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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation LIVE Coverage - Vengeance

    Final Card

    WWE Championship
    Rob Van Dam vs. Edge

    D-Generation X vs. Spirit Squad

    Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat Match
    Carlito vs Nitro vs Shelton Benjamin

    (Extreme Lumberjack Match)
    John Cena vs. Sabu

    Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton

    Mick Foley vs. Ric Flair

    Kane vs. "Impostor Kane"

    Eugene vs. Umaga

    (Card subject to change)

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Play by Play
    WWE Vengeance PPV Results - 25th Jun 2006
    Location: Charlotte, North Carolina
    Announcers: Jerry 'The King' Lawler and JR

    Vengeance a powerful retaliation against injustice!

    "The Power Is Back" WWE promo hits.

    Vengeance opened up with a video package looking at what transpired at ECW One Night Stand with Rob Van Dam defeating John Cena for the WWE Championship, with Edge costing Cena the title. Rob Van Dam defends against Edge tonight, as well as John Cena continuing his war with ECW as he takes on Sabu in an Extreme Lumberjack Match. D-Generation X are also back together as Shawn Michaels and Triple H face off with the entire Spirit Squad, and you have to believe that Mr. McMahon will play some part in that match.

    The fireworks go off in the arena for the start of the show as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcomed us to Charlotte! We are then taken to the Spanish announce team as Randy Ortons music hits the arena.

    Randy Orton struts his way down to the ring and a good pop from the crowd. Kurt Angles music hits and Kurt Angle makes his way down to the ring.

    Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton
    Referee: Chad Patton

    Angle and Orton went to lock up and Orton backed off into the ropes. Orton again backed into the ropes to stay away from the former Olympic Gold Medallist. Angle with a double leg takedown and then rode Orton on the mat. Angle locked in a hammerlock and turned it into a pinning situation with the hammerlock still locked in for two. Angle and Orton locked up again and Angle with a single leg and Orton grabbed the ropes yet again. Angle with a right hand and went for a German off the apron but Orton held onto the ropes for dear life.

    Angle hammered the back of Orton and went for it again but Orton stubbornly wouldn’t release the ropes. Orton elbowed Angle off the apron to the floor, but then Angle nailed a German on the floor on the Legend Killer. An ECW chant started up as Angle entered the ring and Orton pulled himself to his feet. On the apron, and Angle went to suplex Orton back into the ring and succeeded in doing so. Angle rode Orton on the mat again and Orton again made the ropes. Orton with a thumb to the eye and a nice dropkick on Angle and then tossed him to the outside. Orton nailed some uppercuts on the floor and then slammed Angle head first into the apron, and then tossed him back first into the barricade. Orton tossed Angle back into the ring and covered for two. Orton nailed some mounted right hands on Angle and then nailed a knee drop for a two count. Orton locked in a rear naked choke on the Wrestling Machine but Angle got Orton on his back and nailed a modified Samoan drop. Angle nailed an uppercut and then sent Orton to the ropes but Orton reversed and nailed a back elbow for a two count before going back to the rear chin lock.

    Quote King: Alot of ECW fans watching this PPV tonight from their jail cells probably.

    Angle fought out of the hold with an arm drag but then Orton exploded out of nowhere with a clothesline. Orton heads to the top rope and Angle exploded up there with a belly to belly from the top. Angle nailed a belly to belly, and then second. Angle went for the Angle Slam but Orton reversed into his modified backbreaker for a two count. Orton seems to be going for the RKO but Angle shoves him off into the corner. Orton takes off the corner pad and Angle gives him a German. Angle continues with seven more German’s and Orton rolls to the floor, and he looks to be out of it.

    An “Angle” chant started up in the arena as Angle followed out. Angle tossed Orton back into the ring and covered for a near fall. Angle went for the Ankle Lock but Orton kicked him away. Orton leans on the exposed turnbuckle and Angle takes him from behind with the Angle Slam. Angle took down the straps and then locked in the Ankle Lock in the middle of the ring. Orton writhed in pain and was close to tapping but he somehow rolled through sending Angle into the exposed turnbuckle and then nailed the RKO for the win!

    Winner: Randy orton

    Kurt Angle holds his face in the ring from ramming it into the exposed turnbuckle as Randy rolls out of the ring, gets up and begins to walk to the back while looking on at the destruction of Kurt Angle left in the ring.

    Vince McMahon was talking on his cell phone about how "Vengeance" will be his tonight against DX. A kid in a wheel chair rolls in and McMahon assumes it is a joke from DX since the kid has a DX t-shirt on. He wheels the kid out of the office and he screams crashing into something. The Coach comes in and says he heard DX was hanging around his office tonight. McMahon says the joke was just on DX. Coach lets McMahon know that a close personal friend of his is coming to the PPV tonight and that he is a huge fan of his. Coach says the kid is in a wheel chair. McMahon has a shocked look on his face as Coach leaves.

    Umagas music starts as he makes his way down to the ring screaming his words at nothing as always. Gets in the ring and screams some more. In the ring Armando does a speech about a rumour concerning Eugene getting some back up and Armando says he can bring all the imaginary friends he wants like Superman, Spiderman Aquaman etc and says nobody can stop the "Samoan Bulldozer" Umaga.

    Eugenes music starts and he makes his way to the ring waving only the way Eugene can and half way down stops and waits and then "Hacksaw" Duggan starts his way down tot he ring with his 2x4. Then Eugene looks back again and out comes Doink the Clown and makes his way to the ring. Eugene looks back once more and out comes Kamala and he makes his way tot he ring.

    Eugene enters the ring with Umaga as the rst of the gang stay on the outsode of the ring.

    Eugene vs Umaga
    Referee: Michael Chioda

    Hacksaw got the crowd chanting “USA” as Eugene hammered at Umaga but he was shoved off. Umaga kicked Eugene and then nailed a big right. The fans chanted for Eugene as he began to fight back with right and left hands. Eugene went for a knockdown but ran into an Umaga uppercut. Umaga hit another kick and he went for the running bump in the corner and nailed it. Estrada broke the cigar and Umaga nailed the Samoan Spike for the easy victory.

    Winner: Umaga

    The Aftermath:
    Hacksaw went for the three point stance but Umaga clotheslined him. Doink then got in the ring and Umaga gave him the Samoan Spike. Kamala is in the ring and slapped his belly. Estrada stops Umaga from attacking Kamala and the crowd boos. This is obviously a lead up to seeing these two go at it soon.


    Todd Grisham is backstage with Mick Foley, and asks him his thoughts about his match tonight. Foley said not to ruin his cheap pop, and they are going to have a public book reading right here in Charlotte. Foley has Flair’s book with him and reads out the part about Flair calling Foley nothing more than a glorified stuntman. Foley said tonight in his own hometown, this glorified stuntman is going to wipe the floor with Flair with wrestling moves. Foley gets another cheap pop in and then leaves for his match. Got to love the cheap pops lol.

    Back in the ring, Lilian Garcia announces this will be a 2 out 3 falls match. Foleys music hits and come out and makes his way to the ring. Rick Flairs music hits and he makes his pompous way to the ring.

    2 out of 3 Falls Match
    Rick Flair vs Mick Foley

    Referee: Mickey Hensen

    A “Foley Sucks!” chant fills the arena as the two lock up. Foley grabbed a side headlock into a hammerlock. Flair reversed into a hammerlock of his own and Foley grabbed the ropes. The two locked up again and Flair worked the arm but Foley reversed and then Flair reversed again with Foley grabbing the ropes. Another tie up and Flair took Foley down to the mat with the hammerlock and again Foley broke with the ropes. Flair walked into a right hand and nailed more in the corner. Foley mocked Flair and then hit the running knee in the corner.

    Foley then gave Flair the double arm DDT and signalled for socko. Foley pulled out socko and it’s dressed up like the Nature Boy, robe and all. Foley went for it but Flair grabbed him by the balls. Flair nailed some chops and took Foley down. Flair went up top and came off with a double axe handle. Flair looks to have hurt his knee and Foley goes after it. Foley went Flair’s leg around the bottom rope and wrenched away at it. Foley gave Flair an elbow drop to the inner knee, and then went for the Figure Four but Flair reversed into an inside cradle for a three count!

    Flair wins the first fall.

    Flair went for another quick cover but Foley kicked out and then tossed Flair to the outside. Foley sent Flair into the barricade and went to whip him into the ring steps but Flair reversed and Foley went into them knee first.

    (JR and King were speaking and i was quite surprised they bleeped out something that was said, i don't remember that ever happening before on a LIVE PPV.)

    Flair nailed right hands and Foley climbed into the crowd. Flair followed out and Foley nailed him. Foley back dropped Flair over the barricade back to ringside. Foley wrenched at the face of Flair and then sent him back into the ring. Another “Foley Sucks!” chant filled the arena as he tossed a trash can into the ring. Foley went to nail Flair with it but Flair got a double leg and then locked in the Figure Four! Foley screamed in pain and then nailed Flair in the head with the trash can for the disqualification.

    Winner: Rick Flair

    Alot more bleeping as the match transpired while JR was speaking, very interesting indeed.

    Foley grabbed the can again and again nailed Flair with it. Foley went under the ring and pulled out the barbwire baseball bat, and nailed Flair in the head with it. Foley raked it against the forehead of Flair and his face is now a crimson mask. Foley hit a running drop with the bat to the face. More Foley sucks chants started as referees and agents filled the ring and Flair is a mess. Fans looked on in concern as the referee’s helped Flair to the back.

    A promo for the WrestleMania 22 DVD airs.

    Maria was with Carlito. She brought up a "cool paradox" scenario with Carlito. Carlito said he didn't know what she was talking about (quite funny). He added that nothing would be cooler than for him to win the Intercontinental Title tonight. Torrie Wilson walked up in a bikini and said she needed some help putting baby oil all over her body for a photo shoot. Wilson asked Carlito to hold her "puppies." She handed Carlito her dogs. Carlito provided some commentary as Torrie and Maria rubbed oil on their bodies. His music hit in the arena and he was really pissed off that he had to leave. PUPPIES!

    Carlito finally made his way down to the ring (amazing he didnt need to hide something that may have popped up) and then the music of Johnny Nitro hit as he made his way down with Melina (covering Melinas entrance to the ring as always ), and then Shelton Benjamin made his entrance as the Intercontinental Champion which will be on the line momentarily.

    Triple Threat Match
    Carlito vs Johnny Nitro vs Benjamin (c)

    Referee: Jack Doan

    Carlito knocked Nitro off the apron into Melina and Benjamin rolled Carlito up for two. Benjamin worked Carlito over and sent him to the ropes but Carlito came back with a roll up for two. Benjamin nailed some right hands and Carlito with another cradle for two. Carlito with a side headlock takedown and Benjamin rolled him over into a two count. Nitro got in the ring and Carlito nailed him with a back drop with Benjamin still in the headlock. Nitro is back in the ring and Benjamin nailed Carlito with a superkick and Nitro took over on Benjamin.

    Nitro nailed a knee to the gut and then Benjamin came back with right hands and kicks. Benjamin with a kick to the head and Carlito is in the ring and hit a clothesline sending Benjamin outside. Carlito catapulted Nitro outside and then Carlito got on the apron as Nitro tripped Carlito and then sent him into the ring post. Benjamin is back up and hits a slam on the outside on Nitro. Nitro and Benjamin traded right hands out the outside and Carlito hit a springboard plancha onto both men on the outside! Carlito sent Nitro back into the ring and covered for a near fall. Carlito nailed a big chop on Nitro and then sent him to the ropes but missed a back elbow and then Nitro nailed a tilt a whirl into a side Russian leg sweep and covered for two. Benjamin is still down on the outside as Nitro hit some mounted right hands. Nitro sent Carlito the ropes but Carlito went for a springboard but Nitro moved and then Carlito hit a huricanrana. Carlito ran the ropes and Benjamin came in with a flapjack on Carlito and covered for two. Benjamin went for the Exploder on Nitro but Nitro blocked by holding the ropes and then Benjamin threw him to the outside.

    Quote JR: Thats gonna wake up seeing eye dogs .. (Melinas scream) .. lol, no idea what that meant.

    Benjamin went back to Carlito and nailed a suplex for a two count. Benjamin sent Carlito the ropes and hit a nice Samoan Drop for two when Nitro broke the fall. Nitro hammered with right hands on Benjamin and then sent him to the corner. Benjamin came back with a snake eyes on Nitro and covered but Melina put his leg on the rope. Benjamin thinks he has won and then Carlito comes from behind with a victory roll for two. Carlito sent Benjamin to the corner and then sent Nitro in as well. Nitro hit a monkey flip on Benjamin into a dropkick by Carlito for two when Nitro broke the fall. Nitro hit some right hands and then perched Carlito on the top rope. Benjamin shook the ropes crotching Nitro and then Carlito nailed him with right hands. Benjamin leapt up to the top and we saw an insane triple suplex type move with Nitro upside down in the corner. It’s real hard to explain. Anyway, Nitro covers for two on Benjamin. Nitro sent Benjamin to the corner but ran into a boot. Carlito is back in with left hands to both men. Carlito with a roll up on Benjamin for two and then Nitro took over on Carlito.

    Carlito hit a springboard double back elbow on both men and covered Nitro for two. Carlito then covered Benjamin for two. Nitro attacked Carlito and sent him to the ropes but Carlito held on and then low bridged sending Nitro outside. Benjamin then hit a roundhouse kick to the back of Carlito’s head for two. Benjamin argued with the referee. Carlito went for a suplex but Benjamin reversed and then Carlito nailed him with the back cracker. Nitro then pulled Carlito out and covered Benjamin for the win!

    Winner: New Intercontinental Champion Johnny Nitro

    The Aftermath:
    Carlito can’t believe what happened as he had this match won as Nitro and Melina celebrate their victory on the stage with the paparrazi coming out and photographing them.

    The Spirit Squad are shown getting pumped up backstage. McMahon comes in and asks if they are proud of themselves. He asks how they could possibly fall for dX’s pranks. McMahon said no one makes a fool out of the Spirit Squad or McMahon. McMahon said dX is a disease, like the bird flu, and the Squad are the cure. McMahon sends them on their way and then picks up his penis pump and puts it back down. He picks it up again and looks intrigued. He then takes off his jacket, gets that coky look on his face and disappears into the bathroom with the pump and it’s heard blowing up. The bathroom is filled with smoke and he has green all over his face. Funny stuff.

    Build up showing how RVD won the Money in the Bank match to the WWE title on ECW ONS and the lead up to Edge vs RVD tonight..

    Edges music hits and comes out with Lita as they head to the ring. Edge grabbed the mic and said he was flying down from Toronto last night and he realised that the WWE Title being in ECW is just as ridiculous as the Stanley Cup being in North Carolina. RVD had nothing to do with winning the title, just as NC had nothing to do with winning the Cup, Canadians won it for them. Edge says after he wins, he and Lita are going to have a sex celebration and says to the crowd, "Just like you people have but we are not brother and sister."

    RVDs music hits and he makes his way to the ring.

    WWE Championship Match
    Edge vs RVD (c)

    Referee: Michael Chioda

    RVD and Edge locked up and Edge grabbed a side headlock into a hammerlock and then a go behind takedown. Edge mocked RVD and RVD seemed amused. They locked up again and Edge backed RVD to the corner and then nailed a shot to the gut. RVD came back with a monkey flip but Edge landed on his feet but then RVD with a nice roll up for two and Edge looks shocked. Another lock up and Edge again backed RVD to the corner but he missed a cheap shot and then RVD nailed some right hands. Edge with an up and under in the corner and went for a cross body from the middle rope but RVD moved and then nailed a standing moonsault for two.

    RVD with a step through into a spin kick and went for Rolling Thunder but Edge bailed to the outside. RVD hit a baseball slide sending Edge into the barricade, and then hit a moonsault off the barricade onto Edge. RVD sent Edge back into the ring and then Lita grabbed the ankle of RVD but he kicked her off. Edge nailed RVD on the apron and then hit a beautiful sunset flip powerbomb over the ropes to the floor. Back inside and Edge got a near fall. Edge nailed a forearm in the corner, and then another one. Edge whipped RVD hard to the opposing corner. RVD began to fight back but then Edge raked the eyes. Edge locked in a surfboard but RVD escaped. RVD sent Edge to the ropes but Edge reversed and then RVD back dropped Edge to the apron. RVD then hit a running cross body onto Edge and both men crashed to the floor. RVD went for the spinning leg drop onto Edge on the barricade but Edge moved (definately looked like it hurt). Edge sent RVD back inside for a two count with RVD still holding his leg and covered for a near fall. Edge stomped at the back of Van Dam and then nailed a backbreaker, and held it in position and wrenched away at the WWE Champion as the crowd chanted “Lita’s a whore!”

    RVD fought out with knees to the head of Edge and then the two traded right hands and then RVD ran into a boot by Edge. Edge sent RVD to the corner but ate a boot and then RVD went for the Tornado DDT but Edge blocked. RVD hit a kick in the corner and then went to the middle rope and hit a side kick. RVD hit a clothesline, and then another, followed by a backdrop. RVD hit a nice German with a bridge for a near fall. RVD with a spin kick and then went for Rolling Thunder but ran into a powerslam for a near fall for Edge. RVD pulled himself up in the corner and then Edge sent him to the opposite corner and charged in but ate an elbow. RVD hit a side kick from the top and then went for the Five Star but Edge got up before RVD could nail it. RVD ran down and hit a rolling thunder to the back of Edge. RVD with a split legged moonsault for a near fall. RVD went for a spin kick but Edge moved and RVD nailed the referee, and then Edge laid out Van Dam.

    Edge smiled and sent Lita to get the belt, which she did. Edge picked it up but RVD hit a van dominator sending the belt into the face of Edge. RVD went up top but Lita crotched him. Edge is busted and then gave RVD a sick DDT with RVD’s feet laying on the top rope and him dropping down. The referee came to as Edge covered but RVD kicked out at the last second! Lita has a chair and held it up in the corner and Edge went for the spear on Van Dam but he moved and Edge went face first into the chair! RVD leapt to the top and came off with the Five Star for the win!

    Winner: Rob Van Dam

    RVD celebrates i the ring with the two titles in hand while Edge lies bleeding on the ing. Lita is knocked out somewhere on the outside of the ring.

    We see a shot of the ECW "Extremists" celebrating RVD's win. Paul Heyman comes in and says one down, one more to go. Heyman talks about the Extreme Lumberjack Match later tonight between John Cena and Sabu. He mentions that while they will be at ringside, there will also be RAW lumberjacks at ringside as well. Heyman said it doesn't matter if they like it or not because tonight it is all about E-C-W.

    ECW on Sci Fi is plugged.

    The Great American Bash (SmackDown brand) PPV on July 23 in Indiapolis is plugged.

    The music of Kane hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring, and he’ll be facing…well…Kane. Yeah, this is going to be play by play fun at it’s best. Kane’s old music then hit as the Impostor Kane made his way down to the ring. In the ring just as fake Kane was going to do the fire from the buckles, Kane attacks.

    Kane vs "Fake" Kane
    Referee: Jack Doan

    Kane nailed right hands and took the Impostor down. Kane with a kick to the gut and a clothesline to the outside but Impostor landed on his feet and pulled Kane out and nailed him with a clothesline. Impostor sent Kane back into the ring and then choked at him in the corner. They traded shots and then the Impostor sent Kane to the ropes but Kane came back with a shoulder block and then started to rip at the mask but he got in the ropes. The Impostor hit a side slam on Kane and then hammered away at him with right hands.

    Impostor choked Kane with his boot using the ropes for leverage and then choked him over the bottom rope. Impostor gave Kane a suplex and then hit a first drop. Impostor raked at the face of Kane and then the two traded right hands. Impostor ate boot in the corner but then Kane ran into a powerslam for two. Impostor nailed more right hands on Kane and then raked at his face some more. Impostor locked in a rear naked choke but Kane backed him to the corner. Impostor hit a reverse elbow in the corner and then grabbed Kane by the throat but Kane thumbed him in the eye. Kane nailed a nice DDT and then nailed a powerslam. Kane sent Impostor head first to the corner and then hit some right hands and a huge uppercut. Kane hit a running clothesline in the corner, then another one.

    The Finish:
    Kane with a side slam and then went for the chokeslam but Impostor ducked and went for one of his own but Kane nailed an uppercut. Impostor with a big boot and then went up to the top rope but Kane met him with an uppercut. Kane went up and gave him an overhead throw from the top. Kane went for the chokeslam but Impostor elbowed out. Kane then hit a big boot and went up top for the flying clothesline but Impostor caught him by the throat and nailed the chokeslam for the win.

    Winner: "Fake" Kane

    Fake Kane does his olf school pyro and then leaves the ring.

    WWE Fanatic series - The Ultimate Rick Flaie plugged. Available all June.

    Official theme song Victim by Eighteen Visions plugged.

    We see the rundown of how we got to Sabu vs Cena tonight.

    The music of ECW hit in the arena as the lumberjacks made their way to the ring, including Tommy Dreamer, balls Mahoney, Stevie Richards, Little Guido, Roadkill, Danny Doring, Justin Credible, Al Snow and Sandman. Sabu then made his way to the ring looking set for action.

    The RAW Lumberjacks then made their way down and they are Val Venis, Matt Striker, Rob Conway, Snitsky, Viscera, Trevor Murdoch, Lance Cade and Charlie Haas. John Cena then made his entrance and had to wait while the RAW superstars made the ECW stars move so Cena could get tot he ring.

    Extreme Rules
    Lumberjack Match
    Cena vs Sabu

    Referee: Chad Patton

    Sabu attacked Cena and nailed him in the back and then stomped away at him. Cena was tossed to the outside and we thrown back inside by ECW. Cena sent Sabu to the corner and nailed a fisherman’s buster for two. Sabu was tossed out and the RAW guys sent him back in. Cena hit some right hands on Sabu and then nailed a back elbow for two. Cena was tossed out and the ECW guys stomped away at him and tossed him back inside. Sabu again tossed Cena out and Sandman nailed him in the head with his cane!

    Quote JR: Some of these guys have spent more time on parole than payrole

    Sabu has a chair and nailed the triple jump moonsault and covered for two before locking in the camel clutch. Cena fought out but Sabu hit a low blow in the corner. Sabu hit a triple jump leg drop and covered for another two count. Sabu went up top with the chair and came off with the Arabian Facebuster on Cena for a near fall. Sabu went for a splash off the chair in the corner but Cena moved. Cena went nailed a powerslam on Sabu and then went for the five knuckle shuffle but things are breaking down on the outside and Dreamer has a table out. Cena hit a FU over the barricade on Richards, and then Sabu nailed Cena with a chair.

    Snow picked up Cena and Sabu tossed a chair at his head. Dreamer and Sabu dragged Cena to the table on the outside and held him in place as Sabu got back in the ring. Viscera saves Cena and he nails Sabu in the head with the cane. Back in the ring and Cena threw the chair at the head of Cena and Cena looks pissed. Cena goes for the FU and then spots the table and foes it on Sabu through the table, and Sabu took one hell of a sick bump as he hit the edge of the table. Sabu was tossed back inside and then Cena locked in the STFU for the win.

    Winner: John Cena

    Sabu and his ECW mates walk away up the ramp carrying Sabu as they go while in the ring, the RAW team stands and says their goodbyes to them. Cena celebrates and then finally realises his RAW mates were there to help them and thanx them.

    A promo for WWE SummerSlam on August 20 is shown. The now released Goldust was spotted in the commercial.

    We see John Cena approach WWE/ECW Champion Rob Van Dam. RVD tells Cena that he had balls showing up at ECW last week. He said he admires Cena for also showing up at ECW One Night Stand. RVD says he knows Cena feels slighted for not getting his rematch yet. He said a lot of people think he is holding the John Cena spinner belt, but that isn't the case. RVD offers a WWE Championship Match to Cena live tomorrow night on Monday Night RAW. Cena said he didn't beg RVD for a rematch. He said RVD took everything away from him and that it wasn't just the "John Cena spinner belt", it was is his life. He accepts the title match for tomorrow night on RAW.

    A video package airs highlighting the events between Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels in the last few months. This goes into The Spirt Squad injuring HBK and the recent return of D-Generation X to WWE.

    The music of D-Generation X hit in the arena as Shawn Michaels and Triple H made their way down to the ring to a huge pop from the crowd. Pyro went off in the shape of an X as they made their way down the aisle. They did the crotch chops to pyro and Triple H got on the mic and did the “are you ready” bit. Michaels took the mic and said of course, if you’re not down with that, we got two words for ya…

    The Spirit Squad then made their way down as the World Tag Team Champions for this 5 on 2 handicap match.

    Handicap Match
    DX vs The Spirit Squad

    Referee: Mickey Hensen

    Michaels and Mitch started things out with a lock up. Michaels with a side headlock into a hammerlock. Mitch fought out and sent Michaels to the ropes but Michaels with a double leg and then wiped his feet on Mitch. Michaels with a chop, and then another one in the corner. Mitch came back with kicks and punches in the corner. Michaels then nailed some more chops in the corner and then took down his singlet and chopped him some more. Mitch came back with a knee to the gut and then sent him to the corner and Michaels fought off all of the Squad.

    Michaels and Triple H beat down Mitch and then some of the Squad came in and they got laid out and sent to the outside and dX has cleaned house. Johnny has a busted nose. Johnny tags in and pulls out a ninja headband and puts it on. He starts doing some karate kid shit and Michaels acted scared and tagged in Triple H who just nailed Johnny in the head. Triple H nailed a suplex and did the crotch chop towards the Squad before hitting a knee drop. Johnny with a thumb to the eye in the corner and then some kicks and right hands. Triple H came back sending Johnny hard to the buckle and then Michaels pulled him groin first into the ring post. Michaels wrapped Johnny’s leg around the post and he came hardly stand in the ring and Triple H pulls his pants down. Johnny got his feet up in the corner and tagged in Mikey who was thrown straight outside by Triple H. Michaels crotched him on the barricade and then he and Triple H worked over Mikey on the outside. Triple H sent him back into the ring and Mikey begged off but Triple H kicked him. Nicky hit a knee to the back of Triple H but Triple H knocked him off the apron but the numbers were too much as Triple H was sent into the ring steps on the outside. Back in the ring and Mikey stomped away on the Game in the corner. Kenny tagged in and hit an elbow in the corner but Triple H came back with a neckbreaker. Michaels got the tag as did Mikey. Michaels hit the flying forearm and nipped up and scored with an atomic drop. Michaels gave right hands to all of the Squad and then hit a slam on Mikey and went up top and came off with the elbow. Michaels started to tune up the band but the whole Squad hit the ring and stopped the Sweet Chin Music.

    Johnny hit the Johnny Go Round on Michaels and then Mikey tagged in Nicky who covered for a near fall. Michaels came back with a kick to the face but Johnny tagged in and was met with a right hand. Michaels nailed Mikey off the apron but then he was pulled outside and nailed with a steel chair. Triple H ran over to run off the Squad. Mikey hit the running trampoline bulldog on Michaels over the top and Johnny covered for a near fall. Triple H tossed the trampoline around on the outside. Kenny is in the ring and hit a spinning back elbow on Michaels for two. Nicky is in and Kenny catapulted him onto Michaels in the corner for two. Nicky hammered away with right hands and tagged in Mikey. Mikey hit right hands and distracted the referee while the rest of the Squad choked Michaels in the corner. Mikey hit a knee drop on Michaels and covered for two. Mitch tagged in and hit some right hands and he then tagged Kenny and they hit a double flapjack for a near fall. Kenny locked in a half nelson with an arm bar as Michaels fought out and then both he and Kenny nailed each other with a clothesline. Mikey clotheslined Michaels from the apron and then Nicky tagged in and hammered away. Nicky went to catapult Mikey onto Michaels in the corner but he missed and flew outside. Johnny tagged in and Michaels hit a double DDT on him and Nicky.

    The Finish:
    Michaels made the tag to Triple H as Kenny got a tag. Triple H hit right hands to all of the Squad and then the high knee on Nicky. Kenny was given a spinebuster, as was Mitch. Triple H with a facebuster on Kenny and went for the pedigree wbut Nicky broke it up. Triple H clotheslined Nicky to the outside and Michaels clotheslined Kenny out and went over too. Michaels avoided a trampoline splash and Mikey knocked over the rest of the Squad. Kenny is trapped in the ring with both Michaels and Triple H. Triple H gave him the Pedigree and Michaels hit Sweet Chin Music on Johnny and both covered for the win!

    Winner: DX

    After the match:
    More members of The Spirit Squad come in the ring and Triple H and Shawn Michaels take them out with their respective finishers. Triple H and HBK slap hands. HBK goes to leave, but Triple H stops him. They roll out members of The Spirit Squad and leave Mitch still in the ring. Triple H pulls down his trunks and HBK shoves Mitch's face in Triple H's backside.

    With DX celebrating on the top turnbuckles, Vince McMahon appears at the top of the stage smiling in his devilish way and we hear him say, "Congratulations, I will see both of you tomorrow night." Triple H and Shawn Michaels pose at McMahon as the PPV goes off the air.

    Thankyou for joining us tonight, see you at our next Play by Plays for WWE "Great American Bash" and TNA "Victory Road".

    Please feel free to comment in this thread about the PPV
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  3. #3
    Your Master. F4L's Avatar
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    GO LD!!! My PBP buddy! lol

    GO DX, and CENA!

    WWE: A New Beginning BTB in Creative, written by F4L, and Dubbz4President, Click Banner, and Read/Comment/Review! Thanks, and all will be repped and appreciated!

  4. #4
    Byarg! Nick, Your Indie Lover's Avatar
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    eh i knew orton would win

    Former 1x TNA poster of the month/3x UOW Indy Poster of the Month


  5. #5
    On the bench! King Venomation - X's Avatar
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    RKO all the way baby!

  6. #6
    On the bench! Ethan Hunt's Avatar
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    ^ good match it was.

  7. #7
    Byarg! Nick, Your Indie Lover's Avatar
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    ok what is with the classic wrestlers?

    Former 1x TNA poster of the month/3x UOW Indy Poster of the Month


  8. #8
    The King Of Metal JayR's Avatar
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    Sounds pretty average so far.
    Australian By Birth. Angry By Choice.

  9. #9
    Member #20 Jodes's Avatar
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    :woohoo: Randy

    ^^Thanks To Maxxy

    ^^Thanks To LG

    "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous"

  10. #10
    On the bench!
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    Boo Angle lost still GO SABU AND ECW!!!!!!

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