Starsiege: Tribes, the much beloved team-based, jetpack-fueled first person shooter created by Dynamix way back in 1998, is getting an enhanced port to GarageGames' InstantAction service, a portal for web browser-based PC gaming.

According to Kotaku, GarageGames will debut the InstantAction version of Tribes at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, set to start on March 23. And just how far has PC gaming come since 1998? So far that this entirely browser-based version of the game will actually feature better graphics than the original release, as well as support for user mods. What an age we live in!

This isn't exactly a surprising announcement, as a few of GarageGames' founders were former members of Dynamix. Last year, they released Fallen Empires: Legions on InstantAction, a similarly jetpack-fueled FPS that they consider the spiritual successor to Tribes. There's no word yet on when the original Tribes will be released on InstantAction, but hopefully such details will be revealed at GDC.

Source - 1UP