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RAW Results - 18th November, 2013
Location: Nashville, TN
Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole

Last week, Hunter and Stephanie were not on Raw so there was a question about who was in charge. After finding out that everyone was in charge, we saw Alberto Del Rio attack John Cena. We also saw Big Show attack Randy Orton. We also saw 12 men battle at the end of Raw. Now that Stephanie and Hunter are back in the Country, we can see what they will do.
We are in Nashville, Tennessee and your announcers are Michael ‘Vince Gill’ Cole, John ‘Willie Nelson’ Layfield, and Jerry ‘Lee Lewis’ Lawler.

In case you wanted that twelve man tag match at Survivor Series, you will get it for free tonight.

It is Country Game Time as Triple H comes to the ring with a Principal Owner of WWE and Mother of the COO’s children, Stephanie McMahon.

Hunter says that it is good to be back. Despite everybody’s accusations of their alleged abuse of power, last week was a prime example of how vital they are to this show. Hunter says that without Authority, then Chaos rules. That was what we had last week. Hunter says that they couldn’t have been more disappointed about how Raw turned out last week.

The people who have avoided them, Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero, will be dealt with tonight.

Stephanie says that they are well rested and they are back. Stephanie mentions that Survivor Series is on Sunday and . . .

Randy Orton makes a Bee Line to the ring.

Randy says that they want to blame everybody else, but he blames Hunter and Stephanie. They did not spell out who was supposed to be in charge. They did not tell the Shield to have his back. They gave Big Show a title match. He blames them for being choke slammed through that table last week. Orton says that he is the most valuable asset of this company.

Randy says that they should be protecting their most valuable asset more.

Stephanie says that he is probably right.

Orton says that he is jacked up over last week so he wants to know what they are going to do.

Hunter asks Randy who he thinks he is.

Orton says that he is the WWE Champion and the face of the company.

Hunter says that he is the face of Their Company.

We get a feeble excuse me from Vickie Guerrero and Brad joins her. Brad says that he likes to take responsibility for his actions, but last week was all Vickie’s fault.

Hunter says that it doesn’t matter whose fault it is, they all have to pay tonight.

Stephanie says that with all of the handicap matches last week, they are desensitized to the damage that those matches can do to the Divas and Superstars. Therefore, Vickie and Brad will be in individual matches.

Vickie will face AJ Lee. Hunter says that even though it was all Vickie’s fault, he will have a match tonight . . . maybe right now, dressed exactly how he is. Brad will face Randy Orton. Hunter says that to make it fair, it will be No Disqualification.

Brad tries to go to the back, but Kane stops him and brings him back to the stage.

Match Number One: Randy Orton versus Brad Maddox in a No Disqualification Match

Brad goes to the floor and he does not look happy at his punishment. Brad returns to the apron but then he goes back to the floor. Brad takes a mic and he hides behind the announcers. He goes into the Roberts Cubicle but Orton stops Brad. Brad hits Orton with a mic and then he sends Orton into the ring post.

Brad returns to the ring and he hits a DDT for a near fall. Orton looks at Maddox and Brad is thrown over the top rope to the floor. Orton sends Maddox over the announce table and Randy rearranges things at ringside.

Orton sends Maddox into the ringsteps and then he connects with a forearm. Orton sends Maddox into the ring post and then he puts Brad on the ringside barrier for an IEDDT. Randy drags Brad to the ring and then he picks up the mic and rolls Brad into the ring.

Orton pins Brad’s arms with his legs and he hits Brad repeatedly with the mic and then the referee stops the match.

Winner: Randy Orton (by referee stoppage)

Curtis Axel walks in the back and so does Big E Langston. They wrestle when we come back from commercial.

We are back and this month, Mick Foley, Bret Hart, and Booker T will be on the Kickoff Panel.

We take a look back at the destruction of Brad Maddox by Randy Orton and the aftermath of Brad being stretchered out of the arena.

Brad is being stretchered out of the arena and they go past Vickie and she is as white as a ghost.

Match Number Two: Big E Langston versus Curtis Axel for the Intercontinental Title

Axel with a waist lock but Langston with a waist lock take down and he holds on to Axel. Axel with an elbow and punch followed by a kick. Axel with a chop and punch. Axel with a hurdle leap frog but Langston with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Langston with a back breaker for a near fall.

Langston with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Axel rolls to the floor and Langston forces him back in. Axel retreats to the corner and the referee warns Langston. Axel has a kick blocked and Langston with a short arm clothesline. Langston with a punch to the midsection. Langston with a back drop for a near fall.

Axel drops Langston’s throat on the top rope and then he hits Langston with the Axe to the back of the neck. Axel with punches to Langston and he gets a near fall. We go to commercial.

We are back and Axel with a reverse chin lock and Langston escapes and then he hits a running shoulder into the corner. Axel with a drop kick for a near fall. Axel with forearms to Langston and he gets a near fall. Axel with a front face lock. Langston powers out of the front face lock and he sends Axel to the corner.

Langston with two clotheslines and then he avoids a clothesline from Axel and Langston with a belly-to-belly suplex followed by an Ultimate Warrior Splash for a near fall. Langston goes for the Big Ending but Axel gets to his feet. Axel tries for the neck breaker driver. Langston with a body block and the straps come down and Langston hits the Big Ending for the three count.

Winner: Big E Langston

After the match, Langston celebrates his victory.

The Shield and Randy Orton are in the back and Randy says that they better not have a new WWE Champion on Sunday. The Shield WILL have his back. Reigns says that if that is what the Authority wants, they will have his back. However, Orton better have their backs.

We go to commercial.

After the match, Langston celebrates his victory.

The Shield and Randy Orton are in the back and Randy says that they better not have a new WWE Champion on Sunday. The Shield WILL have his back. Reigns says that if that is what the Authority wants, they will have his back. However, Orton better have their backs.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for Divas Musical Chairs. All of the Divas are dressed in their best Raw Country outfits. Jerry Lawler is the host of this event and we have Total Divas and Not Quite Total Divas.

The music starts and it looks like Natalya is the first one eliminated. The next person eliminated is Alicia Fox and she has some words for Naomi. Things get ugly when chairs are pulled away and we have a 14 person brawl and the Not Ready for Total Divas Divas are on the floor.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Big Show versus Ryback

They lock up and Ryback pushes Show towards the corner and Show is impressed. They lock up again and Show sends Ryback to the mat and Show with punches to Ryback in the corner. Show chops Ryback. Show with a Shhhh Chop to Ryback and Ryback goes down. Show with a head butt followed by a shoulder tackle and Ryback goes to the floor.

Ryback returns to the ring and they lock up but Ryback with knees and punches. Show with a shoulder tackle. Show with another chop but Ryback with a shoulder to the upper thigh and Show is down. Ryback with kicks and forearms to Show. Ryback with a leg drop and he gets a near fall.

Ryback punches Show and then he hits a splash for a near fall. Ryback with a front face lock. Ryback with a side head lock and he rakes the face. Show with punches to Ryback but Ryback with a kick and a DDT for a near fall. Ryback with a side head lock but Show with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold and both men are down.

Show with clotheslines to Ryback followed by an Irish whip and running butt splash into the corner. Show goes for the running shoulder tackle but Ryback with a spinebuster and then he sets for the lariat. Show grabs Ryback by the throat but Ryback with a knee. Ryback with a lariat and he says that it is over.

Ryback goes for the marching musclebuster and he gets Show up and hits it. Show kicks out at two. The straps come down and Ryback goes for a second one but Show sends Ryback into the ropes and Show with a punch and Ryback is down.

Show gets the three count.

Winner: Big Show

After the match, Randy Orton tries to attack Show from behind but Show with a spear and Orton goes to the floor.

Zack Ryder is in the back with Florida Georgia Line but 3MB have gone Country tonight and they are the Rhinestone Cowboys. Drew says that he hopes they can follow them tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Randy Orton is getting ice for his ribs. He asks the medical staff where was the Shield and the Authority. Orton wants more ice and then he throws it against the wall. Randy wants to be left alone.

Zeb Colter is in the ring with Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger. He wants everyone to say We The People.

Match Number Four: Kofi Kingston and Miz versus Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

Cesaro and Miz start things off and they lock up. Cesaro with a wrist lock and he takes Miz to the mat. Miz with a wrist lock take down. Cesaro with a forearm and European uppercut. Miz with an Irish whip and Awesome Clothesline. Miz goes up top and hits a double sledge for a near fall.

Miz with a side head lock. Cesaro catches Miz on a leap frog attempt and Cesaro with a back breaker. Cesaro sends Miz to the floor and Swagger tags in. Swagger with a clothesline to Miz on the floor. Swagger rolls Miz back in and gets a near fall. Swagger with shoulders and the referee warns him. Cesaro hits Miz and that allows Swagger to hit the double jump Swagger Bomb followed by a leap frog double stomp from Cesaro for a near fall.

Miz with punches to Cesaro but Cesaro with a European uppercut. Swagger tags in and they hit a double back elbow and get a near fall. Swagger with an arm bar. Kofi tags in and he hits a springboard double sledge to Swagger and then he knocks Cesaro off the apron. Kofi with chops and drop kicks followed by a leaping clothesline. Kofi with the Boom Drop and then he sets for Trouble in Paradise, but he gives Cesaro a pendulum kick.

Swagger catches Kofi on a springboard move and Swagger with a power slam for a near fall. Swagger tries for a clothesline but Kofi floats over into a DDT and both men are down. Miz refuses the tag when Kofi reaches into the corner.

Swagger with a KneeDT and he applies the Ankle Lock and Kofi tags out.

Winners: Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger

After the match, Miz yells at a few fans at ringside.

We see Vickie knocking on the Trainer’s Room’s door and she acts like she is injured. We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Vickie trying to get out of her match against AJ Lee.
Vickie is being stretchered out of the building but Stephanie says that they need to take her straight to the hospital because she looks dehydrated. Take her to the hospital . . . after they take her to the ring.

Match Number Five: Vickie Guerrero (with stretcher and medical staff) versus AJ Lee (with Tamina Snuka)

Vickie gets rolled into the ring before the bell rings and Vickie faints. Vickie is given some water to wake herself up.

Vickie crawls to the floor and she runs right to Tamina. Vickie falls to the mat and then she has Tamina fan her. Vickie starts to walk away but AJ skips after her and AJ grabs Vickie by the hair and they go back to the ring.

AJ asks Vickie if she is okay. AJ fans her and then AJ puts her in the Black Widow and Vickie taps out.

Winner: AJ Lee

After the match, Vickie collapses by the steps.

After what we saw earlier with the Divas, we have a seven on seven elimination match on Sunday.

Triple H says that Dolph Ziggler and Damien Sandow have had issues in the back, they are going to do it in an entertaining way. They will have a Broadway Brawl. They will make it entertaining. He tells them to make some music together.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we have instruments in the ring for the Broadway Brawl between Damien Sandow and Dolph Ziggler.

Match Number Six: Dolph Ziggler versus Damien Sandow in a Broadway Brawl

Sandow with a kick and forearms. Sandow with knees and then he sends Ziggler to the floor. Sandow has a guitar and he throws it to the floor. Sandow sends Ziggler into the ring steps. Sandow grabs the guitar and he plays it as well as Van Hammer. Ziggler with a forearm off the steps. They return to the ring and Sandow hits Ziggler with a guitar stand. Sandow with forearms to the back of the head. Ziggler with a kick while Sandow grabs a guitar. Sandow with a kick. Ziggler with a drop kick and Sandow falls to the floor.

Ziggler goes up top but Sandow recovers and he pushes Ziggler off the top and he hits the keyboard and Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with kicks to Ziggler and we go to commercial.

We are back and Sandow with head butts to Ziggler while fewer instruments are in their original condition. Sandow hits Ziggler with a chair. Sandow puts the chair in the turnbuckles but Ziggler with an inside cradle for a near fall. Ziggler with punches to Sandow. Sandow hits Ziggler with a guitar and Sandow gets a near fall.

Ziggler with a DDT and he gets a near fall. Ziggler hits Sandow in the back with a fiddle followed by a Fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler tries for a Zig Zag but Sandow holds on to the ropes. Sandow sends Ziggler face first into the mat and then he sends Ziggler into the chair in the turnbuckles but he can only get a near fall.

Sandow goes for the drums and then he sends Ziggler into the bass fiddle. Sandow gets another guitar and he hits Ziggler with it but Ziggler kicks out at two. Sandow waits for Ziggler to get up to use another guitar but Ziggler moves and Sandow hits the ring post. Ziggler gets a near fall with a rollup.

Ziggler hits Sandow with a snare drum. Now he uses the bass drum on Sandow. Ziggler struts across the ring and hits Sandow with a guitar for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Stephanie and Hunter are in their office and Randy Orton wants to know what happened to them and the Shield. He demands respect. Orton wants to know if he has their confidence as the Face of WWE.

Stephanie says that they need to think about it.

John Cena is with Florida Georgia Line and he welcomes them to Raw. John apologizes about the Rhinestone Cowboys. Everyone is excited for their performance.

John Cena walks into commercial.

We are back and John Cena makes his way to the ring and he shows some pain as he enters the ring.

Cena says that he has had a bit of bad luck lately. We see what happened to him on Raw last week. John says that he appeared on Smackdown for an arm wrestling challenge and we see how John did not meet him half way.

John says that he has had to watch that footage every day and he has not been in a good mood because of that. It is energy and a WWE Universe like this that made him want to come back after his torn triceps because he wants to be here in front of everyone. Maybe he came back too soon and tried to do too much. Did he try to be a superhero?

Should he be the World Champion? Then he looked at the audience and the atmosphere and he says that he should be the champion. Champions are made of resolve and toughness, not cheap shots and parlor tricks. In six days, Alberto does not know who he will step into the ring with. In six days, he will perform in front of his mother, father, brothers, sisters, and their families.

Cena says that he is banged up. Pain is temporary, but pride is forever. John says that on Sunday, they will say ‘The Champ is Here’.

Alberto Del Rio comes out and he says that we have a real superhero in the house. John is so good that he almost made Alberto cry.

John says that he will make Alberto tap on Sunday.

Alberto says that John said that he will hold the title up on Sunday, but what about . . . right now? He tells John to use his other hand because he knows that John can do it.

John says that he will be ready on Sunday.

Alberto says that everyone knows that John will be ready to be humiliated and embarrassed in front of his friends and family. In front of Mami and Papi. A real champion takes advantage of every opportunity and in this moment, he sees a great opportunity in front of him.

John says that Alberto is right. A real champion does take advantage of every opportunity and Cena gets out of the sling and he attacks Del Rio. He gets Del Rio on his shoulders but Del Rio gets to the floor and up the ramp.

Match Number Seven: Xavier Woods and R Truth versus Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre (with Heath Slater)

Truth and Mahal start things off and Truth with a side head lock but Truth does some dancing and he punches Mahal. Woods tags in and he hits a drop kick. Mahal with a side head lock but Woods with punches and a European uppercut. Woods with a head scissors take down. Drew tags in and Woods with a forearm but then Drew with a flying boot. Drew with chops in the corner.

Mahal tags in and they hit a double slingshot suplex for a near fall. Drew with an arm bar. Woods makes the tag and Truth with clotheslines and a jumping side kick. Truth with a kick and a sit out gourdbuster. Slater gets on the apron but Woods pulls him off. Truth with a kick and he hits the suplex into a stunner. Woods tags in and It’s Morphing Time. Woods with the Honor Roll followed by Lost in the Woods for the three count.

Winners: Xavier Woods and R Truth

Stephanie and Hunter are done deliberating and she tells Randy that they have confidence in him as the Face of WWE. Hunter says that there will be no Shield, no help, and no interference. If Orton is confident, then he can beat Big Show by himself. Then everyone will know that beyond the shadow of a doubt, he can be the face of the WWE.

Orton says that he will show them confidence.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are reminded that there will be a Tag Title Match with Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger challenging for the titles.

We go to footage of the Wrestlemania Kick Off Party in New Orleans.

It is time for Nashville’s own Florida Georgia Line to perform on Raw.

Match Number Eight: Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Jimmy Uso, and Jey Uso versus Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan

The Shield and Wyatts surround the ring and then the two factions stare each other down. Ambrose does not appear to be on the same page as the Wyatts.

Ambrose and Jimmy start things off and they lock up. Ambrose with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Jimmy with a clothesline and a slam. Jey tags in and he hits an uppercut on Ambrose. Jey with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Reigns tags in and they lock up. Jey with a flying forearm and punch to Roman and he backs Reigns into the corner.

Reigns with a kick and uppercut and then he sends Jey into the turnbuckles. Reigns with a head butt and Jey with an uppercut. Cody tags in and he punches Reigns and kicks him. Goldust tags in and they punch Reigns and Goldust with a drop down uppercut for a near fall.

Reigns backs Goldust into his corner and Rollins tags in. Goldust with an Irish whip and back body drop. Goldust with an uppercut and reverse atomic drop and a boot to the head for a near fall. Jey tags in and he hits a savate kick to the midsection. Jey is sent to the floor and Harper tags in but Rollins argues with Harper over the tag and we have the two groups bickering as we go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins is on the turnbuckles and Goldust with punches. Goldust with a kick to the midsection for a near fall. Goldust with a hammer lock and Cody tags in. Cody punches Rollins in the midsection and he follows with kicks. Cody floats over on an Irish whip and he gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Rollins sends Cody into the turnbuckles. Ambrose tags in and he punches Rhodes.

Ambrose with a knee to the head and he stomps on the abdomen followed by a snap elbow drop for a near fall. Reigns tags in and he kicks Cody in the midsection. Reigns chokes Cody in the ropes. Reigns with an arm wringer and then Rollins tags in and he hits an elbow drop for a near fall. Rollins with a Cobra Clutch on Cody.

Rollins sends Cody into the mat to work on the head and neck. Reigns tags in and they make a wish. Cody with punches but Reigns with a back elbow. Reigns with a punch and Ambrose tags in. Ambrose with a short arm clothesline followed by a kick and he gets a near fall. Ambrose with punches followed by a hard Irish whip. Ambrose with a suplex for a near fall. Rollins tags in as they keep the Wyatts from getting involved in the match.

Rollins kicks Cody and Cody with punches. Cody with a head butt, but Rollins with a kick. Cody blocks a suplex and Cody with a gourdbuster and both men are down. Harper tags himself in and Rollins argues with Harper and Harper knocks Goldust off the apron. Cody with Beautiful Disaster and both men are down.

Bryan tags in and he hits a missile drop kick on Harper and then he drop kicks Rowan off the apron. Bryan with kicks of Yes and then he misses because of the distraction from Ambrose. Bryan with a running drop kick into the corner. Bryan with a German suplex to Rollins. He takes care of Reigns but Harper with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.

Wyatt tags in and he connects with elbow and he punches Bryan. Wyatt with a reverse chin lock while he yells at the Shield. Reigns tags in and he connects with a forearm to the chest. Reigns with a punch to the head and he tags in Ambrose. Ambrose with punches to Bryan. Ambrose tags in Rowan and he punches Bryan. Rowan with a slam and he works on the neck. Bryan with punches to Rowan but Rowan with a back elbow.

Ambrose tags in and he kicks Bryan. Ambrose with a boot to the chest. Ambrose with a reverse chin lock out of what appeared to be a modified Regal stretch. Bryan with a knee to the midsection and both men are down.

The Shield and Wyatts knock everyone else off the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Rowan kicks Bryan and then he tags in Reigns. Rowan runs Bryan into the corner and Reigns with a forearm to the back. We see footage of Bryan being worked over during the commercial break but he got some revenge on Seth Rollins by sending him into the ring steps. Bryan with a DDT to Reigns and both men are down. Punk and Ambrose tag in and Punk with a springboard clothesline. Punk takes care of Harper and then he hits a leg lariat on Ambrose followed by a double neck breaker on Rollins and Ambrose.

Punk with a knee to Ambrose and then to Rollins. Punk with a short arm clothesline to Rollins followed by a knee to Ambrose and a short arm clothesline. Punk goes up top for the elbow drop and he hits it. Punk signals that it is time for someone to Go to Sleep. He gets Ambrose up but Wyatt enters the ring. Punk with a round kick to Wyatt. Punk with the Anaconda Vice and Harper and Rowan break it up.

The Usos with super kicks to Rowan and Harper. The Usos with planchas onto Rowan and Harper. Punk get Ambrose up but Ambrose with elbows. Ambrose with the Dean Driver and Goldust breaks it up. Reigns with a spear to Goldust. Cody hits CrossRhodes on Reigns. Punk and Bryan hit a Hart Attack on Rollins followed by a suicide dive onto Wyatt.

Punk with Go To Sleep to Ambrose for the three count.

Winners: CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Goldust, Cody Rhodes, Jimmy Uso, and Jey Uso

After the match, Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger join in the attack.

Rey Mysterio’s music plays and Rey sends Cesaro and Rowan to the floor. Swagger and Harper get sent into the ropes where they are stuck for Rey to hit a 619 on both men. Punk with a Go To Sleep to Harper and Bryan with the flying knee to Harper.

We go to credits.