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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'TLC' LIVE Coverage 2010


    TLC Match
    World Championship

    Kane © vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio

    Tables Match
    WWE Championship

    The Miz © vs. Randy Orton

    Ladder Match
    For A Shot At The WWE Title

    King Sheamus vs. John Morrison

    Ladder Match
    Intercontinental Title

    Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger

    Chairs Match
    John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

    Tables Match
    LayCool vs. Natalya and Beth Phoenix

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Toyota Center, Houston, Texas


    We start out the show with a video package highlighting tonight's Tables, Ladders and Chairs theme, as well as the main feuds heading into tonight.

    The pyro hits and Michael Cole welcomes us to the PPV proper. Cole hypes tonight's TLC theme right off the bat before gloating about his Slammy awards and introducing Matt Striker and Jerry Lawler who will be announcing with him tonight. The Intercontinental Championship is shown dangling above the ring, and it looks like we'll get a three way ladder match to kick things off. Kofi Kingston's music hits and he makes his way out to the ring to a big pop.

    Intercontinental Championship
    Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger

    Triple Threat Ladder Match

    The contest begins with all three guys going at it with the WWE Universe firmly in the corner of Kofi Kingston. Kofi and Swagger butt heads and end up at ringside early, meanwhile we see Ziggler grab a ladder and get into the ring
    with the clmibing aparatus early. He climbs to get within touching distance of his Belt, but Kofi and Swagger prevent him from winning this match early. The contest continues with a smaller ladder coming into play and Ziggler and Kofi duke it out. Swagger has hurt his hand and is getting seen to at ringside, but when he comes back in he manages to catapult Dolph Ziggler into the underside of the smaller ladder. After that Swagger and Kingston battle it out with Kofi getting the upper hand, but then Ziggler Fame-Asser's the Ghanaian onto the ladder which is on top of the All-American American. All three competitors then end up at ringside as this fast and furious contest continues. Next we see Vickie Guerrero get into the ring, climb the ladder and actually reach for the Belt.

    Kofi Kingston though comes in and tips the ladder from the bottom rung and Vickie is squeeling for her life.

    Dolph comes in and eventually saves her and Vickie gets down unharmed (damn). Again, the fight goes to ringside and as Kofi gets back into the ring, Swagger follows with a grab of his opponent's ankle. Kofi though climbs the ladder while in the ankle lock! Ziggler resoucefully comes in and climbs over Swagger and then Kofi to again get within inches of unhooking the Belt. Swagger is booted away by Kofi who makes sure Ziggler can't get the Belt.

    Dolph though turns it around on Kingston and puts him in the sleeper. Eventually though Kofi and Ziggler exchange a test of strength before Ziggler decks back onto the canvas. It's Kofi's Title now, it has to be, but no, Swagger's back in and he climbs to play tug-o-war with Kofi for the Title, but as that happens the Belt falls! Neither Kofi or Swagger have the Belt and it's Ziggler who scrambles to pick up the Belt! Holy smokes, Ziggler retains due to a fumble?! What a controversial start to TLC.

    Winner: Dolph Ziggler

    Backstage, Wade Barrett spoke to the Nexus. He said that David Otunga couldn’t be there because of what John Cena did to him at Raw. He promised that tonight, Nexus was going to take care of Cena once and for all.

    WWE Divas championship Match
    Natalya & Beth Phoenix (C's) vs. Lay Cool – Tables Match

    The painted table from Smackdown is at ringside. All four battled at the bell. Phoenix slammed McCool atop of Layla. Phoenix and Natalya brought the pink table into the ring. And set it up in the corner. Phoenix grabbed McCool on her shoulders with a Fireman’s Carry. Layla tried to stop her but was pulled atop her shoulders as well. She tried to put both through the table but Layla slipped off and took Phoenix down.

    LayCool took control of the bout, They whipped Natalya into the corner. McCool tossed Phoenix through the ropes and Beth hit her head on the apron and then folded over herself, crashing to the floor. It looks disgustingly brutal.

    Lay Cool set up a table in the ring and began working over Natalya. Layla suplexed McCool up to McCool for a Styles Clash off the ropes through a table but Phoenix pulled Layla out of the ring and saved Natalya. Phoenix tried to press and drop McCool to a table but McCool slipped out and attacked her from behind.

    Layla tossed Natalya out of the ring. She began unloading on Beth with forearm smashes to the face and then clubbing blows over the back. Beth tried to press Layla. Natalya provided the assist but McCool ran under them and flipped over the table.

    McCool and Layla had control for a moment. Natalya tried to catapult Layla into the table in the corner, but McCool tried to interfered. Natalya stopped her and locked the Sharpshooter on both at the same time, which was awesome. McCool tapped but obviously it didn’t count.

    LayCool escaped and took control, working over Natalya. They drove her back-first into the corner. They placed Natalya on the top rope and tried for a double suplex. Beth tried to interfere but Layla ran her into a ringpost, where Phoenix took a bump off the apron to the floor.

    LayCool tried again but Natalya powered up and shoved them off the ropes. They hit the table and bent it inwards but it didn’t break, which was probably the finish. The crowd popped, realizing LayCool was trapped. Natalya hit a top rope splash on both, putting them through the table for the win.

    Your winners: Natalya & Beth Phoenix!


    Kane goes off about Xmas and destroys all the Xmas decorations saying he will destroy his opponents tonight.

    WWE Tag Team Championship Match
    Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov (C's) vs. Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater

    Santino took the mic before the bout and said that they are the champions, so they are the best “two on two grapple fighting in the galaxy.” He promised they would retain the belts against the “Lexus” and TLC stands for “Totally Legal Cobra.”

    Michael McGuillicuty and Husky Harris were at ringside.

    Gabriel took Santino down easily and controlled him early. Santino reversed and took him down with a headlock. Gabriel sent him into the ropes and tried to hiptoss Santino. Santino escaped and tried to use a legsweep to knock Gabriel down, then nailed him. Gabriel tagged out to Slater but Santino maintained control of the match.

    Slater caught Santino with a series of knees to the back and his neck. He continued working over him and whipped Santino into the corner but Santino escaped and went for the cobra. Slater backed off and Kozlov tagged in. Kozlov began tossing Slater around, nailing a Fall Away slam. Slater escaped from the ring but Kozlov followed and rammed him back-first into the apron. He tossed Slater back into the ring but Husky Harris took out his leg as Kozlov returned to the ring.

    Slater and Gabriel worked over Kozlov for several near falls. Kozlov fought to make a tag but Gabriel cut him off. The Nexus continued to isolate Kozlov. The fans were chanting “Wendys” at Slater. Nexus continued to work over Kozlov. The referee missed the tag to Santino, so Kozlov was dragged back to Nexus’ corner. Kozlov used a headbutt to nail Slater and made the tag to Santino.

    Santino workled over Gabriel with several punches and a hiptoss. He hit a stunner and went for the cobra but the referee was distracted by Husky Harris to allow Michael McGuillicuty to attack Santino from behind. The ref caught it and called for the DQ.

    Your winners and still champions: Kozlov and Santino!


    The Nexus attacked the champions and laid them out. Wade Barrett came out with a steel chair. The crowd was really reacting to Wade’s entrance. Barrett drilled Kozlov in the gut with a chair then nailed him over the back. Santino then ate one across the back. The announcers said that it was a message to John Cena.

    The crowd chanted for Cena, who despite these guys backing him up when he was “fired” for a few weeks, was nowhere to be found. The angle was fine for what it was designed to do - show off Nexus as a threat - but it only undercuts Cena as the hero when he doesn't stand up to help the undercard guys who had his back a few weeks ago on Raw.

    Number 1# Contender Ladder Match:
    Sheamus vs. John Morrison

    They locked up with Sheamus backing Morrison into the corner. Morrison muscled out but was caught and taken down to the mat. Morrison fought his way back up but ate a shoulderblock. Sheamus mocked him They locked up again and the force sent them both over the top to the floor. Sheamus grabbed Morrison and slammed him backwards into the guard rail.

    Sheamus grabbed a ladder and bridged it between the announcer’s table and the apron. Michael Cole warned him to watch Cole’s Slammys. Morrison slid under the ladder and nailed Sheamus, who returned in kind. Morrison escaped Sheamus picking him up and tackled him into the barricade. Morrison set up a ladder but Sheamus hit him with a running kick on the outside. Good early moments.

    Sheamus grabbed a ladder, only to find Morrison had leapt off the barricade with a flying clothesline. Morrison set up the ladder in the center of the ring. He began climbing up but Sheamus shoved him off the ladder, then shoved the ladder and Morrison into the corner. Morrison kicked him in the gut through the ladder, then used it as a base, nailing a corkscrew twisting dive over the ladder onto Sheamus.

    Morrison brought the ladder to the center of the ring and began ascending. Sheamus went after the leg and slammed it through the rung, tying Morrison to the tree of woe. Sheamus teased dumping the ladder forward and finally did it, with Morrison crashing to the mat and the ladder landing atop of him. That was great.

    Sheamus began stomping the hell out of Morrison’s leg, then grabbed the ladder and threw it down on Morrison’s leg. I am loving this. Sheamus set up the ladder and made his way toward the contract. Morrison crawled his way to the ladder and grabbed Sheamus’ leg. Sheamus gave up going for the contract and slammed Morrison atop of the ladder, then drilled Morrison’s knee into the ladder.

    Sheamus placed Morrison’s leg through the ladder rungs, then twisted the ladder, torturing Morrison’s leg at the same time. Sheamus began beating the ladder and Morrison’s leg into the mat. They are doing a ton of new, unique spots here. Sheamus went for the ladder. Morrison made his way to his feet but Sheamus overpowered him. He locked up Morrison’s knee in the ladder again and began working him over in the corner.

    Sheamus climbed a ladder but Morrison threw the other ladder at Sheamus’ back. Morrison mounted a comeback but when he went for a kick, Sheamus grabbed the bad leg and slammed Morrison down. Sheamus grabbed the ladder and charged Morrison, who nailed a drop toehold and Sheamus ate the ladder face-first. Sheamus grabbed Morrison, who nailed a Pele Kick. Morrison went for an attack but was hit with the Irish Curse.

    Sheamus and Morrison both went for ladders on opposite sides of the ring. They charged each other with the ladders. Morrison got the better of the exchange, taking Sheamus out. Morrison set up a ladder across the middle turnbuckle ropes. He flapjacked Sheamus onto the ladder. Morrison then hit an atomic drop onto the other ladder and sent Sheamus over the top to the floor. This is great!

    Morrison grabbed a ladder and threw it out of the ring and down on Sheamus. Morrison, selling his bad leg, set up the other ladder and began to painfully make his way to the top. Cole said he was “gingerly making the climb.” I looked for Randy Savage. Sheamus wiped out Morrison’s knee and sent him to the floor. It’s going to be hard to top this one.

    Sheamus made his way up and grabbed at the contract, which slid away and began swinging back and forth. Morrison made his way up and drilled Sheamus with a series of punches, taking him down. He went for the contract but Sheamus pulled him down and went for a powerbomb out of the ring. Morrison turned it into a hurancanrana over the ropes to the floor. Morrison pulled himself back through the ropes and got to the top of the ladder, only to be shoved off when Sheamus tipped the ladder.

    Sheamus and Morrison continued to battle. They ended up battling where the ladder was bridged outside the ring. Morrison tried to suplex Sheamus off a ladder to the outside onto the bridged ladder but Sheamus fought it off. They battled atop of the ladder in the ring. Morrison sent Sheamus flying over the ropes through the bridged ladder, breaking it in half. Morrison took a bump to the floor as well. This is just off the charts.

    Morrison dragged himself back into the ring. He made it to the top of the ladder when Sheamus amazingly returned. Jerry Lawler asked if Sheamus was the Terminator. Sheamus shoved the ladder backwards. Morrison caught himself on the ropes and shoved the ladder forward, punting Sheamus in the face with a kick and wiping him out. Morrison made it to the contract and retrieved it.

    Your Winner and New Top Contender to the WWE Championship: John Morrison!

    Morrison continued to celebrate on top of the ladder.

    We go backstage with WWE Champion The Miz and Josh Matthews. Matthews mentions Morrison now being the #1 contender and asks who will be WWE Champion after tonight, he or Randy Orton.

    Miz says he will and says he is going to kill the legend of Randy Orton tonight. Miz says he is the new face of the entire WWE and is awesome.


    We see Wade Barrett and Husky Harris walking backstage. Todd Grisham tries to stop them but Husky says they have to get ready for Wade's match.

    They walk into the locker room where everyone else is laid out with chairs it looks like. Wade tells Husky to lock the door and he shuts it in our face.

    WWE Championship Title Tables Match:
    The Miz vs. Randy Orton

    Orton controlled early, slamming Miz into the buckles and slamming him down. He began drilling Miz’s arms with kicks and whipped him hard into the buckles. Orton stomped the hell out of Miz. Orton charged Miz, who ducked out of the way. Orton hit the buckles and Miz began working him over. Orton came back with a right. Miz reversed an Irish Whip but Orton came out of the corner with a running clothesline.

    They went to the floor. Orton went for a table. Alex Riley tried to distract him but Orton caught it and went right back after Miz. Riley slid the table back under the ring. That was pretty funny. Orton suplexed Miz on the floor but there was no table. He tossed Miz back into the ring and pulled the table back out. Miz dropkicked the table into Orton.

    Miz set up the table but Orton cut him off. Orton grabbed him for a powerslam off the ring steps through the table but Miz slipped out and then shoved Orton into the ring steps. He grabbed the top portion of the steps and drilled Orton in the head with them. Miz pulled another ring out from under the ring and set it up on the floor. Miz placed Orton on the table but it collapsed under him. Miz worked over Orton then set up the table again and tested it. He placed Orton atop of it and went to the top for a splash but Orton rolled off the table.

    Miz and Orton battled back and forth on the floor. Miz slammed Orton into the ring steps again and pulled out another table in front of the announce table. Good stuff here. Orton was tossed back in the ring, where Miz worked him over. Miz set up a table in the corner.

    Orton made a comeback and hit a snap powerslam but Miz rolled to the apron. Orton kicked him and dragged him over the ropes for the hanging DDT and nailed it. Orton set up a table in the ring as Miz recovered. Orton nailed his patented backbreaker and set up for the RKO. Miz pulled himself up but Riley hit the ring. Orton scared him off.

    Miz went for the Skull Crushing Finale but Orton shoved him back and the referee was bumped. Riley hit the ring and ate an RKO. Orton powerbombed Riley though a table. Miz grabbed him and hit the Skull Crushing Finale Her rolled Riley away from the broken table and showed the dazed referee that Orton was down. The referee called for the bell.

    LAMEST FINISH EVER but it does set up additional rematches and reinforces the idea that Miz acts like he’s the best in the world but is really squeaking by on technicalities. The work in the match until the finish was real good. Orton as a babyface is growing on me and Miz is just pure genius in his role as champion.

    Wait a minute. The official saw the replay and restarted the match. OK I am on board for that as a pretty unique false finish. Orton attacked Miz on the floor and whipped Miz into the ringpost. Orton tossed Miz into the ring and leapt on the apron. Miz shoved Riley into Orton, who crashed backwards through a table.

    Your winner and still WWE champion: The Miz!


    We see Rosa Mendes backstage admiring Alberto Del Rio's car. He walks up and they speak in Spanish before she walks off. Edge appears on top of Del Rio's car. Edge says Kane is a monster and they need to team up with Rey Mysterio to take him out. Del Rio asks, really? Edge says no, not really. That way of thinking doesn't work in a TLC match.

    Edge talks about how he's more experienced. Del Rio says Edge has no class. Del Rio tells Edge to go ask his friend Christian. Del Rio tells Edge he doesn't know him. Edge say he's walking out World Champion tonight and storms off.

    WWE World Title TLC Fatal Four Way Match:
    Kane (c) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge

    All four began battling at the bell. Mysterio had a Gene Simmon-inspired mask and outfit. Del Rio worked on Rey in the ring but Rey turned it into a head scissors into the corner and stomped him. Mysterio hit a flying dropkick into the corner. Meanwhile. Kane and Edge battled on the floor.

    Mysterio placed a ladder in the ring and climbed to the top but Del Rio tipped the ladder. Mysterio crashed to the outside, wiping out Edge and Kane. Del Rio climbed the ladder but Mysterio met him. Del Rio took him out and Mysterio took a bump onto another ladder. Del Rio tried to whip Rey into a ladder in the corner but it was reversed.

    Rey went up the ladder but Del Rio pulled him down onto his shoulders. Mysterio landed on a ladder in the corner while escaping and rode it down onto Del Rio. Rey went to take Kane down with a Lucha move but was caught and dropped face-first onto a ladder. Edge and Kane battled but Kane slammed a ladder down atop of him.

    Kane threw a ladder to the outside on Rey and Alberto. Edge blocked a chokeslam and DDT’d Kane. Edge grabbed the ladder and rammed it into Kane’s head. Kane and the ladder went crashing to the floor. Edge grabbed the largest ladder on the outside and brought it into the ring. He caught Kane bringing another one into the ring and dropkicked it into the World champion. Kane and Edge battled around ringside.

    Edge set up a table outside the ring but was cut off by Kane and slammed head-first into the announcers table. Kane then drilled Del Rio with a kick to the head and laid out Rey as well. Kane began setting up a table but ripped the leg off accidentally. Kane tossed Edge into the crowd and worked on Del Rio. Kane caught Rey coming off the apron then grabbed Del Rio by the throat as well. Edge attacked him and the three challengers swarmed over the champion.

    Edge and Rey soon turned on Del Rio and sent him into the barrier with such force the wall popped off. Edge and Rey began working on Kane, then set a new table up outside the ring. Rey and Edge placed Kane on the table and peppered him with punches. Edge brought a ladder near the area where the table was. Edge went up the ladder and splashed out of the ring, putting Kane through the ladder.

    Rey immediately went to the ladder and began climbing up. Del Rio pulled him down and whipped Rey into the corner, then drilled him with a clothesline. Del Rio grabbed a chair from his ring announcer. He charged Rey but was caught and put in the 619 position. Del Rio ducked out and Rey flipped around back into the ring, where Edge speared him and then Del Rio.

    Edge climbed to the top of the ladder but Kane returned, tossing the ladder over. Edge crotched himself on the top rope in a nasty fall. Kane mauled Del Rio and Edge outside the ring. Kane dragged Edge to the ladder set up in the aisle and used him to wipe them out. Kane grabbed a chair and nailed Del Rio in the aisle, then turned his attention to Kane and Edge.

    Kane swung a chair on the stage but Edge ducked. Kane took out Del Rio but ate a spear from Edge. Rey climbed up to the tables hanging above the stage and hit a Thesz Press onto Kane. Great idea. Rey realizes he’s closer to the ring and charges to set up the ladder but Del Rio hit the ring and cut off Rey. Rey set him up for the 619 as Edge returned, then did the same to Edge. Rey drilled Del Rio with the move, but when he went for it on Edge, Edge pulled a chair up and Rey’s knees hit them.

    With everyone else out, Edge set up the ladder and began to slowly make his way up the ladder. Del Rio began to follow as Rey set up a smaller ladder adjacent to them. Del Rio grabbed Edge’s arm to trap him. Rey knocked Del Rio off the ladder and took his place. He and Edge battled atop the ladder. They both ended up crashing down to the mat.

    Alberto’s ring announcer climbed up the ladder at Del Rios’ order and made his way to the top, only to find that Kane had returned to the ring. Kane grabbed him and chokeslammed him off the ladder. Del Rio then ate a chokeslam as well. Kane sent Edge crashing through a table to the floor. Mysterio knocked over the ladders, set up Kane and nailed him with the 619, then dumped Kane to the floor.

    Rey went to set up the ladder and made his way up. He slowly made his way and grabbed at the title but Del Rio attacked him and beat Rey as he pulled him down the ladder. Del Rio applied the rolling armbreaker. Del Rio smiled as he looked up at the belt, then went right back after Rey. Rey tapped but it didn’t mean a thing.

    Del Rio made it to the top of the ladder but Rey tipped him and Del Rio took a crazy bump to the outside through two tables. There goes my prediction of Del Rio. Rey made his way back to the top of the ladder but Kane recovered and followed him. Rey kicked him off and hit a springboard moonsault off the middle rope. Kane caught him in the air and nailed the tombstone.

    Kane had a trickle of blood coming from his head. No stoppage!

    Kane climbed up the ladder but Edge nailed him with several shots with the chair. Kane started to come down and Edge nailed him in the jaw with the chair. Edge speared Kane off the apron through a table on the floor.

    Edge was left alone in the ring and climbed the ladder. He made it to the top and pulled the ladder down, winning the World title for the tenth time.

    Your winner: Edge!

    Cody Rhodes comes out to the stage and says Christmas has come early to Houston.

    He's going to stuff everyone's stockings with his dashing grooming tips. Cody makes his way to the ring and disses the Houston crowd and says they carry disease called IJS, Iritable Jowel Syndrome. Cody points out his own jaw line and continues to pick on the fans.

    Christmas music hits and out comes The Bella Twins with Santa Claus. They're throwing gifts to the fans in the crowd. It's Big Show dressed as Santa. Cody says he doesn't appreciate being interrupted and calls Show by name. He says he's not Big Show, he's Santa.

    They go back and forth until Big Santa hits a big spinebuster on Cody and then rips his shirt and jacket off. Show then rips Cody's pants off.

    Show then rips Cody's pants off and leaves him in just underwear and a tie.

    Barrett is waklking with the only standing Nexus member left 'Husky' and he reminds him to be careful because it is only them two left. As both men start to walk through a doorway, a chair swings out of nowhere knocking Husky right in the face and he goes flying to the ground knocked out.

    Barrett checks on Husky as he looks up, Cena comes from around the doorway and says no Nexus left but you and then begins to walk off with Barrett watching him.

    CM Punk came out to commentate the main event.

    Chairs Match:
    John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

    They locked up but Barrett got in the ropes to force a break. Barrett tried to escape the ring but Cena grabbed him and used a headlock takedown. They locked up and went through the ropes to the floor. Barrett grabbed a chair and took several shots at Cena. Cena grabbed a chair to even the odds.

    They returned to the ring with the chairs. They snapped chairs. Cena worked over Barrett in the corner as Barrett covered up. Cena bulldogged Barrett into a chair for a two count. Barrett came back to work over Cena and lifted him into a slam for a two count.

    They went to the floor where Barrett shot Cena into the chair shoulder-first. Barrett went to slam a chair over Cena’s head on the stairs but Cena rolled out of the way. Cena made his way up the aisle, trying to put distance between he and Barrett but was nailed in the back. Barrett grabbed the bottom section of the ring steps and brought them up the aisle towards Cena.

    They battled up to the stage. Barrett went for a powerbomb but Cena backdropped him on the stage. Cena went to the back and retrieved an office chair on wheels. Barrett was out so Cena doused him with water to wake him, then ran the wheel chair down the ramp hard and into the steel steps section, which was set up sideways in the aisle. That was original!

    Barrett came back to place an open chair across Cena’s neck and run him into the ringpost with it. He rolled Cena into the ring and drilled the chair down across Cena’s chest. Barrett placed the chair over Cena and sat down in it, trying to choke Cena with it. Cena powered up and shoved Barrett over. Cena made the comeback with several shoulderblocks but Barrett swung and drilled him with the chair.

    Barrett tried up Cena in the ropes and worked him over with punches. The referee tried to free Cena but Barrett yelled at him. Barrett began battering Cena with the chair. Cena fought his way out and made the comeback, nailing the five knuckle shuffle. Cena went for the Attitude Adjustment, but Barrett escaped and nailed a sideslam for a two count.

    Barrett wedged a chair in between the turnbuckles in the corner. He tried to send Cena in but Cena reversed. Barrett blocked hitting the chair. Cena went for the STF but Barrett kicked him off into the chair. Barrett continued working over Cena. Barrett went to the ropes to drive a chair into Cena but Cena rolled out of the way. Both men were down.

    They recovered and went for the chair but Cena retrieved it first and drilled Barrett over the back. Cena hit an Arabian Facebuster off the top rope, on Barrett. Cena set up six chairs facing each other in the center of the ring.

    He grabbed Barrett and nailed the Attitude Adjustment through them and scored the pin.

    Your winner: John Cena!


    After the match, Cena realized Barrett was trying to climb away and followed him with a chair. He drilled Barrett over the back with the chair. Barrett tried to escape but drilled him again. Barrett was left laying under all the hanging chairs that were stage decorations. Cena pulled several chairs off a palate that was used to bring out the weapons during the matches. He trapped Barrett under the palate and they played his music. Cena silenced them, then grabbed one of the series of hanging chairs and snapped them down, raining them down atop the palate. A really great visual (yet totally safe) to close the show.

  3. #3
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Looks like an interesting card

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Main Eventer John's Avatar
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    TLC Match
    World Championship
    Kane © vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio

    Tables Match
    WWE Championship
    The Miz © vs. Randy Orton

    Ladder Match
    For A Shot At The WWE Title
    King Sheamus vs. John Morrison

    Ladder Match
    Intercontinental Title
    Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger

    Chairs Match
    John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

    Tables Match
    LayCool vs. Natalya and Beth Phoenix

  5. #5
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Not the strongest card to be honest. And only 6 matches? :eek: One of those matches gotta be long then.
    I still can't understand why they mixed Del Rio/Rey and Kane/Edge feud. It's stupid.

    If Rey couldn't go a whole match, why not let Del Rio squash him? It would pump Del Rio's heel gimmick

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smartmark View Post
    Not the strongest card to be honest. And only 6 matches? :eek: One of those matches gotta be long then.
    I still can't understand why they mixed Del Rio/Rey and Kane/Edge feud. It's stupid.

    If Rey couldn't go a whole match, why not let Del Rio squash him? It would pump Del Rio's heel gimmick
    I still think it is a good idea they joined these matches, as long as Rey or Del Rio do not win. Kane is getting on in years and even though some say he can not last a TLC match (he has before) I think Kane will find having these two join the match help. Now, not all action has to be on Kane and he can rest part way through.

  7. #7
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    I really hope Kane retains. I really do. Would make him look strong

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smartmark View Post
    I really hope Kane retains. I really do. Would make him look strong
    I would love to see that, I have been so happy to see Kane at the top as he really does deserve this run. I would have rather seen Taker take it away form him but that won't happen.

  9. #9
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    ^^ No, Finally Kane got his revenge on Taker. The only way Taker could come back now is as the biker

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smartmark View Post
    ^^ No, Finally Kane got his revenge on Taker. The only way Taker could come back now is as the biker
    I don't see him coming back as the biker now. He has been buried alive before and come back as Taker. Also, it would be a shame if he came back as the biker, I would hate to see him end his career as that instead of The Undertaker which made him a world wide success.

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