I got the Telegraph Herald this morning here in Dubuque IA. It said that for the October 28th event here that John Cena will be facing Edge in the main event. Triple H will be facing Randy Orton and Ric Flair will be facing Shelton Benjamin. That’s all it said. (Thanks to Matthew Everson)

Premier Championship Wrestling (PCW) sent out a press release noting WWE developmental wrestler Kenny Omega voluntarily requested to be released from his deal with World Wrestling Entertainment. To read more visit PCWAction.com. (Thanks to Andrew Shallcross)

My name is Joey and I am a Marine here at Camp Pendleton California. Goldberg came to my unit yesterday. 1st LAR. He met with all the Marines, took pictures and even signed autographs. Real nice guy. He took the time to talk with us and ate lunch with us. A lot of Marines were surprised (because we did not know he was coming) sitting there eating their food and look and see Goldberg grabbing his food just fitting in with us. He thanked us for all we do and said anytime we wanted he would come back. Go to my myspace at www.myspace.com/slapnutjoey. There is the picture with me and Goldberg. (Thanks to Joey Brown)

Not only is former WWE wrestler Nathan Jones co-starring in "The Protector," in which he gets his ass handed to him by Tony Jaa, but he is also co-starring in Jet Li's final martial arts epic, "Fearless." He is one of many men in which Li's character faces. Coincidentally Jones' character is a wrestler, wearing American-style boxing shorts like those from the Rocky films. (Thanks to Aaron Deffenbaugh)

Matt Boone.