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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default RAW LIVE Coverage and Discussion - 29th Sep, 2014

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    RAW LIVE Coverage and Discussion - 29th Sep, 2014
    Location - Chicago, Illinois
    Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole.

    Last Monday on Raw, Triple H missed out on the opportunity to have John Cena and Dean Ambrose battle each other and he gave Ambrose and Cena matches against Kane and Randy Orton. Dean Ambrose was put in a secured room guarded by the building’s finest security detail. At the end of the night, Seth Rollins did not know that his special gift for Randy Orton was replaced by Dean Ambrose.

    Triple H, the COO of WWE, and Stephanie McMahon, one of the Principal Owners of WWE, make their way to the ring.

    Stephanie asks why these people cheer for quitters (referring to the CM Punk) and she says that they can relate because they are quitters. They would rather quit and fail rather than dig in and fight for what you believe in. Things get tough at work, you quit your job. You have a fight with your wife, you quit your family.

    Or you can steal, just like Dean Ambrose did with Seth Rollins’ Money in the Bank briefcase. It does not matter because the contract is still Seth’s. Stephanie says that Dean’s actions will not be tolerated.

    Hunter says the briefcase is a symbol. It is a symbol that represents this business. He says that he will not let anybody disrespect this business.

    Paul Heyman interrupts and he makes his way to the stage. He apologizes for the interruption and he points out that he is the advocate for the WWE World Champion . . . BROCK LESNAR. Paul says that it is ironic that Hunter said ‘disrespected’ because his client feels disrespected. He feels disrespected that John Cena was a moment away from becoming the WWE Champion and disrespected by the fact that Hunter’s boy Seth Rollins not only got in the way of what would have been a successful title defense. He also curb stomped his client and attempted to cash in the Money in the Bank contract.

    That is why his client BROCK LESNAR has instructed him to come here to Chicago . . . of all places, and find out first hand if his client has a problem that he needs to deal with involving Seth Rollins, or if his client has a problem that he has to deal with . . .

    Stephanie interrupts and points out that Paul is a shrewd businessman and she tells him to choose his words carefully. If you are threatening . . .

    Seth Rollins’ music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

    We are back and Orton with a power slam to Cena and Orton poses over Cena. Orton gets a near fall. ena avoids the RKO but he cannot avoid a back breaker and Orton gets a near fall. Kane tags in and he gets a near fall. Kane with a nerve hold while they split screen Rollins getting green pain all over his suit.

    Cena with a drop kick to the abdomen and Kane stays on his feet. Kane with a side slam and he gets a near fall. Orton tags in he slams Cena’s arm into the mat. Ambrose tries to get into the ring but that does not help Cena because Orton with boots and forearms to Cena for a near fall. Orton with a reverse chin lock.

    Cena gets to his feet but Orton with a kick and he sends Cena to the ropes for the IEDDT but since it is the first time, Cena back drops Orton over the top rope to the floor. Cena crawls across the ring and he makes the tag. Ambrose with a clothesline and forearm to Orton and he knocks Kane off the apron. Ambrose with a cross body and punches followed by a clothesline that sends Orton over the top rope.

    Kane grabs Ambrose’s leg and Ambrose with a pescado onto Kane followed by a suicide dive to Orton. Orton with a kick but Ambrose bounces off the ropes for a clothesline. Ambrose with the Dean Driver but Seth Rollins breaks up the cover and the referee calls for the bell.

    After the match, Rollins continues the attack on Ambrose while Kane goes after Cena. Ambrose sends Kane to the floor and he hits a suicide dive on Kane. Rollins tries to escape but Cena cuts off his escape. Ambrose with a clothesline and Ambrose with a double leg take down and punches to Rollins. Orton hits Rollins from behind. Cena sends Orton to the floor.

    Cena punches Rollins in the corner but Ambrose leaps over Cena to punch Rollins. Cena throws Ambrose to the mat to go after Rollins. Ambrose throws Cena to the floor and then Ambrose grabs the briefcase. Orton gives Ambrose an RKO.

    Rollins tells Kane to give Ambrose a choke slam and he obliges. Rollins tells Orton and Kane that they need to finish him. Kane puts Ambrose’s head over the briefcase and Rollins hits Black Out onto the briefcase.

    Cena is able to get into the ring a few moments to late and he goes after Kane, Rollins, and Orton but Randy with an RKO to Cena. Kane with a choke slam to Cena and then Rollins hits Black Out on Cena on the briefcase.

    We go to credits.

    Seth wants to get things straight. No one in the Authority told him to run down and try to cash in his Money in the Bank contract. He did it on his own. No one suggested that he curb stomp Brock Lesnar’s face into the mat. He is disappointed in Paul because he thought Paul would respect and understand his decision. He is trying to establish a career the same way Paul did . . . on opportunity.

    Seth says that he was trying to make the most of his opportunity. He says that he thinks he speaks for everyone in saying that no one wants John Cena to win the World Title again. Because of the man he is, he wanted to become champion by beating the best. The best is his client, Brock Lesnar.

    Brock should be honored and not insulted by what he did at Night of Champions. Seth says, from the bottom of his heart, that he is truly sorry. He is sorry. He shakes Paul’s hands.

    Paul says that what Seth did took a lot of chutzpah. If he tries it again, Seth won’t be dealing with him, he will be dealing with Brock Lesnar.

    Hunter stops Paul from leaving the ring and he says that he enjoyed his conversation and he tells Paul to have a nice night.

    Seth says that now that this is out of the way, he appreciates them coming out to chastise Dean Ambrose on his behalf. Dean is the furthest thing from normal. Dean thinks that this is funny and he is probably laughing. Seth says that it isn’t funny and it never was funny. Seth tells Dean that he has his personal items in his possession.

    If Dean does not come down here right now, what he did with the cinder blocks will be nothing compared to what he will do.

    Dean appears on the TitanTron and he says that he wants to sew his eyes shut having to look at Seth and the Authority. Seth used to be a man, but now that he is corporate mommy and daddy are fighting for him, if he wants the briefcase back . . . come and get it.

    As Seth, Hunter, and Stephanie walk up the ramp, John Cena’s music plays and he attacks Seth and he takes Seth into the ring but Seth escapes and he joins Hunter and Stephanie on the stage.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Stephanie says that Dean is playing mind games. Hunter tells Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble to get the briefcase back in one piece. The number of pieces of Dean Ambrose doesn’t matter. Noble asks for some sledgehammers. Hunter says that him and thinking aren’t a cohesive unit. He doesn’t care how it happens, he wants it back.

    Intercontinental Championship
    Cesaro versus Miz (with Damien Sandow) vs Dolph Ziggler

    Cesaro and Miz team up on Ziggler with kicks but Cesaro tries to pull Miz out of the corner but Miz with kicks. Cesaro with kicks but Miz with a rollup on Miz for a near fall. Cesaro sends Miz into Ziggler in the corner and Cesaro with a gutwrench suplex for a near fall. Cesaro with a double leg take down and he tries for the giant swing but Miz hits Cesaro and Cesaro turns it into a catapult. Miz with a rollup on Ziggler for a near fall. Ziggler with punches Miz. Miz tries for the Reality Check but he only hits one neck breaker. Cesaro with a back breaker to Miz and he sends Ziggler over the top rope before getting a near fall on Miz.

    Cesaro presses Miz over his head but Ziggler with a drop kick to the back and Ziggler gets a near fall on Cesaro.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Cesaro with a cobra clutch on Ziggler. Miz tries for a rollup but Ziggler rolls up Cesaro for a near fall. They alternate near falls on rollups and Ziggler with a double hesitation DDT on Miz and Cesaro. Cesaro misses a short arm clothesline but Ziggler with a splash on Miz followed by a drop kick and splash on Cesaro. Miz with a DDT and neck breaker combination on Miz and Cesaro.

    Cesaro rolls to the floor. Miz grabs Ziggler’s leg and Miz gets a near fall. Ziggler with a baseball slide to Sandow. Miz blocks a Fameasser but Ziggler counters into a sunset flip. Miz tries for the figure four leg lock when Ziggler comes off the turnbuckles but Ziggler kicks him away. Cesaro with a European uppercut by Cesaro. Cesaro tries for a sunset flip but Miz holds on to the ropes. Ziggler slingshots Cesaro into Miz’ groin and then Ziggler applies the figure four leg lock on Miz.

    Cesaro with a double stomp to break up the hold. Cesaro gets a near fall on Ziggler. He tries again with the same result. Cesaro misses a splash into the corner. Miz with the Awesome Clothesline and then he goes up top but Cesaro with a European uppercut. Cesaro goes after Sandow on the apron and Ziggler comes back into the ring with a super kick to Cesaro and he gets the three count on Miz.

    Winner: Dolph Ziggler

    After the match:
    Sandow and Miz are down on the floor holding their knee while Ziggler celebrates.

    Noble and Mercury ask everyone in the back if they saw Dean Ambrose and no one has seem him. They see Great Khali and Khali says that he cannot hear him so Noble yells louder.

    We are back and we have a video of Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt says that he is lost. Everything about him is a mystery. Life is cool. She took everything away with her cold hands. What do you give a man who has nothing? Bray says that he gave him a reason to exist. He fixed him. Now, he sent him out to your world as a wolf amongst the sheep.

    Luke says that he tries to piece himself back together. Bray says that he is set free.

    Luke says ‘peekaboo . . . you’re doomed’

    Mercury tells Hunter and Stephanie where they have been looking for Ambrose. Noble says that they have been all over and have not found him. Stephanie asks if they stopped to get something to eat during their search. Stephanie tells them if they cannot find him, they will be fired.

    Miz and Sandow enter. Sandow says that it is a travesty that he does not get a rematch in a one on one match. He is an A list superstar and he should not be in a Triple Threat match. Miz and Damien demand action.

    Hunter says that he loves this. He says that it starts to get stressful and then they come in and make him chuckle and laugh. In the meantime, Miz’ stunt double can have a match against Sheamus.

    Hunter tells Miz if he comes in and demands anything from him again, his straight to DVD career will go to the unemployment line.

    We go to commercial.

    Total Divas Match of the Week
    Rosa Mendes (with Tyson Kidd and Natalya) vs Layla El (with Summer Rae)

    They lock up and Layla with a clean break but Rosa pushes her and Layla pushes back. Layla with a kick to the midsection and she slams Rosa’s head to the mat while Natalya says something to Tyson. Layla chokes Rosa in the ropes while Summer takes some photos of Layla. Layla with a reverse chin lock.

    While Natalya tries to motivate Rosa, Tyson watches something on his phone. Layla gets a near fall. Rosa with a knee and forearms. Layla with a kick to the knee and a forearm of her own. Layla throws Rosa to the floor. Natalya and Summer get close to the action and they fight on the floor while Rosa kicks Layla and sends her back into the ring.

    Layla with a neck breaker for the three count.

    Winner: Layla El

    After the match:
    Natalya takes Tyson’s phone. In the ring, Summer takes photos of Layla.

    Dean Ambrose is walking in the back and he has the briefcase and his bag.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Dean Ambrose’s music plays and he makes his way into the arena from the side of the stage. He has the briefcase and a bag that he brings into the ring. Ambrose brings a table from under the ring and he sets it up in the ring.

    Ambrose puts the briefcase on the table.

    He says that for those of you looking for him earlier, he was in the concession stand but they walked past. Dean says that he waved and it looked like they were eating a hot dog.

    Dean says that he did not like the way they are running the concession stands so they are going to have a Dean Ambrose Clearance Sale.

    He puts the bag on the table and says that everything must go . . . except for the briefcase. Dean says that he got real close with the briefcase and he saw a few things in the briefcase. He understands why Seth wants his stuff back.

    Dean says that he appreciates the inexpensive stuff in life and he offers shirts for a dollar.

    Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury make their way to the ring while Dean offers a Sheamus shirt for a quarter.

    Dean says that they sent the Cruiserweight Division after him. Dean says that he will not throw the briefcase at them, it is very valuable. He tells them to stop being so intimidating to him. He tells them to come into the ring to get it.

    Noble and Mercury back down and go up the ramp.

    Dean says that since he stole the shirts, he is going to give them away for free.

    Seth comes out with more security. Dean asks if they are real security because he thought they were Rosebuds last week. Dean tells Seth he can have his briefcase back. He doesn’t want any more problems.

    Dean leaves the ring and he tells Seth he doesn’t want any more problems.

    Seth enters the ring while Dean goes into the crowd to make sure he doesn’t do anything.

    Seth enters the ring while Dean goes up the aisle.

    Seth opens the case and green paint shoots out of it into Seth’s face.

    Ambrose has a shocked look on his face and then he starts laughing. He tells Seth he had nothing to do with that.

    Rollins yells at everyone and says that this isn’t funny. He says that he looks like a jerk. Seth says that it is Noble and Mercury’s fault.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Seth says that he could have been permanently blinded, but Hunter is laughing. Hunter tells Seth to go to the trainer.

    Hunter asks Kane where Ambrose is. Kane tells Hunter that Ambrose is on his way to Cena’s locker room. Hunter tells them that they will be facing Cena and Ambrose in tag team action. Hunter tells them that they should be chomping at the bit.

    Hunter hears something vibrating and they look at the briefcase. Seth returns and grabs the briefcase and says that it is an electric razor.

    We take a look back at the recent matches involving Mark Henry and Rusev.

    Mark Henry is in the ring. He says the past week has been very emotional for him. He wants to apologize to everyone because . . .

    Bo Dallas interrupts Mark’s comments.

    Bo tells Mark not to apologize to the WWE Universe, apologize to yourself. You lost to Rusev . . . twice. You have been knocked out, passed out, and you even cried your eyes out. You are not living up to your potential. It is time to close the Hall of Pain and join the Hall of the BOLIEVERS.

    After all, being a BOLIEVER means never having to say you are sorry.

    Mark Henry vs Bo Dallas

    Henry with head butts to Dallas and then he sends him into the turnbuckles. Henry with a punch and he kicks Dallas. Henry with a hard Irish whip and he asks Bo if he wants to believe in something. Henry with a slam and head butts. Henry pulls Bo into position for a Vader Bomb but Bo moes out of the way. Bo with a BoDog for the three count.

    Winner: Bo Dallas

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look back at Bo Dallas’ victory over Mark Henry.

    Renee Young stops Bo in the back and she asks him how he won. Bo says that all you have to do is BOLIEVE.

    Mark Henry attacks Bo from behind and he sends Bo into the wall and then into storage cases. Henry pushes a wheeled case into Bo. Mark is not done and he sends the case into Bo a second time. Mark says that’s What He Do.

    We take a look at photos of Goldust and Stardust winning the tag titles.

    Stardust is in the back and he says that the stars were many parsecs beyond the destiny before them. They are celebrating amongst all of his friends. Goldust tells Stardust no. They have attained the cosmic key. Only it determines their fate. All of this is just science fiction.

    Stardust joins in the destruction and he says that this is science fact.

    Before Brie’s match, Nikki Bella comes out and she says the quitter is getting ready for her match in the same place she quit. For what Brie? For your little precious Daniel Bryan. That worked out really well for you. Speaking of Daniel, it worked so well that he is sitting on the couch recovering. Brie didn’t quit for Daniel, she did it for all of the people who are uglier trolls than her husband. When you quit, she was put in handicap matches every week as punishment, but where were you? You were nowhere to be found. Nikki says that she is feeling like some payback. Per the Authority, she has been given the power to make this announcement.

    Brie Bella vs Cameron and Eva Marie

    Eva starts and they lock up but Brie sends Eva into the corner. Brie with an arm drag into an arm bar. Eva with a knee to the midsection and a forearm to the back. Brie with a kick and Cameron misses a clothesline from the apron. Brie with a kick to send Cameron to the floor. Eva sends Brie to the mat. Eva picks up Brie and Cameron wants to be tagged in.

    Cameron tags in and she kicks Brie. They send Brie into the turnbuckles after Eva tags back in. Eva kicks Brie and she tags Cameron back in. Cameron with a suplex and she gets a near fall. Cameron with a reverse chin lock. Cameron with a knee and she sends Brie into the corner. Brie with a forearm to Cameron and then to Eva on the apron.

    Cameron runs Brie into the turnbuckles but Brie with an elbow. Eva grabs Brie by the hair but Brie sends Cameron into Eva and Brie gets the three count with a rollup.

    Winner: Brie Bella

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Adam Rose and the Exotic Express is at the announce table.

    Heath Slater and Titus O’Neil (with GatorSwoggle) ve Fernando and Diego (with El Torito)

    Titus and Fern ndo start things off and they lock up. Fernando with chops in the corner. Titus misses a punch and Feando with a chop. Fernando with an elbow and he tries for a cross body but Titus catches Fernando and hits a back breaker. He gets Fernando on his shoulders and he drops down for a back breaker. Slater tags in and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Fernando lands on his feet and Diego tags in.

    Diego with back elbows and punches followed by a chop. Slater with an Irish whip but Diego with a clothesline and he goes to the turnbuckles. Titus sends the Gator into the ring and TOrito stops him and he scares the Gator out of the ring. Slater pulls Diego off the turnbuckles and gets the three count.

    Winners: Titus O’Neil and Heath Slater

    After the match:
    Titus and Heath take care of Fernando and Diego. Titus pulls Torito into the ring and he sends him to the match. GatorSwoggle with a Gator Roll.

    Rose and The Bunny get up from the announce table. Titus goes after Rose on the apron and Rose drops down and Titus goes to the floor. Fernando and Diego attack Slater from behind and hit a double back drop driver. The Bunny goes up top and hits a frog splash.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Mark Henry will get a chance at revenge on Bo Dallas on Main Event.

    Rusev and Lana make their way to the ring and Rusev has his medal and flag.

    The larger Russian Flag falls from the rafters.

    Lana tells everyone to shut up. She starts her promo in Russian and then tells us what she said. What we are about to show you speaks for the rapid decline in this pathetic American society. As you can see, Rusev proves his superiority over the Big Show and then the Big Show, such a sore loser showed his true colors when he attacked Rusev in the most cowardly way.

    Then your Big Show, the decorated champion tries to intimidate an innocent . . .

    Big Show’s music interrupts Lana’s comments.

    Show says that was really good the way you twisted your facts around. Your propaganda machine was working well. You talk about how great Russia and Vladimir Putin are, but we know that is a bunch of crap.

    Show tells Lana that she can’t handle the truth. Show says that he always wanted to say that. This is what really happened.

    We see a video package about Big Show and Mark Henry’s friendship and Show fighting for Henry against Rusev last week on Smackdown.

    Show says that is the truth.

    Rusev interrupts Show and he says that he wants to shove his fist down Show’s throat and rip out his guts. He says that he will break every bone in Show’s body.

    Show tells Rusev that is enough. He says that we don’t speak Russian. Show says that maybe he should knock down a White Russian. Show comes to the ring, but Rusev leaves before Show can do anything to him.

    Show teases pulling down the Russian flag hanging over the ring and he grabs it and pulls it down.

    Rusev teases going into the ring but he finally enters, only to be sent to the floor moments later.

    Renee Young is with John Cena in the interview area. John is asked about his tag match tonight. He says after listening to the WWE Universe, he loves this place because they are loud. He says that this is his kind of town. The Windy City seems unstable because we heard the crowd chanting Ambrose’s name. As far as he is concerned, he is glad that he is fighting with him and not against him. They have the same target and it is Seth Rollins . . .

    Dean Ambrose enters the interview area and John asks if he wants to add anything. Dean says that after they are done with Kane and Orton tonight . . . Rollins is his.

    Cena says that if Seth dares show his face before, during, or after their match, he has a beating coming to him and he is cashing in.

    Dean says that nobody takes food off his plate, not even Cena. He tells John he will see him out there.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Paige comes out before AJ Lee’s opponent. She says that when she first started, she couldn’t see that certain individuals preyed on her kindness and thought of it as a weakness. After careful consideration, she wants to introduce AJ’s opponent and her new best friend.

    Non Title Match
    AJ Lee (c) vs Alicia Fox (with Paige)

    Alicia pushes AJ down and she connects with forearms. AJ with a head scissors and Alicia backs into the corner. AJ with a clothesline into the corner followed by a round kick and Alicia goes to the floor. AJ goes up top while Paige checks on Alicia and she hits a cross body onto both women.

    Alicia with a shot to the back while Paige distracts AJ and Alicia gets the three count.

    Winner: Alicia Fox

    After the match:
    Alicia goes under the table while Paige attacks AJ. Alicia gets a few drinks and she shakes them up. AJ kicks Alicia and elbows Paige but Alicia with a kick to AJ. Paige gives AJ the Rampaige.

    We go to the Luke Harper video where Bray says that when he found him he was broken. What do you give to a man who has nothing. You give him a reason to exist. You fix him. He sends him out to your world to walk amongst the sheep. Now Luke has pieced himself back together. He is set free.

    e go to commercial.

    We are back and Miz is at the announce table for commentary.

    Non Title Match
    Sheamus vs Damien Sandow

    Sandow avoids Sheamus and tells him not the money maker. They lock up and Sandow pushes Sheamus out of the corner and Sandow retreats into the ropes. Sheamus with a series of hip lock take downs. Sandow with a knee and side head lock. Sheamus misses a punch and Sandow goes to the floor to discuss his money maker with the man who invented the money maker.

    Sheamus grabs Sandow on the apron but Sandow drops Sheamus on the top rope and Sandow with kicks and forearms. Sandow with a head butt and punches. Sheamus sends Sandow into the corner and Sheamus with punches and the referee stops Sheamus. Sheamus with biels across the ring.

    Sheamus runs into a knee and Sheamus with kicks and a DDT for a near fall. Sandow with punches and a reverse chin lock. Sheamus with elbows but Sandow with a knee to the midsection followed by punches to Sheamus and kicks in the corner. Sandow with knees in the corner. Sandow with more kicks and he points to his inspiration before setting for the Awesome Clothesline. Sheamus with two running double sledges and a knee lift. Sheamus with a running knee into the corner and then he sends Sandow to the apron for the forearms across the chest.

    Miz gets up from the announce table to check on Sandow and Sheamus goes to the floor. Miz backs up and Sheamus sends Sandow into Miz when Miz’ back is turned. Sheamus with a Brogue Kick when they return to the ring and Sheamus gets the three count.

    Winner: Sheamus

    We go to commercial.

    e are back and Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring.

    Hogan wants to tell us something brother. It is hard to believe that Hulkamania has been running wild for more than 30 years, brother. Hogan says that he has had some special moments, especially in Chicago. It is not only an honor standing in the ring, but it is an honor to make this announcement. This is the third year that the WWE has teamed up with the Susan G. Komen Foundation. We can watch all of our Superstars and Divas, but at the end of the day, they are heroes.

    The real heroes are the people who take on this disease head on to try to find a cure. Hogan wants everyone to give a round of applause to the breast cancer survivors in the arena tonight.

    Hogan tells everyone that the proceeds from the sale of the shirts will go to Susan G. Komen Foundation and other organizations.

    Randy Orton and Kane are in the office and Randy says that they don’t care about the briefcase or any of this. Kane says that the only operation that he is directing is putting out Seth’s fires.

    Stephanie interrupts and tells them that they are going to do their jobs. When Dean and Cena attacked Seth, they attacked the Authority. The Authority is a family. Seth was embarrassed by that lunatic Dean Ambrose. Seth would be by your sides tonight if he could. She reminds them that they lost last week so they should enjoy the opportunity to fight Ambrose and Cena.

    Orton wants to know what the people are saying about them.

    Stephanie says that Randy has gone soft. She says that they are saying the killer instinct is gone.

    Kane wants to know if the people are really saying that or is Stephanie trying to get what she wants.

    Stephanie asks if that matters.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Roman Reigns will be on Raw to give us an update on his recovery from hernia surgery. We will also see Rusev versus Big Show on next week’s Raw.

    Dean Ambrose and John Cena vs Randy Orton and Kane

    Orton and Cena start things off and lock up. Orton with a side head lock but Cena with a waist lock. Orton with an elbow and punches. Cena with an Irish whip and bulldog. Orton with punches and he tags in Kane. Kane with a punch to Cena and Cena tries to fight back but Orton and Kane work over Cena. Cena punches Kane and hits a flying shoulder tackle.

    Cena tries to get Kane up for the Attitude Adjustment but Cena collapses under Kane’s weight. Orton tags in and he kicks Cena. Orton runs his boot laces across Cena’s face and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Orton with a power slam to Cena and Orton poses over Cena. Orton gets a near fall. Cena avoids the RKO but he cannot avoid a back breaker and Orton gets a near fall. Kane tags in and he gets a near fall. Kane with a nerve hold while they split screen Rollins getting green pain all over his suit.

    Cena with a drop kick to the abdomen and Kane stays on his feet. Kane with a side slam and he gets a near fall. Orton tags in he slams Cena’s arm into the mat. Ambrose tries to get into the ring but that does not help Cena because Orton with boots and forearms to Cena for a near fall. Orton with a reverse chin lock.

    Cena gets to his feet but Orton with a kick and he sends Cena to the ropes for the IEDDT but since it is the first time, Cena back drops Orton over the top rope to the floor. Cena crawls across the ring and he makes the tag. Ambrose with a clothesline and forearm to Orton and he knocks Kane off the apron. Ambrose with a cross body and punches followed by a clothesline that sends Orton over the top rope.

    Kane grabs Ambrose’s leg and Ambrose with a pescado onto Kane followed by a suicide dive to Orton. Orton with a kick but Ambrose bounces off the ropes for a clothesline. Ambrose with the Dean Driver but Seth Rollins breaks up the cover and the referee calls for the bell.

    After the match, Rollins continues the attack on Ambrose while Kane goes after Cena. Ambrose sends Kane to the floor and he hits a suicide dive on Kane. Rollins tries to escape but Cena cuts off his escape. Ambrose with a clothesline and Ambrose with a double leg take down and punches to Rollins. Orton hits Rollins from behind. Cena sends Orton to the floor.

    Cena punches Rollins in the corner but Ambrose leaps over Cena to punch Rollins. Cena throws Ambrose to the mat to go after Rollins. Ambrose throws Cena to the floor and then Ambrose grabs the briefcase. Orton gives Ambrose an RKO.

    Rollins tells Kane to give Ambrose a choke slam and he obliges. Rollins tells Orton and Kane that they need to finish him. Kane puts Ambrose’s head over the briefcase and Rollins hits Black Out onto the briefcase.

    Cena is able to get into the ring a few moments to late and he goes after Kane, Rollins, and Orton but Randy with an RKO to Cena. Kane with a choke slam to Cena and then Rollins hits Black Out on Cena on the briefcase.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Bunny vs allifator lol

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    So Rusev just going to fight all Americans lol

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Paige sounds like she just came from the dentist lol

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    OMG The Wyatts finally back lol

  6. #6

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Miz should be sandows shadow as a good wrestler

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    steroids (oops, i mean vitamins) cause breast cancer lol

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I might get hate for this but I am liking Cole as head announcer lol

    Not as powerful as JR but still good.

  10. #10
    DON'T GIE'A FUCK the madscotsman's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
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    That bunny/gator/bull thing was unfiltered shite.

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