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  1. #1
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE NXT Live Coverage - March 26th, 2024

    Alpha Academy come to NXT to battle Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin

    Otis and Akira Tozawa want a title opportunity at NXT Stand & Deliver, but to get there, they must go through the champions. The No. 1 Contenders to the NXT Tag Team Titles will be decided in a Triple Threat Match, but Alpha Academy’s arrival in NXT has shaken up the plans. Ava agreed to grant Otis and Tozawa entry into the title match, but they must beat Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin to do it. Can Alpha Academy punch their ticket to Stand & Deliver?

    Your announcers are Vic Joseph and Booker T.

    Dijak vs Shawn Spears

    They lock up and DIjak backs Spears into the corner but Spears with a side head lock. Spears with a shoulder tackle but Dijak with a shoulder tackle of his own. Spears slaps Dijak and Dijak with a Mick Foley clothesline over the top rope to the floor. Spears drops Dijak on the top rope and he follows with a pescado. Dijak is sent back into the ring and he hits a flip dive onto Spears. Spears hobbles into the corner and Dijak with forearms. Spears with a kick and chops. Dijak with forearms and elbows in the corner. Dijak with a back breaker and a splash off the ropes for a near fall. Spears with a swinging neck breaker and he runs the bootlaces across the eyes. Spears sends Dijak into the turnbuckles and he chops Dijak.

    Spears with an Irish whip but Dijak gets his boot up and Dijak with a head butt. Dijak goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault and Spears stops him and hits a German superplex. Spears with a running knee to the back that sends Dijak to the floor. Spears has some words for Dijak and we see Joe Gacy pull Spears' chair under the ring. Spears sends DIjak's head into the ringside barrier and then the apron. Dijak sends Spears into the ring and Spears with a Codebreaker in the ropes. Spears with a boot to the midsection and a second one. Spears adds pressure to the abdomen. Spears with a chop in the corner. Spears misses a chop and Dijak chops Spears and follows with forearms.

    Spears with a knee to the midsection and he applies cross faces. Spears gets a near fall. Spears with a chop and then one in the corner. Spears puts Dijak on the turnbuckles and he punches Dijak. Spears with a chop and he climbs the turnbuckles. Spears sets for a superplex but Dijak blocks it. Dijak with a punch to send Spears to the mat but Spears with punches of his own before returning to the turnbuckles. Spears sets for a superplex and Dijak blocks it. Dijak with forearms to knock Spears to the mat and Dijak with a clothesline and both men are down. Dijak and Spears exchange punches. Dijak with forearms to gain the advantage. Dijak with a flying clothesline. Dijak with chops in the corner. Dijak with a release suplex and he sets for the choke breaker but Spears escapes. Dijak blocks a super kick. Spears with a victory roll for a near fall. Spears with a super kick and Dijak with a cyclone kick for a near fall.

    Dijak sets for Feast Your Eyes but Spears with elbows. Spears gets Dijak up for a Death Valley Driver but Dijak escapes. Spears counters Feast Your Eyes and he sends Dijak to the mat and Dijak drops SPears throat on the top rope from the apron. Dijak sets for a springboard elbow drop but misses when Spears moves. Spears reaches for his chair but it is not there and Spears is confused. Spears with a double sledge attempt but Dijak catches Spears and hits High Justice for a near fall. Dijak has a super kick blocked but Dijak hits one and he gets Spears up for Feast Your Eyes and he hits it for the three count.

    Winner: Dijak

    After the match:
    Gacy stands on the announce table swinging Spears' chair.

    Roxanne Perez talks about last year she was just happy to be here with the stars in her eyes. She says it makes her sick. She says she wanted everyone to like her. She calls herself gullible for taking photos with other Superstars. She's dead. Perez says her heroes got her nothing. That is why she is her hero now. She was seen as the next woman to carry the torch and bring NXT into the new era. It was on to the next big show and what did it get her? Discarded without her title. She is only looking out for herself. She says he has a title match for just being herself. She broke the rules and did it her way. She says she doesn't like Lyra or dislike her. She has no feelings for her. You are just carrying her title. At Stand and Deliver, she will be the one holding that title and it will be back where it belongs.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with Hank and Tank talking about their chance to host Stand and Deliver. We see Brinley with Edris and Malik for the same spot.

    Andre Chase comes out and he says he f***ing nailed it.

    Noam Dar with the rest of MetaFour go into the audition room.

    Thea Hail (w/ Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, and Riley Osborne) vs Jazmyn Nyx (w/ Jacy Jayne)

    Thea with running forearms and an arm wringer. Nyx kicks Thea away but Thea with a running uppercut and an exploder. Jacy distracts the referee and Nyx counters an exploder with an inside cradle for a near fall. Nyx with a kick to Thea. Nyx kicks Thea in the corner. Nyx with a back elbow for a near fall. Nyx with a wrist lock and she applies an arm bar and chin bar. Thea with punches but Byx with an Irish whip. Thea with a back elbow and kick followed by a swinging neck breaker. Nyx with a Pele Kick for a near fall. Nyx with a Lotus Lock. Jacy takes Andre's towel and Andre tells her to give it back and Jacy throws it in the ring but Riley catches it and he is sent to the back.

    Thea leans back and gets a near fall. Jacy gets o the apron and she has some words for Thea. Thea says she thought they were friends and Jacy slaps Thea and Nyx with a rollup but Thea counters with a kimura and Nyx taps out.

    Winner: Thea Hail

    After the match:
    Jacy attacks Thea and then Izzi and Kiana come to the ring and attack Thea. Jacy kicks Thea while Izzi and Kiana hold her. Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan come out and they take care of Izzi and Kiana. Fallon and Kelani clothesline Izzi over the top rope while everyone plays tug of war with Jacy before Izzi and Kiana pull her to safety.

    We take a look at Trick and Carmelo with Prime Target. Trick says they clicked from the beginning. They had something special in NXT. What they built together was special. To watch Melo rise, it has been awesome. Trick says he doesn't think Melo could have done it without him. He was there for all of the wins, but his name wasn't on the title. Booker says he thought that Trick had to get out of Melo's shadow. Randy Orton says Melo heard the way the fans reacted to Trick. Punk says they didn't set out for it to be that way. Hayes says he talked to Trick if he was still bout it and Trick said he was, but he knew Trick was lying. He brought Trick to the table. When you realize Melo ain't second to nobody. Hayes tells Trick to stay wherever he is because his fifteen minutes are up.

    We see Lola Vice in the back and we see that she made an open challenge.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we see Maxxine motivating Tozawa and Otis for their match. Otis says it is time for fighting. Tozawa says they are on the way to Stand and Deliver.

    Lola Vice is in the ring and she mentions her open challenge. She says no one can handle Lola Vice. She says she is the complete package.

    Natalya comes out and she saw the open challenge and she says Lola is one of the fastest rising stars. She says someone needs to put Lola in her place. She says she sees a lot in Lola.

    Lola Vice vs Natalya

    Lola with a double leg take down and she punches Nattie before the bell rings.

    Nattie sends Lola into the turnbuckles and Lola goes to the floor. Nattie goes to the floor and sends Lola back in but Lola goes to the floor. Nattie sends Lola into the apron. Nattie with forearms to the back of the head. Lola with punches but Nattie pushes Lola out of the corner. Lola with punches and a round kick to the temple.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Lola with an abdominal stretch but Nattie escapes. Nattie with a kick to Lola followed by a back elbow. Nattie with punches. The referee pulls Natie out of the corner and Nattie blocks a kick and she sends Lola to the mat. Nattie runs over Lola's back and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Lola counters a Sharpshooter attempt into an ankle lock with a grapevine of the leg. Nattie gets to the ropes to force a break. Lola gets Nattie on her shoulders and Nattie gets to her feet. Lola with a La Magistral but Nattie counters for a near fall of her own. Lola with a back fist for a near fall. Lola with a triangle

    Karmen Petrovic makes her way to ringside to cheer on Nattie.

    Nattie gets a near fall with a rollup. Lola has some words for Karmen. Lola shakes her hips at Karmen before connecting in the corner on Nattie. Lola misses a back fist and Nattie with a discus clothesline. Lola kicks Nattie away and Lola with a rollup for a near fall. Nattie with a cross arm breaker but Lola blocks it and gets a near fall. Lola with a spinning back heel kick and she misses a round kick. Nattie with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Natalya

    Shawn Spears is in the Most Dangerous Parking Lot in Sports Entertainment and he says that Joe was not on his radar but he is now. Joe appears on the roof and he gives Shawn his chair but but it lands at Oba Femi's feet.

    We see Channing Lorenzo prepare for his match.

    Ilja Dragunov walks in the back.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with Sol Ruca talking about how nothing beats the crest of a wave. Then it can all come crashing down with unbelievable force. That explains what Blair Davenport did to her last year. She shredded her ACL and put her on the shelf. Every day she was in the gym, she was thinking about how she would get back at Blair. Rehab sucked, but she is back. She says she is pissed off. Next week is more than a match. It is for every day she couldn't walk or straighten her leg and every day she was on the trainer's table. Next week, I snatch your soul.

    Kelly Kincaid is with Blair Davenport and Blair Davenport talks about Sol's cool girl and beach bum character. She says she can't get rid of Sol. You think you are going to get some vindication. You spend your time on TikTok but that won't help you. I am excited to see how well the doctors repaired your ACL because you will be on another road to recovery after she is done with Sol next week.

    Non Title Match
    Channing Lorenzo (w/ Adriana Rizzo) vs Ilja Dragunov

    Channing blocks a kick and connects with a forearm. Ilja blocks a suplex and he applies a wrist lock and connects with a forearm. Ilja with a waist lock but Channing gets to the ropes and he hits a drop kick. Channing punches Ilja and connects with a clothesline. Ilja with a head butt and chops. Channing with a punch and he avoids an enzuigiri. Channing with a flying corkscrew uppercut. Channing sends Ilja into the turnbuckles. Channing goes to the turnbuckles and he hits a power bomb. Ilja sets for H Bomb but Channing with a boot. Ilja stomps on the hand and Ilja cannot fix his fingers. Ilja with a head butt and chop.

    Channing with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Channing with a wrist lock.

    We see Tony and Luca in SUITS in LOCKER ROOM watching MONITOR.

    Channing punches Ilja in the head and then the hand. Channing with a knee drop to the hand. Channing runs into a forearm and a back fist. Ilja with a jumping knee and an enzuigiri to the back of the head that sends Channing into the ropes. Ilja with a German suplex. Ilja sets for a power bomb and he hits it. Ilja sets for Torpedo Moscow and he hits it for the three count.

    WInner: Ilja Dragunov

    Luca asks Tony if he should go out there. Tony asks Luca to find Ilja and invite him to DINNER. Tony says it will be a speical occasion next week.

    We go to the next part of Prime Target. We see Trick in Philadelphia and he says he is back as he runs into some friends. He shows us his Uncle James. Trick says he stayed with him in Philadelphia. His Uncle James will be at Stand and Deliver. He says Philly is special to him. He says he thought Melo was his brother. Booker says Trick knows it is about getting beat down and getting back up to fight. Trick says a real brother doesn't do what Melo did. Punk says the brother's knife cuts deepest. Booker says Trick will come back stronger and faster. Punk says when something monstrous happens to you, you worry about becoming the monster. We see Trick running up the Art Museum steps. Trick says he is coming for Melo.

    We go to commercial.

    Bron Breakker is in LOCKER ROOM and Baron shows up and says that Bron is really tan. Bron says he goes outside. Baron says tanning beds are not the actual sun. Bron says he knows that. Luke and Karl show up and they ask if they are interrupting. They want a traditional tag match at Stand and Deliver. They say if Baron and Bron lose, it is a Triple Threat and you will be standing on the apron when they win. Baron says it will be a one on one match.

    Ridge Holland is in the ring and he says it is extremely hard for him to say what he has to say. He knew this day would come. Ridge thanks Marty Jones and William Regal for giving him a chance. He thanks Shawn Michaels, the producers, and talent in the back. Ridge says during his decade plus playing rugby and if he was hesitating or was a step off he would need to have a talk. He says he cannot run the risk of injuring himself or someone else again. Ridge says he knows of the perception around him. He has seen the comments and messages. Whether they are true, you haven't seen the effect on the person behind Ridge Holland.

    He says he is tired of taking his work home with him. He will not let it take away from being the best father and husband he can be. Over the past few days, he had two of the most difficult conversations. First, with the people who love and care for him. Second, with himself, six inches from the mirror. Wrestling requires physical toughness. Ridge says he has made a decision that is best for him and his mental health and for the welfare of his family.

    Ridge says he is here to announce that he is stepping away from in ring competition indefinitely. As difficult that this has been, he is blessed and lucky to be able to step in this company let alone perform in front of millions of people around the world. Ridge thanks NXT for letting him come back and take one last shot at redemption. Ridge apologizes for it not working out. Ridge leaves the ring and walks to the back.

    Lyra Valkyria says in every story there are two paths. The right one or the wrong one. The road to becoming champion makes or breaks you. Everything changes when you reach the top. When you beat Becky Lynch to become champion, the little girl in her has no idea what is on the other side. There is a force with this title. It is the same force that brough her from Ireland to beat her idol. Between the choice of right and wrong, that is where she differs from Roxanne. Roxanne chose the easy way. Looking in the mirror is too hard for Roxanne. She says they both know the truth. Roxanne was beaten for the title the minute she couldn't climb the ladder. She gets Roxanne's emotions but this title deserves so much better than you. Lyra says she could imagine them being friends but you let this title break you. You thought you were the chosen one but that time has past. Lyra says she will do everythng to keep this title and keep you away from it.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Dijak joins Vic and Booker on commentary.

    Duke Hudson vs Josh Briggs

    They lock up and Josh with a forearm on the break. Josh with a side head lock and he pushes Duke after Duke stays on his feet on a shoulder tackle. Josh with a punch and shoulder in the corner. Josh sends Duke into the turnbuckles. Josh with some words for Dijak while connecting with back elbows. Josh with an Irish whip but Duke with a uranage in the corner. Duke with a head scissors take down and Duke sends Josh into the ropes and follows with a side slam for a near fall. Josh with a shoulder and Duke slingshots in and hits a German suplex but Josh rolls to the floor. Duke with a front face lock but Josh backs Duke into the ring steps.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Duke with punches to Josh. Josh with a side slam and splash for a near fall. Josh sends Duke into the turnbuckles and he puts Duke on the turnbuckles. Duke with forearms to knock Josh to the mat and Josh kicks the ropes to crotch Duke. Josh with a superplex and both men are down. Duke with a kick and he avoids a splash. Duke with forearms and a short arm clothesline. Duke with more clotheslines. Duke with jabs and a U Elbow and a back senton for a near fall. Duke runs into a boot and Duke hits a Bossman Slam for a near fall. Josh with a boot and a belly-to-back suplex. Josh goes to the turnbuckles with Dijak's approval. Duke stops Josh and hits a power bomb. Duke with an Irish whip but Josh with a clothesline out of the corner. Josh with a lariat for the three count.

    Winner: Josh Briggs

    After the match:
    Dijak goes to the apron but Oba Femi appears on the HBalKony. Oba says he has two worthy opponents for this title. Two titans trying to climb the mountain at Stand and Deliver. Oba says he is the mountain. Both of you will find out that no one can reach that summit. Oba says we will pay good money to see you try in a Triple Threat Match.

    We go to Part 3 of Prime Target. Punk says when you come for revenge you dig two graves. It will come down to who wants to hurt the other man more. Johnny Gargano talks about two brothers and how it is hard to get it back. Randy says it will be one hell of a way to start off Wrestlemania weekend. Tommaso Ciampa says this might be the biggest match in NXT history. Cody Rhodes says he thinks Trick will win. Hayes says Trick was his hype man and that is all he will be.

    Next week, Trick and Carmelo will have a Face Off.

    The Triple Threat match for the North American Title is confirmed.

    We see MetaFour in the production truck. Noam says they prove they run the show. Noam says they are the official hosts of Stand and Deliver.

    We see footage of Arianna Grace looking for the right dress for Georgina. She finds the perfect dress for her.

    Kelly is in LOCKER ROOM with Ilja Dragunov. Ilja says the Underboss brought it and they did their homework. She asks if Ilja was surprised Tony wasn't there. Luca interrupts and he invites Ilja to a dinner but Ilja doesn't want to go to RESTAURANT. Luca says it isn't at RESTAURANT and he hands Ilja an envelope.

    Lyra Valkyria and Roxanne Perez will be on Supernova Sessions. We will have the Triple Threat Match for the spot in the tag title match at Stand and Deliver.

    If Alpha Academy Wins They are in the Tag Title Match at Stand and Deliver
    Otis and Akira Tozawa (w/ Maxxine Dupri) vs Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker

    Tozawa with forearms to Baron and a head scissors off the turnbuckles. Bron tags in and so does Otis. Bron pushes Otis and Otis pushes back. Bron misses a clothesline and Otis with a side head lock and a clothesline. Bron runs into a kick from Tozawa and Otis with a splash. Tozawa with a head scissors to Baron and a back senton. Tozawa goes up top and hits a missile drop kick that sends Baron to the floor. Otis presses Tozawa over his head and sends Tozawa onto Baron and Bron.

    Alpha Academy pose because they can.

    Otis with gut bumps to Bron followed by an Irish whip and a shoulder in the corner. Tozawa tags in and Otis walks over Bro and Tozawa runs in place on Bron's chest. Otis tags back in and he gives Bron a head butt to the ribs. Bron with punches to Otis and Brn goes for a slam but he collapses under Otis' weight and Otis gets a near fall. Tozawa tags in and connects with a forearm to the back. Bron with a jumping knee and he tags in Baron. Tozawa with a back heel kick and he misses a spinning round kick and Baron catches him on a second one and hits a power bomb. Baron punches Tozawa and applies an arm bar and chin bar.

    Baron with elbows to the collarbone. Bron tags in and he punches Tozawa. Bron with a side head lock and a running clothesline that flips Tozawa. Baron tags in and Bron tosses Tozawa to Baron for a power slam and Baron gets a near fall. Baron keeps Tozawa from making the tag and he connects with a knee to the midsection. Baron stands on Bron's midsection. Bron tags in and Baron with a suplex into a cutter and Bron does the same. Bron gets a near fall. Bron sets for a spear but Tozawa moves and Bron hits the ring post shoulder first. Bron keeps Tozawa from making the tag. Tozawa with an enzuigiri and Otis and Baron tag in. Otis with shoulder tackles and splashes to Baron. Otis with a back elbow to Bron and then he hits a splash and clothesline. Otis with a punch to Baron but Baron punches back. Otis with a double back drop to Baron and Bron. The shirt comes off and it is time for the caterpillar. Otis iwth an elbow drop to Baron for a near fall.

    Bron tags in and Otis with a power slam for a near fall. Tozawa with a Shining Wizard to Baron. Otis gets Bron on his shoulders and Tozawa tags in and Bron catches Tozawa and hits a power slam. Bron sands Otis to the apron and Baron tags in. Bron and Baron grab Otis and hit a double power bomb through the announce table. Tozawa with a super kick to Baron but Bron tags in and Baron blocks a rana and hits a power bomb. Bron with a spear for the three count.

    Winners: Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker

    We see the three teams who will contend for a shot at the tag titles around the ring. Axiom and Frazer get in the ring and eveyrone fights as officials come into the ring to calm things down.

    End of show.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Dijak defeats Shawn Spears

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    hea Hail defeated Jazmin Nyx

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Natalya defeated Lola Vice

    Well, at least they let Natalya win on NXT.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Ilja Dragunov defeated Stacks Lorenzo.

    Tony wasn't amused about this, but he'll invite the champ to dinner, to confront him.

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Ridge Holland in ring

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Josh Briggs defeated Duke Hudson

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    MetaFour in the production truck.

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Corbin and Breakker defeated Alpha Academy

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