Smackdown Report / Results - 9th Apr, 2015
Location: Dallas, Texas
Announcers: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and Jerry Lawler.

Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring and he has something to say to the people of Dallas.

Before we hear from Daniel, we take a look back at the match between Daniel Bryan and Sheamus from last week, including Wade Barrett’s involvement in the match to help Sheamus win by count out.

Daniel says last week was one of the highlights of his careers when he climbed the ladder in front of 76,000 people and won the Intercontinental Championship at Wrestlemania. The title only means as much as the actions of the person who holds it. How does he make the Intercontinental Championship mean even more? By defending it with everything he has against anyone who wants to fight for this title.

Daniel says that he did that the night after Wrestlemania when he did that in a grueling match against Dolph Ziggler. Who should come out after that match but Sheamus. He came out looking all stupid and he didn’t congratulate or challenge him for his title. He kicked him in the face. He did even worse to Dolph to the point that Dolph couldn’t compete on Raw or Smackdown.

Last week, he fought Sheamus and at some point during the match, he was knocked to the floor. He had blood on his forehead and he saw Wade Barrett. In the middle of all of that fight . . .

Wade Barrett’s music plays and he makes his way out to the stage.

Wade says that he will tell you what happened. Your magical week turned into a nightmare when I dropped you with a BullHammer.

Sheamus’ music plays and the braided bearded one enters. Sheamus says then he kicked your head off with a Brogue Kick. He showed why you shouldn’t pick on someone who isn’t your size. Sheamus says he tolerates Barrett because he is not a munchkin like you. He considered how much he detests you undersized insects. He decided they should give Daniel a European style arse kicking because they can.

Barrett and Sheamus make their way to the ring, but Dolph Ziggler’s music plays and Barrett and Sheamus freeze in place while Dolph makes his way to the ring and he tells Sheamus he talks a big game for someone who looks like Captain Jack Sparrow and Carrot Top made a baby nobody liked. Maybe the reason you two are so tall is because your heads are up each other’s arses. If you want a fight, let’s do it right now.

Ziggler and Bryan stand in the ring waiting for Sheamus and Barrett to do something, but . . .

Big Show’s music plays. He says that he doesn’t see eye to eye with Sheamus, but he agrees with Sheamus about these pipsqueaks whining and complaining all the time. He won the Andre the Giant Battle Royal so that means he has eclipsed Andre and is the greatest giant in the business. He tells everyone to check the facts. If you think you are going to have fun beating up these munchkins without me, you are sadly mistaken.

Roman Reigns’ music plays and the paralysis returns for Sheamus and Barrett and Show also feels the effects.

Show tells Reigns if he gets into the ring, he is going to hurt him.

Reigns enters the ring and he takes down Show with a double leg take down. Ziggler goes after Sheamus while Bryan and Barrett battle. Show, Sheamus, and Barrett leave the ring.

Tyson Kidd, Cesaro, and Natalya walk in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the tag match that was announced on Raw for tonight will not happen. It has been super sized to a six man tag match with Big Show joining Sheamus and Wade Barrett while Roman Reigns joins Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler.

Before our first match, the New Day has something to say to the people in Dallas.

Big E says ‘New Day’ and the crowd responds with ‘sucks’. He wants to know what is wrong with you. They are clapping for you and you say ‘New Day Sucks’? Right now, he wants everyone to stand on your feet and clap.

Kofi and Xavier start to clap and the ‘New Day Sucks’ chants resume. They stop clapping.

Big E says they are trying to bring positivity to you and you want to ruin their New Day. Something has got to change. You have got to like us. You’ve got to love us. Because we are here for you. We are here for a new day.

Non Title Match
Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (with Natalya) vs Kofi Kingston and Big E (with Xavier Woods)

Tyson and Kofi start things off and Kofi with a waist lock but Kidd with a wrist lock into a hammer lock. Kofi with an arm bar but Kidd with a single leg take down but Kofi gets to the ropes. Kidd with a kick and forearms to Kofi in the corner. Kidd with a monkey flip and Kofi lands on his feet. Cesaro tries to clothesline Kofi from the apron but Kofi avoids Cesaro.

Kofi goes after Cesaro but Cesaro gets to the floor and Kidd hits Kofi from behind. Kidd with a front face lock and Cesaro tags in. Cesaro kicks Kofi and connects with a European uppercut. Cesaro mocks the New Day clap and he tags in Kidd who kicks Kofi in the midsection while Cesaro holds him. Kidd with a back heel kick but Kofi slides to the floor and he trips Kidd and pulls him to the floor.

Cesaro charges at Kofi and Kofi ducks and Cesaro goes over the top rope to the floor. Big E is tagged in and he alley oops Kofi onto Kidd and Cesaro on the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kidd comes off the turnbuckles and Big E catches Kidd and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Cesaro tags in and he applies a front face lock and turns it into a deadlift side salto for a near fall. Cesaro with cross faces to Big E followed by a side head lock. Kidd tags in and he kicks Kofi in the chest. Kidd with a kick and he chokes Big E in the ropes.

Cesaro with a kick and then Kidd with a slingshot leg drop on the apron. Cesaro tags in and he slingshots in and lands on Big E’s chest and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a front face lock but Big E gets back to his feet. Big E sends Cesaro away and Cesaro knocks Kofi off the apron. Big runs into the ring post and Cesaro gets a near fall. Cesaro with a giant swing with a drop kick from Kidd for a near fall.

Kofi and Cesaro argue while Big E recovers and he hits a uranage to a charging Big E. Big E rolls to his corner and he makes the tag. Kidd comes in and Kofi with a springboard chop followed by chops and a drop kick. Kofi with a leaping clothesline and then he sets for the New Day Boom Drop. Kofi claps to get set for the running double knee strike, but Cesaro tries to interfere.

Kofi stops Cesaro and Big E goes after Cesaro. The referee sends Big E back to his corner and Kidd sends Kofi into the ropes and Cesaro with a jumping European uppercut. Kofi staggers towards Kidd and Tyson with the swinging fisherman’s neck breaker for the three count.

Winners: Tyson Kidd and Cesaro

We take a look at highlights from Raw to see who will be the man to challenge Seth Rollins at Extreme Rules.

In case you forgot, it will be Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton for the WWE Title at Extreme Rules.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Curtis Axel is in the ring and he does not want us to change the channel. Two weeks ago, on Raw, the Road to AxTreme Rules hit a small speed bump named Neville. This (Axelmania) will live forever. That is why he asked for his rematch. WHATCHA GONNA DOOOOOOOOOOOO when Axelmania runs wild on you?

Curtis Axel vs Adrian Neville

They lock up and Neville backs Axel into the ropes and Neville with a clean break but Axel grabs Neville by the hair. Axel tries to send Neville to the floor but Neville bounces off the ropes. Neville with a kick that sends Axel to the mat. Axel with a knee to the midsection and he sends Neville into the corner and he kicks Neville.

Axel with an Irish whip and Neville floats over and flips across the ring. Neville with a shoulder from the apron and he flips into the ring and hits a running forearm. Neville kicks Axel to the floor and then Neville with a twisting plancha onto Axel. Neville sends Axel back into the ring and he slams Axel. Neville goes up top for the Red Arrow and he connects for the three count.

Winner: Neville

Renee Young is with Natalya, Cameron, and Alicia Fox in the interview area. Renee asks them about whether they manipulated Kane to get the battle royal and cheat Naomi out of a title match?

Alicia says that they were just trying to show Kane to Give Divas a Chance. Natalya says Naomi has earned her number one contender spot. Cameron laughs and tells Nattie to ‘save it’. She says Nattie is just as happy as her that she has a shot at the Divas Title. Cameron says that she will win the Battle Royal on Monday. Alicia does not like this comment and she points out that Cameron has only been here for a short time. Cameron says she has been here for three years so shut it.

Alicia says that she is a veteran and a former Divas Champion. Natalya tells Alicia that she needs to show respect to the Divas that were here before her.

Alicia and Natalya have a passive aggressive shoving contest where Alicia tells Natalya she is cute and Natalya responds by telling Alicia she is adorable.

Renee decides to do the right thing and leave the interview area.

The pushing escalates and Cameron gets to play the part of referee. A real referee tries to help separate them as we go to commercial.

Natalya vs Alicia Fox
Guest Referee Cameron

Natalya with a double leg take down and they get into the ropes and Cameron separates them. Alicia pushes Natalya and Natalya pushes back. Alicia with a slap and Natalya slaps back. Natalya with a double leg take down and they get into the ropes again. Alicia with a shoulder tackle but Natalya moves when Alicia goes for a flip leg drop. Natalya runs across Alicia’s back and then hits a drop kick to the chest.

Natalya gets a near fall. Alicia with an Irish whip and Yakuza Kick. Alicia pulls Natalya out of the corner and gets a near fall. Alicia with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Alicia with a rear chin lock into a reverse chin lock. Alicia pulls Natalya down by the hair and then she gets a near fall.

Alicia returns to the reverse chin lock. Natalya with elbows and she counters a tilt-a-whirl back breaker with a lateral press for a near fall. Alicia with a clothesline followed by a forearm but Natalya with a punch. Alicia with a sunset flip out of the corner but Natalya sets for the Sharpshooter and she locks it in and Alicia taps out.

Winner: Natalya

After the match:
Cameron with a DDT on Natalya and then one on Alicia. Cameron wants her mirror so she can pose in the ring.

We take a look at Erick Rowan with comments from Bray Wyatt.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bray Wyatt makes his way to the ring and he has something to say.

Bray says he remembers the first time he saw Erick Rowan. He was lost. Cast out by a society that could never understand him. They looked at him like he was a monster. Some creature that would destroy everything we thought was real. When they saw all of his flaws, he saw his possibilities. He took Erick Rowan in and he found him laying in the mud. He became his teacher. He taught him what it was like to be loved and to have a family. There was a time he was proud to call Erick Rowan his brother.

He fixed Erick like you fix a broken toy. Then he had to set him free so Erick could see with his own eyes what kind of a cruel, horrible, rotten world we live in. He had to see that this world was full of carnivorous insects that wanted to tear us apart. Evil is all around. You returned Erick Rowan to him and he is broken again. It is all your fault. Tonight would be a very special night. He wanted to teach Erick one last lesson. He wanted to show him that you cannot trust anyone. He will finally destroy Erick Rowan. Imagine if he could do that to someone he loves and used to call his brother. Imagine what he could do to you? Behold the New Face of Fear.

Bray Wyatt vs Erick Rowan

They lock up and Rowan sends Wyatt into the corner but Wyatt moves. Wyatt with a punch and head butt. Rowan blocks a punch and connects with a punch and head butts. Rowan with a shoulder tackle and Wyatt goes to the floor.

Wyatt decides to relax for a moment on the floor before returning to the ring and he punches Rowan. Wyatt with a forearm to the back. Rowan grabs Wyatt and sends him into the turnbuckles and he connects with head butts. Rowan misses a shoulder into the corner and Rowan hits the post shoulder first. Wyatt knocks Rowan off the apron and into the ringside barrier.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Wyatt with a reverse chin lock. Rowan with punches but Wyatt with a kick and a DDT for a near fall. Wyatt goes for a back senton but Rowan gets his knees up and Wyatt makes a tough landing. Rowan with a shoulder tackle and clothesline. Rowan with a splash into the corner followed by an Irish whip and splash. Rowan with a spinning heel kick for a near fall.

Rowan goes to the turnbuckles but Wyatt rolls to the floor. Rowan goes to the floor but Wyatt senses Rowan’s presence and he turns around and hits a clothesline. Wyatt with a back senton on the floor. Wyatt sends Rowan back into the ring. Wyatt tries for a uranage but Rowan escapes and he tries for the full nelson slam but Wyatt gets free and hits a flying forearm

Wyatt crab walks to Rowan and he turns over and he hits Sister Abigail for the three count.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

After the match:
Bray cradles Rowan’s head in his arms.

Lights go out and we go to the back where Miz is walking in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz is in the ring for MizTV. He wants us to watch the trailer for The Marine 4.

Miz says that his movie has been getting rave reviews, but he is interrupted by Summer Rae, who is in the movie with Miz.

She says it should be ‘our’ action movie.

Miz mocks Summer for interrupting her and he tells her she should be privileged to be in a movie with him. Miz says it was him giving a Diva a Chance. Why not sit quietly and speak when he tells her to.

Summer says she will speak whenever she chooses to. Miz says he is the star of the movie. Summer points out he is the co-star.

Miz says he is not the co-star, he is the star. Summer is a featured extra. Miz says she is on the cover because he allowed it. He made her a star like she made Sandow a star.

Summer says Miz made Sandow a star when he was upstaged when he was eliminated by Sandow in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Miz says he doesn’t blame Sandow for what he has done the last two weeks. He blames the WWE Universe. You made him believe he is something he is not. You cheer and applaud him. You chant for him. You want him, but you don’t want him without Miz. Do you even know the backstory for Damien Sandow? He was fired twice from this company and he was on his way out a third time. He saved his career. He made him and he gave him a purpose and a championship.

Damien Sandow comes out to Miz’ music.

Miz says that Sandow probably has a speech prepared saying you stood up to the Miz and how you are a man of the people. What you don’t understand or get is that you are on a steep decline. You need to do the right thing. You need to get your career, life, and future on track. These people cannot get you on track. Miz says that he can and he is willing to forgive everything that has happened in the past two weeks because he is a charitable person.

Miz says he will forgive Sandow if he says two little words. He has to say ‘I’m Sorry’ and everything will go back to the way it was. He wants Damien to shake his hand and apologize. Miz tells Sandow not to listen to these people. They think they know what it is like to be a WWE Superstar. He gave Damien tough love. That is what happens in Hollywood. He can make him a star and get him back on track. All you have to do is shake his hand and apologize.

Miz asks Sandow if he wants his career in the hands of them, or him. They will forget about you if you are not with me. He wants Sandow to shake his hand and apologize.

Sandow shakes his hand and he begrudgingly says he is sorry. He says he is sorry he did not do this sooner and he punches Miz.

Sandow throws one of the chairs at Miz and he kicks the other one away. Sandow gestures that the handcuffs are gone and then he kisses Summer.

We take a look at the Wrestlemania festivities around the San Francisco and San Jose area.

We go to commercial.

Wade Barrett, Sheamus, and Big Show vs Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan, and Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler and Sheamus start things off and they lock up and Sheamus backs Ziggler into the corner. Sheamus with a clean break because he is a good fella. They lock up again and Sheamus backs Dolph into the corner and he slaps Dolph but Dolph slaps back. Ziggler with a shoulder against the ropes but Sheamus with a knee and he tags in Show who punches Ziggler and then he palms Ziggler’s face and sends him into the turnbuckles. Show with a chop across the chest and Ziggler goes down.

Show with an Irish whip and a running butt splash but Dolph with a drop kick to the knee followed by a hesitation DDT and he gets a near fall. Ziggler sets for a Stinger Splash but Show with a chop and Ziggler goes down. Show pulls Ziggler into the corner and Barrett tags in. Barrett with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock on Ziggler as we are told that Barrett will face Daniel Bryan at Extreme Rules when he invokes his rematch clause.

Ziggler with punches and a kick but Barrett with a BlackPool slam for a near fall. Sheamus tags in and he stomps on Ziggler’s hand. Sheamus with a European uppercut and then he chokes Ziggler in the ropes. Sheamus slaps Ziggler while he mocks him but Ziggler with a shot to the head followed by punches. Ziggler escapes a slam and he tags in Bryan and Bryan decides to drop kick Barrett off the apron before he goes after Sheamus.

Bryan punches Sheamus but Sheamus with an Irish whip and Bryan flips over and hits a flying clothesline. Bryan kicks Sheamus in the chest and he sets for a round kick but Sheamus moves Bryan back drops Sheamus over the top rope to the floor. Bryan with a suicide dive to Sheamus and Bryan sends Sheamus back into the ring but Barrett with a boot to the head.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Big Show with a bear hug on Bryan. Show slams Bryan and hits a leaping elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Barrett tags in and he sends Bryan into the turnbuckles and he connects with forearms to the back. Barrett with a kick to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a rear chin lock on Bryan. Bryan punches Barrett but Barrett with an elbow to the top of the head. Barrett with an Irish whip but he misses a boot in the corner and both men are down.

Show tags in and he steps on Bryan’s back to stop him. Show with a head butt and Bryan goes down. Show kicks Bryan back towards his corner. Show knocks Ziggler off the apron with a shoulder tackle. Show signals for the choke slam but Bryan escapes and he tries to get Show into the Yes Lock and he applies it.

Show rolls over and he sends Bryan to the floor. Sheamus tags in and he connects with a European uppercut on Bryan before they return to the ring. Sheamus with a European uppercut and then he puts Bryan on the top turnbuckle. Sheamus with a knee lift and Bryan tries to stay on the turnbuckles. Sheamus goes for a superplex but he poses first and that allows Bryan to recover and he punches Sheamus in the midsection. Bryan punches Sheamus in the head and Sheamus falls to the mat.

Sheamus catches Bryan off the turnbuckles and he tries for a running Samoan drop but Bryan counters into a DDT and both men are down. Reigns and Barrett tag in and Reigns runs Barrett into the corner and he hits Neverending Story. Reigns with an uppercut and he punches Barrett from a mount position. Reigns with a Superman punch to knock Show off the apron. Reigns with a Superman punch on Barrett and Sheamus breaks it up. Sheamus has Ziggler up for White Noise but Ziggler escapes and he hits a super kick and follows with a clothesline that sends Sheamus and Ziggler over the top rope to the floor.

Bryan with a flying knee to Show from the apron. Barrett with a back heel kick and he sets for the BullHammer but Reigns with a spear for the three count.

Winners: Roman Reigns, Dolph Ziggler, and Daniel Bryan

We go to credits.