ACTING UP: Transformers star Shia LaBeouf has been arrested for trespassing in a Chicago drugstore.
Fast-rising actor Shia LaBeouf, a Steven Spielberg protege, has been arrested for trespassing in a Chicago drugstore, the Chicago Tribune reported on its website.

The 21-year-old actor, who has cultivated a squeaky-clean image while notching up roles in Spielberg-backed films such as Transformers and the upcoming Raiders of the Ark sequel, was detained after midnight when he refused several requests by a security guard to leave a Walgreen Co store, the paper said.

It quoted a Chicago Police Department spokesman as saying that LaBeouf was cited on one count of misdemeanour trespassing, and posted bail about five hours later. He has a November 28 court date.

LaBeouf told Entertainment Weekly in June that he deliberately avoided the lifestyle that has turned the likes of Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears into tabloid targets.

"If my personality gets famous, how do I differ it on screen? Which one becomes the performance," the magazine quoted him as saying.