker on John Cena.

    Match Number Five: World Heavyweight Title Match: John Cena versus Alberto Del Rio

    They lock up and Del Rio with a waist lock. Cena with a wrist lock into a side head lock. Del Rio with a reversal. Del Rio with a shoulder tackle. They lock up again and Cena with a side head lock and take down. Cena with a shoulder tackle but Del Rio with a hip toss and side head lock take down.

    Cena gets back to his feet and Del Rio with a shoulder tackle. Cena with a leap frog but Del Rio with a kick to the back of the leg and Cena goes to the apron but Del Rio chokes Cena. Del Rio with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a key lock on the injured arm. Cena gets Del Rio on his shoulders but Del Rio gets to his feet and he hits a clothesline and gets a near fall.

    Del Rio with a kick to the arm and then he wraps the arm in the bottom rope. Del Rio goes to the apron and then he goes up top and hits a double sledge to the left arm. Del Rio goes after Cena on the floor and he kicks Cena in the back.

    Cena with punches but Del Rio Irish whips Cena into the ring steps. The referee continues his count and they return to the ring and Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio with punches to Cena’s back and shoulder. Del Rio goes up top again and he hits another double sledge to the left shoulder.

    Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio with an arm bar to start setting up for the cross arm breaker. Cena punches Del Rio followed by an Irish whip but Cena misses a charge into the corner.

    Del Rio with an enzuigiri to the shoulder and then he chokes Cena. Del Rio punches Cena in the head. Cena with a flying shoulder tackle but Del Rio drops down on the second one and Cena goes to the floor. Del Rio goes to the floor and he sends Cena into the ringside barrier.

    Del Rio mocks Cena and the ‘You Can’t See Me’ gesture. Cena drops Del Rio on the top rope and then he returns to the ring but he is met with a clothesline from Del Rio and Alberto gets a near fall. Del Rio returns to the key lock. Cena escapes and he hits the two flying shoulder tackles but Del Rio counters a Blue Thunder Bomb with a lungblower for a near fall.

    Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles and he mocks Cena again but Del Rio jumps down and he is met with a drop kick from Cena. Both men are down and the referee starts his count. Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb and then it is time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Del Rio with a kick to the head followed by a DDT for a near fall.

    Del Rio wraps the arm in the ropes and the referee warns Del Rio. Del Rio goes for a splash against the ropes but Cena moves and Del Rio goes to the floor. Del Rio returns to the ring and Cena with another Blue Thunder Bomb and a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena tries for the Attitude Adjustment but Del Rio escapes and he hits a German suplex and bridge for a near fall.

    Del Rio misses the step up enzuigiri and Del Rio kicks Cena away on an STF attempt. Cena with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Cena goes to the apron and turnbuckles but Del Rio hits the step up enzuigiri but Del Rio can only get a two count.

    Del Rio with forearms to the shoulder and then he puts Cena on the turnbuckles and puts him in the tree of woe. Del Rio goes for a shoulder but Cena pulls himself up and Del Rio hits the ring post with his shoulder.

    Cena hits the Rocker Dropper for a near fall. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Del Rio signals that it is time for the cross arm breaker and he floats over but Cena with the STF and Del Rio is by the ropes but he has to reach across his body to get to the ropes. Del Rio gets his finger on the ropes and Cena has to release the hold.

    Del Rio holds his leg after the STF but he is able to hit a savate kick followed by a super kick for a near fall. Cena with a uranage into a neck breaker for a near fall. Cena goes to the turnbuckles and he hits a cross body but Del Rio rolls through and he applies the cross arm breaker.

    Cena rolls through and he picks up Del Rio and hits a power bomb to escape the hold. Cena tries for the Attitude Adjustment but Del Rio escapes. Del Rio tries for the float over into the cross arm breaker but Cena escapes. Cena with an Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

    Winner: John Cena

    We have Santino Marella and R Truth in the locker room playing with the Power Slammers and Los Matadores and El Torito pop up when they say ‘bull’. Fandango appears when they mention ‘dance’. They say power and John Laurinaitis appears because it is People Power.
    Bray Wyatt says that she said they would be tough as nails so in order to beat them, they would have to treat you like dogs. They are the reapers and there is nowhere to run.

    Match Number Six: CM Punk and Daniel Bryan versus Luke Harper and Erick Rowan (with Bray Wyatt)

    Rowan starts off against Daniel Bryan. Rowan misses a punch and Bryan with kicks to the leg. Bryan with more kicks but Rowan throws Bryan to the mat. Rowan with a forearm across the chest followed by a likely head butt, but the cameras focused on Bray Wyatt at ringside. Rowan with an Irish whip but Bryan moves when Rowan charges into the corner. Bryan with kicks and Punk tags in.

    Punk with kicks and a forearm. Rowan sends Punk to the mat but Punk with a drop kick to the leg and Punk grabs the leg but Rowan with a forearm to the back. Rowan runs Punk into the turnbuckles and Harper tags in and Harper with a European uppercut. Harper with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Punk with a cross body for a near fall. Punk with a chop to Harper but Harper with a two handed chop to the chest.

    Punk is sent into the turnbuckles and Rowan tags in. Rowan with a bear hug. Punk claps his hands to escape. Punk with a kick and back heel kick. Punk tries for a suplex but Rowan blocks it. Punk lands on his feet and he kicks Rowan in the back of the knee and Bryan tags in. Rowan blocks a double suplex attempt and Rowan with a double suplex of his own.

    Rowan with forearms to Bryan in the corner. Rowan with an Irish whip but Bryan with a drop toe hold and then he tags in Punk. Punk and Bryan with kicks to Rowan. Bryan tags in and they connect with more kicks. Punk tags back in and they hit a double belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.

    Rowan with a slam and he tags in Harper. Harper with an elbow drop but he misses a punch. Punk with forearms and Bryan tags in. Bryan and Punk with a double drop kick and Bryan with kicks to Harper. Punk tags in and they hit a Hart Attack for a near fall. The referee gets distracted by Rowan and Harper with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall.

    Rowan tags in and he hits a knee drop on Punk and he gets a near fall. Rowan with a back breaker for a near fall. Harper tags in and he connects with a series of European uppercuts. Harper with a Gator Roll into a side head lock. Punk with a jawbreaker and chops. Punk has a back heel kick blocked and Harper with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall.

    Harper stands on the arm and he tags in Rowan. Rowan with an elbow drop for a near fall. Rowan with a rear chin lock. Punk with punches and he connects with a forearm to Harper on the apron but Rowan stops Punk from making the tag.

    Rowan picks up Punk and sends him into the turnbuckles. Punk with a tornado DDT and both men are down. Harper and Bryan tag in and Bryan with kicks to the leg. Harper with an Irish whip but Bryan flips over and he hits the flying clothesline. Bryan drops down and Harper goes over the top rope to the floor.

    Bryan with a suicide dive but Harper holds his knee. Bryan goes up top and hits a missile drop kick. Bryan gets a near fall. Bryan with kicks to the chest but Harper blocks a round kick. Bryan counters a power bomb with a rana. Bryan with a flying drop kick into the corner. Harper blocks a super rana and Harper hits a sit out power bomb from the turnbuckles. Punk breaks up the cover.

    Rowan sends Punk over the top rope to the floor. Wyatt gives some advise to Harper and Rowan. Rowan tags in and he hits the splash but only gets a two count. Rowan with a slam or two. Rowan gets Bryan up and hits a third slam before Rowan gets a near fall. Rowan kicks Punk to the floor. Harper tags back in and Harper hits a body block and then he kicks Bryan in the face.

    Harper slingshots Bryan’s throat into the middle rope and he gets a near fall. Bryan with forearms to Harper and Rowan but Harper with a half nelson suplex. Punk kicks Harper and Luke is down. Bryan has to get past Harper and he is able to make the tag. Punk with a springboard clothesline and clotheslines. Punk with a leg lariat followed by a forearm to Rowan.

    Punk with a running knee into the corner followed by a short arm clothesline. Punk goes up top for the elbow drop and he decides to change things up and he hits a cross body onto Rowan and Wyatt on the floor. Punk returns to the ring and he hits a swinging neck breaker. Punk goes up top and this time he hits the flying elbow drop.

    Punk gets a near fall on Harper. Punk signals that it is time for someone to go to sleep and he gets Harper on his shoulders but Rowan stops Punk. Bryan with a flying knee to Rowan. Punk avoids a lariat and he hits the Go To Sleep and Punk gets the three count.

    Winners: CM Punk and Daniel Bryan

    After the match, Wyatt teases getting in the ring and Bryan gets the crowd to chant ‘Yes’. Wyatt gets on the apron but he retreats.

    Match Number Seven: WWE Championship Match: Randy Orton versus Big Show

    The bell rings and Orton retreats to the floor to get inside Big Show’s head. Orton returns to the ring and Show backs Orton into the corner and he tries for a forearm but Orton escapes and Orton gets caught in the ropes before getting to the floor.

    Show with a chop when Orton returns to the ring. Show with a chop to the chest. Show with punches in the corner and then he stands on Orton’s chest. The referee warns Show while Orton goes to the floor.

    Show palms Orton’s head to get him back on the apron but Show is dropped on the top rope. Show with a clothesline and elbow drop for a near fall. Show sends Orton into the turnbuckles and Show with a chop. Show with another chop and he hits a splash in the corner. Orton with a drop kick and both men are down.

    Orton with a forearm to the back followed by kicks to the head and chest. Randy with a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Orton with a front face lock on Show. Show gets Orton on his back and Orton with a sleeper. Show escapes the sleeper and both men are down. Show with clotheslines and an Irish whip. Show with a running butt splash and a shoulder tackle.

    Show signals for the choke slam and Orton goes to the floor. Show sends Orton into the ring steps and Orton holds his right arm. Show sends Orton into the other steps. Show rolls Orton back into the ring and then Show goes up top but Orton with boots to the head and Orton sets for a super IEDDT but Show gets his feet on the mat so it is a normal DDT.

    Orton flexes for the crowd and then he twists to the mat for an RKO push up but Show pushes Orton away. Show with a choke slam for a near fall. Show looks at his fingernails and it is time to make a fist and the KO punch. Orton rolls to the floor and he starts to go up the ramp.

    Show follows after Orton but Orton with punches. Show tosses Orton into the ropes and the referee goes down.

    Orton sends Show into the ring post and ring steps at the same time. Orton looks under the ring and he has found a chair. Show with a kick to stop Orton and then he knocks the chair away. Orton is sent over the ringside barrier and into the crowd. Show with a chop to Orton and they return to the ringside area. Orton drops Show on the top of the ringside barrier and Orton tries for the IEDDT on the ringside barrier but Show with the Knockout Punch.

    Show drags Orton into the ring and the referee has recovered.

    Triple H’s music plays and Show stops in his tracks while Hunter, Stephanie, and Kane make their way onto the stage.

    Orton with an RKO to Big Show when Show turns around. Orton holds his jaw from the earlier knockout punch. Orton sets for the field goal kick and he connects and gets the three count.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    After the match, Triple H, Stephanie, and Kane make their way to ringside to applaud Orton’s victory.

    John Cena’s music plays and he comes to the ring with the World Title belt held over his head. Cena stands face to face with Orton in the ring.

    Cena and Orton hold their respective title belts over their heads as we go to credits.

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    DON'T GIE'A FUCK the madscotsman's Avatar
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    Anybody else hear the Ziggler and Ryder chants throughout the show?

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