Terry George claimed the singer called him in 1978 and was encouraged to discuss sexual matters.

The revelations come in formerly classified documents released under the US Freedom of Information Act following an application by US media.

They contain no new information about Jackson's death.

But they do disclose details of the probes into allegations of child molestation made against Jackson in 1993 and 2004.

The star was acquitted of all charges in 2005.

Mr George told British newspapers about his conversation with Jackson in 1993 and the FBI's London bureau investigated the claims.

Another file refers to a 1995 request by a US Customs agent in Florida seeking analysis of a VHS videotape connected to Jackson to see if it contained child pornography.

Forensic specialists discovered that the tape - labelled "Michael Jackson's Neverland Favourites - An All Boy Anthology" was a "poor quality third or fourth generation recording".

Another document reveals that in 2004, police in Santa Maria feared the Jackson abuse trial was a "soft target for terrorism" due to the media coverage.

The FBI initially said it had about 600 pages in its files but released 333 pages, citing privacy rules and the desire to protect investigative techniques.

Jackson died in June at the age of 50 following an overdose of prescription drugs.

A criminal investigation is continuing into the singer's personal physician, Conrad Murray.