Two paintings that hung in a Yorkshire parish church for almost 100 years have been identified as 15th century masterpieces.

The rare Italian works by the early Renaissance master Sano di Pietro have been valued at around £300,000, reports the Daily Telegraph.

They had hung unrecognised in the Lady Chapel at the Church of St John and St Mary Magdalene, Goldthorpe, South Yorkshire, since it was built in 1916.

But the five feet high panels were sent for valuation during a recent refurbishment of the church and were found to be among some of di Pietro's largest works outside Italy.

Denis Hays, 63, warden of the church, said: "They were just always there and no one ever really noticed them.

"They were in the Lady Chapel and I'd seen them so often but never taken much notice. We were amazed when we heard what they were and what they were worth.

"The place where they hung is still empty, but we might be getting some copies made of them."

The current Earl of Halifax said his great grandfather, the 2nd Viscount, donated the paintings, but their worth had been forgotten over the years.

He said : "My Great Grandfather, 2nd Viscount Halifax, built Goldthorpe Parish Church in circa 1916 and also provided most of the furnishings including these pictures."

The pictures are currently on loan to the York Art Gallery where curator Laura Turner said: "These panels are a truly incredible find and we are extremely proud to be able to put them on public show for the first time since they have been accredited to Sano di Pietro."
