RAW Report / Results - 8th Sep, 2014
Location - Baltimore, Maryland
Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole.

The steel cage hangs above the ring while the cage lowering music plays. That can only mean one thing . . . the cage is in fact lowering onto the ring.

Steel Cage Match
Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt (with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan)

They circle each other inside the cage before locking up. Wyatt pushes Jericho into the corner and Jericho with punches and chops. Wyatt with a punch and side head lock. Wyatt with a shoulder tackle. Jericho with a drop kick and kick to the ribs. Wyatt punches Jericho but Chris with a catapult into the bottom rope. Wyatt asks for the cage to be opened when Jericho was pushed into the opposite corner but Jericho stops Wyatt.

Wyatt and Jericho exchange strikes. Wyatt with a punch to the midsection but Jericho with an enzuigiri for a near fall. Wyatt punches Jericho and chokes him in the ropes. Wyatt with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Jericho with a punch but Wyatt with an Irish whip and Jericho starts to climb the cage but Wyatt stops him momentarily. Jericho gets to the top of the cage and Wyatt pulls him back inside. Wyatt with an uppercut with Jericho on the top turnbuckle.

Jericho with a chop to the top of the head from the turnbuckles. Wyatt sends Jericho into the cage. Wyatt with a splash to Jericho against the cage.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Wyatt with a flying cross body. Wyatt gets a near fall. Wyatt climbs the cage but Jericho stops him and he hits an Electric Chair drop. Both men are down again. Jericho gets to his feet first and he punches Wyatt. Wyatt punches back and Jericho with chops. Jericho with a kick and chops. Jericho with a running forearm and bulldog.

Jericho with a Lionsault followed by a double leg take down. Wyatt avoids the Walls of Jericho but Jericho sends Wyatt into the cage. Jericho slams the back of Wyatt’s head into the cage. Jericho with a springboard drop kick that sends Wyatt into the cage again. Jericho climbs the cage again and Wyatt is able to stop Jericho one more time.

They fight on the top rope and Jericho with punches but Wyatt with a head butt. Jericho with a punch and head butt. Wyatt with head butts and shoulders against the corner of the cage. Wyatt with a superplex and both men are down. Wyatt with a crab walk to the open cage door, but Jericho stops him. Jericho sets for the Walls of Jericho but Wyatt punches him. Wyatt sends him into the cage and then Wyatt with a uranage for a near fall.

Wyatt punches Jericho and stands over him. Wyatt catapults Jericho into the corner and Jericho lands on the turnbuckles. Wyatt follows and stops Jericho. Wyatt sends Jericho to the mat and Jericho punches Wyatt and punches Jericho from the top rope. Jericho with a rana and then Jericho climbs the turnbuckles and gets to the top of the cage. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan get in front of Jericho’s exit route. Jericho stands on top of the cage and he hits a cross body onto Wyatt, but Jericho holds his knee.

Jericho hobbles against the ropes to try to get out of the cage. Wyatt goes for a running cross body but Wyatt hits the cage and is down. Jericho crawls through the door but Wyatt has his legs. Wyatt and Jericho exchange punches in front of the door. Wyatt hits Jericho in the knee while Jericho rests on the ring steps. Wyatt with head butts while Jericho fires back with elbows.

Wyatt with a head butt and then he punches the injured knee and Wyatt falls over Jericho to hit the floor and win the match.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

After the match
Wyatt slams the cage door into Jericho’s injured knee. Wyatt grabs Jericho and sends him into the ring steps. They return to the ring and Harper closes the door. Wyatt hits Sister Abigail on Jericho.

Kane is excited over the cage match as he talks to Seth Rollins. Triple H enters the room and he tells Seth and Kane that this is the season premiere so they need to put on something . . . that no one will forget. Randy Orton enters.

Randy asks how memorable you want this to be. He says that one man is in the main event. It isn’t the corporate suit or the corporate sell out. He wants to do something that makes what Seth did to Dean Ambrose another day at Sunday School.

Hunter agrees and Randy says that Hunter will not regret it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dolph Ziggler is in the ring and he has something to say.

Dolph says last week was a very controversial week in Hollywood. Many celebrities had their phones hacked and photos were posted from the Cloud. No celebrity deserves to be tormented like this. Maybe there is one D-List celebrity . . . the Miz.

Dolph says that he has some interesting photos of The Miz to share. Dolph shows Miz getting a facial. The next photo is Miz shaving his chest.

Miz interrupts the reveal of the big one and he is joined by Damien Sandow in the tunic of doom. Miz says this is an outrageous invasion of his privacy. He has invaded the sanctity of his home. Those were for medical purposes only. Miz says that his people will sue Ziggler, his people, everyone in the building, or anyone who will republish those photos.

Miz promises Dolph if he takes this any further . . . he will make sure Dolph never works in this town again.

Dolph says if he can never work in this town again . . . he guesses he might as well get his money’s worth.

We see Sandow spray tanning Miz . . . from behind.

Miz tells Sandow to go after Ziggler and Ziggler with a drop kick. Miz gets off the apron and then Ziggler with a Zig Zag to Sandow.

We go to commercial.

Rosa Mendes and Natalya vs AJ Lee and Paige

Paige and Natalya start things off and Natalya with a side head lock take down. Paige with a head scissors and Natalya escapes. Paige with a wrist lock but she runs Paige into the corner and Rosa tags in and they hit a double suplex and Rosa gets a near fall. Paige with a slap and head butt. Paige crawls on top of Rosa and connects with head butts after dedicating it to AJ.

Paige with a forearm instead of tagging in AJ. Paige with a slam but she misses a leg drop. Natalya wants to be tagged in but Paige with a back heel kick and then Paige hangs Rosa over the middle rope and connects with knees. AJ makes the blind tag by chopping Paige.

AJ with the Black Widow and Rosa taps out.

Winners: Paige and AJ Lee

After the match
Paige tells AJ she had things under control. AJ takes the title belt and Paige wants AJ to give it back to her. AJ kisses the belt and then she hands the title belt back to the rightful owner and Paige kisses the belt. AJ skips out of the ring.

We see the cross body Jericho took off the top of the cage onto Bray Wyatt during the match, when he had a chance to jump to the floor and to victory. We see the post match attack by Wyatt.

The doctor checks on Jericho’s knee in the training room. Randy Orton attacks Jericho from behind and he sends Jericho into a table. Orton apologizes to Chris but it is the season premiere. The doctor comes back to check on Chris.

We go to commercial.

We are back and in case you were not watching three minutes ago, we see Randy Orton’s attack on Chris Jericho.

Paul Heyman is in the ring. He introduces himself and yay though he walks through the valley of the Cenation, he fears no Thuganomics because he is the advocate for the Beast, the conqueror, the reigning Undisputed Champion of the World . . . Brock Lesnar.

His client has authorized him to disseminate confidential information and he wants to deliver this warning as if he was up in the face of your hero . . . John Cena.

John’s music plays as he interrupts Paul’s comments.

Cena tells Paul not to worry. He didn’t want to stretch anyone’s imagination. If you want to say something to his face, go ahead and talk.

Paul says that is why he only tells Brock that until SummerSlam, John was the greatest WWE Champion of all time. It takes a special man to be confronted by the truth by the greatest advocate in the history of the WWE. Paul says that Brock thought that John would come out tonight. If that happened, he was authorized to drop the warning and give John some inside information.

This is John’s lucky night because John will be told how to beat Brock Lesnar at Night of Champions.

John says that he knows how to win at Night of Champions. Three simple words. Brock beat the Undertaker and we haven’t heard a peep from Taker in six months. John Cena loses at SummerSlam and one week later he is ready to go again. Cena’s strategy is ‘Never Give Up’. Cena tells Paul to tell Brock he will see him at Night of Champions.

Paul laughs and he asks if it is him or can John not help being ‘John Cena’. With all due respect, ‘that’ is your biggest problem. You live to be John Cena. You live for the kid that waits and waits and waits for that opportunity to come to a live event or to come to Baltimore to chant at the top of their lungs ‘Let’s Go Cena’.

When Brock stands in the ring. He doesn’t hear anyone but three people. The referee who can disqualify him, Paul Heyman, who strategizes for him, and Brock’s opponents who suffer at his hands.

Paul has a gift and it isn’t even Chanukkah. Paul tells John to give in to temptation. John comes out and people chant ‘Cena Sucks’. Paul says that it gets to John. It is one thing when someone of his stature and credentials to say it, but what about that fat and ugly unemployed guy in the sixth row. Don’t you want to go for that hatred and contempt you have in your soul to tell that person to shut up.

That will make it so much easier.

Paul tells John to tell them to Shut Up. Show them how much it gets on your case.

Paul goes Old School Cena and he does a rap and mentions the Baltimore Ravens.

Paul tells John to give in one time. The devil already sold his soul to Paul a long time ago. Lose the wrist bands and the t-shirts. Lose the idea of Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. When you can dig deep into your soul, you can be the one who beat the one in twenty-one and one. Or John can be one of many victims who fell at the hands of the Conqueror Brock Lesnar.

Paul says that his client doesn’t mind him telling John. Paul tells John that he believes in him. His client . . . Brock Lesnar . . . says that John just doesn’t have it in him.

Cena sits in the ropes and he looks like he is going to tell someone to shut up but he returns to the ring and he tells Paul Heyman to Shut up. He tells Paul that he sees what he is trying to do. They are trying to end John Cena and have him turn his back on everyone who believed in him. That will not happen.

John tells Paul in his world, it is easy. To pop Paul? To pop the dude in the second row? To pop the dudes in the wifebeaters? So they can go on the internet to talk about getting to Cena?

Paul lives in a world of Eat, Sleep, Conquer, Repeat. Paul would turn on Lesnar if given the proper opportunity. John says that Paul does not know about living with a purpose or being. For Cena it is about Being John Cena. That is who he is. He was born to be that and he loves that. He wouldn’t change that, even if he could.

Some people don’t see the forest through the trees. He likes getting the kid to get his homework done early to come to Raw with his dad. He does not care if he is the guy who says that Cena sucks and then tells John he might not like him, but he is doing right by his kid. John says that he loves it when there is a kid who only has one wish and he wants to hang out with John Cena. John says that he is damn proud to be the guy who is fortunate enough to meet with wounded soldiers and that person is a hero of his. John says that these people thank him for giving him the strength to continue.

John asks Paul if he strips it away, what does he win? John says that he is done talking and it is time to fight. He can pound Paul’s pudgy face into clay. Then the headline reads John Cena beats up defenseless Paul Heyman. John tells Paul next week, he is showing up to fight so bring your client. If he decides to show up, they will get in the ring and they will fight. If Brock decides to take another week off, continue his vacation, and let Paul continue to do his business, John will fight Paul. He tells Paul to have a nice week and he will see Paul next Monday.

We go to commercial.

Non Title Match
Sheamus vs Seth Rollins

Sheamus knocks down the briefcase before the bell rings.

They lock up and Sheamus with punches and then he sends Rollins into the corner and hits a short arm clothesline. Rollins goes to the floor. Rollins returns to the ring and he kicks and punches Sheamus. Rollins tries for a suplex but Sheamus blocks it and he hits a gourdbuster. Sheamus with a kick to Rollins. Sheamus with a punch to the midsection.

Sheamus with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Sheamus with an elbow to the bridge of the nose. Sheamus punches Rollins in the midsection. Sheamus with an Irish whip but Rollins with a kick to the knee and Rollins continues with kicks. Rollins punches Sheamus. Rollins with a kick but Sheamus gets Rollins on his shoulders for a Finlay Slam and then Sheamus clotheslines Rollins over the top rope.

Cesaro’s music plays and he makes his way to the stage to watch the match.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins with a reverse chin lock while Cesaro is now standing next to the announce table to watch the match. We see Rollins hitting an enzuigiri to knock Sheamus off the apron during the commercial. Rollins runs into a boot from Sheamus and Sheamus pulls himself up to the turnbuckles for a flying shoulder tackle. Sheamus misses a shoulder in the corner and hits the ring post. Rollins with a running forearm into the corner and he gets a near fall.

Rollins with a reverse chin lock. Sheamus gets Rollins on his back and he drops back to the mat. Rollins runs into a double sledge and Sheamus with another one followed by a shoulder in the corner and a running knee lift and a knee into the corner. Sheamus with a uranage back breaker for a near fall. Sheamus sets for White Noise, but Cesaro distracts Sheamus by grabbing the title belt.

Rollins with a rollup for a near fall based on the distraction. Sheamus with a power slam. Cesaro gets on the ring steps and they have a tug of war over the title belt and Sheamus lets go. Rollins with a knee to the back followed by Black Out for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins (Assist to Cesaro)

After the match
Rollins leaves the ringside area while Cesaro prepares to enter the ring. Cesaro mocks Sheamus by yelling FELLA and then he kicks Sheamus and hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer before grabbing the title belt and putting it on top of Sheamus.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the situation between Mark Henry and Rusev.

Lana mentions that most people do not know that the Star Spangled Banner was written in this decrepit city. She tells people to Shut *** before giving her rendition of the Star Spangled Banner but with her own lyrics.

We hear the Russian National Anthem play in the Baltimore Arena, but it feels like something is missing.

We see a video package for NXT Takeover II on Thursday night, available on the WWE Network. That show will be headlined by a Fatal Four Way match for the NXT Title involving Sami Zayn, Tyler Breeze, Tyson Kidd, and Adrian Neville.

We go to commercial.

Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville vs Tyler Breeze and Tyson Kidd

Zayn and Breeze start things off and they lock up. Breeze with a wrist lock but Zayn with a reversal into an arm bar. Zayn leaps over Breeze and connects with a series of arm drags and then applies an arm bar. Kidd tags in and Breeze with a kick and Kidd holds Zayn in the ropes for Breeze to kick Zayn. Kidd with kicks in the corner and punches.

Kidd chokes Zayn in the ropes. Kidd with a snap mare and kick to the back for a near fall. Kidd with a rear chin lock. Zayn with an arm drag but Kidd with an elbow. Breeze tags in and he kicks Zayn. Breeze with a neck breaker for a near fall. Kidd tags back in and he kicks Zayn in the midsection. Kidd with a reverse chin lock on Zayn.

Zayn with a jawbreaker but Breeze keeps Zayn from making the tag. Zayn tags in Neville and Neville with a clothesline and drop kick to Kidd on the apron. Neville with a back heel kick and drop kick to the temple followed by a standing shooting star press. Kidd goes over the top rope to the floor. Zayn with a plancha onto Kidd.

Neville floats over and Breeze misses a splash in the corner. Neville with a kick to the back and he hits the Red Arrow for the three count.

Winners: Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville

We are back and Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring. She says that it breaks her heart to see a family ripped apart as much as the Bellas. Stephanie reminds us that she wrestled her father in this building about 10 years ago. They have made up and reconciled. There is nothing more important than family. It is time to bring Nikki and Brie back together. Stephanie says that there is just one man who can do that.

Stephanie brings back to Raw, Jerry Springer.

Jerry thanks Stephanie for the introduction. He says that he has been dealing with family dysfunction for the last 24 years. When he heard about what was going on with Nikki and Brie to try to find some resolution, how can you say no to being on Raw.

Jerry brings out Brie first and we see a video package.

Jerry says that it looks like Brie was being abused by Nikki and then she attacked her in the ring. But the next day, she tweeted an apology.

Brie says that she shouldn’t have stooped down to Nikki’s classless level.

Jerry suggests that Brie thinks she is better, but Brie reminds Jerry about what Nikki said about their time together in the womb.

Nikki makes her way to the ring.

Nikki says she accepted Brie’s apology, but it doesn’t mean that she will accept being treated like a second class sister. Nikki says that she is ready to get past this because she is an intelligent and classy woman. She has a lot going for her. The third season of her show Total Divas premiered last night. She has a Divas Title match in two weeks. She couldn’t be happier. That is why she is not going to let Brie’s negativity get her down.

Nikki says that she felt so sorry for Brie.

Jerry tries to stir the pot.

Brie says that what happened at SummerSlam happened.

Jerry says that this happened long before SummerSlam. We see a montage of Brie and Nikki’s comments taken out of context.

Nikki says that she wouldn’t be surprised if Brie was the reason why dad left them. She would leave if there was someone as attention seeking as Brie.

Jerry shows us a video of Nikki and Brie’s parents wanting this to be fixed.

Brie tells Nikki that no matter mom or dad said, Nikki cost her a match and ruined her life. Brie says at least she has J.J. in her corner.

Jerry brings out their brother J.J. Jerry asks him who he thinks is wrong. J.J. tells her to stop acting like the victim because she is not the victim. J.J. tells Nikki to stop.

Nikki and Brie fight on top of Jerry. Nikki hits her brother and then they continue to fight on top of Jerry.

Stephanie comes into the ring and she is knocked down in the melee.

Officials come to the ring to try to separate the women.

Jerry is wheeled to the back on a stretcher with a thumb up.

Before our next match, the Usos are in the Goldman Box. Jimmy says that you hurt his brother, but when you hurt one Uso, you hurt both of us. Jey says that when you hurt us, we hurt back. That will come soon.

Goldust and Stardust vs Fernando and Diego

Stardust and Diego start things off and Stardust with a side head lock and punch. Diego sends Stardust into the turnbuckles and he chops and punches Stardust. Stardust with an Irish whip but Diego with a clothesline. Fernando tags in and hits a slingshot senton after a side Russian leg sweep by Diego.

Goldust tags in and he punches Fernando. Fernando with punches in the corner. Goldust with an Irish whip but Fernando with an elbow and head scissors. Stardust tags in and Diego with a head scissors. Fernando and Diego with a suicide dive onto Goldust. Fernando sends Goldust back in but Stardust drops Diego on the apron. Goldust hits Fernando from behind and then hs ends him into the turnbuckles.

Stardust tags in and he hits Dark Matter for the three count.

Winners: Goldust and Stardust

After the match
The Usos take advantage of Goldust and Stardust turning their back as they went up the ramp and they hit Goldust and Stardust with Jey’s crutch.

Michael Cole sends condolences on behalf of WWE to Joan Rivers. They show a video package of how Joan Rivers was part of the WWE since Wrestlemania 2.

We go to commercial.

Titus O’Neil (with Heath Slater) vs Adam Rose (with The Bunny)

Titus punches and kicks Rose in the corner. Titus throws Rose across the ring by his neck. The bunny comes to ringside to try to give Rose some motivation. Rose with a kick and he tries for a cross body but Titus catches him and throws him to the side before barking. The bunny distracts Titus. Slater misses the bunny and the bunny with a super kick. Rose with the Party Foul for the three count.

Winner: Adam Rose

After the match
Rose brings the bunny into the ring and he hops around Titus. The bunny goes up top and hits a frog splash.

Renee Young is in the interview area with Roman Reigns. She asks Roman if he knew what Randy meant when he said it would be a season premiere no one will forget. Roman says that he does not know what he meant. Randy may be the Viper and he may have the venom, but Roman says that he has the antidote.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package about Brock Lesnar.

We are told that Brock Lesnar will be on next week’s Raw.

Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns

Orton is stopped momentarily by Reigns and they exchange punches. Reigns with the advantage and he punches Orton and clotheslines him over the top rope to the floor. Reigns goes to the floor and Orton avoids being sent into the apron. Orton sends Reigns into the ring steps and they return to the ring and Orton gets a near fall. Orton tries for a suplex but Reigns blocks it and hits a suplex of his own for a near fall.

Orton sends Reigns into the turnbuckles. Orton with an Irish whip and Reigns shows no respect to Orton with a clothesline out of the corner. Orton goes to the floor on an Irish whip.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Orton slams Reigns’ head into the ring steps numerous times. Orton rolls Reigns back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Orton with a reverse chin lock. We see footage from the commercial break when Orton Irish whipped Reigns into the ring steps.

We see Rollins and Kane watching the action on a monitor in the office.

Reigns with a head butt to Orton but Orton avoids a clothesline and Orton clotheslines Reigns over the top rope to the floor. Orton sends Reigns into the apron and follows with a clothesline. Orton poses for the people of Baltimore.

They return to the ring and Orton with a near fall. Orton with punches in the corner. Reigns with an Irish whip but he misses a splash into the corner, but Reigns with a clothesline. Orton rolls to the floor and Reigns runs Orton into the apron and then into the ringside barrier. Orton gets back in the ring and Reigns with punches from the apron. Orton drops Reigns on the top rope and then Reigns hangs in the ropes.

Orton puts Reigns on the top turnbuckle and then Orton goes for a superplex and he hits it but he can only get a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Orton with a reverse chin lock. Reigns gets to his feet but Orton sends him back to the mat and gets a near fall. Orton with punches to the head. Orton returns to the side head lock. Reigns powers out of the hold but Orton with a kick. Reigns and Orton exchange punches. Reigns in control but Orton with a kick. Reigns with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down.

Reigns with two clotheslines followed by a Samoan Drop for a near fall. Reigns with a clothesline into the corner but Orton with a power slam for a near fall. Orton has Reigns on the apron and he tries for the IEDDT, but Reigns with an uppercut and somehow Orton falls onto the bottom rope for the Juggernaut Drop Kick. Reigns with a flying clothesline for a near fall.

Reigns with punches but the referee pulls Reigns out of the corner and Orton with a rollup for a near fall. Orton with a back breaker for a near fall. Orton looks around while Reigns is down in the corner. Orton runs into a boot from Reigns and Reigns comes off the turnbuckles but Orton with a power slam for a near fall. Orton sends Reigns to the apron and he tries for the IEDDT and he hits it.

Orton looks around and he twists to the mat for the RKO push ups. Orton tries for the RKO but Reigns escapes. Reigns with a Superman Punch and Orton is down and Reigns cannot crawl across the ring to make the cover.

Orton signals for Kane and Seth Rollins to come out. Rollins and Kane attack Reigns and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Roman Reigns (by disqualification)

Meanwhile, dozens of people adjust the ring and Orton calls for the steel cage to come down. Reigns fights off Kane, Orton, and Rollins for a moment. Rollins and Kane are ejected from the ring. A chair is in the ring and Reigns is standing over Orton.

Reigns sends Orton into the cage a few times and then Reigns with a spear to Orton.

The door is opened and Reigns keeps Kane out of the cage with the chair. Rollins with a cross body off the top of the cage onto Reigns. Kane picks up Reigns and sends him into the cage. Kane sends him into the cage a second time and then he hits a choke slam. Orton recovers and he tells Kane to stay back. Orton jams the chair into Reigns’ chest and then he hits him in the back with the chair. Orton hits Reigns again with the chair. Orton holds Reigns’ head up with the chair and jams it into the throat and then he hits him in the back with it.

They move Reigns in the ring and put the chair under his head for Rollins to hit Black Out.

We go to credits.