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    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 17th Mar, 2008

    After being subjected two weeks in a row to the sadistic whims of others, next week it’s time for The Game to make the rules. And what Triple H has in mind spells nothing but hurt for his WrestleMania XXIV opponents, Randy Orton and John Cena.

    Two weeks ago, Raw General Manager William Regal announced a Triple Threat Takeover, allowing each of the three men involved in the WWE Championship Triple Threat Match to arrange their opponents’ bouts for one week. That night, on John Cena’s command, Triple H was forced to battle reigning WWE Champion Randy Orton. Last week, The Cerebral Assassin was pushed into a match with his WrestleMania XV opponent, Kane, compliments of Orton.

    This week, however, Triple H has arranged a match pitting Cena & Orton against the entire Raw roster. (No, really. It’s true!)

    What the hell does this mean? Having suffered through two weeks of his opponents’ will, can The Game capture the momentum in the weeks leading up to the greatest stage in all of sports-entertainment?

    In other action, Chris Jericho returns to Raw as the new Intercontinental titleholder after defeating former champion Jeff Hardy. The lion-hearted warrior has been salivating to recapture a title he’s held seven times prior. Now that he’s back on top, how will Y2J handle the list of contenders gunning for him?

    The bad blood continues to flow between Big Show and his WrestleMania foe Floyd “Money” Mayweather. The animosity between the two flooded the arena last week when The World’s Largest Athlete grabbed the WBC welterweight champion after their weigh-in, lifted him overhead and tossed him over the top rope causing Mayweather to injure his elbow. Will Mayweather be able to continue with their match? If so, how will The Greatest Fighter in the World retaliate?

    For answers to these questions and more, tune in to Monday Night Raw at 9/8 CT on USA network.

    Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!

    RAW Results - 17th Mar, 2008
    Location - Lafayette, Louisiana
    Announcers - Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

    It is St. Patrick's Day in the WWE and that means one thing, we are less than two weeks from Wrestlemania. Since it is a holiday that celebrates Irish heritage, I guess we will see a lot of McMahons on the show. Will Fit Finlay get his hands on Bradshaw tonight or will that have to wait until Orlando? Will we see the person who everyone should expect to see on St. Patrick's Day? I am talking about the epitome of Irish, YouManga. Will Hornswoggle be back or will his torture at the hands of Bradshaw continue? Tonight, Triple H is in charge of things and he told us last week that his two opponents in the main event for the Raw brand at Wrestlemania will be tag team partners tonight and they will be facing some of their friends on the Raw brand . . . all of the Raw brand. How many combinations of matches will we see them in tonight? Will Batista confront YouManga after what Umaga did during his match with Montel Vontavious Porter? What other surprises will be on the other side of the rainbow as the Raw roster tries to get their pot of gold at Wrestlemania?
    We are live from Lafayette, Louisiana and your announcers are Jim 'Get Him Ki Low' Ross and Jerry 'Honorary Kardashian' Lawler.

    Chris Jericho is in the ring for the Highlight Reel and he welcomes his first guest, who is already in the ring. It is the Intercontinental Title belt. He says that he is an eight time Intercontinental Champion, breaking his own record of seven. He talks about how his next guest set a record for having his face punched the most times on television, the Big Show.

    Jericho thanks Show for giving us a new clip to watch as we go to the Jeritron 6000. We see Big Show press slam Floyd Mayweather to the floor on last weeks Raw. Show says that is what he calls a highlight. That proves that nobody likes Floyd Mayweather. He says that no one in the locker room likes him and no one in the crowd likes him. He wants Floyd to know how much trouble he is in. Show says that Jericho is more skilled in the ring than Mayweather and he outweighs Mayweather by 60 or 70 pounds. If Jericho has no chance in the ring against Show, then what chance does Mayweather have? Jericho says that he has to agree to disagree. It is true that nobody likes Mayweather, but everyone thinks that Show is a jackass. Jericho disagrees with what Show said about how he could not last two minutes with Show. Jericho says that while he is climbing the ladder reaching for the briefcase in the Money in the Bank, Show will be reaching for his teeth on the floor. Show says that Jericho is the WWE equivalent of Floyd Mayweather. He is loud, arrogant, and way over his head. Show suggests that he wrestle Chris Jericho tonight for the Intercontinental Title. Show asks Jericho if the cat has his tongue or if he is ready to sing some karaoke. Jericho says that Show has been bombing since he was on Saturday Night Live eight years ago. Jericho gives Show the match.

    We go to comments from Vince McMahon. Vince talks about being the biggest and brightest star of them all, getting his star on the Walk of Fame. Vince asks what can be better than what he has gone through. He is celebrating St. Patricks Day and he could end Ric Flairs career tonight. Tonight, Ric Flair will be wrestling Vince McMahon. Vince says that he is going to retire Ric Flair because it was his edict that Flair would retire the next time he loses. Tonight, they will meet in a Street Fight. We go to commercial.

    CM Punk versus Carlito

    They lock up to a stalemate. Punk with a series of kicks to Carlito but he misses a round kick and Carlito throws Punk out of the ring. Punk returns to the ring and he gets a punch for his return. Carlito with punches in the corner. Punk with an elbow and punch to Carlito. Punk with an Irish whip but he is sent to the apron. Punk tries a shoulder but Carlito moves and he connects with a knee for a two count. Punk with a rollup for a near fall. Carlito hits the springboard back elbow for a two count. Carlito with a rear chin lock on Punk and Carlito adds more pressure with a knee to the back. Punk sends Carlito into the corner and he hits the running knee and bulldog for a two count. Punk tries for a springboard move and Carlito counters with a drop kick for a two count. Punk uses the ropes to block a lungblower and Punk tries for the Go To Sleep, but Carlito gets out of the hold. Carlito hits a neck breaker for a two count. Punk gets up and connects with a kick. Punk hits the Go To Sleep for the three count.

    Winner: CM Punk

    We go to comments from Snoop Dogg. Snoop starts to talk about how Maria never should have posed for Playboy and then he wonders who wrote this. We see Santino and he wants Snoop to stay with the script. We go to commercial.

    We are back and if you want hard news on Wednesday, dont worry it will not happen on Larry King because it is softball central.

    William Regal appears by the TitanTron. Regal talks about the match for brand supremacy between Batista and YOUMANGA.

    We see footage of Umaga attacking Batista last week during his match against Montel Vontavious Porter

    Brian Kendrick and Paul London versus Youmanga

    London and Kendrick try to surround Umaga and they kick him. Umaga gets London up and then Kendrick jumps on top of his tag team partner as Umaga hits a double Samoan Drop. Umaga tosses Kendrick into the corner. Umaga follows that with a chop to London. Both men are down in the corner and Umaga chokes Kendrick with his foot. Umaga with a punch. Umaga with a running butt splash to London followed by an attempt to Kendrick, but Kendrick gets out of the ring. Kendrick walks away while Umaga with a Samoan Spike to London for the three count.

    Winner: YouManga

    We see William Regal in his office and his GM for the night, Triple Haitch enters. Regal talks about how Kendrick walked out on his tag team partner, and if he was Randy Orton or John Cena, he would leave his tag team partner. Hunter says that cannot happen because if Cena leaves the match, he is out of the main event. If Orton leaves, Hunter will strip Orton of the title and he will face Cena for the title at Wrestlemania. Regal wonders why Hunter couldnt just strip Orton of the title. Hunter says that this is just too much fun, and he has been handed the title before and it is better to win it. We go to commercial.

    It is time for a video package about Triple H and how he missed last years Wrestlemania due to an injury.

    Jerry Lawler talks about another king as Vince McMahon got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. We have footage of the ceremony. Vince talks about the honor of having his star next to Kermit the Frog.

    Shawn Michaels is in the locker room and Ric Flair wants to know why he is even here tonight. Flair says that he will not lose at Wrestlemania. Flair says that Michaels is only here to make sure that Vince McMahon does not beat him. Flair tells Michaels that he is his own man and he does not want Shawn to get involved in anything he does until Wrestlemania. We go to commercial.

    We see Finlays comments about Bradshaw from this weeks Smackdown as Bradshaw walks to the ring for his match.

    Bradshaw has something to say before his match. He says that he was so looking forward to confronting Finlay, but unfortunately Hornswoggle is having a few complications and Finlay has to take care of his freak son. Since it is St. Patricks Day, he has to do something for the Irish who have made him rich. He will face the second greatest Irish wrestler in the WWE, the man who is taking ECW by storm, Colin Delaney.

    Bradshaw with JBLimo versus Colin Delaney

    Bradshaw wants Delaney to hit him and he does but Bradshaw responds with a slap and forearm to the back. Bradshaw with a big boot to Delaney followed by a short arm clothesline. Bradshaw with a second short arm clothesline. Bradshaw with the Clothesline from Wall Street for the three count.

    Winner: Bradshaw

    After the match
    Bradshaw tells Finlay that if he has any hope of winning, he wants Finlay to listen to him. Irish need not apply.

    We see Flair and McMahon walking in the back as we go to commercial

    We are back and we go back four months to when Ric Flair said that he would not retire. Then we see Vince McMahons statement that when Flair loses, he is done.

    Ric Flair versus Vince McMahon in a Street Fight

    Flair blocks a punch and he punches and chops McMahon. Flair goes to the kicks and then he kicks McMahon to the floor. Flair puts Vince on the announce table and Flair punches Vince in the head. Flair with chops and punches to McMahon. Vince goes into the crowd and Flair follows after him. Flair with a kick and punches. Vince sends Flair into the ring post and he is down. Vince rearranges the announce table and he grabs a monitor and hits Flair in the head area with it. Flair is now starting to wear a crimson mask. McMahon with punches and then they return to the ring and Vince gets a two count. Vince with more punches and another two count. Vince goes back to the floor and he grabs a trash can and he hits Flair in the head with it and Vince can only get a two count. Vince with more punches to the head and then he throws the trash can at the announce table.

    Vince goes back under the ring and he gets a kendo stick. Vince hits Flair twice in the head with the kendo stick but Flair kicks out at two. Vince goes back to the floor and he goes under the ring for a third time. Vince grabs a steel chair and Vince drills Flair in the head with the chair. Shawn Michaels pulls the referee out of the ring to stop the count. Shawn walks to the back after his work is done. Vince goes under the ring one more time and he gets a table. Vince sets up the table in the corner. Flair with a bloody low blow to Vince and then he hits Vince in the other grapefruit. Flair puts Vince on the table and starts to punch him. Flair goes up top and hits a frog splash on Vince and Flair gets the three count.

    Winner: Ric Flair

    It is time for a John Cena video package about what Wrestlemania means to him. We go to commercial

    We are back and Jerry Lawler is with Jared. Jared says that he is a huge WWE fan and he has some sandwiches for Jerry. Jared talks about how his fifteen minutes have lasted ten years. He talks about his commercial with John Cena.

    Maria and Candice Michelle versus Jillian Hall and Victoria

    Before the match starts, Santino Marella comes to the ring.

    Maria and Jillian start things off and Maria with a snap mare and kick. Maria with a handstand kick but Victoria interferes. Jillian with a handspring elbow into the corner. Victoria tags in and she slams Marias face to the mat and then she tosses Maria by the hair. Victoria with a slam and then she tries for a standing moonsault but Maria gets her knees up. Maria with an enzuigiri and Candice tags in and clothesline Victoria twice followed by a drop kick. Candice hits Jillian on the apron. Candice with a breakdown to Victoria for a two count. Candice kicks Jillian to the apron. Victoria with a back breaker to Candice and then Victoria with a cover for a near fall. Jillian is tagged in and she tries for a 450 splash but Candice moves out of the way. Candice knocks Victoria off the apron and then she hits the Unprettier on Jillian for the three count

    Winners: Candice Michelle and Maria

    After the match
    Santino attacks Jerry Lawler and he takes Jerrys sandwich.

    We go to a Floyd Mayweather video package

    Big Show is walking in the back as he almost hits the sprinkler in the ceiling with his head. We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Hall of Fame commercial hyping Ric Flairs induction and the appearance of the Most Electrifying Family in sports entertainment.

    We are told that tomorrow night we will find out the next inductee.

    Big Show versus Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Title

    Jericho with kicks to Shows leg but Show with a big boot to Jericho. Show with chops to Jericho. Jericho with a jawbreaker followed by punches. Show picks up Jericho and drops Jericho but Jericho lands on his feet. Show charges at Jericho but Jericho drops down and Show goes to the floor. Jericho tries for a baseball slide and Show grabs Jericho and swings Jericho into the ringside barrier. Show returns to the ring and he walks all over Jericho. Show goes to the second turnbuckle and tries for an elbow drop but Jericho moves. Jericho hits the Lionsault for a two count but Show sends Jericho through the ropes on the kick out. Jericho grabs the title belt and he hits Show with it to get disqualified.

    Winner: Big Show by disqualification

    After the match
    Show punches Jericho and then he hits a choke slam

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Big Show punching Chris Jericho and then we see Jericho staggering to the back.

    We go to a pre-recorded message from Kim Kardashian and she is joined by Big Dick Johnson.

    It is time for Randy Orton to get his equal time with a video package.

    Randy Orton is in the locker room gazing at his video package and he is joined by his BFF tonight and tag team partner, John Cena. Orton tells Cena that Triple H is doing this to see them get hurt tonight. Orton suggests that they take a dive so neither of them get hurt. Cena thinks about that plan and says that if Orton wants to lose on purpose, go ahead and do it. Orton tells Cena that if anyone is going to lie down, it will be Cena. Cena says that he is not a coward so he is not going to lose on purpose. Orton reminds Cena that he is the WWE Champion so he better listen. Cena says that he is not going to listen to Orton. Cena tells Orton that he should go out there and fight like a man.

    Hunter joins the party and he says that they have no chance. They face the entire roster and the match continues until they beat everyone or can no longer continue. Hunter says that he is rooting for them. We go to commercial.

    Randy Orton and John Cena versus seventeen Raw wrestlers
    Umaga, Bob Holly, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, Paul Burchill, Gene Snitsky, Cody Rhodes, Brian Kendrick, Charlie Haas and many more come to the ring.

    Gene Snitsky starts off and Cena tries for an FU but Snitsky hits a clothesline. He follows that with kicks and a slam. Santino tags in and he misses a forearm. Cena with a rollup to pin Santino.

    In next is Trevor Murdoch who gets a near fall. Murdoch with punches to Cena for another near fall. Cena puts Murdoch in the STFU and Murdoch taps while Cade is stopped by Orton.

    Orton hits an RKO on Cade and Cena gets the cover.

    YOUMANGA with a double clothesline to Cena and Orton as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Bradshaw with a knee to Orton followed by a side Russian leg sweep for a two count. We see Super Crazy get eliminated during the commercial with an RKO.

    We are back to live action. Jim Duggan is tagged in and he connects with a forearm before he tags in Cody Rhodes. Rhodes with punches and kicks. Paul Burchill tags in and he stomps on Orton. Val Venis tags in and he connects with a forearm and short arm clothesline. Carlito tags in and he connects with forearms to the back. Bob Holly tags in and he kicks Orton followed by a running forearm for a near fall. Robbie McAllister tags in and he gets a back breaker for his troubles. Cena tags in and he gets a leg drop for the three count.

    Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb to DH Smith and it is time for the five knuckle shuffle and the FU to eliminate him.

    Orton tags in and he hits an RKO on Burchill for the three count.

    Val Venis is the next to taste the RKO.

    Cena catches Cody Rhodes and he tosses Rhodes into an RKO to eliminate him.

    Most of the rest of the wrestlers come in and they have been eliminated by the referee. Cena gets a chair and he hits Holly, Snitsky, Carlito, and Haas. Umaga with the Samoan Spike to Cena and then Bradshaw gets the chair ready for Orton. Orton moves out of the way and he hits Umaga. Umaga does not even feel the chair shot and he gives Orton the Samoan Spike. Bradshaw leaves the ring and is chased by Umaga.

    Just when you thought it was over, it is Game Time as Hunter comes to the ring. Hunter crawls in and he tries to figure out which one to beat. Hunter sets for the Pedigree on Orton and he hits it. Cena gets to his feet and then Hunter with a Pedigree.

    Hunter holds the title belt while he points at someone sitting behind the Wrestlemania sign. We go to credits.

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Ring Crew GeeBee's Avatar
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    Location: Lafayette, Louisiana - Cajun Dome
    I will be attending this event. Will post up pictures after match up

  3. #3
    Main Eventer
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    ^ Thank you very much.

  4. #4
    I am... McLovin!! Bad Boy's Avatar
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    thx for teh pbp... and looks like a good raw..

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