ZERO1 “15th Annual Midsummer Fire Festival 2015”, 7/16/2015 [Thu] 19:00 @ Korakuen Hall in Tokyo

~ The Fire Festival opening ceremony was held to begin the show. 11 out of the 12 wrestlers attended, Sekimoto was competing for BJW today, as Sai returned the Fire Sword back to the committee.

(1) Takuya Sugawara, Jason Lee & Mineo Fujita vs. Yuko Miyamoto, “brother” YASSHI & Bit Man [Hong Kong]
◆Winner: Jason (10:12) with a Sky Twister Press on Bit Man.

(2) Hideki Suzuki & Yoshikazu Yokoyama vs. Toshiki Itakura & Buffa [USA]
◆Winner: Hideki (8:36) with a Cobra Twist on Itakura.

(3) Fire Festival B BLOCK Match: Ryoji Sai vs. TARU
◆Winner: Sai (13:36) following the Nachi no Taki.
~ TARU praised his fellow teammate following the bout.
~ Sai [1 win = 2 points]
~ TARU [1 loss = 0 points]

(4) Fire Festival A BLOCK Match: KAMIKAZE vs. Yusaku Obata
◆Winner: KAMIKAZE (3:15) with a Backslide.
~ KAMIKAZE [1 win = 2 points]
~ Obata [1 loss = 0 points]

(5) Fire Festival A BLOCK Match: Masato Tanaka vs. Fujita “JR” Hayato
◆Winner: Tanaka (12:49) following a Falcon Arrow and then the Sliding D.
~ Tanaka showed respect to Hayato following the match.
~ Tanaka [1 win = 2 points]
~ Hayato [1 loss = 0 points]

(6) Fire Festival B BLOCK Match: Shinjiro Otani vs. James Raideen
◆Winner: Raideen (13:05) following a Powerbomb.
~ Raideen [1 win = 2 points]
~ Otani [1 loss = 0 points]

(7) Fire Festival A BLOCK Match: Kohei Sato vs. Masadoka
◆Winner: Kohei (13:00) with a German Suplex Hold.
~ Kohei [1 win = 2 points]
~ Masadoka [1 loss = 0 points]

(8) Tenkaichi Junior Tournament Final Match: Ikuto Hidaka vs. Isami Kodaka
◆Winner: Hidaka (23:45) following the Iwami-Ginzan.
~ Hidaka wins the Tenkaichi Jr. Tournament 2015.
~ Munenori Sawa presented the Tenkaichi Jr. trophy to Hidaka.
~ With the win, Hidaka collected all the Dragon Balls as he made his wish to the Great Dragon.
~ He stated that he will continue competing at the top as the ZERO1 junior vegetarian. He also promised that Tenkaichi Jr. tournament will be held every year.
~ Isami then grabbed the 4 star ball as he stated that he is going to hold onto the ball until next years tournament.
~ Hidaka ended the show as he asked everyone to look forward to ZERO1′s 15th Anniversary next year.