
Gymini beat 2 jobbers

Paul London and Brian Kendrick def The D***s

Tatanka beat a no name

Mascrarita Sagrada beat Octagon (YES JUNIORS ON VELOCITY)

Super Crazy beat Nunzio


Rey Mysterio beat SYLVAN!!!! After the match Orton comes out and just says Rey will never main event a Wrestlemania and wont beat him at NWO

Greg Helms beat Scotty 2 Hotty( Kid Kash was not at the show) after the match Helms claims he can beat all the cruiserweights, so Nunzio, Funaki, Mexicools, and HOtty [/b]Jump Helms and it is Announced that Helms will face all the Cruiserweights at No Way Out.

JBL and Finlay beat Benoit and Lashley after Booker nailed Benoit with a Chair

Matt Hardy beat Simon Dean. It is announced that Hardy and a Partner vs MNM at No Way Out

Kurt Angle and Undertaker Beat MNM and Mark Henry. After the match, Taker gives Henry a Tombstone