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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'Armageddon' LIVE Coverage! 2007


    WWE Championship

    Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho


    World Heavyweight Title Match

    Batista vs. Edge vs. The Undertaker


    WWE Women's Championship

    Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix


    Winner gets a WWE Title shot at Royal Rumble

    Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy


    Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy


    United States Title Match

    MVP vs. Rey Mysterio


    Finlay vs. The Great Khali


    CM Punk and Kane vs. Big Daddy V and Mark Henry



    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    Members please beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    UOWForums LIVE Coverage!
    WWE: 'Armageddon' PPV
    Sunday 16th December, 2007
    Location: Mellon Arena, Pittsburgh.
    J.R. and Jerry 'The King' Lawler
    Michael Cole and JBL
    Michael Cole and Tazz

    The opening video package was built around the WWE and WWE World championship matches.

    WWE United States champion MVP vs. Rey Mysterio

    MVP came to the ring looking all business. Mysterio came out wearing a cool outer mask with a half-skull/half mask. He took time embracing several kids wearing Rey masks as he came down the aisle.

    When the bell rang, MVP went shot in for a single leg takedown but Mysterio avoided it, then evaded a second. Mysterio drilled him with several kicks and a hurancanrana. He rolled MVP over for a Lucha style cradle but MVP kicked up at one. Mysterio bounced off the ropes to set up a Mexican armdrag. MVP landed outside the ring but the referee stopped Rey from diving. When the ref instructed MVP to return, Rey charged and leaped over the referee into a twisting dive to the floor.

    Back in the ring, Rey avoided an MVP big boot in the corner but was caught with a powerbomb into the turnbuckles. MVP got a two count off the move. Mysterio started selling his neckand throat from the powerbomb whiplash. MVP went right after the neck, wrenching it to work over Mysterio.

    Mysterio battled back to his feet, but was nailed in the back of the neck to be taken back down. MVP drilled him in the head with a kick, shades of Randy Orton, for a two count. MVP locked on a Camel Clutch style move, locking one of Mysterio's arm in a half nelson. Mysterio fought back with elbows, but was nailed with a knee to the jaw. MVP scores another two count.

    MVP's focus went right back to Mysterio's neck, locking an armbar on him while focusing the torque on the neck and shoulder. MVP pressed and dropped Rey, but Mysterio landed on his feet and nailed a hurancanrana. They recovered to their feet. Mysterio hit a springboard off the ropes into a high cross bodyblock for a two count.

    Rey went to the top but was shoved off to the apron. Mysterio returned with the West Coast Pop, slipping as he came off the ropes. Mysterio grabbed his left knee, which landed under MVP. He used an Arabian Press for a two count. MVP cut him off with a clothesline and dragged him to the top turnbuckle. They battled atop of it. MVP nailed Rey, sending him to the apron. Rey continued to battle his way back and nailed a top rope hurancanrana for a two count. The announcers put over that he was able to do the move with a "bad knee."

    Rey rebounded off the ropes but was caught with a boot to the face. Rey kicked up at two. Mysterio nearly got a three count after reversing an inverted DDT into a Scorpion death Drop while flipping over MVP.

    Mysterio set up MVP for the 610 but MVP ducked and retreated to the floor. Mysterio ran down the apron and hit a hurancanrana on the floor. They teased a count out with Rey getting back in at 6. MVP got back on the apron at nine but then waved off the match and let himself be counted out.

    Winner: by countout, Rey Mysterio!

    After the match
    Rey jumped MVP on the floor and nailed him with the 619 after the bout. MVP escaped up the apron with his championship belt.

    Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler discussed the HHH vs. Jeff Hardy bout.

    Todd Grisham interviewed Hardy. He asked Hardy if this was the biggest match of his career. Hardy said he's had a lot of big matches but this was the closest he's ever gotten to a shot at the WWE title and to get there, he has to defeat a 11 time former champion. Hardy said he was at the crossroads of his career and that he didn't fear Triple H or anyone else. He said he can not, will not and never will believe in "Never."

    Kane & ECW champion CM Punk vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry (with Matt Striker)

    Punk and Henry started off. Henry shoved him down. Punk came back with several kicks to the thighs. He tried to single leg takedown Henry but was beat down. Punk nailed a drop toehold in the corner and began nailing him with punches. Kane tagged in and they worked over Henry briefly. Punk tagged back and nailed a dropkick but was caught with a clothesline.

    V tagged in. He kicked Punk in the gut, then chopped him in the corner. Punk fired back with chops and punches. He charged at V but was nailed down to the mat. V tossed him to the floor, where Matt Striker kicked him while he was on the ground. V hiptossed Punk over the ropes back into the ring. V pressed and dropped Punk.

    Henry tagged in and stepped over Punk's prone body. He choked Punk. Punk backed into a corner but was smothered with a boot to the face. Henry beat Punk down and charged him in the corner. Punk avoided the charge and tagged Kane.

    Kane went right after Henry with a running clothesline in the corner. He nailed a second, then a big boot to the face. Henry didn't go down, but finally did when Kane nailed a flying clothesline off the top. Kane called for a chokeslam, then nailed V in the corner. That allowed Henry to run Kane into the corner, where he was double teamed.

    V caught Kane with a sitdown powerbomb, but Punk broke up the pin with a dropkick to V's back. V clotheslined Kane down as Punk tried to rally him in the corner. V splashed Kane's back and smothered him with his weight and he peppered him with punches. Henry tagged back in. V nailed a running splash in the corner. Henry locked on a bearhug as Kane staggered out of the corner. Kane battled to escape and was nearly able to tag Punk but Henry dragged him back to the opposite corner.

    V and Henry continued to work over Kane. Kane finally fired back with punches on V, but was taken out with a clothesline. Henry tagged back in and was drilled with a DDT. Kane made the tag to Punk who went right after Henry and V with punches and kicks. He nailed V with a pair of knees in the corner, but was shoved off while going for the bulldog. Punk dropkicked V, who went down to one knee. Henry went after Punk but Kane attacked him and they went to the floor.

    Punk went for a springboard clothesline, but Striker jumped on the apron. Punk nailed him. Punk dove into the ring but V caught him on his shoulders and hit a Samoan Drop, scoring the clean pin.

    Winners: Big Daddy V & Mark Henry!

    Vickie Guerrero, in a wheelchair, greeted Edge. She had set up a celebration for Edge's World title victory. She said once he wins the belt, all of her pain and suffering will subside. Edge promised to make her feel as good as he feels. He said her love gives him the strength of three men. He asked for a kiss for good luck and kissed her hand. They played it up like two young lovers. Vickie looked on adoringly as Edge exited.

    Ken Kennedy vs. Shawn Michaels

    Kennedy took the mic when he entered the ring. He said to Shawn Michaels (still backstage) that it doesn't matter if he likes Michaels, taunts Michaels, hates Michaels or respects Michaels, because all that matters is that he beats Michaels and promises that Michaels will be beaten by Mister Kennedy....Kennedy.

    Big pop for Shawn Michaels' entrance. The crowd chanted "HBK" at the bell as the two faced off. Kennedy dared Michaels to come face him. He went right to work on Michaels with punches to the face and kicks to the gut. He whipped Michaels into the ropes and nailed him with a reverse elbow. He picked up Michaels for a slam, then elbowed him. The early portion was all about Kennedy's aggressiveness.

    Kennedy nailed a backbreaker for another two count. He continued to work over Michaels in the corner. Michaels finally came back with a chop. He whipped Kennedy, who reversed it and Michaels took a flip bump over the turnbuckles. Kennedy went to put Michaels on his shoulders, but Michaels dropped down and chop blocked Kennedy's knee from behind.

    Michaels whipped Kennedy into the ropes and went for a suplex but his back hurt. Michaels nailed several elbows and extended the arm into a DDT similar to the one Shane Douglas used in ECW on Gary Wolfe. Kennedy rolled on the apron screaming. Michaels went right to work on the arm, locking on an armbar, then a hammerlock, dropping knees on the lower back at the same time.

    Michaels continued working on the arm as Kennedy got to his feet. Kennedy finally broke free and speared Michaels through the ropes with both falling to the floor. They battled on the floor. Kennedy teased running Michaels' back into the apron, but Michaels instead shoved him into the ring barrier. He stomped Kennedy's hand on the ring steps for good measure.

    When Kennedy returned to the ring, Michaels continued to work over the hand and wrist. Kennedy fired back with punches. Michaels and Kennedy battled on the apron outside the ring. Kennedy shoved Michaels backwards into the steel ringpost with Michaels falling to the floor. Jim Ross pushed that Michaels was out of the ring for four years after back surgery. For some reason, I had flashbacks to Ross talking about Ric Flair's plane crash and back problems in the 1980s here. Not that I'm complaining, since the commentary so far is really good.

    Kennedy worked over Michaels, including a knee to the face in the corner. Kennedy continued to sell the hand as if it might be broken. Kennedy slammed Michaels down with a backbreaker over the knee for another two count. He nailed another, then pulled Michaels backwards over his knee to try and force a submission.

    Michaels tried to get the crowd behind him as he fought to get out of the hold. Michaels finally rolled out but was nailed with a series of elbows for a two count. Kennedy tried to come off the ropes but Michaels moved. Kennedy landed on his feet but Michaels avoided him. Kennedy finally nailed another elbow.

    Kennedy cinched in a rear chinlock, placing his knee between Michaels' shoulder blades for additional leverage. Michaels fought his way back but Kennedy continued to battle back. Michaels finally nailed an elbow and backdropped Kennedy to the floor. Michaels nailed a flying forearm and kipped up to his feet.

    Michaels nailed an atomic drop, then went to the top rope for the Picture Perfect elbow off the top. He nails it and Michaels signals for Sweet Chin Music while hurting from the damage to his back. Kennedy duckes the kick and rolls up Michaels for a two count. Kennedy picks up Michaels for his rolling finisher but Michaels turns it into a sunset flip for a two count.

    Kennedy slingshots Michaels into the corner and Michaels hits his head on the ringpost. Kennedy hits his rolling back splash finisher but Michaels kicks up at the last second. Kennedy stalked over Michaels talking trash. Kennedy went for a STO but Michaels held onto the ropes to escape. Michaels drilled him with Sweet Chin Music and scored the clean pin.

    Winner: Shawn Michaels!

    They aired a Royal Rumble commercial with all of the WWE stars battling on a subway car. The big finish was Michael Buffer trying to do his "Let's Get Ready To Rumble" line but Shawn Michaels superkicked him.

    Todd Grisham interviewed WWE champion Randy Orton. Orton said Chris Jericho was a virus and he would wipe Jericho out tonight. He said the only thing Jericho should save us from was his empty promises. Orton said that the WWE champion doesn't have to be the most entertaining and promised he would be the one leaving with the belt. Orton said that since Jericho likes code, he has one for Jericho - Orton 18. He said that between John Cena, Triple H and Shawn Michaels, they had 18 World championships between them, and that's 18 that have fallen to the RKO. He told Jericho, "Don't save us, spare us" and said all of Jericho's hype won't spare Jericho when he gets into the ring with the best the industry has ever seen.

    Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H for a WWE championship match at the 2008 Royal Rumble

    They shook hands at the bell and locked up. Triple H shoulderblocked Hardy down to the mat. Hardy got clotheslined down. Hardy armdragged HHH over several times. Hardy went for a baseball slide outside, but HHH moved. They battled outside of the ring on the floor. HHH went to slam Hardy's head into the barrier but Hardy ducked and nailed HHH. Hardy went to do the railing run but slipped. HHH saved it with a clothesline on the floor.

    Back in the ring, HHH went for a back suplex but Hardy landed on his feet. He went to throw a punch but hesitated, so HHH slapped him. HHH yelled at Hardy to fight him. Hardy charged him and they locked up. HHH tossed Hardy into the corner. Hardy avoided him and nailed a series of kicks. He whipped HHH, who reversed it. Hardy slid underneath and nailed a low legdrop between the legs and a dropkick to the face. He slapped HHH.

    HHH smiled, then kicked Hardy in the gut. He tossed Hardy to the floor, then followed. He whipped Hardy into the ring steps on the floor, then drilled him into the ring apron back-first outside the ring. HHH dropped an elbow on Hardy, then whipped him into the corner. Hardy started to mount a comeback but when he went to the top, HHH shoved him to the floor with hardy landing throat-first on the barrier, like Brian Pillman in WCW.

    They teased a countout but Hardy got back into the ring at nine. As Hardy made his way through the ropes, HHH nailed him with a kneedrop to the back off the corner. Hardy continued to fight off HHH, who avoided Hardy's reverse kick. HHH locked on an abdominal stretch and began grabbing the ropes for additional leverage. Hardy broke free but HHH rebounded off the ropes with another clothesline.

    HHH locked on a sleeper but Hardy charged the corner and HHH ate turnbuckle. Hardy nailed a dropkick. HHH whipped him into the ropes but Hardy lariated him. HHH and Hardy slugged it out in the center of the ring. HHH missed a clothesline but Hardy hit a flying clothesline rebounding off the ropes. Hardy peppered him with punches in the corner. HHH fell to the mat but Hardy missed a dropkick.

    Hardy clotheslined HHH to the floor then dropkicked him down on the floor. He tossed HHH back into the ring. He went to the top rope and hit a flying bodypress for a two count. Hardy hit a twisting corkscrew moonsault press for another near fall. Hardy went for the Twist of Fate but HHH nailed a DDT for a two count.

    Hardy went for a crucifix but HHH fell backwards. Hardy then tried to counter it with a pinfall attempt and got a two. HHH went overly aggressive, beating Hardy in the corner. The announcers said that HHH realized he was only a second away from being beat. Hardy kicked a reverse mule kick, and dropkicked HHH in the chest. Hardy nailed the swanton but HHH kicked up at the last second.

    HHH cut off Hardy and teased the Pedigree. HHH grabbed Hardy as he escaped and nailed the spinebuster. HHH pulled him up for the Pedigree but Hardy reversed it into a forward roll for the clean pinfall.

    Winner: WWE Intercontinental champion Jeff Hardy, who now has earned a title match at the Royal Rumble.

    After the match
    Hardy jumped into the crowd to celebrate as HHH looked on.

    Great Khali bellowed something backstage. Runjin Singh said that Finlay would learn the consequences of his actions after stopping Khali from destroying Hornswoggle at Survivor Series. Runjin said that Finlay loves to fight but Khali loves to destroy. He said that Hornswoggle and Khali will lay at the feet of Khali tonight, decimated.

    Great Khali (with Runjin Singh) vs. Finlay (with Hornswoggle)

    Hornswoggle came to the ring with Finlay. If Finlay can pull an entertaining match out here, he's truly double the awesome worker we already know he is. Finlay got right into Khali's face, but was shoved into the corner and kicked. He chopped Finlay in the chest, then nailed him in the head.

    Finlay was tossed to the floor. Khali followed. He slammed Finlay's face into the apron. Finlay escaped and nailed several kicks to Khali while he was on the apron. Khali still nailed him with a chop to the chest. They returned to the ring, where Khali used his Vulcan nerve pinch of doom. Finlay escaped but was hit with a big boot.

    Khali went right back to the nerve pinch. That went on forever it seemed. Finlay finally gets the ropes to break the hold. Khali used the vice grip while Finlay was in the ropes, so the referee called for the break. Hornswoggle who was on the apron was grabbed by Khali and tossed aside.

    Khali chopped Finlay, then pressed and slammed him. Khali began removing one of the top turnbuckle pads. The referee caught him. Finlay grabbed the shillelagh to crack Khali but was caught for a chokeslam. Hornswoggle hit the ring with a second and nailed Khali with a low blow. Finlay scored the pin.

    Winner: Finlay!

    WWE champion Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho

    It's kind of telling this is in the middle of the card. They tied up in the middle of the ring but neither got any advantage. Orton backed Jericho up into the corner and nailed several punches. Jericho escaped and caught him with an armdrag into an armbar.

    Jericho picked up Orton for a suplex and dropped him across the ropes. When Orton landed in the ring, Jericho kicked him. He nailed another in the gut, then went right back to the armbar. He went after Orton's exposed ribs with a number of elbows as well. He nailed Orton with a spin kick. Orton went to the floor. Jericho dove off the top to the floor.

    Orton caught Jericho returning to the ring and teased hitting the DDT while hanging Jericho off the ropes but Jericho escaped and went for the Wall of Jericho. Orton finally got the better of the exchange and drilled Jericho with a DDT. He stalked Jericho with several kicked and then locked on a side chinlock. Jericho fought to his feet but was caught with a big dropkick as he rebounded off the ropes. Orton got a two count after the dropkick.

    Orton went right back into a sleeper combination, grapevining his legs around Jericho's torso. Orton whipped Jericho into the corner. Jericho went to avoid the charge but the two "cracked heads" and both collapsed to the mat. The referee began counting each down on the mat but each returned to their feet at the eight count.

    Jericho got the better of their exchange once they got back to their feet including a forearm off the ropes. Jericho clotheslined Orton for a two count. He nailed an uppercut on Orton (Dory Funk would be proud) and nailed a dropkick off the ropes. Orton got his shoulder up right before the three count. Orton drilled Jericho with a powerslam for a two count.

    Orton tossed Jericho into the ringpost shoulder-first. He went for the RKO but Jericho attempted a backslide, getting a two count. Orton tossed Jericho back into the ringpost again. Orton nailed Jericho with a superplex, but only gained a two count as Jericho got his shoulder up.

    Orton missed a dropkick, but was caught by Jericho, who went for the Walls of Jericho. Orton was nailed with an enziguiri and then hit with a bulldog takedown. Jericho went for the Lionsault, but Orton got his knees up. Orton went for the RKO but Jericho shoved him off and hit a Lionsault for a near fall. The Arena thought it was the finish.

    They battled in the corner with Orton elbowing Jericho off the apron into the ring barrier. Orton stalked him but was slammed into the ring post. Orton tossed Jericho into the Smackdown announce table. Jericho landed on JBL, then shoved him aside as he went back after Orton. He tossed Orton into the ring and nailed a shot to the back of the head off the top.

    Jericho waited for Orton to get to his feet and called for the Codebreaker, but Orton caught him and slammed him powerbomb style into the turnbuckles. Orton went for his trademark kick to the head, but Jericho avoided it and locked on the Wall of Jericho. Orton dragged himself to the ropes but Jericho pulled him to the center of the ring. JBL hit the ring and kicked Jericho in the face, causing a disqualification.

    Winner: by DQ, Chris Jericho!

    As he left the ring, JBL said, "You think you can put your hands on me, son?" He went to the back. Even Orton looked shocked and confused by what happened. Orton drilled Jericho with the RKO.

    They aired the Royal Rumble commercial again. Being from NYC, I got a kick out of the subway theme, although the next stop after 14th Street isn't Madison Square Garden.

    Lilian Garcia announced the next match would be for the WWE Women's championship. Jillian Hall came out. She plugged the itunes album. She said she was going to sing one of her favorite songs off the album right now. It was a terrible rendition of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." She was thankfully cut off by Mickie James' theme music.

    WWE Women's champion Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James

    They locked up with Phoenix overpowering James early. James went for the bulldog off the ropes but was shoved off. James tried to whip Phoenix but was stopped and Beth nailed her arm. James went for her headscissors out of the corner but was caught and powerbombed. Phoenix got a two count.

    Phoenix locked on a Dragon Sleeper (Tatsumi Fujinami, represent yo), then nailed the Oklahoma Stampede in the corner. James came back with a rollup for a two count. Phoenix locked on a chicken wing combination, but James battled back with several elbows to the face. James avoided a reverse suplex, then hit her head scissors out of the corner.

    James nailed the Lou Thesz Press and peppered Beth with punches. She nailed a second Thesz Press, then a dropkick to the face for another two count. Mickie hit a missile dropkick for another two count.

    Beth cut off James with a kick to the gut, then nailed a Fisherman's suplex for the clean pinfall.

    Winner: and still WWE Women's champion, Beth Phoenix!

    Tazz reunited with old Smackdown announcing partner Michael Cole for the main event.

    WWE World champion Batista vs. The Undertaker vs. Edge - No DQ

    They aired a video feature on the main event.

    Taker and Batista lock up. Taker was shoved out of the ring, where he grabbed at Edge, who was outside. Batista and Taker battled over who was going to get Edge. Edge scrambled away. Edge got offense in on Taker, then backed off. Batista attacked Taker from behind, then nailed him with a kneelift. He clotheslined Taker out of the ring. Taker landed on his feet and grabbed Edge by the throat and slammed him to the floor.

    Taker nailed Batista, then legdropped him as he was laid out across the apron with his head exposed. Edge leaped on the chance to try and pin Batista, but only got a two count. Edge began working over Batista, then shoulderblocked Taker off the apron. Batista grabbed Edge with a slam, then clotheslined him in the corner.

    He charged Edge in the corner but was caught with a drop toehold. Edge teased a spear but was caught with a kick to the face, then an over the shoulder powerslam. Batista scored a two count but Taker broke up the pin. Taker went to hit Edge with a guillotine legdrop but Batista nailed Taker with a running clothesline on the apron, sending him to the floor.

    Batista caught Edge with a spinebuster, then tried to set him for the Batista Bomb. Edge lowblowed him and went for a pin, but Taker pulled the referee to the floor. Taker peppered Edge in the face and chest with punches in the corner, then hit a running splash in the opposite corner. Taker hit Edge with snake eyes, then a big boot to the face. Edge kicked out.

    Taker walked the ropes and drilled Edge. He tried to lock a triangle choke on Batista. Outside the ring, Edge rang the timekeeper's bell, so Taker broke the hold. Taker went after the referee but Edge speared him for a two count. Edge then speared Batista and scored a two count.Edge grabbed a chair and placed them under Batista's head for a Conchairto, but Batista kicked him in the face.

    Taker and Batista both got to their feet and went after each other. Taker nailed a superplex on Batista. Batista took down Edge, but it turned out to be an imposter. Batista called for the Batista Bomb, but Taker grabbed him with a chokeslam. Taker chokeslamed the fake Edge. Batista caught him with a kick and tried for the Batista Bomb but Taker drove him into the corner.

    Taker nailed Snake Eyes, but was caught with a clothesline by Batista. Batista received a two count. Batista went for the over the shoulder powerbomb but Taker reversed it into a tombstone piledriver. Edge nailed Taker from behind with a chair, then drilled Batista with one and scored the pin.

    Winner: and new WWE World champion Edge!

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
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    Smile armageddon live coverage

    Should be exciting. can't wait. Hope everyone enjoys it.

  4. #4
    Ring Crew
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    thanks man

  5. #5
    Lazarus Rising Vance's Avatar
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    MVP punked out again,he sucks,rey deserves to be U.S champ,grrrrr

    arrrrrrr,BDV & Henry won..

    so far this ppv has been shit,i hope it gets better..
    Last edited by Vance; 12-17-2007 at 02:36 AM.

  6. #6
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Wil Kane ever win again? its a shame

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    whuppin ass since 1984 vegeta02012's Avatar
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    ^^Its annoying as hell. When he first jumped to SD I thought that he was finally going to be in the title hunt with a legit chance of winning. All they seem to do is use him to put over everybody. It just plan sucks

    MVP getting DQed is annoying

    Punk hasnt lost a PPV match in a while so I dont think its unreasonable for him to put over BDV and Henry. I just wished Kane didnt have to job by default because of it...
    I choose to remember the wrestler that made me interested in wrestling and not what he became.

    However it may have ended, Rest In Peace

  8. #8
    Lazarus Rising Vance's Avatar
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    the ending to the HBK/Kennedy match was awesome,that was a very good match.

    and no Kellie i don't think Kane will ever win at a ppv,he is destined to be a jobber for the rest of his career :-/


    I respect Trips heaps for letting Jeff win
    Last edited by Vance; 12-17-2007 at 03:24 AM.

  9. #9
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    ^ agreed but I didnt think Jeff would win

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    Danger zone Punisher's Avatar
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    o man cant wait for the heel change from HHH

    gfx credit: Role Model

    "The best in the world" Andre Jones
    Triple Crown Winner
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    2x Mr. Money in the Bank
    2013 Superstar of the Year
    1X Universal Champion
    1X LOW Tag Team Champion
    42-18-2 1-NC

    Ashley Lane
    1X Women's Champion

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