A Tamil Tiger rebel
Around 70 people are dead in Sri Lanka after a sea battle between government forces and Tamil Tiger rebels.

Navy sources say 17 navy sailors and more than 50 rebels were killed in the clash off the island's northern coast.

Rebel forces attacked and sank a navy patrol boat as it was escorting a troop carrier.

In retaliation, the navy opened fire on the Tigers' forces and sank five vessels.

The Sri Lankan air force later bombed areas around the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam's northern headquarters, according to a rebel spokesman.

The European-led Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission said the violence constituted a serious contravention by the rebels of their 2002 ceasefire agreement with the Government.

They added the rebel attack was a direct threat to the peace and stability of the region.

In separate incidents, two civilians died and at least three other people were wounded in grenade attacks and gunfights in the north and northeast of Sri Lanka.

Relations between the Government and the rebels have plunged to the worst level since the 2002 ceasefire.

More than 150 people have been killed in violence since the beginning of April.

The Tigers began fighting in 1983 to create a separate state for ethnic minority Tamils, accusing the majority Sinhalese of discrimination.

More than 65,000 people died in the conflict before between 1983 and 2002.