Sonya Deville testified in court yesterday at a hearing for Phillip Thomas II, the suspect charged with her attempted kidnapping and breaking into her home. Following the hearing, Thomas was ruled a threat to society and denied bail. He will remain in prison until his trial.

“I saw a man standing there and he had black clothes on and a black mask and he was just standing there staring at me,” Deville said on the stand. The incident occurred early Sunday morning after Deville had gone to bed after watching the UFC 252 PPV. Mandy Rose was staying in a guest room at her home that evening.

“I looked up, I saw him, I was terrified, I started screaming. I don’t even know what I said,” she continued. Deville has also filed for a restraining order against Thomas in civil court.

The judge ruled that Thomas provides a threat to the community even if monitored by GPS while on bail.

“I don’t see any way we can protect our community in Hillsborough County if we give him bail,” the judge ruled. “A GPS on him gives me no peace of mind. A GPS monitor does nothing for me.”

A photo of the suspect listening to the hearing is below:

Deville testified in court today at the hearing: