From RVD...

October 13, 2006 - Well, you may have noticed that I’ve been having some kick-ass matches on ECW TV lately. Extreme Rules for me or I’m not at my best. This is where I shine. It’s felt almost like old times lately. First Booker T matched his Royal Highness up against RVD’s Flying Highness. Sweet match. Hardcore Holly. What can I say? This is the match everyone’s talking about and then my match with Test was one of if not the most extreme match yet! These kind of matches do leave you with a feeling similar to watching one of my old ECW matches. Normal men would not survive one of these matches and it’s very important for me that anyone watching realizes there is no way in hell they could be doing what I do.

One thing I’ve learned to hate hearing, from unsuspecting ignorant people is, the day after the show, when we’re dragging our asses through the airport early in the morning “ Did you guys have fun last night?” That’s fine if they’re talking about hitting the clubs after, which we rarely have time or energy to do, but they usually mean the show. Like it’s just one big party that they wish they were invited to. Yeah sure, try hitting a rolling thunder to the metal steps on the floor and get up and walk afterwards. Party on dude!

I understand Chavo Sr, Mando, and Hector Guerrero are hosting a golf tournament that will raise money for Eddie’s children’s college funds near Tampa on October 21st. On the 20th there will be an autograph session with too many wrestlers to name from 6-8pm. Call (813)610-6800 for information.

Did you know that RVD was the most diversely decorated former World Champion? Me either, but apparently, I’ve had more belts that the other former World Champions. Sweet.

Everybody get their RVD lighters? Of course not, they’re missing the boat on advertising these things.

My friend Brian Fritz from Between the Ropes radio show has written a book that I recommend from personal experience. I found it very informative and learned a lot about what was going on in the office while I was doing my thing for many years. Find “Between the Ropes” and learn the business end of historic times in the industry.

If you haven’t been watching Heroes, you’re missing a hell of a new show. Also on my Tivo are: Dexter, Weeds, My Name is Earl, Studio 60, and of course the best show on television because it puts bad guys away, America’s Most Wanted.

So, it feels like the old ECW in many ways. Partially because the advertising budget makes it hard to draw a huge house but more so, is the way the crowd reacts to the extreme action. I feed off of that energy and lately, the entire brand has been off the hook. Every week the tv show is better and the live events grow and it’s exciting again to be a part of it. All the nay-sayers that claimed at first that this wasn’t worth it because it’s not the same as the old ECW need to give it a second chance. I challenge any former fan to watch RVD vs Test or Hardcore Holly and try not to be impressed. You know how long it’s been since I felt like I had the freedom to turn non-fans into fans? Sweet! Feels like the old days.