Kanotix Excalibur 2010 has been released after quite a long period of development. Based on Debian Lenny, it comes with a relatively modern Linux kernel. It also has all the latest security and stability patches. There is a KDE SC 4.3-based version for those who want a desktop environment more modern than the aging KDE 3.5. Scripts for installing proprietary graphics card drivers and the Adobe Flash Player are also available.

“Just in time for LinuxTag 2010 are updated Kanotix Excalibur versions available. All based on Debian 5.0 (Lenny) with all the latest security updates and many extras,” Jörg Schirottke, the creator of Kanotix, wrote in the official announcement.

Highlights of Kanotix Excalibur 2010:

· Linux kernel 2.6.32-ck2 - with BFS support;
· KDE SC 4.3;
· KDE 3.5.10;
· OpenOffice.org 3.2.1;
· GRUB2 1.97 beta 4;
· Wicd;
· Pidgin 2.7.1;
· NTFS-3G 2010.5.22;
· Wine 1.2-rc2;
· Iceweasel (Mozilla Firefox) 3.0.6 with XULRunner;
· Icedove (Mozilla Thunderbird)

Kanotix Excalibur 2010 is based on the latest stable Debian 5 “Lenny” release. As such, some of the packages may seem outdated, or even ancient, but they provide a rock-solid base for the live CD/USB distro. Kanotix Excalibur 2010 has been in the works for quite some time with the first “Preview” release having been made available late last year.

It builds on the Debian Lenny base and adds an updated kernel plucked from the latest Ubuntu release with additional patches. It comes with a choice of either KDE SC 4 or KDE 3.5 for the traditionalists. GNOME, XFCE and other desktop environments are available in the repositories.
