
The final edition of "Friday Night SmackDown!" on UPN will air on Friday, August 25th. Although, Smackdown won't officially debut on the new CW Network until Friday, Sept. 22, so that could mean a three week hiatus of the program for people in certain locations. SmackDown will continue to air in the meantime, however, it will only be available in five selected markets, not to mention a national cable station.

During this three week hiatus, the show will continue to air on New York/WPIX, Los Angeles/KTLA, Washington D.C./WDCW, Houston/KCHW, Hartford, Conn./WTXX - usually on Saturday nights. If you don't live in any of those areas, you can catch "Friday Night SmackDown!" on Superstation WGN on national cable on Saturday nights at 11:30 p.m. This situation will last from September 2nd to September 16th. Also note, the September 2nd show will only be one hour for some unknown reason. That goes for all stations airing SmackDown that night.

Click here to see where and when SmackDown will air in your location during the next few weeks.