There is more drama at Jackson-Wink.

Ex-striking coach, Frank Lester took to Instagram to say he has been screwed over by the team and Jon Jones. He explains how Mike Winkeljohn did him dirty and how he plans on opening up his own gym to take over Albuquerque, New Mexico, where Jackson-Wink is located.

“After 3 different houses, being screwed over by the best team in the world —->> (@jacksonwink_mma) & No.1 lb for lb fighter on the planet @jonnybones on over $13k on his last title fight, myself, my wife & our children Jordan, Braden, & baby on the way Arya, finally have a home big enough for all of us. I have no regrets, I did my job and everybody who has followed my journey knows I did my job, Jon Jones & Mike Winkeljohn just did me dirtier that I have ever even seen in this fight game. But good always prevails over evil and we have a home big enough for all of us. I will be opening TANK Mixed Martial Arts In the next 6 months and we are going to takeover the beautiful city of Albuquerque New Mexico! Karma is real. And Jon, it’s on site with me & you & you know that. You stole from my family. You got me fired from my job for no reason and for that I am grateful bc I will never work for a crook like Mike Winkelloser again. I’m 10X ‘s the coach you’ve ever been. You just bought out Greg’s name and unfortunately JACKSONS was out in the control of a dirtbag. But fuck you all very much! The [email protected] that comes to Ming when I hear your names are, cowardice & deceit. It’s on site JBJ. So keep that security close F><k boy we both know you ain’t no real one. [email protected] don’t steal from pregnant woman & their families. #WARcertified #TANKLIFE #OnSite #RUNit #JBJ”

Jon Jones then saw it and took aim at his old coach in the comments saying he was fired for drug use. And, the light heavyweight champ also says Lester was always paid on time and paid more than most fighters pay their coaches.

“Frank I gave you the opportunity of a lifetime. Everyone on the team knows that I would not agree to give you $20,000 for only your second training camp on my team. And if I did, I would have totally paid you that amount, not once and 10 years have I ever gotten a complaint about not paying staff members. If anything I’m always complemented for being peoples highest paying client by a longshot. I won’t even get in to the fact that you were fired from the team on fight week because of your drug issues. Anyways, I’m not going to argue with you over the Internet. I would be more than happy to take this to a judge. It’s the physical threatening that I have a problem with. I have no interest in carrying a concealed pistol or preparing for any type of street fight with you. Tomorrow I will be calling APD and bringing our confrontation to their awareness. Honestly I wish I would have never gotten to know you, but I truly do wish you nothing but the best. Please just leave me alone bro or see me in court.”

This is obviously not a good look for everyone involved. But, Jon Jones says this may very well end up in court.