Kevin Eck of the Baltimore Sun conducted a phone interview with Kennedy regarding his new movie, Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia, and transcribed it in his blog. When Eck asked Kennedy to describe in a couple of sentences why people should buy the DVD, Kennedy said, "It's just a fun action movie - nothing more, nothing less. The first 10 minutes there's a little character building, establishing the story line. Then after that it's pretty much [all action]. I think it's pretty exciting. It's got a nice little story line. There are some parts where you really think we're not going to make it out. I like movies like Rambo and Commando and things like that, and I think this is kind of along those lines... It's not going to win Oscars. It's not going to be Picture of the Year or anything like that, but it's a fun movie if you're in that type of mood."

Click here to read Kevin's full transcript of the interview.