WWE News: The Number Of WWE 24/7 Subscribers, Lita, Tugboat
By Daniel Pena

# 03/13/2006 - WWE 24/7 is a modest disappointment internally. There are only 38,000 subscribers at about 7 dollars a month. However, clearance deals are being discussed with Time Warner which would really bring the numbers up.

# There is a Lita puzzle on WWE.com. If you can figure it out, you can see her entire entrance video. Click here for the game.

# Kurt Angle is on the cover of the latest issue of Smackdown magazine. John Cena & Triple H are on the cover of the latest issue of Raw Magazine. There is a one page article on Tugboat/Typhoon/Shockmaster (Fred Ottman) in the Raw Magazine.

sources: Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE.com
credit Edge