JT Tinney Speaks On Playboy, Signing With WWE & More

www.PWMania.com conducted an exclusive new interview with WWE Diva Search contestant J.T. Tinney. During which, she discusses possibly posing for Playboy, signing a WWE contract soon, her fellow Diva Search Contestants who all didn’t get along. She also talks about the Diva Search experience itself and sever other topics. Below is the full interview:

Andy Steven: Hello JT, firstly I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview for www.PWMania.com. What have you been up to since the 2006 WWE Diva Search contest?

JT Tinney: I've been keeping busy, taking care of my family is a full time job in its own. Besides that I have been involved with Hawaiian Tropic, which I hold the title for AZ. I will be on my way to Hawaii for the U.S. International Competition. It’s no WWE but I have not yet heard whether they want to use me or not. It's pretty much a big waiting game. I also have been trying to do more TV.

Andy Steven: How did you hear about the Diva Search contest and what made you enter it?

JT Tinney: I've seen it before. A few of my friends told me about it. There was also a listing about it. I the Divas are the Ultimate Women Role Models and that is what I want to be.

Andy Steven: You survived all the way to the final and finished third place in the contest. What was your schedule like, having to appear on both RAW and SmackDown TV shows as well as having to be in action for segments? Did you enjoy the segments you were asked to do; did you find any difficulty in doing them?

JT Tinney: I enjoyed every second of it! It was definitely a challenge though, I had never done anything like that before and being there on TV, on the set, and apart of something that strong made me realize even more that, that was where I wanted to be. I am very happy and proud that I made it to the top 3.

Andy Steven: Were there any Diva Search girls that had a problem with you or any of the other contestants?

JT Tinney: I would definitely say some of our personalities clashed. Anytime you get a group of girls around each other for a competition you have to expect there to be a little animosity. Nothing I couldn't handle.

Andy Steven: Did you and the girls ever go out together and get up to anything? Clubbing, partying or anything?

JT Tinney: No partying for us. The closest to any kind of party was our little after the show pajama dinner party Layla, Erica and myself had. It was always late when we got back to the hotel and we were usually really hungry so we met at one of our rooms and ordered room service.

Andy Steven: Are you in talks with WWE regarding signing a contract with them or anything? Or do you have other plans?

JT Tinney: I have spoke to the WWE and hopefully we can come up with a contract that will work for both of us. Until then I will keep on working at everything else, no time to rest in this business.

Andy Steven: When you found out you were in the Diva Search contest and you saw the other contestants, did you think you had a chance of winning it or who were you thinking was going to win it?

JT Tinney: When I was chosen as one of the top 8 I knew I had a chance of winning, we all did. Layla was my choice if I did not though...I told you so Layla!! ; )

Andy Steven: Have you made any friendships with people in the WWE or any of the other Diva Search contestants?

JT Tinney: Erica and Layla. They are both very sweet girls. I talk to both of them every once in a while and will definitely visit them and keep in touch.

Andy Steven: If you signed for WWE would you pose for Playboy as a WWE Diva like a few of the current WWE Divas have done before? Or even if you were unsuccessful in signing with them, would you pose for Playboy?

JT Tinney: I have not been approached so I would make that decision if the time comes. I would not rule anything out.

Andy Steven: What is your opinion on the WWE?

JT Tinney: I think it is great. It is a strong company and a tight family. Everyone involved works their ass off and I have the utmost respect for them.

Andy Steven: Do you watch WWE programming? Who are your favorite superstars and divas?

JT Tinney: Superstar is Big Show. He has the best personality and always puts on a great show. Melina is a great girl. Her personality is perfect for the show and she works very hard to be the best at who she is.

Andy Steven: What do you most enjoy doing in your spare time?

JT Tinney: I'm definitely a family girl. I love spending time with my family going to the park, having a BBQ, or even staying home watching movies together.

Andy Steven: What are you goals for the next 5 years?

JT Tinney: If I don't get signed with WWE I hope to host a show, I'm not real sure yet what kind. I also want to open a restaurant and eventually have another child.

Andy Steven: I would like to thank you very much once again for taking this time to take part in this interview for www.PWMania.com, the best of luck in the future and do you have any messages to say to your fans?

JT Tinney: Thank all of you for the love you continue to show me!! I have been keeping busy with my family and traveling for work. All of your comments on myspace do not go unnoticed, I try to keep up as much as possible. I love you all, thank you for the interview Andy!