A Haunting on the Main Line

by Neondmc@aol.com

Hi there, This is my story and yes it is true.For the First 17 years of my life my house had a resident of the supernatural. WE used to live outside the Philadelphia area, in an area known as The Main Line. It got its name for the Train line that went thought the area on a regular basis(and it still does).

Our house was an older house. I would have to say it was at least 150 years of age. Meaning that the house had some history to it. When i was really young I really and truely did not know the difference until my teen years. It started as strange noises from the third floor area when I knew that i was alone in the house. It was unsettling at first then the spirit for me became a part as the family. As the years went on more and more things started to happen that told me that for sure there was a spirit in the house.

There were a number of times when i would see a figure walk past a doorway. When i knew there was no one home. I would go to where I saw the Ghostly figure walk to but there was nothing there exceot a chill in the air.

When i was 17 we moved out of the house so our grandmother could live with us, to do this we needed a bigger house. So we left. We also left the Spirit or whatever behind as well. Is the spirit still there? I can not say. I hope that whoever lives in the house now. Has found the spirit and thought it a kind one.

There are times when I miss the spirit. It was like having a older brother looking out for you.
credit Shadowlands