WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report
Airing May 15th, 2009
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We are live on tape from Dayton, Ohio and your announcers are Jim Ross and Todd Grisham.

We see footage of the problems between Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison over the last few weeks on Superstars (which you can see on WGN).

Match Number One: John Morrison and CM Punk versus Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin

Haas and Punk start things off and they lock up and Haas takes Punk into the corner and Haas with a punch and forearms on the break. Haas with a slam but he misses a knee drop. Punk with a series of kicks followed by a knee to the midsection. Morrison tags in and he kicks Haas followed by an uppercut. Morrison with an Irish whip and a hip toss and a pommel horse leg drop. Benjamin tags in and he kicks Morrison while Haas holds him. Benjamin with a short arm clothesline. Morrison blocks a punch and he connects with punches of his own followed by a neck breaker.

Punk is tagged back in and they hit a double back elbow on Benjamin for a near fall. Benjamin with a jawbreaker and Haas tags back in and Haas kicks Punk followed by a forearm. Punk with forearms and a snap mare followed by the kick to the back. Punk with a hammer lock as he takes Haas to the mat. Punk with a kick to the back followed by a near fall. Haas sends Punk into the turnbuckles but Punk with a float over in the corner and then Punk with an arm drag into an arm bar. Haas with a forearm to the back and Punk gets Haas on his shoulders for the Go To Sleep, but Benjamin stops Punk. Punk tries to get Benjamin up but Haas pulls Benjamin off. All four men are in the ring and Punk drop kicks Benjamin out of the ring and Haas leaves the ring as well. Morrison with a baseball slide to Haas and they both go into the ringside barrier. We go to commercial.

We are back and Haas and Morrison are in the ring. Morrison with an arm drag into an arm bar. Haas with a knee and then he runs Morrison into his corner. Morrison tries to fight his way out of the corner but Haas puts Morrison in the ropes and when the referee deals with Haas, Benjamin with a kick to the chest. Benjamin tags in and he connects with an elbow to the head followed by a knee. Benjamin with a neck breaker for a near fall. Benjamin with a reverse chin lock to wear down Morrison. Morrison escapes the hold and then he tries to make the tag but Benjamin catches Morrison. Morrison with a sunset flip but Haas made the blind tag and he kicks Morrison in the back. Haas with forearms and then he chokes Morrison with his boot. Haas with a front face lock and Benjamin tags in. Benjamin with a snap mare and a rear chin lock. Morrison returns to his feet but Benjamin with a knee. Morrison tries for a neck breaker but Benjamin turns it into a backslide. Morrison is able to get out of the hold and he makes the tag to Punk.

Punk with a series of clotheslines to Benjamin and then he hits a series of kicks. Punk grazes Benjamin with a leg lariat and Benjamin is able to tag in Haas. Punk does not realize that Haas made the tag and Punk with the running knee into the corner and he sets for the bulldog, but Benjamin sees Haas and Benjamin sends Punk into an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Haas kicks Punk in the back. Haas tries for a gutwrench suplex but Punk blocks it. Haas with a waist lock but Punk with elbows. Haas with a power slam for a near fall. Haas with knees to the back and a rear chin lock. Benjamin tags in and Benjamin with a kick and then he suplexes Punk. Benjamin starts to toy with Punk but then he ups the intensity with kicks, but Punk with kicks of his own. Benjamin blocks a kick and then he hits a short arm clothesline. Haas is tagged back in and he kicks Punk in the chest. Haas with a side head lock and Punk gets out of the hold. Punk avoids a belly-to-back suplex and lands on his feet and he makes the tag to Morrison, but then Punk is clotheslined over the top rope to the floor by Haas. Morrison drops Haas on the top rope and Morrison with a clothesline and a drop kick. Morrison with a leg lariat to Haas and then he knocks Benjamin off the apron. Morrison sends Haas to the apron. Morrison tries for a shoulder but he is met with a knee to the head. Haas with the sunset flip and Morrison rolls through and connects with a Shining Wizard. Morrison goes up top but Benjamin leaps to the turnbuckles to stop Morrison. Morrison knocks Benjamin off the turnbuckles and then Punk clotheslines Benjamin over the top rope to the floor. Morrison hits the split legged corkscrew moonsault for the three count.
Winners: CM Punk and John Morrison

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that the WWE cares about the military?

Chris Jericho comes to the ring and he is dressed for action, but he is going to talk to us. Jericho mentions that Sunday is Judgment Day, the day that all must atone for what we have done. Jericho says that the hypocrites fear Judgment Day, he does not because he is a man of virtue and a pure hearted man who does exactly what he says he is going to do. Ever since he came to Smackdown, he has been lied to and disrespected. Chris says that he thought it was because he was the new kid on the block, but he realizes that it is a conspiracy. It has been perpetrated by the fraudulent, gelatinous, parasitic, tape worms. He says that it is a conspiracy by the incompetent General Manager Teddy Long. It is a conspiracy by all of the jealous wrestlers in the locker room. On Sunday, he will have his vindication. If he has to go through the entire locker room on Sunday, he will do it. He says that he is a modern day conqueror. Chris says that Smackdown is his show. The first victim in his quest is the miniscule piece of trash Rey Mysterio. Chris says that Rey took something very important to him. Rey took his chance to be the World Champion. Jericho says that he will take something away from Rey when he beats him on Sunday to become the Intercontinental Champion for the ninth time. Chris says that he is going to take away from the fans the opportunity to see Rey hit the 619. Chris says that the fans will not see a 619 tonight either as he commands Rey Mysterio to come to the ring.

A larger figure comes out and it is Edge and Edge comes to the ring. Edge says that it has been a few weeks and that is all that it has taken to make him sick of hearing Jericho’s voice. Edge wonders why Jericho thinks everyone is after him because as the World Champion, everyone is out to get him. Edge says that Jericho is out to get him too. Edge comments on Jericho’s assertions about being in charge of Smackdown. Edge points out that it is his show and it was his show when Jericho was on Raw getting beaten by John Cena. Edge points out that Jericho can be a nine time champion if he wins on Sunday, but Edge is a nine time World Champion. Edge says that he is taking over this segment and Chris Jericho might want to call out his opponent, Edge is calling out his opponent Jeff Hardy. Chris interrupts and he says that he called out Rey Mysterio first.

Neither man comes out but we get the next best option, Smackdown’s own incompetent General Manager Teddy Long. Teddy tells the playas in the ring to calm down because it is neither man’s show because it is the WWE Universe’s show. Teddy says that he will give them a match and Chris Jericho will face Edge tonight.

Jeff Hardy is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with the Smack of the Night: Rey Mysterio costing Chris Jericho his title match because of his unauthorized presence at ringside during Jericho’s match with Jeff Hardy.

Match Number Two: Jeff Hardy versus Ricky Ortiz

They lock up and Ortiz with a knee to the midsection and a forearm to the back followed by a head butt. Ortiz with a hip toss and a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Ortiz with a shoulder tackle and a series of knee drops for a near fall. Ortiz with a reverse chin lock with the arm isolated. Ortiz with head butts to Hardy followed by a near fall. Ortiz goes for the big splash but Hardy gets his knees up. Ortiz gets a near fall with a power slam. Ortiz returns to the reverse chin lock. Hardy with a flying clothesline. Hardy with running forearm to Ortiz followed by a mule kick that sends Ortiz into the corner. Hardy with the hesitation baseball slide and then Hardy with a running forearm to Ortiz in the corner. Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind and then it is time for the Twist of Fate and Swanton for the three count.
Winner: Jeff Hardy

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back to the final moments of the Hardy match.

Josh Mathews is in the ring with Jeff Hardy and Josh asks Jeff if he has the momentum leading into his match at Judgment Day. Hardy says that Edge is a creature of habit. You will see a pattern. He wins the title at a pay per view and then he loses it. At Backlash, Edge won the title but at Judgment Day Edge will lose again. Jeff says that it will not just be for him, it will be for everyone who stood with him through thick and thin and believed in him.

Time for the Raw Rebound with extra handicaps.

Alicia Fox and Michelle McCool are stretching in the locker room as we go to commercial.

We see footage of Gail Kim’s victory over Michelle McCool a few weeks ago and then we see Michelle getting her revenge with a McCool Clash.

Match Number Three: Alicia Fox and Michelle McCool versus Gail Kim and Melina

Melina and Michelle start things off and Michelle with a double leg take down but Melina punches Michelle. Alicia is tagged in and they lock up and Alicia with a kick and a full nelson. Melina drops down and Melina with an arm drag. Melina works on the arm and then she takes Alicia to the mat and tags in Gail who hits a drop kick on Alicia and gets a near fall. Gail with a forearm and Gail hits a rana. Gail with another forearm and an Irish whip. Gail with a cross body into the corner and then Michelle tries to interfere but Gail takes care of her. Gail tries for a springboard move but Michelle pulls Gail to the floor. Michelle tags back in and she rolls Gail back in and Michelle can only get a two count. Michelle punches Gail and then hits a jumping twisting neck breaker. Michelle with an inverted face lock but Gail escapes the hold using the ropes for a version of an Asai DDT. Melina tags in and she clothesline Michelle and connects with a forearm. Melina puts Michelle on the turnbuckles and Melina jumps on her midsection. Michelle sends Melina into the ropes and then she gets rollup for a near fall. Melina blocks a kick and then she hits a boot to the head for a near fall. Melina sets for an inverted DDT on Michelle but Alicia interferes and hits a clothesline on Melina. Gail sends Alicia to the floor and then Gail with a baseball slide and then Gail runs Alicia into the ringside barrier. Melina with a kick to Michelle and then Melina with the Screeching Code Red for the three count.
Winners: Melina and Gail Kim

We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Dolph Ziggler attacking Great Khali with a chair last week.

Match Number Four: Jimmy Wang Yang versus Dolph Ziggler

Dolph offers his hand to Yang and Yang does not do it so Ziggler pushes him. Yang with a kick and arm drag into an arm bar. Ziggler with punches to the back followed by a wristlock Exploder gourdbuster. Ziggler with kicks to Yang followed by an Irish whip and a splash into the corner. Ziggler with a rear chin lock into a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a series of elbow drops and then he does the delayed leaping Perfect elbow drop. Ziggler returns to the reverse chin lock. Yang with punches but Ziggler stops any offense with a knee to the head. Ziggler with a full nelson. Ziggler misses a splash into the corner and Yang with a clothesline followed by a kick to the chest and a kick to the back of the head. Yang with a kick to the back of the leg and another kick to the head for a near fall. Yang misses a spin kick but he is able to go up top and when he tries for a moonsault, Ziggler is not in the area but Yang lands on his feet and that allows Ziggler to hit the leaping inverted DDT for the three count.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Great Khali comes out and he sends Ziggler to the floor from the apron and Ziggler runs away from Khali. We go to commercial.

We are back and Cryme Tyme are in the back with Eve. They were impressed with Eve’s dance moves and Eve says that she used to be a dancer. JTG and Shad point out that Layla has taken her down twice and to make things worse, Layla is saying things about Eve’s mom. JTG and Shad point out that Layla is down the hall. Eve says that she will take care of things. Layla is in the make up chair and Eve pours powder on her head and we have a catfight. JTG and Shad break things up.

We see footage of last week’s match between R Truth and Mike Knox. Who wants a rematch.

Match Number Five: R Truth versus Mike Knox

They lock up and Knox misses a punch on a break. Truth with a punch but Knox with a forearm and slam. Knox misses a knee drop and Knox goes to the floor. Truth with a pescado onto Knox. Truth punches Knox on the floor and then they return to the ring. Knox with a big boot to Truth. Knox with a head butt and Irish whip. Knox with a splash in the corner and a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Knox catapults Truth into the ropes and gets a near fall. Knox with a reverse chin lock. Knox with a knee and Irish whip. Truth with a boot and punch to Knox. Truth with a split when Knox charges at him and Truth with a kick to the head. Truth with a flying corkscrew forearm for the three count.
Winner: R Truth

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that men and women watch Smackdown?

Josh Mathews is in the interview area with Rey Mysterio. Josh asks Rey about his match with Jericho and Chris’s comments from earlier in the show. Rey says that Jericho is arrogant, egotistical, and deceitful. Rey says that Chris has been running his mouth about being disrespected and a conspiracy. However, to gain respect, you have to earn it. Rey says that he is not going to let Jericho walk all over him. Rey says that Jericho does not have to worry about conspiracy on Sunday, just the 619.

Jim Ross and Todd Grisham are in the ring and it is time to run through the card for Judgment Day.

Match Number Six: Edge versus Chris Jericho

They get face to face and have words for each other. Jericho slaps Edge and Edge slaps Jericho back. Jericho takes Edge to the mat and he punches Edge. Edge punches Jericho and Jericho returns the favor. Jericho sends Edge into the ringside barrier and apron. Edge sends Jericho into the announce table and they return to the ring. Edge punches Jericho in the corner and he Irish whips Jericho but Jericho moves out of the way when Edge charges. Jericho sends Edge into the ring post. Jericho works on the shoulder with an arm bar. Edge with a knee to the midsection and an elbow to the back of the head. Edge puts Jericho in the ropes and he hits a cross body to the back for a near fall. Jericho with a kick and forearm to the head. Jericho chokes Edge in the ropes. Jericho with a baseball slide that sends Edge to the floor. Edge sends Jericho into the ring steps. Edge hot shots Jericho onto the ringside barrier and they return to the ring. Jericho with a kick and then he sends Edge into the turnbuckles. They go up top and they both punch each other and they go to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Edge with a suplex for a near fall. Edge punches Jericho but Jericho with a divorce court and a near fall. Jericho with a key lock and then he slams Edge while in the key lock. Jericho kicks Edge in the arm. Jericho with a kick to the arm. Jericho tries for the bulldog but Edge sends Jericho into the turnbuckles. Edge punches Jericho and hits a spear into the corner after an Irish whip. Jericho tries to use the ropes for leverage on the cover and the ref sees it. Edge does the same thing. Edge and Jericho each hit clotheslines and both men go down. Edge punches Jericho and Jericho with the bulldog. Jericho with the Lionsault but he lands on his feet. Edge with a sharpshooter and Jericho goes to the ropes. Edge tries for the Sharpshooter again and Jericho with an inside cradle. Jericho puts Edge in the Walls of Jericho. Edge gets to the ropes. Edge hits a spear and Jericho rolls to the floor. Jericho drops Edge on the top rope. Jericho gets a chair he brings it into the ring but Edge with a kick to Jericho and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Edge by disqualification

After the match, Edge gets the chair and Jeff Hardy stops Edge from using it on Jericho and Hardy with a Twist of Fate onto the chair. Hardy goes up top and Jericho tries to stop him but Jericho is pushed to the floor. Hardy with a cross body onto Jericho.

CM Punk comes to the ring with official Money in the Bank Briefcase referee. Before the bell can ring, Umaga comes to the ring. Punk hits Umaga twice with the briefcase. Punk with a pescado onto Umaga. Umaga hits an uppercut on Punk while Hardy hits a spear on Edge. Umaga and Punk fight into the crowd while Edge and Hardy also go into the crowd. Meanwhile Rey Mysterio attacks Chris Jericho on the ramp.

We go to credits.