Booker T spoke to KHOU television in Houston about the Benoit tragedy .. A video of that story can be seen

Former professional wrestler Lex Luger who lives in the Metro Atlanta area told 11Alive News Wednesday that he is shocked and saddened by the death of Chris Benoit. Benoit and Luger were aquainted through wrestling but Luger told 11Alive that the two had not seen each other in some time. Luger said alcohol and drugs, including steroids, wreaked havoc on his own life for years before a jail chaplain converted him to Christianity. He said he believes it is possible steroid use played a part in the Benoit family tragedy. "Obviously, they were in his home. Let's face it. There's a pretty good chance he was on them and to discount that they didn't play a role, as far as with his temperament, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't that possibility," Luger told 11Alive's Valerie Hoff. A video of the Luger interview can be seen here.

Stone Cold Steve Austin’s ex-wife, Debra Williams spoke to the FOX 31 website regarding the tragic murder of Nancy and Daniel Benoit. Debra Williams said, “Domestic and drug abuse is out of hand in the WWE and something needs to be done about it,”, who claimed she saw Austin personally use steroids. “If only I had spoken up sooner, maybe Nancy and her little boy would be alive today ... That's why I'm going public now. Something has to change!” she also added. Debra was the victim of domestic violence by Austin in 2002, which was also the last year she worked for WWE. Debra went on to say that she filed for a restraining order after a third incident between the two occurred. Steve Austin then later forced her to write a letter to the courts asking the order be repealed.

On CNN's America This Morning, Del Wilkes, the former Patriot in WWF, WCW and Global Wrestling, was interviewed regarding the Benoit tragedy.

In today’s New York Times, former WWE star and concussion expert Chris Nowinski said that Chris Benoit’s problems could have been related to repeated brain injuries suffered as a wrestler. Nowinski also said; “The Chris Benoit I knew was always more concerned about everybody else’s well-being than his own.” Nancy Benoit’s ex-husband, Kevin Sullivan also gave thoughts on the tragic death of his ex-wife, praising Chris Benoit as a performer.

Former World Wrestling Entertainment superstar Steve Blackman was interviewed by to discuss the Benoit family tragedy. Steve Blackman said that he considered Benoit one of his best friends when he was wrestling and says he doesn't want to think Benoit murdered his own child. Blackman added that he's waiting to see what the full story is and comes out.